Arctic Ice At Record Levels


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
It seems, that the Arctic Ice is fine. What more can be said, the sea ice charts show the Arctic is buried in ice, not only the Arctic is buried in ice, but so is that Russian Ice Breaker they claimed could make a record journey.

Anyhow, here are is the story and the charts.

Polar bear habitat update: as much sea ice in 2017 as 2006 at 18 January

Polar bear habitat update: as much sea ice in 2017 as 2006 at 18 January
Posted on January 22, 2017 | Comments Off on Polar bear habitat update: as much sea ice in 2017 as 2006 at 18 January
Sea ice charts for 18 January from NSIDC Masie show exactly as much sea ice in 2017 as there was back in 2006 – 13.4 mkm2.

I can't BELIEVE I sold all my Australian land to the King of Tonga and invested the profit in Greenland real estate:mad:

It's a losing deal for both of us.​
Well they got their Fake News story of the day...

Lets make this simple, it is better you ignore the facts than trying to create Alternative Facts...

This is just simply wrong... If you had the truth on your side why do you need to lie so much?
It seems, that the Arctic Ice is fine. What more can be said, the sea ice charts show the Arctic is buried in ice, not only the Arctic is buried in ice, but so is that Russian Ice Breaker they claimed could make a record journey.

Anyhow, here are is the story and the charts.

Polar bear habitat update: as much sea ice in 2017 as 2006 at 18 January

Polar bear habitat update: as much sea ice in 2017 as 2006 at 18 January
Posted on January 22, 2017 | Comments Off on Polar bear habitat update: as much sea ice in 2017 as 2006 at 18 January
Sea ice charts for 18 January from NSIDC Masie show exactly as much sea ice in 2017 as there was back in 2006 – 13.4 mkm2.

View attachment 110585
As glaciers retreat in the European Alps, they are exposing 5000 year old wood. 5000 years ago those valleys were not only free of ice, they were free of ice long enough to become forested. Just a fun FACT that Old Fraud ignores..
Record low extant, record low volume. And the break over point is about a month away.
so says the filthy liar, old crock

Where is your link old crock, you set the standard, the rule, that anybody who does not link is a filthy liar.

So why are posting as a filthy liar, old crock, you did not link, it is your rule, you are a filthy liar.

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