Are black Americans 'allowed' to be conservative?

To be honest, I thought this thread would be a discussion of George Schuyler.
I think that the OP, is a pathetic attempt to make a blanket generalization about Black people. Black people are not some monolithic "Borg community". We have all sorts of ideologies within the so-called "Black community". Here's an excerpt from the meeting Clarence Thomas had with the "Black Law Students Association", at Yale.

BLSA’s meeting with Justice Thomas reflected the ideological diversity within Yale Law School’s black community as different perspectives on law and inequality were shared,” said Jamil Jivani ’13, a member of the Black Law Students Association. “Justice Thomas reminded us that we all share a common responsibility to lead our generation and determine what is right for our communities. We are thankful to Justice Thomas for accepting our invitation to meet with us and for providing insight into the convictions and experiences that inform his work.” "

Condoleeza Rice:
Black History Milestones Video —
NAACP Recognizes Condoleezza Rice with Award (NAACP AWARD)

Good article:
Our black brothers! - Armstrong Williams - [page]

So stop the stupid shit OP!!!
Do you similarly chastise white liberals who claim to speak for the black community?

No white liberals speak for the black community.
I know. But many claim to. And I know you know this, because we've discussed it before.
Do you chastise black conservatives who claim to speak for the white community?
You need to provide an example. NOTE: A REAL one, not something you've pulled out of your ass next to your head.
I think that the OP, is a pathetic attempt to make a blanket generalization about Black people. Black people are not some monolithic "Borg community". We have all sorts of ideologies within the so-called "Black community". Here's an excerpt from the meeting Clarence Thomas had with the "Black Law Students Association", at Yale.

BLSA’s meeting with Justice Thomas reflected the ideological diversity within Yale Law School’s black community as different perspectives on law and inequality were shared,” said Jamil Jivani ’13, a member of the Black Law Students Association. “Justice Thomas reminded us that we all share a common responsibility to lead our generation and determine what is right for our communities. We are thankful to Justice Thomas for accepting our invitation to meet with us and for providing insight into the convictions and experiences that inform his work.” "

Condoleeza Rice:
Black History Milestones Video —
NAACP Recognizes Condoleezza Rice with Award (NAACP AWARD)

Good article:
Our black brothers! - Armstrong Williams - [page]

So stop the stupid shit OP!!!
Do you similarly chastise white liberals who claim to speak for the black community?

Who are they and what negative, ignorant, and ignorant blanket generalizations have they made about Black people in general? Who are you referring to specifically?
You're kidding, right? You really haven't seen it?

Do you similarly chastise white liberals who claim to speak for the black community?

Who are they and what negative, ignorant, and ignorant blanket generalizations have they made about Black people in general? Who are you referring to specifically?
You're kidding, right? You really haven't seen it?


If it's so "prevalent" and it's "equivalent", please cite one example so we can discuss it. :)
No white liberals speak for the black community. Do you chastise black conservatives who claim to speak for the white community?

Whites aren't racist shits like Afros are. So, there's no one who speaks for the white community.
Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, Condeleezza Rice, Colin Powell...

...democrats, in their shameless hypocrisy and with remarkably faulty memory have long held that black Americans 'can't' be conservative and still be 'real' black Americans.

It's nothing new...

George S. Schuyler: Black Conservative, Intellectual, and Iconoclast by Troy Kickler

Well they most certainly can be, as long as they are prepared to be labeled Uncle Toms, by the tolerant left.

The only people to hate blacks more than the kkk are liberals when they hate on a black that has left the plantation.
Afros don't have the genetic potential to be Conservative. There are some Afro GOPers, but this is mostly oppertunism. An Afro in the Democrat party is just another shit. But, an Afro is the Republican party is much loved and has doors opened wide for them.

Herman Cain: Ran Godfather's Pizza into the ground, has a tax plan that expands government and raises taxes on the middle-class.

Clarence Thomas: Afros claim he's white, but his silence in Supreme Court cases reflects the Afro emptiness of his head.

Condoleezza Rice: So stupid that after taking the PSAT, her guidance councilor recommended she go on welfare for a living.

Colin Powell: So stupid he believed Bush about Iraq. What a f-ing idiot!

And yet the world knows just how great each one of the is.
I think that the OP, is a pathetic attempt to make a blanket generalization about Black people. Black people are not some monolithic "Borg community". We have all sorts of ideologies within the so-called "Black community". Here's an excerpt from the meeting Clarence Thomas had with the "Black Law Students Association", at Yale.

BLSA’s meeting with Justice Thomas reflected the ideological diversity within Yale Law School’s black community as different perspectives on law and inequality were shared,” said Jamil Jivani ’13, a member of the Black Law Students Association. “Justice Thomas reminded us that we all share a common responsibility to lead our generation and determine what is right for our communities. We are thankful to Justice Thomas for accepting our invitation to meet with us and for providing insight into the convictions and experiences that inform his work.” "

Condoleeza Rice:
Black History Milestones Video —
NAACP Recognizes Condoleezza Rice with Award (NAACP AWARD)

Good article:
Our black brothers! - Armstrong Williams - [page]

So stop the stupid shit OP!!!
Do you similarly chastise white liberals who claim to speak for the black community?

No white liberals speak for the black community. Do you chastise black conservatives who claim to speak for the white community?

since when?
Blacks - and anyone else for that matter - are certainly allowed to be conservatives. But it's common knowledge many other blacks will criticize them for it with familiar epithets like Uncle Tom, Oreo cookie, house ******, etc.

Bigotry at its finest!
Blacks - and anyone else for that matter - are certainly allowed to be conservatives. But it's common knowledge many other blacks will criticize them for it with familiar epithets like Uncle Tom, Oreo cookie, house ******, etc.

Bigotry at its finest!

Blastoff's idea of a "negro".

Do you similarly chastise white liberals who claim to speak for the black community?

No white liberals speak for the black community.
I know. But many claim to. And I know you know this, because we've discussed it before.
Do you chastise black conservatives who claim to speak for the white community?
You need to provide an example. NOTE: A REAL one, not something you've pulled out of your ass next to your head.

And no example was forthcoming...
Who are they and what negative, ignorant, and ignorant blanket generalizations have they made about Black people in general? Who are you referring to specifically?
You're kidding, right? You really haven't seen it?


If it's so "prevalent" and it's "equivalent", please cite one example so we can discuss it. :)
The conservative fantasy is that one day, after they've hoped hard enough and spent enough time noting on the Internet that Democrats were segregationists and that welfare is a 'plantation', that black people will magically migrate over to the conservative cause/Republican party.

It's just never going to happen.

The trend of the last few presidential elections is that black voting is more blockified than ever: they voted LESS for George II than George I, and of course were practically unanimous in voting for Obama.

Anyone got a prediction for 2012? Here's mine: blacks vote for Obama at the same rate they did in 2008.

Blacks are actually being pretty survivalist here: we vote as a bloc or fall as a bloc. Even if the Democrats aren't the greatest, they're better for us because they deliver tangible benefits: less crime enforcement, more welfare. In the immediate, this is better for blacks.

It's whites who are the morons. They treat politics as a parlor game, not a showdown of life or death. Hence wifey votes D and hubby votes R and they giggle about it over Chardonnay.
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The conservative fantasy is that one day, after they've hoped hard enough and spent enough time noting on the Internet that Democrats were segregationists and that welfare is a 'plantation', that black people will magically migrate over to the conservative cause/Republican party.

No one with any intelligence believes that the Afro race of animated shit will ever vote en masse for the Republican Party until Republicans promise more slavery and handouts than does the Democrat party. Republican leaders just reach out to Afros to show they're not racist, not because they think it's possible to get Afro votes.

It's whites who are the morons. They treat politics as a parlor game, not a showdown of life or death. Hence wifey votes D and hubby votes R and they giggle about it over Chardonnay.

Yes, whites are morons. Afros are dumber yet. But, Afros have a hive mind that whites lack.
You're kidding, right? You really haven't seen it?


If it's so "prevalent" and it's "equivalent", please cite one example so we can discuss it. :)


Come on, you can do better than that!!!! At least pick out a specific thing from that long thread.

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