AOC and BS claim Climate Emergency... OR Not....


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
You can not make this stuff up....

Bernie Sanders and AOC wrote a document claiming a Climate Crisis and demanding we give up our freedoms, monies, companies and then at the very end of their claims and demands on what we must give up to stop this crisis they put this;

“(2) nothing in this concurrent resolution constitutes a declaration of a national emergency
for purposes of any Act of Congress authorizing the exercise, during the period of a national
emergency or other type of declared emergency, of any special or extraordinary power.”

In other words... This is a hoax and a fearmongering ploy.. Its FAKE NEWS designed to create fear. Nothing more...

Would someone please take these two Marxist's out and leave them somewhere!!!

AOC and Bernie: “move to declare climate crisis official emergency”…And?
The fact that people like this are viable candidates for anything up to and including dog catcher is a damning testament to the intelligence, and rationality of the people who vote them into office.
The fact that people like this are viable candidates for anything up to and including dog catcher is a damning testament to the intelligence, and rationality of the people who vote them into office.
No kidding... This is why they want to kill the electoral college, so that the idiots who are well indoctrinated can run roughshod over the country...

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