Apple Beats Street! Socialism Soars! All Opposed By GOP!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Great Socialist Victories Continue Unabated, even as Great QE2 of Chairman Bernanke, Hero Of The Revolution, commences winding down. . .as though monetary policy were some sort of watch-spring, needed to continue to keep things running(?)!

Socialist economics is not deity-defined, or run, however. Apple stock, USA, was on a downturn until the stock market closed, April 24. Then it recovered a major bundle. Earnings beat estimates, in the Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Reid economic recovery.

GOP was opposed from the start, which GOP are set to now blame on the Mormons! They seem to have been able to get one to run again. . .and maybe away!

« What Kind of Socialist Is Barack Obama? Commentary Magazine

Republicans have not been kind to the concept of arithmetic-bound economics, government supported, and directly with government intervention. Currency, for example, is arithmetic: Government intervention into the market place. Socialists then do arithmetic with it.

In this, they have generally all behaved very badly: Tending to support the problem that created all the downturns in history, shown in Matt 25::14-30. The poor get cast out into foreclosure, the rich think they have all the currency. The notes are generally less than face value backed. The KJV/Catholic edition example shows a household expecting to be enriched eight talents, only enriched by seven. Lehman Brothers, somehow, wouldn't understand(?)! When the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer--in the manner of fixed percentage raises: Then all business fails, clearly intended in the math--and shown for millenia.

Opposed for the generations of that Party of Lincoln existence, Obama-Biden, Pelosi-Reid, did Matt 20::1-16, KJV or Catholic Editions instead. The Make-Work-Pay, refundable Tax Credit, provided the more or less equal amount, $400.00 per adult: Regardless if they had worked all the year or not. The First were Last, and the Last Were First: In the Socialist tradition of equal treatment under law.

Even the Harvard Law School Obamas could do that.

And so now, in the link: Just what kind of socialism is it, no one seems to know(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Around and Around the whole world seems to go: Any maybe the colored teacher, at the school, couldn't find his housekey, after all(?). . . .A-HuuuH! Sho 'Nuff! Gang kids, by comparison, can find all kinds of housekeys(?)!)
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ALL HAIL! :rolleyes:
Great Socialist Victories Continue Unabated, even as Great QE2 of Chairman Bernanke, Hero Of The Revolution, commences winding down. . .as though monetary policy were some sort of watch-spring, needed to continue to keep things running(?)!

Socialist economics is not deity-defined, or run, however. Apple stock, USA, was on a downturn until the stock market closed, April 24. Then it recovered a major bundle. Earnings beat estimates, in the Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Reid economic recovery.

GOP was opposed from the start, which GOP are set to now blame on the Mormons! They seem to have been able to get one to run again. . .and maybe away!

« What Kind of Socialist Is Barack Obama? Commentary Magazine

Republicans have not been kind to the concept of arithmetic-bound economics, government supported, and directly with government intervention. Currency, for example, is arithmetic: Government intervention into the market place. Socialists then do arithmetic with it.

In this, they have generally all behaved very badly: Tending to support the problem that created all the downturns in history, shown in Matt 25::14-30. The poor get cast out into foreclosure, the rich think they have all the currency. The notes are generally less than face value backed. The KJV/Catholic edition example shows a household expecting to be enriched eight talents, only enriched by seven. Lehman Brothers, somehow, wouldn't understand(?)! When the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer--in the manner of fixed percentage raises: Then all business fails, clearly intended in the math--and shown for millenia.

Opposed for the generations of that Party of Lincoln existence, Obama-Biden, Pelosi-Reid, did Matt 20::1-16, KJV or Catholic Editions instead. The Make-Work-Pay, refundable Tax Credit, provided the more or less equal amount, $400.00 per adult: Regardless if they had worked all the year or not. The First were Last, and the Last Were First: In the Socialist tradition of equal treatment under law.

Even the Harvard Law School Obamas could do that.

And so now, in the link: Just what kind of socialism is it, no one seems to know(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Around and Around the whole world seems to go: Any maybe the colored teacher, at the school, couldn't find his housekey, after all(?). . . .A-HuuuH! Sho 'Nuff! Gang kids, by comparison, can find all kinds of housekeys(?)!)

Political forum...give it some thought...:confused:
Great Socialist Victories Continue Unabated, even as Great QE2 of Chairman Bernanke, Hero Of The Revolution, commences winding down. . .as though monetary policy were some sort of watch-spring, needed to continue to keep things running(?)!

Socialist economics is not deity-defined, or run, however. Apple stock, USA, was on a downturn until the stock market closed, April 24. Then it recovered a major bundle. Earnings beat estimates, in the Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Reid economic recovery.

GOP was opposed from the start, which GOP are set to now blame on the Mormons! They seem to have been able to get one to run again. . .and maybe away!

« What Kind of Socialist Is Barack Obama? Commentary Magazine

Republicans have not been kind to the concept of arithmetic-bound economics, government supported, and directly with government intervention. Currency, for example, is arithmetic: Government intervention into the market place. Socialists then do arithmetic with it.

In this, they have generally all behaved very badly: Tending to support the problem that created all the downturns in history, shown in Matt 25::14-30. The poor get cast out into foreclosure, the rich think they have all the currency. The notes are generally less than face value backed. The KJV/Catholic edition example shows a household expecting to be enriched eight talents, only enriched by seven. Lehman Brothers, somehow, wouldn't understand(?)! When the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer--in the manner of fixed percentage raises: Then all business fails, clearly intended in the math--and shown for millenia.

Opposed for the generations of that Party of Lincoln existence, Obama-Biden, Pelosi-Reid, did Matt 20::1-16, KJV or Catholic Editions instead. The Make-Work-Pay, refundable Tax Credit, provided the more or less equal amount, $400.00 per adult: Regardless if they had worked all the year or not. The First were Last, and the Last Were First: In the Socialist tradition of equal treatment under law.

Even the Harvard Law School Obamas could do that.

And so now, in the link: Just what kind of socialism is it, no one seems to know(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Around and Around the whole world seems to go: Any maybe the colored teacher, at the school, couldn't find his housekey, after all(?). . . .A-HuuuH! Sho 'Nuff! Gang kids, by comparison, can find all kinds of housekeys(?)!)

Yet another tin foil hat far right fundamentalist. I suppose Eisenhower and Nixon were socialists too? dumbass.
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Socialism Liberates, whereas the legacy of Ronald Reagan: Infects all The Others!

Blacks learned. . .some blacks learned at Venice Beach, In CA, that they have pit problems too! Religious miracles aside. . .anyone can ask Rev. Jesse Jackson, or Rev. Al Sharpton. . . unless you can't: Than actually blacks can stick like all hell, too!

Most of America knew this, actually, a long time ago. Even White people knew this. Any good massa' would take precautions in the downwind position.

But low, We have lost our way! LA Mayor Villagairosa will keynote at the Democratic Convention, no doubt extorlling the gangland contributions of The Reagan Trajectory, from which LA Hollywood profiteered.

And there you know them: For what's up! Republicans, in contrast, are just setting up to blame it on the Mormons, and not Ronald Reagain: Which the Obama's won't do!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many know Reagan Trajectory, in Hell with Nixon: Who now look more like what Alabama, and Mississippi Republicans, all intend that all Americans look like! Grave Desecration of Confederate Dead, is easily not now illegail in those two anti-American states!)
Socialism Liberates, whereas the legacy of Ronald Reagan: Infects all The Others!

Blacks learned. . .some blacks learned at Venice Beach, In CA, that they have pit problems too! Religious miracles aside. . .anyone can ask Rev. Jesse Jackson, or Rev. Al Sharpton. . . unless you can't: Than actually blacks can stick like all hell, too!

Most of America knew this, actually, a long time ago. Even White people knew this. Any good massa' would take precautions in the downwind position.

But low, We have lost our way! LA Mayor Villagairosa will keynote at the Democratic Convention, no doubt extorlling the gangland contributions of The Reagan Trajectory, from which LA Hollywood profiteered.

And there you know them: For what's up! Republicans, in contrast, are just setting up to blame it on the Mormons, and not Ronald Reagain: Which the Obama's won't do!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many know Reagan Trajectory, in Hell with Nixon: Who now look more like what Alabama, and Mississippi Republicans, all intend that all Americans look like! Grave Desecration of Confederate Dead, is easily not now illegail in those two anti-American states!)


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