Another question for Republicans....


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Another question for Republicans....

Are you happy paying higher taxes, so the super rich can pay less?
Im for having a flat tax. So no, Im not happy when one person is treated unequally to another.

But then I realize that its your freakin policies that have caused this.
No. I favor the flat tax, as it was prior to the civil war.


So basically you favor increasing taxes on poor and middle class Americans in order to give millionaires more tax cuts

You oppose having all American's paying their fair share?

Or are you worried that when the people realize how much you are robbing from others, they will stop you?
No. I favor the flat tax, as it was prior to the civil war.


So basically you favor increasing taxes on poor and middle class Americans in order to give millionaires more tax cuts

No dumbass, the rich make more so they pay more. Just what you want.

Reducing government spending is at least an equal part of the equation, care to discuss that?
Another question for Republicans....

Are you happy paying higher taxes, so the super rich can pay less?

Envy is most unbecoming.

That said, which tax are you talking about. If you're referring to income tax, it should abolished across the board. Capital gains is another story.
I am also in favor of a flat tax. No class warfare. Everyone pays the same rate no deductions.
No. I favor the flat tax, as it was prior to the civil war.


So basically you favor increasing taxes on poor and middle class Americans in order to give millionaires more tax cuts

No.. People like us are in favor of returning equal treatment by government under law... as it should have been all along.. instead of a system that breeds class warfare
I'm opposed to bigger's growing daily. Quit spending and there will be enough revenue.

Sick and tired of all the Washington hoopla, while they conveniently spend taxpayer dollars on what they want, not what's best for the people.

Cut government, cut spending........I hear the King is promising all federal workers wage increases.
No. I favor the flat tax, as it was prior to the civil war.


So basically you favor increasing taxes on poor and middle class Americans in order to give millionaires more tax cuts

Good point, but the fact is it was a flat tax based on income. So, if you made 500 a year on wheat, you paid 10 in taxes. If you were Vanderbilot or the like, you paid 10% of gross.

Another words, there was no loopholes, as there is now whereby there is every form and amount of tax levied, in every form of percentage, tax loops, etc etc.

Hope that is clearer.

No. I favor the flat tax, as it was prior to the civil war.
So basically you favor increasing taxes on poor and middle class Americans in order to give millionaires more tax cuts
You oppose having all American's paying their fair share?
Nope people should pay the same percentage in taxes as the wealth they have, meaning the richest 1% needs to have their taxes increased by 50%

Or are you worried that when the people realize how much you are robbing from others, they will stop you?
Medicare/Caid and SS are far more efficient then the private market. If it weren't for government wed being getting robbed by the inefficient private market. Also most rich people make their wealth by mooching off of workers
Another question for Republicans....

Are you happy paying higher taxes, so the super rich can pay less?

The EVIL 1% pretty much carry the 99% on their backs.

What percentage should they fork over? I mean, they are paying the lion's share now, and yet, you are full of envy and bitterness. So why don't you tell me what is a fair amount that should be confiscated for redistribution?

And while doing so, tell me why every single able-bodied person living in America shouldn't have to contribute in some way.

It isn't the 1% versus the 99%, it is the 53% versus the 47%.

You are bitching, and 47% of households paid ZERO federal income tax.

No one is holding anyone down. Stop trying to make everyone a victim and dependent on others. It's evil, and simply a tool to keep the liberal base under thumb.
No. I favor the flat tax, as it was prior to the civil war.


So basically you favor increasing taxes on poor and middle class Americans in order to give millionaires more tax cuts

No dumbass, the rich make more so they pay more. Just what you want.

Reducing government spending is at least an equal part of the equation, care to discuss that?
Under a flat tax system people making 100,000 a year or less would see their taxes increasing by 20-240% while the rich would see their taxes decrease by 70%
I'm all for cutting military spending, however republicans oppose it

No. I favor the flat tax, as it was prior to the civil war.


So basically you favor increasing taxes on poor and middle class Americans in order to give millionaires more tax cuts

No.. People like us are in favor of returning equal treatment by government under law... as it should have been all along.. instead of a system that breeds class warfare

I see so according to you moving to a system that would cause 40% of the population to be in poverty in order to give millionaires millions of dollars is not class warfare
So basically you favor increasing taxes on poor and middle class Americans in order to give millionaires more tax cuts
You oppose having all American's paying their fair share?
Nope people should pay the same percentage in taxes as the wealth they have, meaning the richest 1% needs to have their taxes increased by 50%

Or are you worried that when the people realize how much you are robbing from others, they will stop you?
Medicare/Caid and SS are far more efficient then the private market. If it weren't for government wed being getting robbed by the inefficient private market. Also most rich people make their wealth by mooching off of workers

So, federal, state, local taxes, capital gains, sales taxes, estate taxes....

So what percentage total should the government leave with the fucked up evil rich people?
Throwing around a lot of meaningless numbers there starcrafty. You suggested the poor's tax rate would go to 50%? Any increase in taxes on the poor in a flat tax system, indicates they under pay now.
Weird, no one actually answered the question in the OP. Everyone wants to talk about their own agenda but not the actual question.

We aren't getting a flat tax without exemptions, so let's talk about reality. The reality of one side campaigning cutting taxes on the wealthiest americans at the expense of middle class and poor americans. Are you ok with that?
Throwing around a lot of meaningless numbers there starcrafty. You suggested the poor's tax rate would go to 50%? Any increase in taxes on the poor in a flat tax system, indicates they under pay now.

So what's more important to you. Making sure that the poor pay "something" or decreasing our deficit? You can't have both with a flat tax.
Weird, no one actually answered the question in the OP. Everyone wants to talk about their own agenda but not the actual question.

We aren't getting a flat tax without exemptions, so let's talk about reality. The reality of one side campaigning cutting taxes on the wealthiest americans at the expense of middle class and poor americans. Are you ok with that?

The rich are taxed out. Liberals need to stop spending.

It is not what the government was established to do.

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