Why do Muslim men hate their genitals so much?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
What is it about Muslim men that makes them hate their own genitals so much that they want to blow up their crotches? What is wrong here? Is it erectile disfunction? Or is it premature ejaculation (in their case that would be premature detonation)? Maybe it's small penis envy? Or perhaps they lead such miserable lives, that the only chance they have to have sex with a woman that looks better than a goat would be to blow their balls up in the name of Allah so they can meet the promised 72 virgins in heaven. Maybe they should do a study on this. Fruit of the Ka-Boom syndrome.

CIA reportedly thwarted new al-Qaida underwear bomb plot

The CIA thwarted a suicide plot by al-Qaida's affiliate in Yemen to bring down a U.S.-bound airliner near last week's one-year anniversary of Osama bin Laden's death with an upgraded "underwear bomb," the Associated Press reported Monday. The White House quickly released a statement insisting "the device did not pose a threat to the public."

"We had no specific, credible information about active terrorist plots timed to coincide with the anniversary and reiterate that this device never represented a threat to the public," a senior Obama aide told Yahoo News Monday on condition of anonymity.

The AP, citing unnamed U.S. officials, said the CIA seized the explosive, an improved version of the weapon used in the failed Christmas 2009 plan to bring down a commercial airplane over Detroit.

The device did not contain metal, making it likely that it could have eluded detection by traditional airport security. But it was unclear whether controversial new full-body scanners would have located it. The FBI is examining the bomb to see whether it would have been detected and whether it was powerful enough to bring down an airplane, the AP reported. The agency said the CIA seized the bomb before the bomber, whose fate was unclear, had chosen a target or bought a plane ticket.


you sure spend a lot of time thinking about other men's balls.

not that there's anything wrong with that

Not really. I'm pointing out Islamic barbarism. And all you gathered from an attemp to blow up innocent Americans was "balls". Maybe you're the homo, homo. You know, there's Nazi homo's out there too, so come out of that closet.

you sure spend a lot of time thinking about other men's balls.

not that there's anything wrong with that

Not really. I'm pointing out Islamic barbarism. And all you gathered from an attemp to blow up innocent Americans was "balls". Maybe you're the homo, homo. You know, there's Nazi homo's out there too, so come out of that closet.


AND YOU,you ZIONIST PRICK,collaborated with the NAZIS so you would KNOW.
do you spend a lot of time pretending you're a gay nazi?

excuse me, pretending you're a nazi?
Just pointing out that you're one. Didn't you get the memo, or are you still upset that your home got a flat tire, you gay terrorist worshipping Nazi slimeball? Ask your Islamist friends to pitch in for a new tire.
do you spend a lot of time pretending you're a gay nazi?

excuse me, pretending you're a nazi?
Just pointing out that you're one. Didn't you get the memo, or are you still upset that your home got a flat tire, you gay terrorist worshipping Nazi slimeball? Ask your Islamist friends to pitch in for a new tire.

clearly you've confused me with yourself.

adjust your meds, homeboy
Why do Christians hate their genitals so much that they cut part of them off
Here we go. Another slimeball crawls out from under the rock, trying to divert attention by comparing circumcision to blowing up your genitals on an airplane. Now utterly sick and pathetic is that? And why do most of you Jew hating IslamoNazi worshipping morons exhibit symptoms or mental illness?
do you spend a lot of time pretending you're a gay nazi?

excuse me, pretending you're a nazi?
Just pointing out that you're one. Didn't you get the memo, or are you still upset that your home got a flat tire, you gay terrorist worshipping Nazi slimeball? Ask your Islamist friends to pitch in for a new tire.

clearly you've confused me with yourself.

adjust your meds, homeboy
Not really, you started salivating when you saw the word balls, and you had to tell the whole world about it. Just admit it, you're a Jew hating gay Nazi dirtbag. And you've got Musilm balls on your mind. Or are you a one balled freak like your hero, Hitler? Now run along before I embarass you even more, pig. Even talking to you makes me feel dirty. Phew.

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