AP Poll: Obama's job approval rises amid concerns

If this "jobless recovery" becomes a recovery that includes putting millions of people back to work at decet payig jobs, his approval rating will continue to climb.

Clinton's campaign people understood what really motivates support or nonsupport of a POTUS well enough to make THIS their unoffical saying. they put signs up in their offices to remind them.

Those signs read:

It's the economy, stupid
I wonder if we can cast aside the hyper-partisan name-calling and my-favorite-poll-is-more-reliable-than-your-favorite-poll, and discuss WHY Obama's numbers are ticking up - even in the far right's outlier rassmussen.

There have been some improvemnts in the economy but I wouldn't call it healthy yet, a lot of folks consider the Olympic decision to be a negative for Obama ....

Personally, I give Obama a B so far, but that hasn't varied much over the past nine months. I guess it's too much to ask to find a poster neutral enough to discuss why they've changed their mind .... or is it?

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