Any merit to the Rights objections?

Any merit?

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Wishing it to be so does not make it so...

Section. 8. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Note the fucking language you leftist entitlement junkie

The second part, is a limitation on what taxes are to pay for... not the term general welfare, not individual welfare.... it is for the country as a whole, not for anyone's sole individual benefit... you do NOT have the right spelled out ANYWHERE in the constitution that you are motherfucking entitled to one motherfucking cent of anyone else's earnings for your motherfucking personal responsibilities

LOL.....What a joke

You get this crap from Glenn Beck?

No court in the land has EVER interpretetd the Constitution that way.....NONE

Hey right wing nutjobs....You are not allowed to just make shit up!
No modern court,
There are quite a few thing that I have not supported Obama on...

His afghanistan policy

Not closing Gitmo

Giving insurance companies a gift horse in the health care making it mandatory we buy their private insurance...

Not hiring lobbyists promise broken.

Making a deal with PHARMA that congress won't allow bulk discount negotiations for medicare medicines.....

His choices in cabinet members not vetted well enough before choosing them....

NOT changing the rules/regs, on wall street , that allowed this credit mess to happen....back to the way they were where commercial banking was SEPARATE

Continuing to allow the Fed to dump cheap money in to the market.

Not holding Paulson accountable for not doing what he said, like buy up the toxic assets that we spent almost a TRILLION dollars on and not holding the banks accountable for their actions....of still not loosening credit for the average joe, even with our TRILLION.

As far as what those on the right have complained has been so filled with IMMATURE COMMENTS AND SLANDER like Obamablama and YOUR MESSIAH and Hitler and Stalin and the marxist Obama and all that crappola.... it is just the boy crying wolf, with a bunch of insults in there, ONE TOO MANY TIMES...

along with compalining about spending money when NOT ONE THING HAS CHANGED between Bush and Obama as far as spending is kind of hypocritical...when Bush and his congress did it, it was not unconstitutional but now it is? When the Repubs created and passed the medicare Pill Bill was there UNCONSTITUTIONAL CHANTS...? of course not, the republicans in congress were doing it so it wasn't...yep...

Here some honesty...
All this of kind of crap gets ignored by me...obama indoctrination in schools, Obama wants to kill you, Obama is Hitler, Obama is a Marxist, Obama is not an American, Obama is taxing you more, Obama will take your medicare away, Obama hates white people, Obama hates old people, Michelle is a goon, Obama failed at the Olympics, Obama this and obama that crap is enough to make any SANE person puke from disgust in how immature many on the right have been. acting. I warned about this early on...that all this bullcrap silly stuff would take away from when there is a REAL issue to be against him on.

Right now, we see all of you doing this as just whiny little obama haters, and nothing more...BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU on the whole have done....

so maybe you all need to do a little self evaluation and things might change for the better....and your valid concerns may be heard and not be smothered by faux outrage on so many small things that don't really matter or by your constant slander and name calling.


So you're complaining that Bush didn't spend enough?
There are quite a few thing that I have not supported Obama on...

His afghanistan policy

Not closing Gitmo

Giving insurance companies a gift horse in the health care making it mandatory we buy their private insurance...

Not hiring lobbyists promise broken.

Making a deal with PHARMA that congress won't allow bulk discount negotiations for medicare medicines.....

His choices in cabinet members not vetted well enough before choosing them....

NOT changing the rules/regs, on wall street , that allowed this credit mess to happen....back to the way they were where commercial banking was SEPARATE

Continuing to allow the Fed to dump cheap money in to the market.

Not holding Paulson accountable for not doing what he said, like buy up the toxic assets that we spent almost a TRILLION dollars on and not holding the banks accountable for their actions....of still not loosening credit for the average joe, even with our TRILLION.

As far as what those on the right have complained has been so filled with IMMATURE COMMENTS AND SLANDER like Obamablama and YOUR MESSIAH and Hitler and Stalin and the marxist Obama and all that crappola.... it is just the boy crying wolf, with a bunch of insults in there, ONE TOO MANY TIMES...

along with compalining about spending money when NOT ONE THING HAS CHANGED between Bush and Obama as far as spending is kind of hypocritical...when Bush and his congress did it, it was not unconstitutional but now it is? When the Repubs created and passed the medicare Pill Bill was there UNCONSTITUTIONAL CHANTS...? of course not, the republicans in congress were doing it so it wasn't...yep...

Here some honesty...
All this of kind of crap gets ignored by me...obama indoctrination in schools, Obama wants to kill you, Obama is Hitler, Obama is a Marxist, Obama is not an American, Obama is taxing you more, Obama will take your medicare away, Obama hates white people, Obama hates old people, Michelle is a goon, Obama failed at the Olympics, Obama this and obama that crap is enough to make any SANE person puke from disgust in how immature many on the right have been. acting. I warned about this early on...that all this bullcrap silly stuff would take away from when there is a REAL issue to be against him on.

Right now, we see all of you doing this as just whiny little obama haters, and nothing more...BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU on the whole have done....

so maybe you all need to do a little self evaluation and things might change for the better....and your valid concerns may be heard and not be smothered by faux outrage on so many small things that don't really matter or by your constant slander and name calling.


So you're complaining that Bush didn't spend enough?

did i say that code?

it is crap like that comment that is just that, unnecessary crap is ''chatter'' ....a bunch of meaningless chatter, that can mask the real threat....imo.
Show me!

Wishing it to be so does not make it so...

Section. 8. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Note the fucking language you leftist entitlement junkie

The second part, is a limitation on what taxes are to pay for... not the term general welfare, not individual welfare.... it is for the country as a whole, not for anyone's sole individual benefit... you do NOT have the right spelled out ANYWHERE in the constitution that you are motherfucking entitled to one motherfucking cent of anyone else's earnings for your motherfucking personal responsibilities

LOL.....What a joke

You get this crap from Glenn Beck?

No court in the land has EVER interpretetd the Constitution that way.....NONE

Hey right wing nutjobs....You are not allowed to just make shit up!

I suggest you actually learn about the constitution and original intent..... First, get your head out of your leftist ass and understand what was meant by welfare and general welfare in the constitution
The Constitutional Dictionary - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Second... we'll be waiting (for a LONG time) for you to show anywhere within the constitution where it is expressed that your personal responsibilities are to be taken away from you by the government and transferred onto the backs of others

YOU are the one (and the Obamabots like you) who are not allowed to continue making shit up, as your leftist brethren before you have done with this entitlement bullshit
Section. 8. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Note the fucking language you leftist entitlement junkie

The second part, is a limitation on what taxes are to pay for... not the term general welfare, not individual welfare.... it is for the country as a whole, not for anyone's sole individual benefit... you do NOT have the right spelled out ANYWHERE in the constitution that you are motherfucking entitled to one motherfucking cent of anyone else's earnings for your motherfucking personal responsibilities

LOL.....What a joke

You get this crap from Glenn Beck?

No court in the land has EVER interpretetd the Constitution that way.....NONE

Hey right wing nutjobs....You are not allowed to just make shit up!

I suggest you actually learn about the constitution and original intent..... First, get your head out of your leftist ass and understand what was meant by welfare and general welfare in the constitution
The Constitutional Dictionary - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Second... we'll be waiting (for a LONG time) for you to show anywhere within the constitution where it is expressed that your personal responsibilities are to be taken away from you by the government and transferred onto the backs of others

YOU are the one (and the Obamabots like you) who are not allowed to continue making shit up, as your leftist brethren before you have done with this entitlement bullshit
Progressivism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cultural Liberalism is ultimately founded on a concept of natural rights and civil liberties, and the belief that the major purpose of the government is to protect those rights. Liberals are often called "left-wing", as opposed to "right-wing" conservatives.

Natural and legal rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
natural rights (also called moral rights or inalienable rights) are rights which are not contingent upon the laws, customs, or beliefs of a particular society or polity. Natural rights are thus necessarily universal, whereas legal rights are culturally and politically relative.
Section. 8. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Note the fucking language you leftist entitlement junkie

The second part, is a limitation on what taxes are to pay for... not the term general welfare, not individual welfare.... it is for the country as a whole, not for anyone's sole individual benefit... you do NOT have the right spelled out ANYWHERE in the constitution that you are motherfucking entitled to one motherfucking cent of anyone else's earnings for your motherfucking personal responsibilities

LOL.....What a joke

You get this crap from Glenn Beck?

No court in the land has EVER interpretetd the Constitution that way.....NONE

Hey right wing nutjobs....You are not allowed to just make shit up!

I suggest you actually learn about the constitution and original intent..... First, get your head out of your leftist ass and understand what was meant by welfare and general welfare in the constitution
The Constitutional Dictionary - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Second... we'll be waiting (for a LONG time) for you to show anywhere within the constitution where it is expressed that your personal responsibilities are to be taken away from you by the government and transferred onto the backs of others

YOU are the one (and the Obamabots like you) who are not allowed to continue making shit up, as your leftist brethren before you have done with this entitlement bullshit

so medicare, social security and medicaid, and medicare pill bill legislation, and corporate welfare to oil companies, walmarts, big agriculture, and Pharma etc., and paying for emergency room care, and giving businesses money via tax credits or tax deductions for their employee's health care.... are all unconstitutional?
I don't know what the right's objections are.

I also don't know what their solutions are.

From what I gather, they don't like Obama because he is either Hitler or Stalin and he talks a lot.

Here is your doppleganger right wing twin: From what I gather, they don't like Bush because he is either Hitler or Stalin and he talks a lot
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LOL.....What a joke

You get this crap from Glenn Beck?

No court in the land has EVER interpretetd the Constitution that way.....NONE

Hey right wing nutjobs....You are not allowed to just make shit up!

I suggest you actually learn about the constitution and original intent..... First, get your head out of your leftist ass and understand what was meant by welfare and general welfare in the constitution
The Constitutional Dictionary - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Second... we'll be waiting (for a LONG time) for you to show anywhere within the constitution where it is expressed that your personal responsibilities are to be taken away from you by the government and transferred onto the backs of others

YOU are the one (and the Obamabots like you) who are not allowed to continue making shit up, as your leftist brethren before you have done with this entitlement bullshit

so medicare, social security and medicaid, and medicare pill bill legislation, and corporate welfare to oil companies, walmarts, big agriculture, and Pharma etc., and paying for emergency room care, and giving businesses money via tax credits or tax deductions for their employee's health care.... are all unconstitutional?

For the most part, Yes

Some of the worst things our government has EVER done.... especially medicaid... and any sort of 'welfare' entitlement, including corporate welfare

As for tax credits, etc... I am against all the complicated BS in the tax code which makes it 'necessary' for such a large government entity such as what the IRS has grown in to... you know, or should know, my stance on equal % burden and simplified tax codes

Social security is a 'feel good' thing by the government, yet again, that is not something the government is charged to do or should be charged to do... no choices, forced contribution, and not to mention being raped as a money fund for pet government projects they try and keep of the governmental budget books
...I suggest you actually learn about the constitution and original intent.....

Can you point us to where in the constitution it talks about original intent?
You would want to refer to the Federalist Papers The Federalist remains a primary source for interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.

Again.... anyone care to show us the amendment that makes your problems and your personal responsibilities the responsibility of others.. and where government is supposed to be the agent of that redistribution
I suggest you actually learn about the constitution and original intent..... First, get your head out of your leftist ass and understand what was meant by welfare and general welfare in the constitution
The Constitutional Dictionary - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Second... we'll be waiting (for a LONG time) for you to show anywhere within the constitution where it is expressed that your personal responsibilities are to be taken away from you by the government and transferred onto the backs of others

YOU are the one (and the Obamabots like you) who are not allowed to continue making shit up, as your leftist brethren before you have done with this entitlement bullshit

so medicare, social security and medicaid, and medicare pill bill legislation, and corporate welfare to oil companies, walmarts, big agriculture, and Pharma etc., and paying for emergency room care, and giving businesses money via tax credits or tax deductions for their employee's health care.... are all unconstitutional?

For the most part, Yes

Some of the worst things our government has EVER done.... especially medicaid... and any sort of 'welfare' entitlement, including corporate welfare

As for tax credits, etc... I am against all the complicated BS in the tax code which makes it 'necessary' for such a large government entity such as what the IRS has grown in to... you know, or should know, my stance on equal % burden and simplified tax codes

Social security is a 'feel good' thing by the government, yet again, that is not something the government is charged to do or should be charged to do... no choices, forced contribution, and not to mention being raped as a money fund for pet government projects they try and keep of the governmental budget books

you are consistent on this which is appreciated and easy for me to keep up with where you will always stand Dave.

And how, after all of these decades, were these things not shot down as unconstitutional?

How have they been justified as constitutional by the SC?
so medicare, social security and medicaid, and medicare pill bill legislation, and corporate welfare to oil companies, walmarts, big agriculture, and Pharma etc., and paying for emergency room care, and giving businesses money via tax credits or tax deductions for their employee's health care.... are all unconstitutional?

For the most part, Yes

Some of the worst things our government has EVER done.... especially medicaid... and any sort of 'welfare' entitlement, including corporate welfare

As for tax credits, etc... I am against all the complicated BS in the tax code which makes it 'necessary' for such a large government entity such as what the IRS has grown in to... you know, or should know, my stance on equal % burden and simplified tax codes

Social security is a 'feel good' thing by the government, yet again, that is not something the government is charged to do or should be charged to do... no choices, forced contribution, and not to mention being raped as a money fund for pet government projects they try and keep of the governmental budget books

you are consistent on this which is appreciated and easy for me to keep up with where you will always stand Dave.

And how, after all of these decades, were these things not shot down as unconstitutional?

How have they been justified as constitutional by the SC?

Because it is about the power and the growth of government for the politicians... in both parties
...I suggest you actually learn about the constitution and original intent.....

Can you point us to where in the constitution it talks about original intent?
You would want to refer to the Federalist Papers The Federalist remains a primary source for interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.
The Federalist Papers

So I guess the answer to my question is that the Constitution does not dictate that it be interpreted using "original intent".

As for "Show us the goddamn amendment where it puts your personal responsibility and your problems on the shoulders of others ", it's called the commerce clause, or it's called "general welfare".
Can you point us to where in the constitution it talks about original intent?
You would want to refer to the Federalist Papers The Federalist remains a primary source for interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.
The Federalist Papers

So I guess the answer to my question is that the Constitution does not dictate that it be interpreted using "original intent".

As for "Show us the goddamn amendment where it puts your personal responsibility and your problems on the shoulders of others ", it's called the commerce clause, or it's called "general welfare".

Again.. try and get it thru your leftist skull.. that is not what 'general welfare' meant or means... there is NOTHING WHATSOEVER that grants government the power to transfer your personal problems or personal responsibilities on to the backs of others

Refer to the link provided about the term welfare as used in the constitution

And the commerce clause???.. I am fucking LAUGHING... "[The Congress shall have power] To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;"... LOL

Again.. show us the amendment
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For the most part, Yes

Some of the worst things our government has EVER done.... especially medicaid... and any sort of 'welfare' entitlement, including corporate welfare

As for tax credits, etc... I am against all the complicated BS in the tax code which makes it 'necessary' for such a large government entity such as what the IRS has grown in to... you know, or should know, my stance on equal % burden and simplified tax codes

Social security is a 'feel good' thing by the government, yet again, that is not something the government is charged to do or should be charged to do... no choices, forced contribution, and not to mention being raped as a money fund for pet government projects they try and keep of the governmental budget books

you are consistent on this which is appreciated and easy for me to keep up with where you will always stand Dave.

And how, after all of these decades, were these things not shot down as unconstitutional?

How have they been justified as constitutional by the SC?

Because it is about the power and the growth of government for the politicians... in both parties

so for decades or a century, the various Supreme Courts have never shot this kind of stuff down as unconstitutional??? What is ''in this'' for them to not defend the constitution...they have lifetime appointments, they can't be fired or lose an election?
you are consistent on this which is appreciated and easy for me to keep up with where you will always stand Dave.

And how, after all of these decades, were these things not shot down as unconstitutional?

How have they been justified as constitutional by the SC?

Because it is about the power and the growth of government for the politicians... in both parties

so for decades or a century, the various Supreme Courts have never shot this kind of stuff down as unconstitutional??? What is ''in this'' for them to not defend the constitution...they have lifetime appointments, they can't be fired or lose an election?

Power... favors... you name it...

There was a reason why the language was used in the constitution... and there was a reason why, when created by the states, that the federal government was carefully limited in what it was empowered to do, even if it's power has domain over the states

Again... show in the constitution where the power is given to the fed to take over personal responsibilities, guarantee income, guarantee health care, etc... and the whole 'general welfare' BS has already been blown out of the water so many times....

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