Any proof that Blacks experience prejudices more than Whites today?

- Black man you're more likely to go to college when having lower SAT scores than Whites.
Can you show me any college in the USA that allows black people to get in with lowers scores than whites ?
- Black man you got the right to exist, without that existence being racist. (I.E Blacks can support homogeneous Black nations like many do in Zimbabwe, and South Africa, and that's "Cool" but God forbid if Whites like Poland, or Hungary do the same, they get the racist book thrown at them.
Zimbabwe and South Africa are under the control of the white supremacists.
- Black man you have your struggle known, even though far more Whites were killed by genocide than Blacks, this is hardly even taught, or known.
No one is stopping white people from writing down there struggles. The reason why black people's struggle is known is because black people fought and died for that to be known

White people should do the same.

There’s nothing wrong with people of European descent being proud of their specific ethnic and national heritage.

But the Russian cultures, Irish cultures, Scottish cultures, Italian have been lost to whiteness. The languages, the history, the customs have been lost to such an extent that you’re grasping at straws.

It's whites fault is that they have been to some extent culturally castrated, but not by liberalism and not by the Left and for sure no by black people.

Whites have been culturally castrated by whiteness. It's whites who celebrate this fking riduclous notion of being white.
- Black man you get far less prejudices directed against you from Hollywood, and the media, than many White groups do.
Yeah because Hollywood has always shown black people well. Please

Hollywood stereotypes matter because the truth is not what really is, but what people think it is. It’s about the power struggle. Those who have power can dictate the way people will perceive things. Hollywood has an agenda. That is because of who runs Hollywood.

Rich, older, white men.

Hollywood wants blacks to serve a couple of purposes for their white viewers; to make them feel less guilty for being racist. That’s why when they see yet another black man who’s selling drugs to small children gets shot by a white cop, it’s justified. Modern day Hollywood is nothing but a more polished, politically-correct version of a minstrel show. With a token character added for insurance that they’re not racist.
- Black man you get special hate crime protections, that if you get attacked by prejudices it matters, but if the same happens for Whites it's generally not known, or cared about.
Who is enforcing this protection that we are supposedly getting ?

Is it the New Jersey chiefs of police who is wanting to kill all black people ? Or is it the Philly Police Union president call BLM activists "Wild Animals" ? Or is it the Cali Police who are sympathizing with white supremacist ? Or is it Sheriff Scott Israel in Florida who got caught entrapping 18 black people in 2016 (0 white people,) but is more recently accused of directing deputies to put on ski masks & bust up a venue repeatedly on hip hop nights ?


These are guys with real power and real muscle and real influence who can easily wreck black ppls lives.

But racism does not exist and it has to be proven. Right ?
- Black man you can be the biggest slave traders of Blacks for eons to today, and yet Whites take most of the heat for it.
Your arguments is like robbing a bank and then trying to justify it by saying "They robbed banks too"

Also since when have whites used black people as a moral guide to follow ? But of course when whites came to Africa, Africans were just lined up and they tricked into exporting slaves. Right ?

The central impact of the African Transatlantic Slave trade you brush aside is the legacy. And it’s that legacy that connects everyone else posting in this forum and will continue until the day it’s resolved.

You cannot (and here is the challenge if you're up for it) point to any other form of slavery (present, past or pre-historic) that has had such an immense and global impact on this planet than the African Holocaust

The outcome of that operation is the crucial factor which in terms of scale and magnitude has gone unsurpassed and has had a profound effect on millions worldwide. Not just because of slavery, that was just the starting point. But because white supremacy would not allow themselves to see blacks as humans and it carried on long after the slave trade was abolished.
- Black man you get to have positive stereotypes, I.E Blacks are good at sports, and well endowed, and that's not racist, but if Whites had a positive stereotype it's "Racist"
O. Right yeah. You can run and you have a big dick. Yeah great. Nice one (lol)

The old "Black are strong but dumb ?" argument. Right ?

I don't like repeating myself but maybe you can answer what I asked earlier

The original story was that black people were inferior, body and brains.

In the 1936 Olympics Hitler was still confident that his Aryan athletes would dominate the Black American sprinters.


Because of Jessie Owens. That did not happen.

So the White Supremacists pretended that they had never believed that White people were physically superior to Black people and that their ideas had not been embarrassingly refuted.

They just figured that brains were more important, so if Black people were to be sold to the world as inferior, it would have to be based on us being genetically stupid.

But you can believe anything you wish and it shows in your responses.

But when you start to make statements about certain scientific things, it would be good to know what one is talking about. Like the simple basics of the evolution theory.

Something as major as an additional pair of muscles to increase black people muscle mass would have required major evolutionary changes. Or a loss of a pair of muscles, since all humans evolved from a common ancestor.

In order for black people to have "extra muscle mass" from other human beings there would have to be fixed genetic differences between races.

Meaning a clear break

This seems like a speciation level difference, such as "Blacks" having a gene for X and no one else. This is absolutely clearly not the case.

I'm sure you'll say "Look at how many black people are in the the NBA" OK if that's true, then why don't blacks dominate volleyball the same way ? You need to be able to jump at that. Right ?

And if black people are so naturally good at basketball then why don't African nations like Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast dominate international dominate basketball comps ? They're pure black with little white admixture in them and according to you blackness and strength go hand in hand then why are African teams so average ?

Why aren't all championship high jumpers black ?
  • Every player who has ever won an NHL scoring title is white.
  • Why is every Olympic weightlifting record is held by a Caucasian ?
  • Why are all strong man comps won by whites ?
  • Why are all all championship speed skaters are white.
  • Every major league pitcher who has ever won 300 games is white.
  • Almost all Olympic champions rowers and kayakers are white,
I don't believe that whites are physically advantaged in shooting, hockey pucks, lifting barbells, skating, or rowing. Do you ?

Very few black people can run the 100m in under 10sec. So sports are not the industries in which most black people find themselves in. When it comes to athletic ability you either can run the 100m in under 10 seconds or you can't.

But in the workplace (The place were 99.99% of blk people find themselves in) old boy’s networks still skew opportunity to whites.
  • Will this person “fit in” with the company?
  • Do they have “enough” experience?
  • Will they be able to relate to the customer base?
These are judgment calls. Whether or not a person can hit a three-pointer is not as subjective. Not to mention, whites have always been willing to let black people entertain them, even at the height of racism. The question is, how have they felt about blacks being their bankers, doctors, bosses ?
- Black man you get a Black history month that promotes your ethnic heritage, if Whites got a White history month it would be racist.
Every month has been white history month. White history has been made the normative history and when your narrative is taken as the norm the need to race it is a less pressing concern.

White folks contributions have never been ignored. So for you to now demand special time to teach about the people everyone already learns about, is insane.

1.) This is the order in which people are most likely to get accepted into college for lower SAT scores, from most likely, to least likely... (Most likely Black, Hispanic, White, and Asian least likely)

Opinion | White Students’ Unfair Advantage in Admissions

2.) Explain how Zimbabwe, or South Africa are under control by White Supremacists, exactly?

3.) The Liberal media, and Liberal academia promote Black struggles, but not White struggles.

4.) Hollywood clearly treats Italians, and Polish people the most unfairly.

According to Jew Joel Stein of the LA Times Jews totally run Hollywood.

5.) What does White cop racism have to do with hate crimes?

Blacks are far more likely to attack Whites, than vice versa, and a lot of these get thrown out, unlike the inverse.

6.) Blacks not only still are enslaving each other in Darfur, Mauritania, and other places of Africa, in recent years.

Blacks not only sold their slaves to White slavers.

Blacks also sold their slaves to Arab slavers.

Explain how this makes Whites, rather than Blacks the biggest slavers?

7.) Why would it be racist to say that Whites are the most inventive, but not racist to say that Blacks are the most athletic?

There's a lot of rigging in the system against Whites, point blank.

8.) A lot of the yearly "White history" is about telling Whites how evil, slave happy, genocidal, and war mongering they are..
- Black man you're more likely to go to college when having lower SAT scores than Whites.

White folks contributions have never been ignored. So for you to now demand special time to teach about the people everyone already learns about, is insane.

Sure, a lot of White greats are ignored because we're so busy learning about Black greats.

Some examples.

1.) I learned about Black George Washington Carver in Elementary School, but not about White Serb Nikola Tesla ever in school.

Why? As if George Washington Carver has done more for Humanity in the terms of innovation than Nikola Tesla?

2.) I learned about Black Chrispus Atucks in Elementary School for being the first killed in the American Revolutionary War, but not about White Polish general Kosciusko an important White Polish general of the American Revolutionary War.

Why? As if Chrispus Atucks being killed first, is more important to note than a White Polish general who fortified West Point, Saratoga etc. Some of the most important fortifications of that war.

So, why should White Slavs like Poles, and Serbs, not think we're getting a raw deal, in comparison to Black Americans, exactly?
I mean, not only are there Blonde jokes, and Ginger jokes that wouldn't be tolerated in the same manner against Blacks.

I fail to see how Whites experience much more, or more less prejudices than Blacks?

Poles, Italians, French, Southern Whites, White Catholics, Jews each of these groups which make up a sizable amount of the U.S.A can experience heavy prejudices.

Come to think of it, I don't think any group is immune to bullying.

Even Brits get the bad teeth jokes.

If we go by "Hostile attacks" then Blacks attack Whites more than vice versa.

So, I fail to see how there's much more, or much less prejudices directed at Whites vs Blacks today at least?
This is a joke, right?

Explain why White Christians are the most under-represented group in colleges?

I guess that's a "Joke" to you, huh?
The run of the mill christian as kinda anti education. Nothing to do with the schools, lots to do with the religion.

I'd like to know how much of our science was formulated by Christians?

Actually, a good deal of our science was formulated by Catholic clergy, even.

- Polish Catholic Copernicus the modern founder of the modern Heliocentric model was a Catholic admin.

- Austrian Catholic Friar Gregor Mendel founded modern Genetic formula equations.

- Belgian Catholic Priest Georges Lemaître, founded the Big Bang Theory.

- English Catholic Friar Roger Bacon a pioneer of the Scientific Method, and Natural Philosophy.

- Italian Catholic Friar Giovanni Batista Riccioli a pioneer of movement of the Earth.

- Polish Catholic Priest Jan Dzierzon was a big pioneer of Bee-Keeping.

- Croatian Catholic Roger Joseph Boscovich was a big pioneer of Atomic-Theory.

- Polish Catholic Friar Vitelo was a big pioneer of Optics.

- French Catholic Priest Jean Buridan a big pioneer of Impetus.

- Czech Catholic Canon Prokop Divis inventor of the lightning rod.

- French Catholic Priest Jean Picard the first to measure the Earth's size.
Sorry, should a been more specific. Current rwnj co-opted version of Christianity is anti education. Historically christians were not.
yes--millions of black people are lying and are lied to
So your claim is that millions of black people are lying and racism does not exist. Have I got that right ?
racism exist --on both sides--but nearly in the quantity you imagine it to be
...yes blacks lie and imagine racism when it's not there--I've posted numerous threads and posts for evidence
1.) This is the order in which people are most likely to get accepted into college for lower SAT scores, from most likely, to least likely... (Most likely Black, Hispanic, White, and Asian least likely)

Opinion | White Students’ Unfair Advantage in Admissions
I asked you to name a college in which black people get in with lower scores than whites. Not point to some link written by some Chinese American.
2.) Explain how Zimbabwe, or South Africa are under control by White Supremacists, exactly?
Because the deep hyper-inflation that ravaged their economy is because they starved for foreign exchange because Zimbabwe tried to return some of the vast, stolen land-holdings to Zimbabweans, since then the U.S, Britain, IMF, World Bank have waged a relentless economic an war against the country.

UK and America control most of the huge mineral reserves in Zimbabwe. White supremacist want full control of the vast mineral resources like diamonds, gold, platinum, copper which Africa has in abundance and which is virtually all in the hands of white supremacist western owned companies like Anglo American, SHELL, BP.

Mugabe's Pro-Nationalist policies went against their HUGE interest. This is why they were so angered at the elections in Zimbabwe to the point where they went to the UN to try to freeze Mugabe's assets and prevent him from travelling from overseas, they failed. Russia and China voted against it. Britain and the USA want their own puppet dictator, who they can pay off, so he will go along with their wishes. Tony Blair (Former Prime Minster OF UK was going to go to war with Zimbabwe)

It’s all to protect their huge mineral wealth in Zimbabwe and Africa in general
3.) The Liberal media, and Liberal academia promote Black struggles, but not White struggles.
No one is stopping white people from writing down there struggles. The reason why black people's struggle is known is because black people fought and died for that to be known

White people should do the same.

There’s nothing wrong with people of European descent being proud of their specific ethnic and national heritage.

But the Russian cultures, Irish cultures, Scottish cultures, Italian have been lost to whiteness. The languages, the history, the customs have been lost to such an extent that you’re grasping at straws.

It's whites fault is that they have been to some extent culturally castrated, but not by liberalism and not by the Left and for sure no by black people.

Whites have been culturally castrated by whiteness. It's whites who celebrate this fking riduclous notion of being white.
4.) Hollywood clearly treats Italians, and Polish people the most unfairly.
Charles Bronson, Peter Falk (Columbo), Cate Blanchett. Zac Efron are or were of Polish descent. They did and are doing OK.

As for Italians the Mafia is always used to show how stylish and mysterious Italian gangsters are. Sopranos-Goodfellas-Godfather. Al Capone is arguably the most famous criminal ever and there is gonna be yet another film about him this year called Fonzo starring Tom Hardy
According to Jew Joel Stein of the LA Times Jews totally run Hollywood.
Jews are white.
5.) What does White cop racism have to do with hate crimes?
You said
Black man you get special hate crime protections
Where ?


So tell me then why are white supremacists like this allowed 2 walk free for the same "hate crime " without being charged wit a hate crime

But when it comes to black people


Because those who enforce this hate crime protection are also white supremacists
Sure, a lot of White greats are ignored because we're so busy learning about Black greats.

Some examples.

1.) I learned about Black George Washington Carver in Elementary School, but not about White Serb Nikola Tesla ever in school.

Why? As if George Washington Carver has done more for Humanity in the terms of innovation than Nikola Tesla?

2.) I learned about Black Chrispus Atucks in Elementary School for being the first killed in the American Revolutionary War, but not about White Polish general Kosciusko an important White Polish general of the American Revolutionary War.

Why? As if Chrispus Atucks being killed first, is more important to note than a White Polish general who fortified West Point, Saratoga etc. Some of the most important fortifications of that war.

So, why should White Slavs like Poles, and Serbs, not think we're getting a raw deal, in comparison to Black Americans, exactly?

Everyone is taught that white people are the

Fathers of Maths
Fathers of Chemistry
Fathers of Physics
Fathers of Astronemy
Fathers of Religion
Fathers of Civilization

Greatest poet of All Time ? Shakespeare
Greatest explorer of all time ? Columbus
Greatest warrior of all time ? Napolean, Nelson
Greatest Scientist of all time ? Newton
  • Charles Darwin.
  • Julius Ceasar
  • Joan of Arc
  • Michealango
  • Da Vinci
  • Picasso
  • Henry Ford
  • John Logie Bard
  • Einstein
  • Charles Dickens
  • Mozart
  • Beethoevn
  • Bach
  • James Watt
  • Issaamad Brunel
  • Nostradamus
  • Alexander Graham Bell.
  • Thomas Edison.
  • Galileo.
  • The Wright brothers.
  • Neil Armstrong
  • Buzz Aldrin
  • George Orwell
  • Oscar Wilde
  • Alfred Hitchcock
  • Steve Jobs
  • Bill Gates
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Babe Ruth
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Plato
  • Socrates
  • Alexander The Great
  • Marco Polo
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Jane Austen
We know about white peoples stuff. Most people will have heard of all the names on this list. So were do you get this idea that whites are not highlighted in history ?

And bear in mind these are the ones I could think of whilst on a train of the top of my head. If I really started to think about it. I'd be hear all day

Now that is a very white supremacist view of history

So yeah white supremacists will show a history where black people are getting there asses kicked by whites all day. That's why Hollywood will green light all these slave movies, especially if they can have white saviour at the end. They have no problem with that.

But you don't see much of this in Hollywood. Do you ?





Nope. They'll show Africa suggesting there were no signs of civilization there before whites arrived and black history doesn’t begin until slavery. The kind of history that relegates black folks to one month out of the year and even then only teaches about a few prominent figures: (Dr, King, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and perhaps Rosa Parks) but in your white supremacist world it's fine for black people to be given the impression that Africa is a vast jungle of uncivilized brutes, as opposed with the superior European nation-states that colonized and dominated it for so long?

That's cool with you. Right ?

You misunderstand what is and is not unifying. To you, whatever makes you feel good is seen as a source of unity
Last edited:
You're all over the place.

First you say that racism does not exist and blk people are lying
yes--millions of black people are lying and are lied to
Then you say that racism does exist.
racism exist --on both sides
Make up your mind
very ridiculous --come on--I did not say racism doesn't exist
you asked this:
So your claim is that millions of black people are lying and racism does not exist. Have I got that right ?
  1. 1.
    used to connect words of the same part of speech, clauses, or sentences that are to be taken jointly.
    "bread and butter"
    synonyms: together with, along with, with, as well as, in addition to, also; More
  2. used to introduce an additional comment or interjection.

please read the definition of ''and'' --and [ hahahah ] the words in bold
now--please take back your statement ''make up your mind'' IF--IF--you understand basic English/grammar
....IF you understand basic English/grammar---o--I better just tell you::
I never said racism doesn't exist--I said blacks lie which is the response to your FIRST question which was
So your claim is that millions of black people are lying
you never asked ''do you think black people lie about racism'' in that post
some blacks do lie about racism --please don't try to say they don't

you made the obviously grammar mistake by using ''and''--which to people who know basic grammar would think:
1.. you are asking more than [ additional ] 1 question [ a. do black people lie....b. does racism exist ]
2. and/or YOU made the question ambiguous

AND--I know you've read many of my other post which support what I've said on this thread--I've said it many times::
1. racism exist but not in the quantity the blacks perceive it to be
2. blacks perceive racism when there is none

don't try to do your little twisting and turning verbiage
AND--I know you've read many of my other post which support what I've said on this thread--I've said it many times::
1. racism exist but not in the quantity the blacks perceive it to be
So now racism does exist but my point is racism should not exist at all. There should not be a system of racism - white supremacy anywhere
2. blacks perceive racism when there is none
Do you think blacks perceived racism when there was none in the 50's and 60's ?
I've told this story before--I grew up in a mostly black 'hood
I find this hard to believe
my brothers and I were more ''black' 'than white
What is that meant to mean ?
....had a lot of black friends
I find this hard to believe
....then a new black family moved in close by....they kept giving us crap.
So a black family moved and started giving you crap for no reason ?

Really dude ? What kinda lie is this. For one if this was true. You would have got real white and called the calvary (The cops)
...we were not racist and never thought of the world in a racial sense
But you just spend your time on this forum trying to prove how violent black ppl are.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5
so we were kind of surprised--wtf is going on???


one time they gave my mom crap

--my dad told me to go kick some ass--which I did..a little after that, we became good friends with that family
Fk outta here. Like you'd be brave enough to step to a black man your age and size in unarmed 1 on 1 combat. You know this would happen. Don't ya ?

So you called the cops.
I've told this story before--I grew up in a mostly black 'hood
I find this hard to believe
my brothers and I were more ''black' 'than white
What is that meant to mean ?
....had a lot of black friends
I find this hard to believe
....then a new black family moved in close by....they kept giving us crap.
So a black family moved and started giving you crap for no reason ?

Really dude ? What kinda lie is this. For one if this was true. You would have got real white and called the calvary (The cops)
...we were not racist and never thought of the world in a racial sense
But you just spend your time on this forum trying to prove how violent black ppl are.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5
so we were kind of surprised--wtf is going on???


one time they gave my mom crap

--my dad told me to go kick some ass--which I did..a little after that, we became good friends with that family
Fk outta here. Like you'd be brave enough to step to a black man your age and size in unarmed 1 on 1 combat. You know this would happen. Don't ya ?

So you called the cops.
hold it right there--
..yes--I grew up in a mostly black hood
we had some white friends--but most of them left the area later on
..this is all true--sorry
..we hung out with the our black friends mostly
..more black than white---listened to black music/dress black/talk black etc
..we went to a white high school and they definitely dressed differently and listened to different music.... time one of my best friends was driving me home one day and his little brother said something ''racist''--anti-white..and my friend had to reprimand him
no--no sorry --all true
...and the black family did start giving us trouble....sorry--true
...hahahahahahaha--YOU PROVE blacks are obsessed and their minds are warped--you can't believe a black family could give white people trouble!!!!!!!
....I could tell you all kind of stories you wouldn't believe
o well ---doesn't matter if you believe or not ---all true
..some of our high school white friends did not like coming into our hood--and rightly so--we had batteries stolen and one of our friends had a car battery stolen time the family that gave us trouble--we became friends with them later---one time that father came to our door with a shotgun--he said he saw someone near one of our cars and chased him of my brothers told me the story
all true
sorry you CAN'T believe:
--a white like me could have many black friends/grow up with them/etc
--blacks can be racist
1.) This is the order in which people are most likely to get accepted into college for lower SAT scores, from most likely, to least likely... (Most likely Black, Hispanic, White, and Asian least likely)

Opinion | White Students’ Unfair Advantage in Admissions
I asked you to name a college in which black people get in with lower scores than whites. Not point to some link written by some Chinese American.
2.) Explain how Zimbabwe, or South Africa are under control by White Supremacists, exactly?
Because the deep hyper-inflation that ravaged their economy is because they starved for foreign exchange because Zimbabwe tried to return some of the vast, stolen land-holdings to Zimbabweans, since then the U.S, Britain, IMF, World Bank have waged a relentless economic an war against the country.

UK and America control most of the huge mineral reserves in Zimbabwe. White supremacist want full control of the vast mineral resources like diamonds, gold, platinum, copper which Africa has in abundance and which is virtually all in the hands of white supremacist western owned companies like Anglo American, SHELL, BP.

Mugabe's Pro-Nationalist policies went against their HUGE interest. This is why they were so angered at the elections in Zimbabwe to the point where they went to the UN to try to freeze Mugabe's assets and prevent him from travelling from overseas, they failed. Russia and China voted against it. Britain and the USA want their own puppet dictator, who they can pay off, so he will go along with their wishes. Tony Blair (Former Prime Minster OF UK was going to go to war with Zimbabwe)

It’s all to protect their huge mineral wealth in Zimbabwe and Africa in general
3.) The Liberal media, and Liberal academia promote Black struggles, but not White struggles.
No one is stopping white people from writing down there struggles. The reason why black people's struggle is known is because black people fought and died for that to be known

White people should do the same.

There’s nothing wrong with people of European descent being proud of their specific ethnic and national heritage.

But the Russian cultures, Irish cultures, Scottish cultures, Italian have been lost to whiteness. The languages, the history, the customs have been lost to such an extent that you’re grasping at straws.

It's whites fault is that they have been to some extent culturally castrated, but not by liberalism and not by the Left and for sure no by black people.

Whites have been culturally castrated by whiteness. It's whites who celebrate this fking riduclous notion of being white.
4.) Hollywood clearly treats Italians, and Polish people the most unfairly.
Charles Bronson, Peter Falk (Columbo), Cate Blanchett. Zac Efron are or were of Polish descent. They did and are doing OK.

As for Italians the Mafia is always used to show how stylish and mysterious Italian gangsters are. Sopranos-Goodfellas-Godfather. Al Capone is arguably the most famous criminal ever and there is gonna be yet another film about him this year called Fonzo starring Tom Hardy
According to Jew Joel Stein of the LA Times Jews totally run Hollywood.
Jews are white.
5.) What does White cop racism have to do with hate crimes?
You said
Black man you get special hate crime protections
Where ?


So tell me then why are white supremacists like this allowed 2 walk free for the same "hate crime " without being charged wit a hate crime

But when it comes to black people


Because those who enforce this hate crime protection are also white supremacists

1.) That study confirmed that Whites, and even more so Asians with higher SAT scores were less likely to be accepted than Blacks with lower SAT scores, as a general pattern.

2.) Zimbabwe also killed a bunch of Blacks in the Gukurahundi massacre.

3.) Jews bully other victims of genocides, and have an enormous amount of power.

4.) Not one person you listed in Hollywood were truly Polish, 2 of them were Jews, 1 was a Islamic Tatar, and 1 was Western European.

5.)Ashkenazi Jews are Mediterranean, about 85% of their DNA comes from Semitic Middle-Easterners, or Italians whom Italians have a lot of Middle-Eastern DNA too.
Sure, a lot of White greats are ignored because we're so busy learning about Black greats.

Some examples.

1.) I learned about Black George Washington Carver in Elementary School, but not about White Serb Nikola Tesla ever in school.

Why? As if George Washington Carver has done more for Humanity in the terms of innovation than Nikola Tesla?

2.) I learned about Black Chrispus Atucks in Elementary School for being the first killed in the American Revolutionary War, but not about White Polish general Kosciusko an important White Polish general of the American Revolutionary War.

Why? As if Chrispus Atucks being killed first, is more important to note than a White Polish general who fortified West Point, Saratoga etc. Some of the most important fortifications of that war.

So, why should White Slavs like Poles, and Serbs, not think we're getting a raw deal, in comparison to Black Americans, exactly?

Everyone is taught that white people are the

Fathers of Maths
Fathers of Chemistry
Fathers of Physics
Fathers of Astronemy
Fathers of Religion
Fathers of Civilization

Greatest poet of All Time ? Shakespeare
Greatest explorer of all time ? Columbus
Greatest warrior of all time ? Napolean, Nelson
Greatest Scientist of all time ? Newton
  • Charles Darwin.
  • Julius Ceasar
  • Joan of Arc
  • Michealango
  • Da Vinci
  • Picasso
  • Henry Ford
  • John Logie Bard
  • Einstein
  • Charles Dickens
  • Mozart
  • Beethoevn
  • Bach
  • James Watt
  • Issaamad Brunel
  • Nostradamus
  • Alexander Graham Bell.
  • Thomas Edison.
  • Galileo.
  • The Wright brothers.
  • Neil Armstrong
  • Buzz Aldrin
  • George Orwell
  • Oscar Wilde
  • Alfred Hitchcock
  • Steve Jobs
  • Bill Gates
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Babe Ruth
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Plato
  • Socrates
  • Alexander The Great
  • Marco Polo
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Jane Austen
We know about white peoples stuff. Most people will have heard of all the names on this list. So were do you get this idea that whites are not highlighted in history ?

And bear in mind these are the ones I could think of whilst on a train of the top of my head. If I really started to think about it. I'd be hear all day

Now that is a very white supremacist view of history

So yeah white supremacists will show a history where black people are getting there asses kicked by whites all day. That's why Hollywood will green light all these slave movies, especially if they can have white saviour at the end. They have no problem with that.

But you don't see much of this in Hollywood. Do you ?





Nope. They'll show Africa suggesting there were no signs of civilization there before whites arrived and black history doesn’t begin until slavery. The kind of history that relegates black folks to one month out of the year and even then only teaches about a few prominent figures: (Dr, King, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and perhaps Rosa Parks) but in your white supremacist world it's fine for black people to be given the impression that Africa is a vast jungle of uncivilized brutes, as opposed with the superior European nation-states that colonized and dominated it for so long?

That's cool with you. Right ?

You misunderstand what is and is not unifying. To you, whatever makes you feel good is seen as a source of unity

Not one person you mentioned there were Slavic, however.

Why are we left out, in favor of hearing about Blacks?

- Polish Slavs Copernicus, and Albert Brudzewski are the fathers of modern Astronomy.

- Serbian Slav Nikola Tesla was the best modern inventor by far, even beating out Edison in the current wars in inventing Alternate Current, he also invented a better light-bulb than Edison, as Tesla also invented very important remote control, and unmanned aerial vehicles. (Way ahead of their time)

- Polish - Russian Slav Konstantin Ciolkowski founded modern Rocket science.

- Ukrainian - Russian Slav Korolev put the first Satellite into space, and first man into space.

- Polish - Russian Slav Igor Sikorsky, and Polish-American Slav Frank Piasecki founded the modern Helicopter industry.
If we go by "Hostile attacks" then Blacks attack Whites more than vice versa.
  • White people make sure they live as far away from black people as possible so that minimize attacks
  • White people make sure that black people are in very small numbers in there workforce (if any) and have no positions of power, so that minimizes attacks
  • Black people are well aware that attacks on white people carry greater penalty so that minimize attacks
  • What's the point in attacks when your going to go to jail ?
  • White people call the police on black people for anything to the point where even the police are sick of it
  • Finally - Why would black people want to attack white people ? I mean white people are just so good and smart and kind - Right ? Seems like your white guilt is showing. You know black rage is justified. That's why you and harmonica focus on attacks. Because you know if the shoe was on the other foot you'd have a murderous rage towards blacks.
All the "hostile attacks" are from whites because they have the power to get away with it. So discrimination in lending, though illegal, is not going to result in the person going to jail; so too with employment discrimination or racial profiling.

I mean, not only are there Blonde jokes, and Ginger jokes that wouldn't be tolerated in the same manner against Blacks.

I fail to see how Whites experience much more, or more less prejudices than Blacks?

Poles, Italians, French, Southern Whites, White Catholics, Jews each of these groups which make up a sizable amount of the U.S.A can experience heavy prejudices.

Come to think of it, I don't think any group is immune to bullying.

Even Brits get the bad teeth jokes.

So, I fail to see how there's much more, or much less prejudices directed at Whites vs Blacks today at least?
So racism is only restricted to jokes ? And if we all stop joking there'd be no more racism. Really dude ? Is that the best you could muster ?

Sure black people can joke about whites

But who cares ?

You still get the job white man
You still get the loan white man
You still get the house white man
You get doors opened for you that are not opened for black people
You still get the benefit of the doubt
You still can go anywhere in the world and know that being white is not going to be a problem

Jokes are not the issue. The issue is that whites jokes against black people take place against a backdrop of systemic and institutional racism. And that backdrop of housing and job discrimination, racial profiling, unequal health care access, and a media that regularly presents blacks in the worst possible light makes jokes, even if relatively minor, take on a different meaning

Where as black jokes about whites if anything shows how much more potent white racism is. When a group of people has little or no power over you, they don’t get to define the terms of your existence, they can’t limit your opportunities, and you needn’t worry much about the use of a joke to describe you, since, the joke is as far as it’s going to go.

What are black ppl going to do next: deny whites a bank loan? Yeah, right.

Plus racism always starts with jokes. You get a bunch of white supremacist like you, harmonica, Correll and Meathead in room and you'll start joking about black people but then they give the likes of you power. You're a cop. You're teacher. You're in charge of property in black areas. You're a judge. You're a Mayor then those jokes get REAL SERIOUS. Those "jokes" about Black ppl start off as jokes first, and then they use that rhetoric to creating laws

The Ku Klux Klan started of a joke. The KKK started of when white supremacists thought in the 1800's "You know these black people are in Church and god and stuff. So why don't we dress up in white sheets and act as ghosts and run around town in the evening, scaring them"

And then from that, came this


You love that don't ya ?
All of your supposed points strengthen his argument, dimwit.
no--whites just don't get jobs
Just because you did not get the job does not mean the job is not there for you. think we put ''I am white'' on a resume and BAM! automatically hired!!!
Of course a white person can get rejected for a job but on balance, it pays to be a member of the dominant racial group. It doesn’t mean that a white person will get everything they want in life, or win every competition, but it does mean that there are general advantages that whites receive.
Zero concrete facts expressed by you, as per usual.
I mean, not only are there Blonde jokes, and Ginger jokes that wouldn't be tolerated in the same manner against Blacks.

I fail to see how Whites experience much more, or more less prejudices than Blacks?

Poles, Italians, French, Southern Whites, White Catholics, Jews each of these groups which make up a sizable amount of the U.S.A can experience heavy prejudices.

Come to think of it, I don't think any group is immune to bullying.

Even Brits get the bad teeth jokes.

If we go by "Hostile attacks" then Blacks attack Whites more than vice versa.

So, I fail to see how there's much more, or much less prejudices directed at Whites vs Blacks today at least?
This is a joke, right?
"White privilege" is the joke.

Not what he is saying.
I mean, not only are there Blonde jokes, and Ginger jokes that wouldn't be tolerated in the same manner against Blacks.

I fail to see how Whites experience much more, or more less prejudices than Blacks?

Poles, Italians, French, Southern Whites, White Catholics, Jews each of these groups which make up a sizable amount of the U.S.A can experience heavy prejudices.

Come to think of it, I don't think any group is immune to bullying.

Even Brits get the bad teeth jokes.

If we go by "Hostile attacks" then Blacks attack Whites more than vice versa.

So, I fail to see how there's much more, or much less prejudices directed at Whites vs Blacks today at least?
This is a joke, right?

Explain why White Christians are the most under-represented group in colleges?

I guess that's a "Joke" to you, huh?
The run of the mill christian as kinda anti education. Nothing to do with the schools, lots to do with the religion.
Like you are anti-intelligence?

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