Are All Black Americans Racist?

Which, of course, presumes that the great-great-great-great-something multiple generations later on are exact clones in attitudes and beliefs as long dead and rotted ancestors.


Kids often defy their parents -- and the further removed in time and geography from the ancestors, the more variation there can and often is.

Are the grandkids of Germans living in Germany today also Nazis out to slaughter ever nasty Jew and Romany on the planet? and are all modern-day Italians exactly like the Roman Senatorial and hoi peloi of 2000 years ago?

Cultures change, sometimes very sharply, suddenly and radically -- and sometimes simply through slow cultural shifts.

Including language: Nu schulon herigean is ENGLISH only 1200 years ago -- and Whan is when only 500 years ago --

and I've yet to meet a kid who had the exact same cultural values as his father.

Blacks today are no more like their great-grandparents than Whites today are -- and the assumption that they could be is to shove them into the coffins of the past and deny them their own unique creativity by ignoring intensely personal variations on a theme.

Cultures change far more rapidly than biology evolves.

Let me clarify a few things for you:

Jim Crow laws officially ended about 46 years ago. I'm in my early 50's... so that means the bullshit that started as out and out slavery for my ancestors and maintained for a few centuries finally saw it's last legal vestiges in these United States during my lifetime.

Since then, you've had various State, city and county DA's throughout America prosecute realators for cases of "red lining".....on Long Island, NY there were several noted cases during the late 1980's. I could spend time documenting various cases, incidents, etc., but I trust you get the message: the world may change, but evil remains constant.

Factor that into your little analogy, and you'll notice that it just doesn't fit black folk in America.

Know what?

Blacks have NOT suffered one shred more than every other culture group in the US and Europe.

What, you think what the Irish have suffered was a picnic -- since ROME they've been stepped on and squashed.

And try what the Jews have endured -- going back to ancient Egypt -- and you want me to pity Blacks as the world's greatest and most glorious Sufferers Supreme?


Injustice happens -- and EVERY LAST ONE OF OUR ANCESTORS have been through some sort of hell on earth --

and guess what? women STILL endure the damned Glass Ceiling and they've been hurt for century after century after century of male "mastery" involved every vicious nasty mean thing somebody else could and DID think to do -- including crap in Athens that make Jim Crow look like Mother Theresa.

And we're supposed to celebrate the wonder of Black Superior Sufferers as somehow the Supermen of Human Suffering?


Stop wallowing in self-pity, take control over your own life and DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF WITH YOURSELF -- instead of whining and whimpering and "poor pitiful miserable LITTLE ME spoiled brat demands that we PITY YOU instead of RESPECTING YOU.

You want RESPECT? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

You want material luxuries? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

BE EQUAL -- instead of whining and puling and demanding PITY, wallowing around in PITY like a whipped puppy -- EARN RESPECT as a vital and glorious and wonderful person MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD -- some some puking weak little boy hiding behind his ancestors and using the INJUSTICE ALL MEN AND WOMEN HAVE FACED SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL as an excuse to be a taker and user and SELF CREATED loser.

Toss the pity party in the garbage can and learn what SELF RESPECT is all about -- because, buddy, I've got a lot of students -- Blacks and Whites and Hispanics alike -- who have STOOD UP, TAKEN HOLD OF THEIR OWN LIVES, and turned off the pity floods they could drown themselves in to BE MEN not whipped little cur dogs whining and whimpering about how "unfair" life is.

UNFAIR IS REAL AND IT NEVER ENDS -- and 9/10 of the human species have suffered from a hell of a lot of "unfair" in their lives -- and so did their fathers and mothers and great greats back to the year dot when premordial man first crawled out of the sludge to stand on two feet and be a man.

so stop with the hangups over "unfair"

I for one am damned tired of Blacks strutting around and demanding that the world worship their fat butts as the world's SUPERIOR SUFFERING Super Heroes of the World.

Because, buddy, you haven't even started hurting as much as the women trapped in islamic abuse have done for 1400 years and STILL hurt from.

And as long as you're wallowing in filthy self-pity, whimpering and whining, and DEMANDING PITY, you never will be equal -- because you'll NEVER STAND TALL, head in the air, and know the meaning of SELF RESPECT which is destroyed by wallowing in PITY SLUDGE.

GROW UP AND BE A MAN -- and stop demanding that everybody bow down and worship the SUPERMEN OF SUFFERING.

Because Super Men YOU AIN'T -- you're just a man, exactly like every other human being walking down the street with you --

and that's EQUALITY -- neither greater nor weaker, smarter nor more stupid, NOT MORE ABUSED and not less abused, either.

Just ONE INDIVIDUAL PERSON doing the best he can do EXACTLY LIKE EVERY OTHER INDIVIDUAL PERSON on the planet -- dealing with crap and making the most you can out of what good stuff you can find in your path.

ONE PERSON -- not the son of slaves -- A MAN WHO IS UNIQUE TO HIMSELF -- and in that UNIQUENESS the greatest treasure on earth.

And until you learn to see yourself as YOU -- not a damned extension of some jerk you never even knew -- YOURSELF -- not a race, not a gender group -- A PERSON separate from and distinct DIFFERENT than every other PERSON on the planet -- you'll NEVER have the dignity that comes from FREEDOM TO BE ME and tell my ancestors to go fuck off because I AM NOT THEM and tell the rest of the world to fuck off too -- BECAUSE I AM NOT YOU, EITHER.

Stop looking in a damned mirror and seeing a worthless Black -- and start seeing the TRUTH -- a PERSON as different from those long dead slaves as pharaoh Tutmose II was different from Julius Caesar.

Hello, fellow Hannity warrior.
I'd say blacks are raised to not trust whites. That could be racist. Most whites are also told something negative about blacks early in their lives. Blacks do seem to stick together politically, but otherwise they are just like whites, which is, they are mixed bags.

I think that politics and the media have played blacks quite a bit. They've played on their weak spots, like slavery, to the hilt. Blame whitey for everything. This has held them back to some degree. They've advanced, and not entirely on their own, but that's not super important, they just need to start letting go of the hollaring racism for everything because it's a huge waste of time.

I think that the middle class blacks need to start looking at the Democratic Party more closely, and see how they are keeping more people from becoming rich because of all their rules and taxation to help everybody for many non-existent wrongs.

Yours is a reasonable but unduly rose-coloured point of view that glosses over the Reality of blacks STILL scraping the bottom in educational achievement, and HELLATIOUS crime rates in spite of the BILLIONS of our taxpayer money thrown in the seemingly bottom less pit for civilizing the negro.

Although, FINALLY.....there seems to be a discernible improvement in the Black American community.


These insidiously prevalent organizations that promote Black Racism can be listed from the extreme organizations such as the "Nation of Islam" controlled by Louis Farrakhan, the Most Notorious Anti-Semite and Anti-White Black Racist in American History....the self-acknowledged buddy of whackjob Wright. The Cathedral of Hate, where Obami Salaami spent TWENTY YEARS being tutored by PSYCHO Wright, Obami's "pastor, friend and mentor", Obambo's own words.

And, please note, Louis Farrakhan's Black Racist "Nation of Islam" is one of the ACCEPTED POLITICAL BASES of Obami Salaami.

Then, practically ALL the Black churches preach Cone's "Black Liberation Theology" which blatantly fans the Black Racist attitude.....the perfect example of which is the Cathedral of Hate headed by the PSYCHO Black Racist Wright.

BTW, I use the word PRACTICALLY "All"of the Black Churches because nothing is Absolutely "ALL".

Proof ?

Answer: Note the fact that when the question of Wright was brought up for comment, on National TV, to the National Council of Black Churches of America (whatever the name is of that most prestigious organization of Black Preachers) ..... UNANIMOUSLY ALL....and I mean ALL the preachers on TV CELEBRATED Wright's Bizarre behaviour. On National TV, there wasn't a SINGLE preacher that voiced the disapproval of PSYCHO Wright.....EVERY ONE OF THE BLACK PREACHERS PRAISED THE PSYCHO WRIGHT....literally pushing each other out of the way to proclaim their support for Whackjob Wright !!!

Black Racist Organizations ???

Well, the once venerable NAACP, which should be REALISTICALLY DEFUNCT, having served its NOW flourishing as a BLACK RACIST Organization spewing PARANOIA at the slightest opportunity to keep prolonging its existence.

The latest BIZARRE performance occurred on the O'Reilly show a week ago when the NAACP spokesman Sheldon was asked by O'Reilly to prove his allegation that the Tea Party (which is ANNIHILATING Obami Salaami and his Obamarrhoidal LIEbturds) is Racist.

After being REPEATEDLY asked by O'Reilly to state as MANY cases as he could, SHELDON COULD ONLY MENTION ONE CASE: some guy with an "offensive T-shirt". When REPEATEDLY asked if Sheldon had proof of other cases Sheldon COULD NOT COME UP WITH ANY !!!! When asked, this Black Racist Idiot didn't even know what was on that "offensive T-shirt".

Now, as I stated, Tippy Toes has a somewhat reasonable, gentle and rose-coloured take on BLACK RACISM in America......and I can live with that.

But REALISTICALLY.....we are VERY FAR FROM defeating BLACK RACISM that is being fanned by the various ENTRENCHED VERY POWERFUL organizations in the Black Communities mentioned above.

The CORRUPT RACIST CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS which controls 11-13% of the MONOLITHIC Black Vote, and this ENTIRE VOTE goes to support the DEM PARTY.... thus SIGNIFICANTLY controlling the Dem Party and is most definitely alienating a lot of us non-blacks who are aware of its skullduggery which is in ALL RESPECTS like the shamefully RACIST behaviour of the RACIST Heckel & Jeckel team i.e., Al Sharpton and his fellow sleaze-bag Jesse Jackson. But their insidious Black Racism is mostly, and PRIMARILY, accomplished behind the scenes with the Dem Party's Big Wigs.
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How many of you feel that to be true?

Why/why not?


That's like asking "How hard do you beat your wife"?

And from reading your replies, I can see that you are baiting.

"Pour out your cup of sorrows" - Herman Kain (sp?)

I know the brothas. I grew up with em. Any chance to take whitey is considered an oportunity - by some. But that statement, taken in context of your question would assume ALL black folks do that.

Some blacks laugh at the fact that they have white people convinced they are racist. That they owe blacks something for enslaving them. Personally, I could care less about that. Buck up and live in today's world. If what your attitude presents were true, we wouldn't have a black man for a president, let alone black women in congress. All races currently are free to vote, get an education, and attain whatever they want to in america. All that shit is in the past except for a few extreme white power idiots.

And before you assume anything, my ancestors fought to free the black folks in the civil war.

Actually, your ancestors fought to maintain a United States with an industrial economy as opposed to an agrarian....unless they were avowed abolitionist before they joined the Union army.

It's evident from your diatribe that you harbor a LOT of ill will towards black folk. Maybe you got beat up or mistreated by some black guys/women...or you blame your economic woes solely on affirmative action. Whatever the cause, your myopic experience is not indicative of the majority of black Americans...period.

Oh, and for your education regarding white supremacist groups:

Southern Poverty Law Center
Let me clarify a few things for you:

Jim Crow laws officially ended about 46 years ago. I'm in my early 50's... so that means the bullshit that started as out and out slavery for my ancestors and maintained for a few centuries finally saw it's last legal vestiges in these United States during my lifetime.

Since then, you've had various State, city and county DA's throughout America prosecute realators for cases of "red lining".....on Long Island, NY there were several noted cases during the late 1980's. I could spend time documenting various cases, incidents, etc., but I trust you get the message: the world may change, but evil remains constant.

Factor that into your little analogy, and you'll notice that it just doesn't fit black folk in America.

Know what?

Blacks have NOT suffered one shred more than every other culture group in the US and Europe.

What, you think what the Irish have suffered was a picnic -- since ROME they've been stepped on and squashed.

And try what the Jews have endured -- going back to ancient Egypt -- and you want me to pity Blacks as the world's greatest and most glorious Sufferers Supreme?


Injustice happens -- and EVERY LAST ONE OF OUR ANCESTORS have been through some sort of hell on earth --

and guess what? women STILL endure the damned Glass Ceiling and they've been hurt for century after century after century of male "mastery" involved every vicious nasty mean thing somebody else could and DID think to do -- including crap in Athens that make Jim Crow look like Mother Theresa.

And we're supposed to celebrate the wonder of Black Superior Sufferers as somehow the Supermen of Human Suffering?


Stop wallowing in self-pity, take control over your own life and DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF WITH YOURSELF -- instead of whining and whimpering and "poor pitiful miserable LITTLE ME spoiled brat demands that we PITY YOU instead of RESPECTING YOU.

You want RESPECT? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

You want material luxuries? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

BE EQUAL -- instead of whining and puling and demanding PITY, wallowing around in PITY like a whipped puppy -- EARN RESPECT as a vital and glorious and wonderful person MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD -- some some puking weak little boy hiding behind his ancestors and using the INJUSTICE ALL MEN AND WOMEN HAVE FACED SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL as an excuse to be a taker and user and SELF CREATED loser.

Toss the pity party in the garbage can and learn what SELF RESPECT is all about -- because, buddy, I've got a lot of students -- Blacks and Whites and Hispanics alike -- who have STOOD UP, TAKEN HOLD OF THEIR OWN LIVES, and turned off the pity floods they could drown themselves in to BE MEN not whipped little cur dogs whining and whimpering about how "unfair" life is.

UNFAIR IS REAL AND IT NEVER ENDS -- and 9/10 of the human species have suffered from a hell of a lot of "unfair" in their lives -- and so did their fathers and mothers and great greats back to the year dot when premordial man first crawled out of the sludge to stand on two feet and be a man.

so stop with the hangups over "unfair"

I for one am damned tired of Blacks strutting around and demanding that the world worship their fat butts as the world's SUPERIOR SUFFERING Super Heroes of the World.

Because, buddy, you haven't even started hurting as much as the women trapped in islamic abuse have done for 1400 years and STILL hurt from.

And as long as you're wallowing in filthy self-pity, whimpering and whining, and DEMANDING PITY, you never will be equal -- because you'll NEVER STAND TALL, head in the air, and know the meaning of SELF RESPECT which is destroyed by wallowing in PITY SLUDGE.

GROW UP AND BE A MAN -- and stop demanding that everybody bow down and worship the SUPERMEN OF SUFFERING.

Because Super Men YOU AIN'T -- you're just a man, exactly like every other human being walking down the street with you --

and that's EQUALITY -- neither greater nor weaker, smarter nor more stupid, NOT MORE ABUSED and not less abused, either.

Just ONE INDIVIDUAL PERSON doing the best he can do EXACTLY LIKE EVERY OTHER INDIVIDUAL PERSON on the planet -- dealing with crap and making the most you can out of what good stuff you can find in your path.

ONE PERSON -- not the son of slaves -- A MAN WHO IS UNIQUE TO HIMSELF -- and in that UNIQUENESS the greatest treasure on earth.

And until you learn to see yourself as YOU -- not a damned extension of some jerk you never even knew -- YOURSELF -- not a race, not a gender group -- A PERSON separate from and distinct DIFFERENT than every other PERSON on the planet -- you'll NEVER have the dignity that comes from FREEDOM TO BE ME and tell my ancestors to go fuck off because I AM NOT THEM and tell the rest of the world to fuck off too -- BECAUSE I AM NOT YOU, EITHER.

Stop looking in a damned mirror and seeing a worthless Black -- and start seeing the TRUTH -- a PERSON as different from those long dead slaves as pharaoh Tutmose II was different from Julius Caesar.

Hello, fellow Hannity warrior.

And like Hannity, he's all smoke and no substance
How many of you feel that to be true?

Why/why not?


That's like asking "How hard do you beat your wife"?

And from reading your replies, I can see that you are baiting.

"Pour out your cup of sorrows" - Herman Kain (sp?)

I know the brothas. I grew up with em. Any chance to take whitey is considered an oportunity - by some. But that statement, taken in context of your question would assume ALL black folks do that.

Some blacks laugh at the fact that they have white people convinced they are racist. That they owe blacks something for enslaving them. Personally, I could care less about that. Buck up and live in today's world. If what your attitude presents were true, we wouldn't have a black man for a president, let alone black women in congress. All races currently are free to vote, get an education, and attain whatever they want to in america. All that shit is in the past except for a few extreme white power idiots.

And before you assume anything, my ancestors fought to free the black folks in the civil war.

Actually, your ancestors fought to maintain a United States with an industrial economy as opposed to an agrarian....unless they were avowed abolitionist before they joined the Union army.

It's evident from your diatribe that you harbor a LOT of ill will towards black folk. Maybe you got beat up or mistreated by some black guys/women...or you blame your economic woes solely on affirmative action. Whatever the cause, your myopic experience is not indicative of the majority of black Americans...period.

Oh, and for your education regarding white supremacist groups:

Southern Poverty Law Center

OH !!! ALLAH ....... THANKY, THANKY, THANKY....Taichi.....OOPS !!!!....I mean KungFooFooDOODOO is BAAAAACCCCCKKKKKK !!!!

Seriously, I was so depressed that FooFooDOODOO evaporated that I spent BIG TIME MOOLA getting therapy !!!

But, good times are here !!!

Twofox, I believe FooFooDOODOO is spot on because you UNREASONABLY assume that just because we "......have a black man for a president, let alone black women in congress. All races currently are free to vote, get an education, and attain whatever they want to in America."

I'd say that it is easy to conclude from the above that: "Maybe you got beat up or mistreated by some black guys/women..."


Next thing, you might even bring up is the fact that in many Big Cities, DISPROPORTIONATELY, there are Black Police Chiefs, and, again, a disproportionate number of negroes in state and city employment because of the misuse of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.....Why, you might say that Washington D.C. Govtal offices look like Govtal offices in....NAIROBI !!!

Some White Racists may even INCORRECTLY assume that just because the MONOLITHIC Black Racist vote of 11-13% of the TOTAL AMERICAN VOTE.... ALL going to the DEM PARTY ..... that this somehow gives the CORRUPT RACIST "CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS" the controlling power over the DEM PARTY. WHY? The ERRONEOUS White Racists' answer would be: Because without the 11-13% of the TOTAL AMERICAN VOTE the Dem Party couldn't exist.



OK, FooFooDOODOO......I am actually siding with doncha abscond from us.....we REALLY need you here to entertain us with your inimitable BULLSHIT !!!
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What's funny is that blacks don't hesitate to play the race card on just about anything. I've heard too many accuse folks of being racist just because they didn't vote for Obama. That's just sick.
What's funny is that blacks don't hesitate to play the race card on just about anything. I've heard too many accuse folks of being racist just because they didn't vote for Obama. That's just sick.

Actually, YOU heard a small group of people that were bullhorned by Fox News, Clear Channel, WND, 77ABCTalk Radio, etc., as opposed to the majority of 13% of the population. The "race" card was wailed about by the neocon driven GOP from the time Obama won the primary and throughout the 2008 campaign.
What's funny is that blacks don't hesitate to play the race card on just about anything. I've heard too many accuse folks of being racist just because they didn't vote for Obama. That's just sick.

Actually, YOU heard a small group of people that were bullhorned by Fox News, Clear Channel, WND, 77ABCTalk Radio, etc., as opposed to the majority of 13% of the population. The "race" card was wailed about by the neocon driven GOP from the time Obama won the primary and throughout the 2008 campaign.

Attaboy,'re not letting me down !!!


WAIDAMINUTE !?!?!? Is this Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd SERIOUS ?????
Know what?

Blacks have NOT suffered one shred more than every other culture group in the US and Europe.

What, you think what the Irish have suffered was a picnic -- since ROME they've been stepped on and squashed.

And try what the Jews have endured -- going back to ancient Egypt -- and you want me to pity Blacks as the world's greatest and most glorious Sufferers Supreme?


Injustice happens -- and EVERY LAST ONE OF OUR ANCESTORS have been through some sort of hell on earth --

and guess what? women STILL endure the damned Glass Ceiling and they've been hurt for century after century after century of male "mastery" involved every vicious nasty mean thing somebody else could and DID think to do -- including crap in Athens that make Jim Crow look like Mother Theresa.

And we're supposed to celebrate the wonder of Black Superior Sufferers as somehow the Supermen of Human Suffering?


Stop wallowing in self-pity, take control over your own life and DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF WITH YOURSELF -- instead of whining and whimpering and "poor pitiful miserable LITTLE ME spoiled brat demands that we PITY YOU instead of RESPECTING YOU.

You want RESPECT? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

You want material luxuries? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

BE EQUAL -- instead of whining and puling and demanding PITY, wallowing around in PITY like a whipped puppy -- EARN RESPECT as a vital and glorious and wonderful person MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD -- some some puking weak little boy hiding behind his ancestors and using the INJUSTICE ALL MEN AND WOMEN HAVE FACED SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL as an excuse to be a taker and user and SELF CREATED loser.

Toss the pity party in the garbage can and learn what SELF RESPECT is all about -- because, buddy, I've got a lot of students -- Blacks and Whites and Hispanics alike -- who have STOOD UP, TAKEN HOLD OF THEIR OWN LIVES, and turned off the pity floods they could drown themselves in to BE MEN not whipped little cur dogs whining and whimpering about how "unfair" life is.

UNFAIR IS REAL AND IT NEVER ENDS -- and 9/10 of the human species have suffered from a hell of a lot of "unfair" in their lives -- and so did their fathers and mothers and great greats back to the year dot when premordial man first crawled out of the sludge to stand on two feet and be a man.

so stop with the hangups over "unfair"

I for one am damned tired of Blacks strutting around and demanding that the world worship their fat butts as the world's SUPERIOR SUFFERING Super Heroes of the World.

Because, buddy, you haven't even started hurting as much as the women trapped in islamic abuse have done for 1400 years and STILL hurt from.

And as long as you're wallowing in filthy self-pity, whimpering and whining, and DEMANDING PITY, you never will be equal -- because you'll NEVER STAND TALL, head in the air, and know the meaning of SELF RESPECT which is destroyed by wallowing in PITY SLUDGE.

GROW UP AND BE A MAN -- and stop demanding that everybody bow down and worship the SUPERMEN OF SUFFERING.

Because Super Men YOU AIN'T -- you're just a man, exactly like every other human being walking down the street with you --

and that's EQUALITY -- neither greater nor weaker, smarter nor more stupid, NOT MORE ABUSED and not less abused, either.

Just ONE INDIVIDUAL PERSON doing the best he can do EXACTLY LIKE EVERY OTHER INDIVIDUAL PERSON on the planet -- dealing with crap and making the most you can out of what good stuff you can find in your path.

ONE PERSON -- not the son of slaves -- A MAN WHO IS UNIQUE TO HIMSELF -- and in that UNIQUENESS the greatest treasure on earth.

And until you learn to see yourself as YOU -- not a damned extension of some jerk you never even knew -- YOURSELF -- not a race, not a gender group -- A PERSON separate from and distinct DIFFERENT than every other PERSON on the planet -- you'll NEVER have the dignity that comes from FREEDOM TO BE ME and tell my ancestors to go fuck off because I AM NOT THEM and tell the rest of the world to fuck off too -- BECAUSE I AM NOT YOU, EITHER.

Stop looking in a damned mirror and seeing a worthless Black -- and start seeing the TRUTH -- a PERSON as different from those long dead slaves as pharaoh Tutmose II was different from Julius Caesar.

Hello, fellow Hannity warrior.

And like Hannity, he's all smoke and no substance

Then you two have something in common.
What's funny is that blacks don't hesitate to play the race card on just about anything. I've heard too many accuse folks of being racist just because they didn't vote for Obama. That's just sick.

Actually, that's not really true. Some black certainly do play the race card. But the majority of race card use is from liberals who see offense where there is none, on behalf of 'the poor minorities who need someone to take care of them'. Blacks, like whites, are just people. Some are racists, most are not. The real problem is the lack of racism.... it's inconveniencing the left who can't get past the fact that racism was - once - a massive issue.
What's funny is that blacks don't hesitate to play the race card on just about anything. I've heard too many accuse folks of being racist just because they didn't vote for Obama. That's just sick.

Actually, that's not really true. Some black certainly do play the race card. But the majority of race card use is from liberals who see offense where there is none, on behalf of 'the poor minorities who need someone to take care of them'. Blacks, like whites, are just people. Some are racists, most are not. The real problem is the lack of racism.... it's inconveniencing the left who can't get past the fact that racism was - once - a massive issue.

CalGirl, While I agree with your analysis of the LIEberrhoids, I emphatically disagree with your take on the blacks.

You will seldom, if ever, meet a black who thinks that the Blatant Black Racist Charlatans Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson are the Racist arseholes that they are.

The ~98% of the Monolithic Black Vote for "the SECOND Black Prez" when "The FIRST Black Prez's" wife ran for the Presidency shows understandable historical pride in a fellow black .....but it is also UNDENIABLY RACIST.

It is an unmitigated and unadulterated fact that PRACTICALLY ALL black churches teach Cone's "BLACK LIBERATION THEOLOGY" which is FLAGRANTLY RACIST...and taught in its pristine form by the PSYCHO Wright.

And, as I stated in my other post, at the National Convention of Black Churches THERE WAS A UNANIMOUS REACTION IN FAVOUR of Whackjob Wright when asked about his Bizarre RACIST Behaviour. THERE WASN'T A SINGLE PASTOR voicing ANY disapproval of Wright's undeniable Racism, at all. Of course, there are probably a few dozen black churches that disapprove of Obambo, and Black Racism... and they are trotted out occasionally. Ex: Sarah Palin's example, and some on the justly "Fair & Balanced" O'Reilly show (and others on Fox) where the OPPOSITE views are INVARIABLY presented by choosing the most articulate spokespeople on either side.


Then, one has the undeniable extreme EVEN AMONG THE BLACK RACISTS: "The Nation of Islam" headed by the Most Notorious Black Racist, Louis Farrakhan whose sizable congregation of OFF-THE-WALL Racist Psychos is one of the ACCEPTED POLITICAL BASES of Obambo.

Finally, the once venerable NAACP is now an UNMISTAKABLE Black Racist Organization that should be DEFUNCT......but tries to maintain its existence by fanning Black Racist PARANOIA. Witness the bizarre instances of playing the "race card" at the drop of a hat by the Head of NAACP....and recently the ridiculous and actually ludicrous performance of the NAACP spokesman Sheldon regarding that lone "offensive T-shirt" on the O'Reilly show.

There is still racism on both sides.....but the racism of the non-blacks is DISTINCTLY MINIMAL compared to Black Racism and the election of Blacks to various high offices, many of which are AFFIRMATIVE ACTION motivated is a clear indication of that.

Who are the the past Uber Corrupt Chairmen and CEOs of Fannie and Freddie (who greatly contributed to our Country's Economic Collapse) ? ..... all Blacks.

Naturally, the larger number of Chairmen and CEOs are NON-Blacks since blacks are ~13 % of our Nation's population......but the number of Black City and State employment is SIGNIFICANTLY and DISPROPORTIONALLY Black.....and the Dept Heads, and higher are getting dramatically more numerous in number due to unjust pressure by the Affirmative Action schtick. The Fireman disqualification AFFIRMATIVE ACTION brouhaha some months (?) not really an isolated instance.


My Modus Operandi is: "take it or leave it"....I'm not about to waste my time doing the homework for those who will discard the PROVEN TRUTH anyway. As to the ones who are even-handed....they will recognize the TRUTH when they see it or hear it.
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How many of you feel that to be true?

Why/why not?


That's like asking "How hard do you beat your wife"?

And from reading your replies, I can see that you are baiting.

"Pour out your cup of sorrows" - Herman Kain (sp?)

I know the brothas. I grew up with em. Any chance to take whitey is considered an oportunity - by some. But that statement, taken in context of your question would assume ALL black folks do that.

Some blacks laugh at the fact that they have white people convinced they are racist. That they owe blacks something for enslaving them. Personally, I could care less about that. Buck up and live in today's world. If what your attitude presents were true, we wouldn't have a black man for a president, let alone black women in congress. All races currently are free to vote, get an education, and attain whatever they want to in america. All that shit is in the past except for a few extreme white power idiots.

And before you assume anything, my ancestors fought to free the black folks in the civil war.

Actually, your ancestors fought to maintain a United States with an industrial economy as opposed to an agrarian....unless they were avowed abolitionist before they joined the Union army.

It's evident from your diatribe that you harbor a LOT of ill will towards black folk. Maybe you got beat up or mistreated by some black guys/women...or you blame your economic woes solely on affirmative action. Whatever the cause, your myopic experience is not indicative of the majority of black Americans...period.

Oh, and for your education regarding white supremacist groups:

Southern Poverty Law Center
It's evident from your diatribe that you harbor a LOT of ill will towards black folk. Maybe you got beat up or mistreated by some black guys/women...or you blame your economic woes solely on affirmative action. Whatever the cause, your myopic experience is not indicative of the majority of black Americans...period.

Lmao! Now that's funny! There goes the race card again eh?

Statement of fact based on personal observation, no ill will harbored against any of my old friends. But some of them think that way.
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That's like asking "How hard do you beat your wife"?

And from reading your replies, I can see that you are baiting.

"Pour out your cup of sorrows" - Herman Kain (sp?)

I know the brothas. I grew up with em. Any chance to take whitey is considered an oportunity - by some. But that statement, taken in context of your question would assume ALL black folks do that.

Some blacks laugh at the fact that they have white people convinced they are racist. That they owe blacks something for enslaving them. Personally, I could care less about that. Buck up and live in today's world. If what your attitude presents were true, we wouldn't have a black man for a president, let alone black women in congress. All races currently are free to vote, get an education, and attain whatever they want to in america. All that shit is in the past except for a few extreme white power idiots.

And before you assume anything, my ancestors fought to free the black folks in the civil war.

Actually, your ancestors fought to maintain a United States with an industrial economy as opposed to an agrarian....unless they were avowed abolitionist before they joined the Union army.

It's evident from your diatribe that you harbor a LOT of ill will towards black folk. Maybe you got beat up or mistreated by some black guys/women...or you blame your economic woes solely on affirmative action. Whatever the cause, your myopic experience is not indicative of the majority of black Americans...period.

Oh, and for your education regarding white supremacist groups:

Southern Poverty Law Center
It's evident from your diatribe that you harbor a LOT of ill will towards black folk. Maybe you got beat up or mistreated by some black guys/women...or you blame your economic woes solely on affirmative action. Whatever the cause, your myopic experience is not indicative of the majority of black Americans...period.

Lmao! Now that's funny! There goes the race card again eh?

Statement of fact based on personal observation, no ill will harbored against any of my old friends. But some of them think that way.


You do realize that you're dealing with a certified Black Racist Loonie Taichi..... I mean KungFooFooDOODOO whose Black Racist PC babble has been thoroughly discredited except for Black Racist diehards like Charlie Bass, the Racist Ass, and Rattle a few of the Obamarrhoidal LIEbturds who simply can't help their learned knee jerk reactions.
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That's like asking "How hard do you beat your wife"?

And from reading your replies, I can see that you are baiting.

"Pour out your cup of sorrows" - Herman Kain (sp?)

I know the brothas. I grew up with em. Any chance to take whitey is considered an oportunity - by some. But that statement, taken in context of your question would assume ALL black folks do that.

Some blacks laugh at the fact that they have white people convinced they are racist. That they owe blacks something for enslaving them. Personally, I could care less about that. Buck up and live in today's world. If what your attitude presents were true, we wouldn't have a black man for a president, let alone black women in congress. All races currently are free to vote, get an education, and attain whatever they want to in america. All that shit is in the past except for a few extreme white power idiots.

And before you assume anything, my ancestors fought to free the black folks in the civil war.

Actually, your ancestors fought to maintain a United States with an industrial economy as opposed to an agrarian....unless they were avowed abolitionist before they joined the Union army.

It's evident from your diatribe that you harbor a LOT of ill will towards black folk. Maybe you got beat up or mistreated by some black guys/women...or you blame your economic woes solely on affirmative action. Whatever the cause, your myopic experience is not indicative of the majority of black Americans...period.

Oh, and for your education regarding white supremacist groups:

Southern Poverty Law Center
It's evident from your diatribe that you harbor a LOT of ill will towards black folk. Maybe you got beat up or mistreated by some black guys/women...or you blame your economic woes solely on affirmative action. Whatever the cause, your myopic experience is not indicative of the majority of black Americans...period.

Lmao! Now that's funny! There goes the race card again eh?

Actually, your apparent bigotry is nothing to laugh at. The "racist card' was heavily played by you here.

Statement of fact based on personal observation, no ill will harbored against any of my old friends. But some of them think that way.

As I said, your "personal observation" do not validate your bigoted generalizations conclusions, as you can provide NO OTHER DOCUMENTATION to that effect. And your disclaimer is about as valid as "why, some of my best friends are black" stand-by used historically by so many bigots and racists. Most likely, your old "friends" had you pegged for the cowardly racist little POS that you are....they just let you think you got over, since you weren't an immediate threat. You're not unique in that aspect.

Laugh, clown, laugh.
Actually, your ancestors fought to maintain a United States with an industrial economy as opposed to an agrarian....unless they were avowed abolitionist before they joined the Union army.

It's evident from your diatribe that you harbor a LOT of ill will towards black folk. Maybe you got beat up or mistreated by some black guys/women...or you blame your economic woes solely on affirmative action. Whatever the cause, your myopic experience is not indicative of the majority of black Americans...period.

Oh, and for your education regarding white supremacist groups:

Southern Poverty Law Center
It's evident from your diatribe that you harbor a LOT of ill will towards black folk. Maybe you got beat up or mistreated by some black guys/women...or you blame your economic woes solely on affirmative action. Whatever the cause, your myopic experience is not indicative of the majority of black Americans...period.

Lmao! Now that's funny! There goes the race card again eh?

Actually, your apparent bigotry is nothing to laugh at. The "racist card' was heavily played by you here.

Statement of fact based on personal observation, no ill will harbored against any of my old friends. But some of them think that way.

As I said, your "personal observation" do not validate your bigoted generalizations conclusions, as you can provide NO OTHER DOCUMENTATION to that effect. And your disclaimer is about as valid as "why, some of my best friends are black" stand-by used historically by so many bigots and racists. Most likely, your old "friends" had you pegged for the cowardly racist little POS that you are....they just let you think you got over, since you weren't an immediate threat. You're not unique in that aspect.

Laugh, clown, laugh.

Ahhh grasshoppa, taking someone's opinion and insisting it be portrayed as fact does not discredit said opinion just because you insist they provide proof of their opinion.

In other words, the question was asked, I answered based on personal obsevations. Why don't you go read my first post again. I think you missed alot of it. I mentioned SOME black folks feel the way I described, just as there are SOME white folks that feel that way. I never said some of my best friends are black, just that I know the culture as I grew up with it. Besides, I'm not racist, I'm a culturalist.

PS: Keep baiting my brotha, won't do you any good tho.
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Lmao! Now that's funny! There goes the race card again eh?

Actually, your apparent bigotry is nothing to laugh at. The "racist card' was heavily played by you here.

Statement of fact based on personal observation, no ill will harbored against any of my old friends. But some of them think that way.

As I said, your "personal observation" do not validate your bigoted generalizations conclusions, as you can provide NO OTHER DOCUMENTATION to that effect. And your disclaimer is about as valid as "why, some of my best friends are black" stand-by used historically by so many bigots and racists. Most likely, your old "friends" had you pegged for the cowardly racist little POS that you are....they just let you think you got over, since you weren't an immediate threat. You're not unique in that aspect.

Laugh, clown, laugh.

Ahhh grasshoppa, taking someone's opinion and insisting it be portrayed as fact does not discredit said opinion just because you insist they provide proof of their opinion.

Save the BS for whatever idiot friend of yours is impressed by it, chuckles.....your babbling won't remove the FACT of the post YOU put forth were YOU offer your opinion and personal experience as a factual generalization for Black Americans....nor will it change how I demonstrate how absurd your statement is.

In other words, the question was asked, I answered based on personal obsevations. Why don't you go read my first post again. I think you missed alot of it. I mentioned SOME black folks feel the way I described, just as there are SOME white folks that feel that way. I never said some of my best friends are black, just that I know the culture as I grew up with it. Besides, I'm not racist, I'm a culturalist.

In other words, you can repeat your BS 6 ways to Sunday, and it won't change the logical observation I made one iota. You try to hedge your bet with "some"....but the context and full content of your little diatribe outweighs any pretense of rational, non-biased objective analysis by you. And the kicker is your absurd statement regarding white supremacist groups, of which I had to school you on...and to date you try to ignore. Your sarcastic references to black folk as "the brotha's" speaks volumes of your mindset. You don't know the "culture", you just made some observations that can be found in the blatherings of any white supremacist/bigot with delusions of what I linked to, that you said didn't much for the accuracy of your observations.

PS: Keep baiting my brotha, won't do you any good tho.

Keep looking in the mirror and telling yourself how clever you are, chuckles.....the reality of the posts will always be there to make you out to be the fool.

As I said, your "personal observation" do not validate your bigoted generalizations conclusions, as you can provide NO OTHER DOCUMENTATION to that effect. And your disclaimer is about as valid as "why, some of my best friends are black" stand-by used historically by so many bigots and racists. Most likely, your old "friends" had you pegged for the cowardly racist little POS that you are....they just let you think you got over, since you weren't an immediate threat. You're not unique in that aspect.

Laugh, clown, laugh.

Ahhh grasshoppa, taking someone's opinion and insisting it be portrayed as fact does not discredit said opinion just because you insist they provide proof of their opinion.

Save the BS for whatever idiot friend of yours is impressed by it, chuckles.....your babbling won't remove the FACT of the post YOU put forth were YOU offer your opinion and personal experience as a factual generalization for Black Americans....nor will it change how I demonstrate how absurd your statement is.

In other words, the question was asked, I answered based on personal obsevations. Why don't you go read my first post again. I think you missed alot of it. I mentioned SOME black folks feel the way I described, just as there are SOME white folks that feel that way. I never said some of my best friends are black, just that I know the culture as I grew up with it. Besides, I'm not racist, I'm a culturalist.

In other words, you can repeat your BS 6 ways to Sunday, and it won't change the logical observation I made one iota. You try to hedge your bet with "some"....but the context and full content of your little diatribe outweighs any pretense of rational, non-biased objective analysis by you. And the kicker is your absurd statement regarding white supremacist groups, of which I had to school you on...and to date you try to ignore. Your sarcastic references to black folk as "the brotha's" speaks volumes of your mindset. You don't know the "culture", you just made some observations that can be found in the blatherings of any white supremacist/bigot with delusions of what I linked to, that you said didn't much for the accuracy of your observations.

PS: Keep baiting my brotha, won't do you any good tho.

Keep looking in the mirror and telling yourself how clever you are, chuckles.....the reality of the posts will always be there to make you out to be the fool.
actually, you look far more like the fool in this exchange
Ahhh grasshoppa, taking someone's opinion and insisting it be portrayed as fact does not discredit said opinion just because you insist they provide proof of their opinion.

Save the BS for whatever idiot friend of yours is impressed by it, chuckles.....your babbling won't remove the FACT of the post YOU put forth were YOU offer your opinion and personal experience as a factual generalization for Black Americans....nor will it change how I demonstrate how absurd your statement is.

In other words, the question was asked, I answered based on personal obsevations. Why don't you go read my first post again. I think you missed alot of it. I mentioned SOME black folks feel the way I described, just as there are SOME white folks that feel that way. I never said some of my best friends are black, just that I know the culture as I grew up with it. Besides, I'm not racist, I'm a culturalist.

In other words, you can repeat your BS 6 ways to Sunday, and it won't change the logical observation I made one iota. You try to hedge your bet with "some"....but the context and full content of your little diatribe outweighs any pretense of rational, non-biased objective analysis by you. And the kicker is your absurd statement regarding white supremacist groups, of which I had to school you on...and to date you try to ignore. Your sarcastic references to black folk as "the brotha's" speaks volumes of your mindset. You don't know the "culture", you just made some observations that can be found in the blatherings of any white supremacist/bigot with delusions of what I linked to, that you said didn't much for the accuracy of your observations.

PS: Keep baiting my brotha, won't do you any good tho.

Keep looking in the mirror and telling yourself how clever you are, chuckles.....the reality of the posts will always be there to make you out to be the fool.
actually, you look far more like the fool in this exchange

Black Racism simply drowns Non Black Racism into insignificance.......and no "proof" of that will ever convince you Obamarrhoidal LIERbturd hacks of anything different.....ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE A BLACK RACIST TO START WITH.

Why do I bother with you Black Racist turds, or supporters of same ?????

I assure's not to convince YOU. That is a hopeless endeavor.

I post my info to give ammo to those who are naive enough to fall for your TRANSPARENT BULLSHIT....or for those who already know about your IDIOTIC BULLSHIT but need additional info on how to counter it more effectively.

GEDDIT ?????
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gaytrauma seek out professional help

That is a meaningless statement.

One can post that shit in rebuttal of ANYTHING !!!

Now, try to refute, SPECIFICALLY, one of the simple facts....offa the top of my ISLAM's MOSQUES are the ONLY edifices of supposed worship that ALSO serve, on numerous occasions, throughout the WORLD, as centers for recruitment of suicide bombers and Psycho Terrorists !

LOVE TO HEAR YOUR PREDICTABLE SPIN......that is IF you answer.

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