Zone1 Another Veiled Attack on the Catholic Church


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

The Pennsylvania legislature, acting in a basically bi-partisan fashion, has passed legislation to (temporarily) suspend the statute of limitations with respect to childhood sexual abuse. How could anyone oppose this?

Well, let's look at how this plays out, if it succeeds.

The perpetrators of the child abuse will just yawn and ignore it. They are essentially all judgment-proof. The ones who were private citizens can simply ignore this; it has nothing to do with them. What this law will do is to allow men who have experienced no financial loss to sue the Catholic Church, its Bishops (also dead or judgment proof), parishes, dioceses, insurance companies, and ultimately, the people in the pews who pay their tithes. You might note that none of these people and entities who would fund any judgments or settlements did anything wrong.

The only ones who are sure to benefit are the lawyers in the tort bar.

Don't ya just love it when legislators can finally do something "good"?

The Pennsylvania legislature, acting in a basically bi-partisan fashion, has passed legislation to (temporarily) suspend the statute of limitations with respect to childhood sexual abuse. How could anyone oppose this?

Well, let's look at how this plays out, if it succeeds.

The perpetrators of the child abuse will just yawn and ignore it. They are essentially all judgment-proof. The ones who were private citizens can simply ignore this; it has nothing to do with them. What this law will do is to allow men who have experienced no financial loss to sue the Catholic Church, its Bishops (also dead or judgment proof), parishes, dioceses, insurance companies, and ultimately, the people in the pews who pay their tithes. You might note that none of these people and entities who would fund any judgments or settlements did anything wrong.

The only ones who are sure to benefit are the lawyers in the tort bar.

Don't ya just love it when legislators can finally do something "good"?
The Catholic church needs to settle big cash awards to the victims and their families out of court. Resisting could tear the Catholic church apart in this 21st. century in which patience for the churches excuses has run out.

Even though there are thousands of cases that could be brought against the church, spending a portion of their billions in wealth will be the easiest way out of the trouble their priests have created.

Let them appeal! it will only dig the hole deeper.

The Pennsylvania legislature, acting in a basically bi-partisan fashion, has passed legislation to (temporarily) suspend the statute of limitations with respect to childhood sexual abuse. How could anyone oppose this?

Well, let's look at how this plays out, if it succeeds.

The perpetrators of the child abuse will just yawn and ignore it. They are essentially all judgment-proof. The ones who were private citizens can simply ignore this; it has nothing to do with them. What this law will do is to allow men who have experienced no financial loss to sue the Catholic Church, its Bishops (also dead or judgment proof), parishes, dioceses, insurance companies, and ultimately, the people in the pews who pay their tithes. You might note that none of these people and entities who would fund any judgments or settlements did anything wrong.

The only ones who are sure to benefit are the lawyers in the tort bar.

Don't ya just love it when legislators can finally do something "good"?
... the people in the pews who pay their tithes. You might note that none of these people and entities who would fund any judgments or settlements did anything wrong.

another disingenuous christian -

those, the congregations are who are responsible for hiring and worshiping the pedophiles who have been committing their crimes since the very beginning and throughout recorded history.

their phony c-bible lends itself to all sorts of dysfunctions that have been persecuting and victimizing the innocent since written in behalf of the congregations that use it in their daily lives - as that of the false 10 commandments that serve only the least accountable throughout society for their own particular mischief's.
another disingenuous christian -

those, the congregations are who are responsible for hiring and worshiping the pedophiles who have been committing their crimes since the very beginning and throughout recorded history.

their phony c-bible lends itself to all sorts of dysfunctions that have been persecuting and victimizing the innocent since written in behalf of the congregations that use it in their daily lives - as that of the false 10 commandments that serve only the least accountable throughout society for their own particular mischief's.
The Catholic Church has taken responsibility and will continue to do so - whether it be spiritually or financially, to help the victims of the past. And no just person within the Church "worshipped pedophiles". The thought alone is an abomination.

That said, you continuously ridicule Christianity and Catholicism, Judaism, "The desert religions" as you like to call them. You don't believe that the 10 commandments are from God, etc. You also ridicule most of the other ancient Semitic religions. As Christians, we are accustomed to persecution, so I don't take any personal offense.

Where was the influence of the "heavenly religion/divine law" you speak of during the times of the "desert religions?" (As you like to call them) The Old Testament and its Laws (at the very least) helped establish a civilized society. Most people at the time were following the rule of the jungle and/or worshipping various idols.

If the religion of the heavens/divine law is appalled by the "desert religions" would they have not sent messengers, angels, prophets, 5000 years ago to establish a form of the "religion of the heavens" here on Earth?

Would "divine law" judge a people for following what they were taught since childhood, for hundreds of generations? Especially if the people were never taught any other way?

Jesus stated in Matthew 7:1

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Your ridicule of "The desert religions" is like a teacher who takes a sabbatical for a semester. His students do the best they can trying to learn the curriculum, based on the evidence/information they have. The teacher comes back at the end of the semester, ridicules his students and flunks them all.

Are you representing your "heavenly religion/divine law" when you accuse and judge others in that fashion? Did you not say a part of the "heavenly religion" is to stop sinning? When you ridicule and judge others, is it not persecution? Is persecution of "innocent people" who know no different, a sin?
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The Catholic Church has taken responsibility and will continue to do so - whether it be spiritually or financially, to help the victims of the past. And no just person within the Church "worshipped pedophiles". The thought alone is an abomination.

That said, you continuously ridicule Christianity and Catholicism, Judaism, "The desert religions" as you like to call them. You don't believe that the 10 commandments are from God, etc. You also ridicule most of the other ancient Semitic religions. As Christians, we are accustomed to persecution, so I don't take any personal offense.

Where was the influence of the "heavenly religion/divine law" you speak of during the times of the "desert religions?" (As you like to call them) The Old Testament and its Laws (at the very least) helped establish a civilized society. Most people at the time were following the rule of the jungle and/or worshipping various idols.

If the religion of the heavens/divine law is appalled by the "desert religions" would they have not sent messengers, angels, prophets, 5000 years ago to establish a form of the "religion of the heavens" here on Earth?

Would "divine law" judge a people for following what they were taught since childhood, for hundreds of generations? Especially if the people were never taught any other way?

Jesus stated in Matthew 7:1

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Your ridicule of "The desert religions" is like a teacher who takes a sabbatical for a semester. His students do the best they can trying to learn the curriculum, based on the evidence/information they have. The teacher comes back at the end of the semester, ridicules his students and flunks them all.

Are you representing your "heavenly religion/divine law" when you accuse and judge others in that fashion? Did you not say a part of the "heavenly religion" is to stop sinning? When you ridicule and judge others, is it not persecution? Is persecution of "innocent people" who know no different, a sin?

when have the desert religions not been at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent - throughout recorded history ...


or have ever admitted their culpability ...

a&e's mission granted by the heavens, self determination is void in their manuscripts but rather servitude and the worship of false messiah's - making their historical legacy exactly as it has evolved.
when have the desert religions not been at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent - throughout recorded history ...

View attachment 760943

or have ever admitted their culpability ...

a&e's mission granted by the heavens, self determination is void in their manuscripts but rather servitude and the worship of false messiah's - making their historical legacy exactly as it has evolved.
The Nazi's? Those are swastika's on their flags, not crosses. They tried to exterminate the Jewish people - religion and all. They also persecuted the Catholic Church within Germany and persecuted Catholics within Poland.

As for admitting mistakes of the past, yes, the Catholic Church has confessed and apologized in regards to many of the mistakes that members within the Church or the Church itself, made throughout history.

Out of curiosity, where are you getting your information from? Almost all of your accusations against the Church seem to be truly "off the mark".

The Pennsylvania legislature, acting in a basically bi-partisan fashion, has passed legislation to (temporarily) suspend the statute of limitations with respect to childhood sexual abuse. How could anyone oppose this?

Well, let's look at how this plays out, if it succeeds.

The perpetrators of the child abuse will just yawn and ignore it. They are essentially all judgment-proof. The ones who were private citizens can simply ignore this; it has nothing to do with them. What this law will do is to allow men who have experienced no financial loss to sue the Catholic Church, its Bishops (also dead or judgment proof), parishes, dioceses, insurance companies, and ultimately, the people in the pews who pay their tithes. You might note that none of these people and entities who would fund any judgments or settlements did anything wrong.

The only ones who are sure to benefit are the lawyers in the tort bar.

Don't ya just love it when legislators can finally do something "good"?
I find your post here difficult to understand fully. ARe you saying that people who have NOT been molested are bringing unjust lawsuits against "the Catholic Church" (whatever that term means to whomever..)?

I have heard of that happening.

But the thing that explains the pedophilia in "the Catholic Church" is the fact that what used to be the Catholic Church is no longer the Catholic Church. The Vatican was taken over by unbelievers in 1958. So the papacy is not the papacy anymore. The true Catholic Church is in exile. The Vatican is just a corrupt business.

It is no wonder, then, that the people living under the auspices of "the Catholic Church" (which is NOT that) whether clergy or lay person are molesting children and doing all manner of other evils.

THAT is why we have this hideous, wide spread problem of molestation.. THAT explains it. But Catholics do not want to face the fact that (see above): the Church is in exile and the Vatican is far, far from being Christian of any variety.
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when have the desert religions not been at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent - throughout recorded history ...

View attachment 760943

or have ever admitted their culpability ...

a&e's mission granted by the heavens, self determination is void in their manuscripts but rather servitude and the worship of false messiah's - making their historical legacy exactly as it has evolved.

The Nazis gave lip service to Christianity and many of them were trying to get neo-paganism integrated into German society.

Look up the German Faith Movement as well as the SS paganism for details.

Also since atheism is Marxism's belief structure of choice I guess all those deaths due to Stalin, Mao and Pot are on you guys.

The Pennsylvania legislature, acting in a basically bi-partisan fashion, has passed legislation to (temporarily) suspend the statute of limitations with respect to childhood sexual abuse. How could anyone oppose this?

Well, let's look at how this plays out, if it succeeds.

The perpetrators of the child abuse will just yawn and ignore it. They are essentially all judgment-proof. The ones who were private citizens can simply ignore this; it has nothing to do with them. What this law will do is to allow men who have experienced no financial loss to sue the Catholic Church, its Bishops (also dead or judgment proof), parishes, dioceses, insurance companies, and ultimately, the people in the pews who pay their tithes. You might note that none of these people and entities who would fund any judgments or settlements did anything wrong.

The only ones who are sure to benefit are the lawyers in the tort bar.

Don't ya just love it when legislators can finally do something "good"?

Well, if someone can prove that they were raped as a child by someone then they should definitely be able to sue them, although I don't know the details of the law as described in the OP. I do know that Democratic elites (and probably some Republicans too) have NO PROBLEM protecting all of the rapists that visited Epstein Island.
The Nazis gave lip service to Christianity and many of them were trying to get neo-paganism integrated into German society.

Look up the German Faith Movement as well as the SS paganism for details.

Also since atheism is Marxism's belief structure of choice I guess all those deaths due to Stalin, Mao and Pot are on you guys.

These are lyrics to a song purportedly sung by the Hitler Youth, although I cannot definitively verify that they actually sang this song.

We are the happy Hitler Youth,
We need no Christian virtue,
Because our leader Adolf Hitler,
Is always our mediator.

No priest, no wrongdoer can ever hinder us,
From feeling like Hitler’s children.
We do not follow Christ but Horst Wessel,
Away with incense and holy water!

We follow our flags singing,
As worthy sons of our ancestors,
I am no Christian, no Catholic,
I’ll go with the S.A. through thick and thin.

The church can be stolen from me,
The swastika is redemption on earth.
I will follow it step by step,
Baldur von Schirach, take me with you!
These are lyrics to a song purportedly sung by the Hitler Youth, although I cannot definitively verify that they actually sang this song.

We are the happy Hitler Youth,
We need no Christian virtue,
Because our leader Adolf Hitler,
Is always our mediator.

No priest, no wrongdoer can ever hinder us,
From feeling like Hitler’s children.
We do not follow Christ but Horst Wessel,
Away with incense and holy water!

We follow our flags singing,
As worthy sons of our ancestors,
I am no Christian, no Catholic,
I’ll go with the S.A. through thick and thin.

The church can be stolen from me,
The swastika is redemption on earth.
I will follow it step by step,
Baldur von Schirach, take me with you!

The SS was really into getting rid of Christianity and replacing it with a combination of paganism and Hitler worship.
The SS was really into getting rid of Christianity and replacing it with a combination of paganism and Hitler worship.
I've read a LOT of books about Hitler, Goering, Himler, Goebbels, and others and I don't recall any of them talking about Jesus. They may or may not have believed in God but, regardless of what they believed, it's clear that they were NOT followers of Christ.

The Pennsylvania legislature, acting in a basically bi-partisan fashion, has passed legislation to (temporarily) suspend the statute of limitations with respect to childhood sexual abuse. How could anyone oppose this?

Well, let's look at how this plays out, if it succeeds.

The perpetrators of the child abuse will just yawn and ignore it. They are essentially all judgment-proof. The ones who were private citizens can simply ignore this; it has nothing to do with them. What this law will do is to allow men who have experienced no financial loss to sue the Catholic Church, its Bishops (also dead or judgment proof), parishes, dioceses, insurance companies, and ultimately, the people in the pews who pay their tithes. You might note that none of these people and entities who would fund any judgments or settlements did anything wrong.

The only ones who are sure to benefit are the lawyers in the tort bar.

Don't ya just love it when legislators can finally do something "good"?
I predict once a Pope stops leaning Left, like the one in there now, the Catholic church will have to pay up.
I've read a LOT of books about Hitler, Goering, Himler, Goebbels, and others and I don't recall any of them talking about Jesus. They may or may not have believed in God but, regardless of what they believed, it's clear that they were NOT followers of Christ.
Hitler, by and large, viewed the Bible as corrupt, much like Muslims do and various other offshoots of the Bible.

But there is one story in the Bible Hitler loved and thought was legit, and that was the story of Jesus chasing the Jewish money changers out of the Temple with a whip.

So if that qualifies him as a Christian in anyone's mind, then you win a cookie.

But there is one story in the Bible Hitler loved and thought was legit, and that was the story of Jesus chasing the Jewish money changers out of the Temple with a whip.
Now that I can believe!
The Nazis gave lip service to Christianity and many of them were trying to get neo-paganism integrated into German society.

Look up the German Faith Movement as well as the SS paganism for details.

Also since atheism is Marxism's belief structure of choice I guess all those deaths due to Stalin, Mao and Pot are on you guys.
or have ever admitted their culpability ...

like christians today, the germans could never get enough of hitler while they were having their way, over 90% voted for hitler - same as then disavowing their sins the christians today w/ tump and all their political stereotypes.

the c-bible was written by the crucifiers and has had that legacy ever since.
like christians today, the germans could never get enough of hitler while they were having their way, over 90% voted for hitler - same as then disavowing their sins the christians today w/ tump and all their political stereotypes.

the c-bible was written by the crucifiers and has had that legacy ever since.

That didn't make any sense.
The Catholic church needs to settle big cash awards to the victims and their families out of court. Resisting could tear the Catholic church apart in this 21st. century in which patience for the churches excuses has run out. ...

If you have a company and one of your workers violated a child of a woman who also works in your company and you say to him "Go to my factory in Canada - there they will not find you". How much money from your company do you have to pay to the woman and her child in such a case?
like christians today, the germans could never get enough of hitler while they were having their way, over 90% voted for hitler ....

What a stupid nonsense. The last free elections in Germany had been in November 1932. Hitlers party NSDAP lost about 15% of their voters. The NSDAP was in decline. The NSDAP got 33.1% of the votes and lost 4.2%. The NSDAP had 196 from 584 seats.

All other following elections had been manipulated and/or made from the Nazis so this numbers became more and more pure fantasy. The choice was to vote for Nazis or for Nazis or not to vote what was damned dangerous.

And by the way: Hitler got his worst results in the areas of Germany where lived Catholics - and in Berlin.
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Now that I can believe!

The bible was for Hitler perhaps good enough as toilet paper. Do you read your toilet paper? And if so ... do you read it before or do you read after you used it? If you read it afterwards then you know what Hitler thought - but not so when you believe what Hitler said. Take such a shit out of your brain.

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