Anyone See the Diverse Panel on Hannity to Discuss the Contraceptives Debacle?


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
Yes it was very diverse discussion panel of regular guys. There was a man there who wasn't even particularly religious. And a priest. And a pastor who seemed like a
really nice guy. And a Jewish guy. And a Baptist guy. And a Methodist
One made the easily predicted "Hitler Reference" (because you know,
offering bc as part of a health benefit package equates to shooting
people in the streets).
One was "ready to die if they come for me". Overreact much? Why would "they" come for him?
Yup. The group of men he gathered to discuss women's contraceptives was indeed very diverse.
Yes it was very diverse discussion panel of regular guys. There was a man there who wasn't even particularly religious. And a priest. And a pastor who seemed like a
really nice guy. And a Jewish guy. And a Baptist guy. And a Methodist
One made the easily predicted "Hitler Reference" (because you know,
offering bc as part of a health benefit package equates to shooting
people in the streets).
One was "ready to die if they come for me". Overreact much? Why would "they" come for him?
Yup. The group of men he gathered to discuss women's contraceptives was indeed very diverse.

Then you should have turned the channel back to Squidbillies or whatever such rocket science I'm sure you find stimulating.
Yes it was very diverse discussion panel of regular guys. There was a man there who wasn't even particularly religious. And a priest. And a pastor who seemed like a
really nice guy. And a Jewish guy. And a Baptist guy. And a Methodist
One made the easily predicted "Hitler Reference" (because you know,
offering bc as part of a health benefit package equates to shooting
people in the streets).
One was "ready to die if they come for me". Overreact much? Why would "they" come for him?
Yup. The group of men he gathered to discuss women's contraceptives was indeed very diverse.

Then you should have turned the channel back to Squidbillies or whatever such rocket science I'm sure you find stimulating.

He sounds like more of a Ren & Stimpy kinda guy.
Birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy both increase a women's chance of heart attack, stroke, and breast cancer. Breast cancer in women is at an all time high because of the overuse of synthetic hormones given to women. That's what we should be discussing.
These people don't care about the side affects of birth control pills or abortions..

As long as they can shout, WE CARE for Women's rights to CHOOSE...ra ra ra

Even if it means killing ones own child.
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So now our freedom from tyranny are now called, debacles

Ah Got it. Because I found humor in the irony of having twelve men presented as an "objective panel", you guys assume, label etc...

What I called a debacle was Obama insisting the church pay for this. It was a stupid move and I started a thread entitled "Obama's mistake with Catholics" in which I said "This is stupid". Or perhaps you missed my post: ObamaCare Sucks and is UnConstitutional"?

But of course the ConservaRepubLitarians are all getting their panties in a bunch because I didn't toe the line and absolutely agree with all things FOX and never find any fault in anything Conserv. Oops.

Wrong guys. Lighten up. I just thought it was funny. He marketed it as an "objective panel" and didn't put one woman on it. No one else thinks he might have done juuuuust a little better in planning that one? C'mon! :lol:
I saw it, but didn't see anyone discussing contraceptives because that wasn't the issue. It was a group of clergy discussing the way the government is trampling the first Amendment.
Hannity always has diversity on his show.
I've always seen at least one Lib on his show every night.
Sharpton,once in a blue moon.
Schultz...only has Libs and ass kissers on...
Mathews does every so often but he doesn't let them speak.
He just yells at them and throws questions at them and never let's them answer....

Kind of sad what happened to Chris the last few years...
Yes it was very diverse discussion panel of regular guys. There was a man there who wasn't even particularly religious. And a priest. And a pastor who seemed like a
really nice guy. And a Jewish guy. And a Baptist guy. And a Methodist
One made the easily predicted "Hitler Reference" (because you know,
offering bc as part of a health benefit package equates to shooting
people in the streets).
One was "ready to die if they come for me". Overreact much? Why would "they" come for him?
Yup. The group of men he gathered to discuss women's contraceptives was indeed very diverse.

I just posted a thread about the discussion on Hannity. It has transcripts and video.

Youre not only a liar, you're busted. The "real" revelation was during the Morris interview. Course you left that out huh?
haha no women to discuss birth control. typical nonsense from the Fox News crew.

The discussion wasn't about birth control.

Perhaps you should watch the program before you criticize it.

I did. Love the spin but okay HOW was the 1st amendment being trampled? By ordering WHAT be included in health plans?

(Clue: It wasn't turtles. There was no recent presidential announcement that turrtles be provided for free in health care plans. At least I don't think there was! WAS it about turtles???):lol:
haha no women to discuss birth control. typical nonsense from the Fox News crew.

The discussion wasn't about birth control.

Perhaps you should watch the program before you criticize it.

I did. Love the spin but okay HOW was the 1st amendment being trampled? By ordering WHAT be included in health plans?

(Clue: It wasn't turtles. There was no recent presidential announcement that turrtles be provided for free in health care plans. At least I don't think there was! WAS it about turtles???):lol:

Who has the RIGHT to ORDER anything? you don't mind living under a dictatorship?
And your laughing at our rights being trampled on is, scary
Birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy both increase a women's chance of heart attack, stroke, and breast cancer. Breast cancer in women is at an all time high because of the overuse of synthetic hormones given to women. That's what we should be discussing.

Ahh what about the private whoremoan replacement therapy places springing up on the heels of free enterprise?
The discussion wasn't about birth control.

Perhaps you should watch the program before you criticize it.

I did. Love the spin but okay HOW was the 1st amendment being trampled? By ordering WHAT be included in health plans?

(Clue: It wasn't turtles. There was no recent presidential announcement that turrtles be provided for free in health care plans. At least I don't think there was! WAS it about turtles???):lol:

Who has the RIGHT to ORDER anything? you don't mind living under a dictatorship?
And your laughing at our rights being trampled on is, scary

Again, try to set your political absolutes aside for just a moment. As stated before:
1. I stated clearly that this was a mistake on Obama's part.
2. All I was laughing at was the irony that Hannity's casting crew picked an all male panel to discuss it. Seriously, there are plenty of women who would have gone on and said this is horrible, it is a violation of 1st Amendment etc... but talk about missing the obvious!

As they say in Texas "Y'all be takin yer shet a little too seriously! Lighten up pilgrim!".

There is certainly enough to be mad about but that doesn't mean that negative emotions must rule every moment of your life or every one of my posts. Sometimes I like to laugh at the absurdity of Repubs or Dems wehn they step in it.
The discussion wasn't about birth control.

Perhaps you should watch the program before you criticize it.

I did. Love the spin but okay HOW was the 1st amendment being trampled? By ordering WHAT be included in health plans?

(Clue: It wasn't turtles. There was no recent presidential announcement that turrtles be provided for free in health care plans. At least I don't think there was! WAS it about turtles???):lol:

Who has the RIGHT to ORDER anything? you don't mind living under a dictatorship?
And your laughing at our rights being trampled on is, scary

Government overreaching into every facet of our lives, is what it is politely being called and this is the face of the machine directing it.


I want our next president to believe what a great president, once said, and delivered upon:

Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.
Ronald Reagan

Yes it was very diverse discussion panel of regular guys. There was a man there who wasn't even particularly religious. And a priest. And a pastor who seemed like a
really nice guy. And a Jewish guy. And a Baptist guy. And a Methodist
One made the easily predicted "Hitler Reference" (because you know,
offering bc as part of a health benefit package equates to shooting
people in the streets).
One was "ready to die if they come for me". Overreact much? Why would "they" come for him?
Yup. The group of men he gathered to discuss women's contraceptives was indeed very diverse.

I didn't watch it, but I checked it out afterwards.... they're discussing 'religious liberty' not contraceptives.... fucking moron.

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