Antarctica: A Diamond for TrumpUSA


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Our eco-neglectful Trump Administration would do well to deal with new age commerce/traffic related environmental devastation problems/concerns such as symbolic Antarctica drilling issues as we approach Memorial Day in our arguably 'consumerism-hypnotized' and 'media-hypnotized' TrumpUSA.

Here's a relevant politically-conscious (IMO) tale I cooked up about 'celebrity contributions,' inspired by my love of the symbolic vigilance-themed documentary-film An Inconvenient Truth.


Tom Cruise and Ben Affleck were excited about their recent 'crusader-themed' films The Last Samurai and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. They disagreed however about the NBA(!) --- Cruise was a Lakers fan, while Affleck was a Celtics fan. The two met at an eco-consciousness conference sponsored by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation which was seeking to raise money and awareness regarding unethical drilling plans in Antarctica. Cruise and Affleck noticed that President Donald Trump was one of the guests at the politically-conscious event and began talking with him.

Also at the event was an idealistic Internet-blogging self-proclaimed 'democracy crusader' named Ajay Satan who dressed up as a Cossack (Ajay was Albanian by descent) and did some comedy routines for crowds at the conference. Ajay made jokes such as, "Don't you wish celebrities like Leo DiCaprio cared about Chechnya so Chechnyans could get better cable-TV deals from the government?" As Cruise and Affleck conversed with President Trump, Ajay was in front of the cameras talking with the host of the conference, Leo DiCaprio. Leo told Ajay, "I almost wish this high-profile turnout would generate the right journalistic attention from TIME magazine! We'd get the needed attention-grabbing anecdotal culture-sarcasm remarks like, 'Tom Cruise was like Julius Caesar and Ajay Satan was like Mark Antony,' which is exactly what gets the attention of voters and politicians alike!"

The conference was called the Antarctica Summit. President Trump was there to address concerns and criticisms that his eco-neglectful administration was ignoring environmental concerns in favor of consumerism and capitalism, which is why DiCaprio invited the Starbucks Corporation to serve as one of the consumerism-pensive sponsors of the summit. While Ajay and Leo were basking in the limelight of the cameras, Cruise and Affleck were busy chattering with the President about coordinating 'Planet Hollywood culture' with political consciousness. This all came some days before Memorial Day, so there were also political patriots and consumerism critics (such as Don Imus and Rush Limbaugh) present there to chat about American culture and tradition.

Cruise, Affleck, and Trump began conversing with Leo and Ajay about modern age 'vigilance,' and Cruise joked to Ajay about his outlandish 'Cossack' costume, to which Ajay (who was secretly trying to use his pseudo-intellectual spotlight at the Antarctica summit to curry favor for his interest in obtaining a professorial position at the History Department at Yale University) retorted, "I don't think it's as 'outlandish' as your 'culturally-conscious' get-up in The Last Samurai!" Since the summit was a great success, President Trump invited Cruise, Affleck, Leo, and Ajay to a White House lunch (and promised Ajay a special recommendation with Yale University!). Leo remarked to himself, "Maybe...just maybe...consumerism 'culture' and media 'jazz' can create some nice revolutionary sentiments." Leo then began reading about Chechnya and Antarctica on Twitter conversations at home.





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