Are Americans Really Starving?

Mostly this myth is pushed by a group that, like any global warming "cause" solicits funding by getting people to believe a myth.


You've seen the billboards, heard the radio ads, and seen it on television, this myth that 40 million Americans are going hungry, that millions of children are hungry. And the figures used roughly assimilate to the food stamp and school lunch program rolls, as if anyone who's on food stamps or any child eating a federally subsidized school lunch is starving.

The last time we ever had a genuine problem with starvation is when there was a rash of food shortages affecting the people of the Appalachian Mountains, a problem that was quickly rectified over 20 years ago. It's not like starvation can't happen, it's that in this land of largess and abundance, it's exceptionally rare, nigh to being a non existent issue.

So why is this lie so successful? Could it be because Gruber is right, the American public truly is stupid and prone to believe anything?

What does that teabagger in the photo have to do with this thread?
...Wrong. Food banks take sizable donations from food manufacturers and retailers and depend on donations from kind hearted Americans to cover distribution costs...
Wrong? What, specifically, do you find to be wrong? I'm quite curious.
The lies. I thought that was clear.

...Capitalism feeds the poor, not Leftism.
So, who is disputing this?

It seems something that goes over your Leftist head. Compassion for the needy is best achieved by the free market, not government.
Not quite, mine good colleague.

You have served-up your own verbiage.

You have not yet served-up MY verbiage... whatever verbiage of mine that you have declared to be a lie, and that you wish me to defend.

Please copy-and-paste the specific verbiage from me that you believe to be a lie.

Any defense on my part or reinforcement of accusation on your part now requires specific text.

Please proceed, when ready.
What happens to normal human beings that turns them inti hateful, "christian", RWs?

If only we could magically turn hungry children in to fetuses ....

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Mostly this myth is pushed by a group that, like any global warming "cause" solicits funding by getting people to believe a myth.


You've seen the billboards, heard the radio ads, and seen it on television, this myth that 40 million Americans are going hungry, that millions of children are hungry. And the figures used roughly assimilate to the food stamp and school lunch program rolls, as if anyone who's on food stamps or any child eating a federally subsidized school lunch is starving.

The last time we ever had a genuine problem with starvation is when there was a rash of food shortages affecting the people of the Appalachian Mountains, a problem that was quickly rectified over 20 years ago. It's not like starvation can't happen, it's that in this land of largess and abundance, it's exceptionally rare, nigh to being a non existent issue.

So why is this lie so successful? Could it be because Gruber is right, the American public truly is stupid and prone to believe anything?

What does that teabagger in the photo have to do with this thread?

Ain't that the truth.

Just a headin on down to the Wally World to git him some hawg jowls, some rarer chips n beer to go along with his gumt paid insulin and sum uh dat gud Stephanie taller gumt cheeze.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal
Super obesity as the guy in the pic raises an ethical question: if having too many kids is an ethical issue, isn't being too fat as well? If eating the portion of food of many people, isn't that akin to having too many kids?
If you turn to the government for food or medical care, then the government should be able to tell you what to eat, how much weight to lose, and if you don't do it, the government should cut you off.

Morbid obesity and morbid obesity related disorders broke out healthcare system.
Super obesity as the guy in the pic raises an ethical question: if having too many kids is an ethical issue, isn't being too fat as well? If eating the portion of food of many people, isn't that akin to having too many kids?

Why shouldn't you be able to eat yourself to death?
You should be able to, if you buy your own food.

The obesity epidemic in the country is foodstamp and free lunch fuelled.
Super obesity as the guy in the pic raises an ethical question: if having too many kids is an ethical issue, isn't being too fat as well? If eating the portion of food of many people, isn't that akin to having too many kids?

Too many kids is an economic & crime issue. Being fat is a personal issue that will take YEARS off of your life.

Both are personal choices
We are all on the same planet.

A morbidly obese person is dooming a dozen kids in Africa to death by starvation.
Unless you're a helpless child, I don't care if you starve. I also don't care if you eat yourself into a "hoveround".......

Speaking of hoveround- the "scooter store" was put out of business for medicare fraud....."at absolutely no cost to me"

What pisses me off is that the damned scooters in the stores are paid for by the customers who aren't fatasses.

And don't get me going about fatasses clogging the aisles.
Super obesity as the guy in the pic raises an ethical question: if having too many kids is an ethical issue, isn't being too fat as well? If eating the portion of food of many people, isn't that akin to having too many kids?

Too many kids is an economic & crime issue. Being fat is a personal issue that will take YEARS off of your life.

Both are personal choices
We are all on the same planet.

A morbidly obese person is dooming a dozen kids in Africa to death by starvation.
That was...sarcasm, right?
Super obesity as the guy in the pic raises an ethical question: if having too many kids is an ethical issue, isn't being too fat as well? If eating the portion of food of many people, isn't that akin to having too many kids?

Too many kids is an economic & crime issue. Being fat is a personal issue that will take YEARS off of your life.

Both are personal choices
We are all on the same planet.

A morbidly obese person is dooming a dozen kids in Africa to death by starvation.
That was...sarcasm, right?

Get a fuckin' edumacation.

Did you know Hillary's thighs represent 80,000 starving Ethiopians?
Mostly this myth is pushed by a group that, like any global warming "cause" solicits funding by getting people to believe a myth...

Hunger in America is real enough.

Feeding America (formerly Second Harvest National Food Bank Network, headquartered in Chicago) is a worthwhile organization.

The website for the national office can be found at... U.S. Hunger Relief Charity Feeding America and their full list of regional food banks (large metro-scale food donating, warehousing and re-distribution centers) can be found at... Find Your Local Food Bank Feeding America ... with member food banks (big warehouse) in cities such as...

Chicago... Providing food for hungry people while striving to end hunger in our community - Greater Chicago Food Depository

New York... City Harvest - Rescuing Food for New York s Hungry

Los Angeles... Home

Dallas... North Texas Food Bank - North Texas Food Bank - Feeding America

Raleigh... Welcome - Food Bank of Central Eastern North Carolina

Portland... Home Oregon Food Bank

And on and on and on... nearly 200 large-scale (regional) food banks, spread across the entire country, including Alaska and Hawaii.

Each of these Major Foodbanks is huge... many spanning an entire city-block or more...

Each of these, in turn, supply scores - mostly hundreds - of local-area neighborhood mini-foodbanks, church and other food pantries, missions, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, school lunch feeding programs, and local vocational teaching kitchens, urban farming and food gardening operations, and a host of other social services...

Including health inspectors and sanitation-compliance auditing staff who routinely visit and certify neighborhood feeding programs as in compliance with health standards, etc., as a supplement to local health departments, and in order to remain eligible to receive foodstuffs from the regional food bank...

Many such community-level feeding programs and food-supplement pantries, etc., draw some or all of their weekly food inventories through these large regional food banks...

A church food-pantry, for example, might be enrolled as a member of a regional food bank's Member Network, and, as such, is entitled to purchase X number of pounds of food each week from that food bank, for, say, 5-cents or 7-cents per pound.. a ridiculously-low rate, which helps a little, to offset the cost of operating the larger food bank.

Most food banks provide access to not only boxed or dry-goods -caliber food but also meats and dairy and produce products that they would not otherwise be able to afford.

If anyone you know has ever visited a local community food pantry during hard times, to supplement their meager food supply during a period of unemployment or if they do not qualify for food stamps or if their food stamp allotment in their state is ridiculously low or has been exhausted, chances are good, that the food at that neighborhood pantry came in-part from local store purchases and donations, and partly (even largely) from a weekly or semi-weekly supplies-run to the large-scale regional foodbank - a member of Feeding America.

These large regional food banks, in turn, take-in dozens or scores of semi tractor trailer -loads (and a great many delivery-van loads) of donated food, from local-area grocery stores, food distribution warehouses, and local and regional food processors and food manufacturers and food distributorships.

Usually, those donations involve food that is within a couple of weeks (sometimes even days) of their freshness or expiration or sell-by date, and, when such product is pulled from the shelves while still being viable, the choices are to (1) donate the product and obtain a tax deduction, or (2) send it off to the landfill, and write it off.

Decades ago, the first generation of Food Bankers convinced Corporate America (the food-producing element, anyway) that it made far more sense to donate that still-viable product than to dump it, and, over the years, Congress come to agree - providing Good Samaritan laws that eliminate the risk to them of donating such product.

Every truckload that comes in is inspected at the regional food bank, looking for breaks and fractures in packaging or spilled or tainted or contaminated or spoiled product, by teams of both staff and volunteers - separating the good from the bad - and the good stuff is put onto shelves and into gigantic walk-in refrigerators and freezers at the regional food bank, awaiting the next round of community-agency Shoppers to arrive, and to take that product back to their own local pantries, soup kitchens, and the like.

Companies like Kraft Foods, General Mills, and hundreds of other large-scale food companies donate millions upon millions of pounds through the national office in Chicago, which brokers the deals and arranges logistics to ship the donations to multiple member food banks within reasonable driving distance of the donating facility, and those same companies also donate directly to the regional food banks, on a similar and even larger scale - millions upon millions upon millions of pounds of donated food each year.

It's what keeps (probably, a majority percentage of) our neighborhood pantries and mini-food banks and missions and shelters and the like, stocked with enough food to help many of those in the most need, who are otherwise oftentimes forced to choose between paying the rent or electric bill, and having at least some nutritious food on the table.

And, in times of emergency - hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, etc. - where the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, etc. - set up shelters and feeding operations - they oftentimes coordinate with both the Feeding American national office and regional food bank(s) in order to obtain large-scale food inventories quickly and effectively.

Oh, it's a nonprofit, and it's not all Goody-Two-Shoes and Sunshine even within the operation of that niche charity marketplace, but it's one of the better examples of privately-initiated and privately funded and privately operated poverty-relief organizations still on its feet in the country, and it does far more good than harm, for the poorest amongst us.

For what it's worth...

Wow, that was a HUGE post and nearly all of it not relevant to this thread, but thanks for the bandwidth usage.

The question is, are people really starving in this country? Please show me who's malnourished. Any nearly naked kids in the streets with ribs showing or distended bellies?

It's an American foible to throw around words like "hunger", "starvation", and "poverty" without having any understanding of what those words actually mean, most Americans having never been to a 3rd world country where the people truly experience these dire circumstances. You and the other liars like you are like spoiled teenagers making life and death over their petty, benign plights. You say that people who have cable TV, running water, flush toilets, cell phones, cars, and air conditioning are in "poverty" making a mockery out of the real thing. They aren't in poverty, and they certainly aren't hungry. Every American gets all the food they need and most of us much, much more than we need. And we store the excess adiposity in our hips and belly.

So let's cut the crap. Nobody's going without in this country, even the homeless that show up to these food banks and receive bags of non-perishable food. Nobody.
Just look at old films of riots in the '60's, be they race riots or anti-war riots, and compare them to crowds today.

Fatasses were rare then, a thin person is rare now.
Mostly this myth is pushed by a group that, like any global warming "cause" solicits funding by getting people to believe a myth.


You've seen the billboards, heard the radio ads, and seen it on television, this myth that 40 million Americans are going hungry, that millions of children are hungry. And the figures used roughly assimilate to the food stamp and school lunch program rolls, as if anyone who's on food stamps or any child eating a federally subsidized school lunch is starving.

The last time we ever had a genuine problem with starvation is when there was a rash of food shortages affecting the people of the Appalachian Mountains, a problem that was quickly rectified over 20 years ago. It's not like starvation can't happen, it's that in this land of largess and abundance, it's exceptionally rare, nigh to being a non existent issue.

So why is this lie so successful? Could it be because Gruber is right, the American public truly is stupid and prone to believe anything?

There are over 5,000,000 Children who go to bed hungry every night....your all about the Right Life Right?
Maybe so, but they are not in the US.
Mostly this myth is pushed by a group that, like any global warming "cause" solicits funding by getting people to believe a myth.


You've seen the billboards, heard the radio ads, and seen it on television, this myth that 40 million Americans are going hungry, that millions of children are hungry. And the figures used roughly assimilate to the food stamp and school lunch program rolls, as if anyone who's on food stamps or any child eating a federally subsidized school lunch is starving.

The last time we ever had a genuine problem with starvation is when there was a rash of food shortages affecting the people of the Appalachian Mountains, a problem that was quickly rectified over 20 years ago. It's not like starvation can't happen, it's that in this land of largess and abundance, it's exceptionally rare, nigh to being a non existent issue.

So why is this lie so successful? Could it be because Gruber is right, the American public truly is stupid and prone to believe anything?

There are over 5,000,000 Children who go to bed hungry every night....your all about the Right Life Right?
Maybe so, but they are not in the US.

In the US, the figure is about 17 MILLION.

Why does the right lie about that?
Mostly this myth is pushed by a group that, like any global warming "cause" solicits funding by getting people to believe a myth.


You've seen the billboards, heard the radio ads, and seen it on television, this myth that 40 million Americans are going hungry, that millions of children are hungry. And the figures used roughly assimilate to the food stamp and school lunch program rolls, as if anyone who's on food stamps or any child eating a federally subsidized school lunch is starving.

The last time we ever had a genuine problem with starvation is when there was a rash of food shortages affecting the people of the Appalachian Mountains, a problem that was quickly rectified over 20 years ago. It's not like starvation can't happen, it's that in this land of largess and abundance, it's exceptionally rare, nigh to being a non existent issue.

So why is this lie so successful? Could it be because Gruber is right, the American public truly is stupid and prone to believe anything?

There are over 5,000,000 Children who go to bed hungry every night....your all about the Right Life Right?
Maybe so, but they are not in the US.

In the US, the figure is about 17 MILLION.

Why does the right lie about that?

Wow, 17 million??

Where are they all? I would think the streets would be running with them, naked and with distended bellies and ribs showing. How did I miss 17 million starving children? Why aren't they on CNN, the same network that informed us of starvation in Ethiopia? Please, you have to show me pictures of all these starving children, because most of the ones I see look like Honey Boo Boo. I'm begging you...alleviate my ignorance!

What? You don't have Google on your version of the internet?

Its actually about 16 million.

I don't know why the link isn't showing but -

Child Hunger Poverty Fact Sheeting Feeding America

Child Hunger Fact Sheet

Good nutrition, particularly in the first three years of life, is important for establishing a good foundation that has implications for a child’s future physical and mental health, academic achievement, and economic productivity. Unfortunately, food insecurity is an obstacle that threatens that critical foundation. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 15.8 million children under 18 in the United States live in households where they are unable to consistently access enough nutritious food necessary for a healthy life. Although food insecurity is harmful to any individual, it can be particularly devastating among children due to their increased vulnerability and the potential for long-term consequences.

Feeding America addresses child hunger through two national programs:
Kids Cafe
Back Pack Program

Food Insecurity

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