Zone1 One of our honorable posters repeatedly states as fact that whites commit more murders, numbers than blacks. But that is demonstrably not true.

As to the OP, the FBI UCR lists 30 categories of crime. Annually whites lead in at least 27 of those categories. The racially challenged in this forum want to talk only about 1 category.

But what about white collar crime? The white right wingers here want to dismiss fraud and financial crimes because people don't die, but what about the people robbed of all their life savings because some white thug defrauded them? Is the fact they are alive make their trauma any less? Their lives are ruined, but hey at least they aren't dead.

It was white men who crashed our entire economy in 2007. That crash damage almost every American citizen. So when we talk about CRIME the fact is that whites commit the most. White supremacy is made up by a bunch of punk --- insecure people. You can't face your own failings as a people so you look for anything where you can claim superiority. Hence you make murder the only crime when it's not and even then, when we look at the true tally, whites in America have murdered more than anyone else and it's by a wide margin. Denying your past when it's convenient gets no play with me, especially when you bring up the days before America existed to blame Africans for slavery in America.

So whites have committed more murders than anyone else. Right-wing whites, face your history like you want everybody else to face theirs.
IM2 is a MORON he cant understand that when a population that is 12 percent commits 37 percent of the total violent crimes that it is more then a population that is 65 percent and commits just 60 percent of the crimes. He doesnt understand basic math or facts. He probably never graduated from high school.
IM2 is a MORON he cant understand that when a population that is 12 percent commits 37 percent of the total violent crimes that it is more then a population that is 65 percent and commits just 60 percent of the crimes. He doesnt understand basic math or facts. He probably never graduated from high school.
Oh, I believe that he understands it perfectly well. He simply wants to stir the pot. I feel sorry for the poor guy, I would respect him if he actually showed that he wanted to discuss solutions. Instead, he is just an angry little man.

I have no clue as to what his issues are, obviously they are serious. When he first started posting he let it be known that his wife is black, and he has a mixed-race child which makes him white. Apparently, that identity didn't serve him well and now he professes to be black.
The truth has no expiration date.

"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it". -Winston Churchill
You might have a point IF your history lesson bore any semblance of the world today. Once again you're grasping at straws.

Your critical case of TDS betrays you.
I give you Exhibit A (for when the white racist try to claim that racism no longer exists in the United States)
And that is the white man who will stand up and declare how blacks don't get jobs because they don't want to work.
IM2 is a MORON he cant understand that when a population that is 12 percent commits 37 percent of the total violent crimes that it is more then a population that is 65 percent and commits just 60 percent of the crimes. He doesnt understand basic math or facts. He probably never graduated from high school.
No, you are an idiot that misuses percentages. 60 percent is more than 37 percent and when only 2 percent of the total population are criminal offenders, you breeak that 2 percent down by race and leave everybody else out. But doing that kills your delusion of white superiority due to the fact that when the 2 percent is broken down, whites are the most criminal offenders. Apparently they don't teach math, or statistical analysis in Bugtussle.
No, you are an idiot that misuses percentages. 60 percent is more than 37 percent and when only 2 percent of the total population are criminal offenders, you breeak that 2 percent down by race and leave everybody else out. But doing that kills your delusion of white superiority due to the fact that when the 2 percent is broken down, whites are the most criminal offenders. Apparently they don't teach math, or statistical analysis in Bugtussle.
RETARD ALERT a dumb ass unable to understand basic math.

whites commit more murders, numbers than blacks​

What have you done , OP ?

You have forced him to conjure the required stats by obliging him to produce the raw data himself .

Look out for a heavy cluster of fresh cases in a small geographical area suggesting our new serial killer is already busy .
Tell us that on July 4th.

Because that stale dodge is dead. So just stop lying when YOU have the same attitude some white people had in 1866.
Wow, you are an angry little man, aren't you?

You're not making any sense with your childish diatribes and you don't even realize that you are now the forum fool. Keep up the good work. :D
Wow, you are an angry little man, aren't you?

You're not making any sense with your childish diatribes and you don't even realize that you are now the forum fool. Keep up the good work. :D
Check his posting history. He’s been spewing his nonsense for years. In fact, the whole Zone 1 thing was created for him.

It’s like when a black person is disruptive and combative at work (or even just incompetent). if white, he’s just fired. But companies are so afraid of being sued that for “raaaaaacist.” So they create a job with little co-worker interaction just for him.
Check his posting history. He’s been spewing his nonsense for years. In fact, the whole Zone 1 thing was created for him.

It’s like when a black person is disruptive and combative at work (or even just incompetent). if white, he’s just fired. But companies are so afraid of being sued that for “raaaaaacist.” So they create a job with little co-worker interaction just for him.
I too am very familiar with our good friend. Early on in his posting career here at USMB over a number of posts, he said he had a black wife and mixed-race child which would make him white. I guess he didn't get enough attention with that identity so he then identified as black.
You BELIEVE Black people commit more crimes than white people BECAUSE of the numbers, right?

Did it ever occur to you that the numbers are a perpetuation of the dialogue that has always existed in this country when it comes to Black people? That Black people are "inherently" more criminally inclined than whites, that Black people are "inherently" dangerous because they are more violent, that Black people are inferior to white people, etc.

I work with data and have for the last 30 some odd years. You will only get out of a system what you put into and IF the information entered into the system is not fully accurate then your reporting will not be fully accurate.

So you wanna take a wild guess as to why those numbers are not accurate? All you have to do is look at the crime statistics for the Tulsa race riot of 1921. An envious white mob of 3,000 people torched the most affluent Black community in the country. They killed close to 300 people, and completely destroyed the community. They robbed the banks and then the banks and insurance companies refused to pay on any of the claims filed except for one white shop owner Several Black people were arrested though in spite of having been the victims in this scenario and the remaining Black people in what was left of the community were restricted by curfews and put into tent encampments. 3,000 fucking white racists and they could not locate a single one of them to jail or prosecute:
What happened to Black Wall Street on June 1, 1921?
The true costs of the Tulsa race massacre, 100 years later

And since we're on the topic, it has only been in the last 5 to 7 years that crime statistics have started to be kept on police shooting and killings. Why do you think that may be?

If there was an actual point being made here it's completely lost on me. What does an incident that happened 101 years ago have to do with current data on black crime statistics? Good lord. :sigh2:

Blacks are not inherently driven to commit more crimes because of their race, but american blacks, at the very least come from a culture that glorifies the hood life and looks down on education and mainstream success. Where do you think that leads? You guessed it, straight to prison. Even the ones who don't actually go out and commit crimes themselves often just turn a blind eye to this type of behavior because it's been normalized for them. Heck, many of them know it to be true and will just lie that it's not happening. Blacks do commit more crime per capita, it's proven. As a matter of fact they're literally running wild in my city, committing crimes. I see updated daily crime videos on social media for my city and guess who is the perp 98% of the time? Let's just accept reality and move on instead of manufacturing fake stories or lies to try and counter the fact that this statistic makes black ppl look bad. The truth is the truth.

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