Arab Muslim Nazi Collaboration

Stone -

Also - would you be prepared to join Roudy and I in posting our CVs on this topic?

A quick round up of your degrees, publications and time spent in ME countries?

Shall we do it now?

Let's say that the person with the weakest CV agrees to stop posting on the topic? Would that be fair?
Stone -

Also - would you be prepared to join Roudy and I in posting our CVs on this topic?

A quick round up of your degrees, publications and time spent in ME countries?

Shall we do it now?

Let's say that the person with the weakest CV agrees to stop posting on the topic? Would that be fair?

Fucktard, you know less than zero.

Imam Ayatollah Khomeini
Those who know nothing of Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those [who say this] are witless. Islam says: Kill all the unbelievers just as they would kill you all! Does this mean that Muslims should sit back until they are devoured by [the unbelievers]? Islam says: Kill them, put them to the sword and scatter [their armies]….Islam says: Whatever good there is exists thanks to the sword and in the shadow of the sword! People cannot be made obedient except with the sword! The sword is the key to Paradise, which can be opened only for the Holy Warriors! There are hundreds of other [Qur’anic] psalms and Hadiths [sayings of the Prophet] urging Muslims to value war and to fight. Does all this mean that Islam is a religion that prevents men from waging war? I spit upon those foolish souls who make such a claim.
Stone -

If I know less than you do, then of course you will want to drive home your victory!!

This should be quite fun, and I am genuinely interested in the qualifications you two have in this field.

Will you go first, or shall I?
Stone -

If I know less than you do, then of course you will want to drive home your victory!!

This should be quite fun, and I am genuinely interested in the qualifications you two have in this field.

Will you go first, or shall I?
Look friend,

JStone is a 1 trick pony. And so is his minion Roudy.

I advise you to quit wasting your time and energy with him.

Most of the other posters here wrote them off long ago.

Just put them on "ignore".

There are many other good posters and threads for you to participate on.

Why don't you start a thread about your country; most here would find it interesting!! :cool:
Stone -

If I know less than you do, then of course you will want to drive home your victory!!

This should be quite fun, and I am genuinely interested in the qualifications you two have in this field.

Will you go first, or shall I?
Look friend,

JStone is a 1 trick pony. And so is his minion Roudy.

I advise you to quit wasting your time and energy with him.

Most of the other posters here wrote them off long ago.

Just put them on "ignore".

There are many other good posters and threads for you to participate on.

Why don't you start a thread about your country; most here would find it interesting!! :cool:

You are unable to debate me on your own religion that you know nothing of.
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Sunni Man -

Yes, you are quite right, I know. And probably I will put them on ignore at some point and concentrate on more informed posters.

But it's the same with Stormfront and these guys - I am always curious as to how they think. I want to understand why they hate. It makes no sense to me that anyone can hate another people and justify it with quotes from a 1,000 year old book.

And I also think that at some point most Nazis and haters grow out of it. They maybe realise their friends find it embarassing, that women don't like it and that it has no intellectual value, and they grow out of it.

So I feel almost an obligation to remind them of some basic truths once in a while!
Sunni Man -

Yes, you are quite right, I know. And probably I will put them on ignore at some point and concentrate on more informed posters.

But it's the same with Stormfront and these guys - I am always curious as to how they think. I want to understand why they hate. It makes no sense to me that anyone can hate another people and justify it with quotes from a 1,000 year old book.

And I also think that at some point most Nazis and haters grow out of it. They maybe realise their friends find it embarassing, that women don't like it and that it has no intellectual value, and they grow out of it.

So I feel almost an obligation to remind them of some basic truths once in a while!
You owe them nothing.

JStone has the mind of a retarded 5 year old. And his toll friend is just as bad.

Come on and start a thread about your country or travels.

These 2 clowns will always be here for you to toy with at a later date. :cool:
  • Thanks
Reactions: Jos
Islam = Nazism :bow3:

Sahih Bukhari Hadith
Narrated Ibn Umar: Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah.

United States President John Quincy Adams
The precept of the koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mahomet is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet, may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force Memoir of the life of John Quincy Adams. (9781240038398): Josiah Quincy: Books
Stone -

Also - would you be prepared to join Roudy and I in posting our CVs on this topic?

A quick round up of your degrees, publications and time spent in ME countries?

Shall we do it now?

Let's say that the person with the weakest CV agrees to stop posting on the topic? Would that be fair?
Dipshit your "visit" to a middle eastern country or Israel doesn't really count or make you less of a Jew hater, unless you actually lived there. I lived in Israel for 2 years and have visited it many times like about 10 times. I know more about the Middle East and Muslims than your small brain will ever imagine. Going to Egypt to see the Pyramids or visiting Israel to see Holy sites does not provide you with a real perception of anything. I do have to say however, that if you visited Israel then you cannot walk away feeling what a great country filled with vibrant, brave, intelligent, productive, and tolerant people, regardless of your religion. That is why Christians and Bahaiis feel totally comfortable having their main holy sites in a Jewish Israel. I truly felt uplifted by the strong spirit of the people of Israel.

With you it's basically a 1 + 1 = 2 formula. You visit sites like stromfront that is a site dedicated to Jew hatred. On this USMB site, you regularly side with anti Semites, Muslims, neo nazis, and Jew haters of the worst kind. What's there to talk about? Then you get all upset when I post a thread clearly showing how Muslims collaborated with Nazis, and how Nazi ideology was adopted and is influenced Islamic Jihadism and terrorism, as well as Arab nationalism. Another thing Muslims learned from the Nazis was "turnspeak", accuse the other side of crimes only you are most guilty of. In this case, Muslims, while showing adoration for the Nazis and behaving and talking like them, accuse Jews of being Nazis, the same people who were victims of the Nazis. Now how ridiculous and shameful is that?
Sunni Man -

Yes, you are quite right, I know. And probably I will put them on ignore at some point and concentrate on more informed posters.

But it's the same with Stormfront and these guys - I am always curious as to how they think. I want to understand why they hate. It makes no sense to me that anyone can hate another people and justify it with quotes from a 1,000 year old book.

And I also think that at some point most Nazis and haters grow out of it. They maybe realise their friends find it embarassing, that women don't like it and that it has no intellectual value, and they grow out of it.

So I feel almost an obligation to remind them of some basic truths once in a while!
Tell us again why you go to stromfront, one of the worst hate sites on the internet, if not to pickup on the latest hatred, lies and conspiracy theories about Jews and Israel? Anybody ever tell you to stop digging when you find yourself in a hole?
Quran 60:4 :bow3: :Boom2:
We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone"
Sunni Man -

Yes, you are quite right, I know. And probably I will put them on ignore at some point and concentrate on more informed posters.

But it's the same with Stormfront and these guys - I am always curious as to how they think. I want to understand why they hate. It makes no sense to me that anyone can hate another people and justify it with quotes from a 1,000 year old book.

And I also think that at some point most Nazis and haters grow out of it. They maybe realise their friends find it embarassing, that women don't like it and that it has no intellectual value, and they grow out of it.

So I feel almost an obligation to remind them of some basic truths once in a while!
You owe them nothing.

JStone has the mind of a retarded 5 year old. And his toll friend is just as bad.

Come on and start a thread about your country or travels.

These 2 clowns will always be here for you to toy with at a later date. :cool:

Damn, look at the landscape of all these Islamist worshippers in this thread, and not one shows rational thought or real historical knowledge. Just a bunch of neo nazi bullshit from hate sites like stormfront.
Sunni Man -

Yes, you are quite right, I know. And probably I will put them on ignore at some point and concentrate on more informed posters.

But it's the same with Stormfront and these guys - I am always curious as to how they think. I want to understand why they hate. It makes no sense to me that anyone can hate another people and justify it with quotes from a 1,000 year old book.

And I also think that at some point most Nazis and haters grow out of it. They maybe realise their friends find it embarassing, that women don't like it and that it has no intellectual value, and they grow out of it.

So I feel almost an obligation to remind them of some basic truths once in a while!
You owe them nothing.

JStone has the mind of a retarded 5 year old. And his toll friend is just as bad.

Come on and start a thread about your country or travels.

These 2 clowns will always be here for you to toy with at a later date. :cool:

Damn, look at the landscape of all these Islamist worshippers in this thread, and not one shows rational thought or real historical knowledge. Just a bunch of neo nazi bullshit from hate sites like stormfront.

Sunni Dunce grew tired of being bitch slapped by me over his embarrassing lack of knowledge of his own gutter religion but why since muslims are used to being beaten up as per holy quran? :badgrin:
Sunni Man -

Yes, you are quite right, I know. And probably I will put them on ignore at some point and concentrate on more informed posters.

But it's the same with Stormfront and these guys - I am always curious as to how they think. I want to understand why they hate. It makes no sense to me that anyone can hate another people and justify it with quotes from a 1,000 year old book.
At least the people at Stormfront can carry on a debate and many are extremely intelligent with great insight.

Not like these 2 clowns JStonebrain and Roadkill who have the combined IQ of pond scum. :lol: :cuckoo:
Sunni Man -

Yes, you are quite right, I know. And probably I will put them on ignore at some point and concentrate on more informed posters.

But it's the same with Stormfront and these guys - I am always curious as to how they think. I want to understand why they hate. It makes no sense to me that anyone can hate another people and justify it with quotes from a 1,000 year old book.
At least the people at Stormfront can carry on a debate and many are extremely intelligent with great insight.

Not like these 2 clowns JStonebrain and Roadkill who have the combined IQ of pond scum. :lol: :cuckoo:

Sunni Dunce, you know less than zero about your own religion. An infidel kicked your lame ass. Do I even get a shot at those 72 whores in that bordello in the sky?
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Stone -

Rather than just throw abuse around, why not actually attempt to discuss this topic?

btw, When you are proven wrong, please also acknowledge that you are wrong, so that you avoid repeating the same myths in future. There are at least 4 points from the past 3 days where you hve been proven clearly and totally wrong, but have yet to acknowledge the fact.

I assume you are an honest person - honest people also admit when they are wrong.
Stone -

Rather than just throw abuse around, why not actually attempt to discuss this topic?

btw, When you are proven wrong, please also acknowledge that you are wrong, so that you avoid repeating the same myths in future. There are at least 4 points from the past 3 days where you hve been proven clearly and totally wrong, but have yet to acknowledge the fact.

I assume you are an honest person - honest people also admit when they are wrong.

[ame=]Ace Ventura - Loser - YouTube[/ame]
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Ok, you say have nothing substantive to add, and can not address the topic sensibly.

And niether can you admit when you are wrong, apparently.
Sunni Man -

Yes, you are quite right, I know. And probably I will put them on ignore at some point and concentrate on more informed posters.

But it's the same with Stormfront and these guys - I am always curious as to how they think. I want to understand why they hate. It makes no sense to me that anyone can hate another people and justify it with quotes from a 1,000 year old book.
At least the people at Stormfront can carry on a debate and many are extremely intelligent with great insight.

Not like these 2 clowns JStonebrain and Roadkill who have the combined IQ of pond scum. :lol: :cuckoo:
Naturally, an embecile like sunni man would feel at home with "people at stormfront". And probably people at David They sure can carry on a debate, can't they? Like, are Jews just bad or evil? Or, how about should Israel be destroyed by or pushed into the sea?

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