Anti-Romney film.

You should have rented.

There's no way I would have bought a house in 2004. I'd buy a house now.

No, there were a lot of good reasons to buy a house, not the least of which is that the interest on the mortgage is tax deductable. And you aren't victim to increasing rents if you lock into a good rate.

Point is, you speculators made Trillions in value disappear, and the economy will take decades to recover from it. And then you took billions in bailouts, and paid yourselves bonuses. Which is really adding insult to injury.

The Kangaroo court in front of 12 guys who lost their jobs and houses would be a lot more satisfying- and just.

Lenin agrees with you, komrade.

Of course there are lots of good reasons to buy a house. But there are few good reasons to buy an over-priced house.

And speculators didn't "make" trillions in value disappear, you frickin' moron. Speculators - your neighbors - are the ones that pushed home prices up to ridiculous prices in the first place. God, you're clueless.
Okay, here's the only thing we need to know...

I don't know the specifics behind AmPad, but generally, that's how it works.

Maybe you should find out the specifics, before using a broad brush "Capitalism, hell, yes!" defense.

You should also look up GS Steel. Romney pocketed millions while the rest of us, through the Fed, had to prop up their pension plan.

Well, since posting that, I've read more on AmPad and I stand behind my comment. If Bain violated the terms of their contract put into place when they funded the operation, the other stockholders can seek a judgement in court. Again, liquidating a company once it is clear it's not going to thrive, is not necessarily a violation of the agreement. Probably just the opposite.

You're bitching about something without saying exactly what it is Bain did wrong, which makes it seem as though you have no idea how capital works.

Lastly, GS Steel is a red herring. I do not support the Fed propping up any pension plans. But again, if Bain made money off the deal wrongly, there's a way to seek retribution.

Are you suggesting venture capital is bad? Make your case.
Maybe you should find out the specifics, before using a broad brush "Capitalism, hell, yes!" defense.

That's pretty funny coming from a guy who knows jack shit about what venture capital is.

Gee, I know exactly what it did in the case of Bain...

but if you guys want to go with the "Suck It, Peasants" candidate, knock yourselves out. I'll be watching the train wreck from a safe distance
Okay, here's the only thing we need to know...

I don't know the specifics behind AmPad, but generally, that's how it works.

Maybe you should find out the specifics, before using a broad brush "Capitalism, hell, yes!" defense.

You should also look up GS Steel. Romney pocketed millions while the rest of us, through the Fed, had to prop up their pension plan.

Well, since posting that, I've read more on AmPad and I stand behind my comment. If Bain violated the terms of their contract put into place when they funded the operation, the other stockholders can seek a judgement in court. Again, liquidating a company once it is clear it's not going to thrive, is not necessarily a violation of the agreement. Probably just the opposite.

You're bitching about something without saying exactly what it is Bain did wrong, which makes it seem as though you have no idea how capital works.

Lastly, GS Steel is a red herring. I do not support the Fed propping up any pension plans. But again, if Bain made money off the deal wrongly, there's a way to seek retribution.

Are you suggesting venture capital is bad? Make your case.

Again, guy, if you really think, "Well, we were totally within the law when we screwed up all those people's lives" is going to fly as a defense in a time when a lot of people's lives were screwed up by people like that, I think you are going to be in for a rude awakening.

This is a case when people with money ran roughshod over people without money.

But an election is where the folks without money can push back.

It's even having an effect in SC. Romney's gap is narrowing. He's gone from a 10 point lead over Newt to a 4 point lead. And wait until Obama goes after him for it, with the News media happily interviewing every AmPad employee who got burned in the process.
Okay, here's the only thing we need to know...

Maybe you should find out the specifics, before using a broad brush "Capitalism, hell, yes!" defense.

You should also look up GS Steel. Romney pocketed millions while the rest of us, through the Fed, had to prop up their pension plan.

Well, since posting that, I've read more on AmPad and I stand behind my comment. If Bain violated the terms of their contract put into place when they funded the operation, the other stockholders can seek a judgement in court. Again, liquidating a company once it is clear it's not going to thrive, is not necessarily a violation of the agreement. Probably just the opposite.

You're bitching about something without saying exactly what it is Bain did wrong, which makes it seem as though you have no idea how capital works.

Lastly, GS Steel is a red herring. I do not support the Fed propping up any pension plans. But again, if Bain made money off the deal wrongly, there's a way to seek retribution.

Are you suggesting venture capital is bad? Make your case.

Again, guy, if you really think, "Well, we were totally within the law when we screwed up all those people's lives" is going to fly as a defense in a time when a lot of people's lives were screwed up by people like that, I think you are going to be in for a rude awakening.

This is a case when people with money ran roughshod over people without money.

But an election is where the folks without money can push back.

It's even having an effect in SC. Romney's gap is narrowing. He's gone from a 10 point lead over Newt to a 4 point lead. And wait until Obama goes after him for it, with the News media happily interviewing every AmPad employee who got burned in the process.

So you can't point to Bain violating term of a contractual agreement. Okay, but let me get this straight: Bain invests in a company. That investment fails to turn the company around. But you say they should NOT seek to recoup their investment nor lay anyone off? Would that have been your plan?

Show us SPECIFICALLY where Bain ran roughshod or screwed others.
So you can't point to Bain violating term of a contractual agreement. Okay, but let me get this straight: Bain invests in a company. That investment fails to turn the company around. But you say they should NOT seek to recoup their investment nor lay anyone off? Would that have been your plan?

Show us SPECIFICALLY where Bain ran roughshod or screwed others.

YOu mean when they laid off 358 workers at Marion IN, and then only rehired the younger ones without giving them benefits.

Romney Critic Resurfaces - ABC News

Or when they ran up 400 million in debt and then declared bankruptcy, leaving the investors with worthless paper.

Again, in a time when working folks have watched their jobs vanish and their investments go up in smoke while the fat cats go bailouts, do you really think that this is the guy you want to go with?
Maybe you should find out the specifics, before using a broad brush "Capitalism, hell, yes!" defense.

That's pretty funny coming from a guy who knows jack shit about what venture capital is.

Gee, I know exactly what it did in the case of Bain...

but if you guys want to go with the "Suck It, Peasants" candidate, knock yourselves out. I'll be watching the train wreck from a safe distance

You clearly have no clue what venture capital is.

Maybe you should find out the specifics before using a broad brush "venture capital sucks" offense.
That's pretty funny coming from a guy who knows jack shit about what venture capital is.

Gee, I know exactly what it did in the case of Bain...

but if you guys want to go with the "Suck It, Peasants" candidate, knock yourselves out. I'll be watching the train wreck from a safe distance

You clearly have no clue what venture capital is.

Maybe you should find out the specifics before using a broad brush "venture capital sucks" offense.

When a lunatic bursts into a church and mows down a bunch of congregants with a machine gun, do you think anyone really cares how ballistics works at that point?

You can make these arguments about how it is sooooo great in a business class, but to average Americans who've been battered by this recession going on five years now, it's just going to look horrible.

Obama's narrative this fall is going to be, "I did what I could to help fix the economy, we are better off than we were, but it's Republicans and their friends on Wall Street that have blocked us at every turn." Romney is a villian from central casting in that story.
So you can't point to Bain violating term of a contractual agreement. Okay, but let me get this straight: Bain invests in a company. That investment fails to turn the company around. But you say they should NOT seek to recoup their investment nor lay anyone off? Would that have been your plan?

Show us SPECIFICALLY where Bain ran roughshod or screwed others.

YOu mean when they laid off 358 workers at Marion IN, and then only rehired the younger ones without giving them benefits.

Romney Critic Resurfaces - ABC News

Or when they ran up 400 million in debt and then declared bankruptcy, leaving the investors with worthless paper.

Again, in a time when working folks have watched their jobs vanish and their investments go up in smoke while the fat cats go bailouts, do you really think that this is the guy you want to go with?

You really have no idea how business works, this is obvious.

If, in order to be competitive, higher paid workers had to be laid off, the alternative would have to close the operation. You can't have it both ways.

If Bain ran up debt and declared bankruptcy, they would have been among the investors with worthless paper. Not all investments pan out.

Lastly, I am not voting for Romney, but I'll sure as hell defend the idea of venture capital, about which you clearly have no understanding. None.

Good luck with that.
Gee, I know exactly what it did in the case of Bain...

but if you guys want to go with the "Suck It, Peasants" candidate, knock yourselves out. I'll be watching the train wreck from a safe distance

You clearly have no clue what venture capital is.

Maybe you should find out the specifics before using a broad brush "venture capital sucks" offense.

When a lunatic bursts into a church and mows down a bunch of congregants with a machine gun, do you think anyone really cares how ballistics works at that point?

You can make these arguments about how it is sooooo great in a business class, but to average Americans who've been battered by this recession going on five years now, it's just going to look horrible.

Obama's narrative this fall is going to be, "I did what I could to help fix the economy, we are better off than we were, but it's Republicans and their friends on Wall Street that have blocked us at every turn." Romney is a villian from central casting in that story.

Yes. I'm sure some ignorant people will fall for it.

But if you're going to criticize something, at least have a basic understanding of WTF it is you're talking about.
You really have no idea how business works, this is obvious.

If, in order to be competitive, higher paid workers had to be laid off, the alternative would have to close the operation. You can't have it both ways.

If Bain ran up debt and declared bankruptcy, they would have been among the investors with worthless paper. Not all investments pan out.

Lastly, I am not voting for Romney, but I'll sure as hell defend the idea of venture capital, about which you clearly have no understanding. None.

Good luck with that.

Horsecrap. There was no excuse to lay those people off other than greed. Vulture capital is killing this country....
Yes. I'm sure some ignorant people will fall for it.

But if you're going to criticize something, at least have a basic understanding of WTF it is you're talking about.

Yeah, that'll be a real winner for your boy... "YOu stupid person who lost your home, you dont know how the market works. No get out of my Limos way."

If this becomes an argument about class, the GOP loses. Every time.
You really have no idea how business works, this is obvious.

If, in order to be competitive, higher paid workers had to be laid off, the alternative would have to close the operation. You can't have it both ways.

If Bain ran up debt and declared bankruptcy, they would have been among the investors with worthless paper. Not all investments pan out.

Lastly, I am not voting for Romney, but I'll sure as hell defend the idea of venture capital, about which you clearly have no understanding. None.

Good luck with that.

Horsecrap. There was no excuse to lay those people off other than greed. Vulture capital is killing this country....

And there you have it folks! Joey argues that when a business is failing, loosing money, and showing no signs of becoming competitive, investors should keep the business open nobody loses their job. Oh what a competitive, thriving nation we would become!

The voice of the compassionate Left has spoken. This is the mentality we're dealing with here. Tell you what 'lil Joe, feel free to invest your own money in failing businesses and we'll see how long you last. Best of luck.
And there you have it folks! Joey argues that when a business is failing, loosing money, and showing no signs of becoming competitive, investors should keep the business open nobody loses their job. Oh what a competitive, thriving nation we would become!

The voice of the compassionate Left has spoken. This is the mentality we're dealing with here. Tell you what 'lil Joe, feel free to invest your own money in failing businesses and we'll see how long you last. Best of luck.

If you can't run it honestly, then you shouldn't run it. If looting it is what you are doing, which is exactly what Bain did with AmPad when they left the investors and banks with worthless paper, while they pocketed millions.

How about this. We have a fraud trial, and the jury is 12 guys who lost their jobs and homes because of this kind of behavior. That seems reasonably fair to me.
Yes. I'm sure some ignorant people will fall for it.

But if you're going to criticize something, at least have a basic understanding of WTF it is you're talking about.

Yeah, that'll be a real winner for your boy... "YOu stupid person who lost your home, you dont know how the market works. No get out of my Limos way."

If this becomes an argument about class, the GOP loses. Every time.

Yes, your class warfare argument and bitter resentment towards success is a winner in American politics. Every time.

Good to see yours an Newt's anti-capitalist tripe getting shot down by the GOP faithful.
Yes, your class warfare argument and bitter resentment towards success is a winner in American politics. Every time.

Good to see yours an Newt's anti-capitalist tripe getting shot down by the GOP faithful.

Newt wasn't the guy to make the argument, as he's fed at that trough too many times himself.

But the brainwashed GOP faithful is only about 30% of the electorate. And Romney isn't even winning over half of them, despite outspending his rivals 10-1.

Yes. Class warfare is a winner when put to a vote. Bill Clinton announced he was running against "A millionaire a billionaire and me". Guess who people voted for.

Obama ran against a guy who couldn't tell you how many mansions he owned at a time when people were losing their houses.

Now, Republicans have won (kind of) when the Democrats run millionaires against their millionaires (Gore and Kerry against Bush. I think Bush might have honestly won one of those.)

The GOP needs to reconnect with working people and their concerns if they hope to have a future as a party. Simple as that.
The GOP hates working people.

That's why they want to privatize Social Security and Medicare and destroy the unions.

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