Another school shooting....time to arm the teachers?

Aren't handguns banned in Chicago....yet black males are killing black males like it's going out of style.
Hate to tell you folks but it was not the gun that will be charged with murder in this case.
Why not?
Because a PERSON killed these kids.
Gun control would not have stopped this guy. Criminals have guns and CT has strict laws NOW.

Who gives a shit?

This is America. If you want a handgun, shotgun or AK-47 to shoot your way to glory you are welcome to it

We almost have a gun for every man, woman and child in America.....why are we surprised when they are used?

We have schools to learn at too...use one!

God this guy is dense.

He actually thinks a gun, an inanimate object is what causes this. It wouldn't be a twisted, sick mind hell bent on it's the gun's fault. :clap2:
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I think that all persons over the age of 18 should be required to own a gun, and that starting at an early age, children should be educated on how to properly wield a weapon, about gun safety, and about how to take care of your weapon. Shit like this wouldn't happen if your entire workforce is armed with even a simple 9 millimeter.

You are right. Shit LIKE THIS won't happen.
Gun worship from the right is doing this


And your little dog too ...twit
More stupidity from RW. Anyone else starting to get the impression from RW's posts that he's around 14 years old?

No adult can be as much of a simpleton as this character. :confused::cool:

Feel free to point out the inaccuracy in his post.

Why? Can't you do it yourself?

"You are free to have the weapon of your choice to shoot Congresswomen, Movie Theaters, Malls at Christmas and Kindergarten classrooms.

You want to back him up and say that's why people buy guns and it's a reason to stop law abiding people from owning one?

Go right head.....and then check other some of his other "gems".

God forbid

I have never said we should try to stop people from having guns, this is America...nobody can get in the way of you getting your favorite weapon

I am just saying we should suck it up and accept massacres as part of being an American
What would the answer to these shootings be? If you look back at the most recent of these incidents they have something in common that seems important at least to me the shooters have no criminal record no history of violence no known mental problems and spent a fair amount of time planning out their attacks how do you stop someone like this? Could you ban assault weapons yes high capacity magazines yes but you get a Glock with say a 10 or 12 round clip load up four or five of those and you can still unload a lot of rounds quickly.The Norway shooter Anders Breivik did his damage by setting off a bomb and using a 9mm Glock and a semi-automatic Ruger Mini-14 rifle both of which he obtained legally in Norway I don't know the requirement's to own a gun in Norway but I suspect they are stricter than our's. How do you stop nut's determined to go on a killing spree? I don't know that you can.
No, it’s time not to grasp for idiotic ‘solutions.’


We have another tragedy due to guns.

Right wing solution? We need more guns.


We don't need more guns. We just need guns in the right hands. That would be teachers & not hormone raging teens. We also have tazers & other less than lethal devices we could issue teachers.
Tazers for Teachers, huh? This could be great motivation for students to learn. Wonderful idea!
Feel free to point out the inaccuracy in his post.

Why? Can't you do it yourself?

"You are free to have the weapon of your choice to shoot Congresswomen, Movie Theaters, Malls at Christmas and Kindergarten classrooms.

You want to back him up and say that's why people buy guns and it's a reason to stop law abiding people from owning one?

Go right head.....and then check other some of his other "gems".

God forbid

I have never said we should try to stop people from having guns, this is America...nobody can get in the way of you getting your favorite weapon

I am just saying we should suck it up and accept massacres as part of being an American

Just like we should suck it up and accept that 1/2 the country should stay on the dole while the rest support them...Just accept it, right?
Actually, the person was either buzzed in after doors were locked or got in with the kids during the morning rush.

School guards at 1 entrance with metal detectors could've prevented this crap. All adults get frisked by the guards, period.

Sigh the simple solution is you lock all doors, and people need to be buzzed in. That will make it harder, but then you need a simple medal detector once inside. Mostly just for the adults coming in.

This would take funding, so not sure if people would be ok with it.

The easy fix to this is that there is no easy fix to this.

No system is perfect but its a two step solution.
Schools should only allow people in through the front doors that have those airport metal detectors you walk through and they could be manned by 2-4 guards in the morning then 1 guard stay on station for the day in a bulletproof room next to the entrance.

2-3 teachers/admin officials should each have a locked gun in a secret location they can access in 5 minutes. They should be trained by the local police department and their weapons registered with the city police.

When shitbags realize it is hard to get into a school then they will be forced to find another target most likely a church or mall. A church in Colorado Springs had someone show up to shoot it up during services about 1-2 years ago but a church guard I believe killed the person in the parking lot when they approached the strange man.
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I worked a case in Hahira, Ga. years ago where a man had a property dispute with his neighbor. Neighbor was weed eating out by the road and the elderly neighbor thought he was on his property. Elderly man attempts to stop man with the weed eater and man with weed eater attacks him with the weed eater. Man being attacked had injuries and died of a heart attack.
We need a 3 day waiting period on weed eaters. Drive way weeds can wait 3 days.
when weed eater attacks because one of the leading causes of violence in the nation we can have that discussion.

By your logic, we'll have to discuss outlawing a lot of things...

Cause of death, Count, % of children

Motor vehicle 4,550 46.2%
Drowning 2,102 17.4%
Fire/burn 482 10.6%
Suffocation 250 5.5%
Pedestrian, Other 145 3.2%
Other Land Transport 144 3.2%
Fall 98 2.2%
Poisoning 81 1.8%
Natural/ Environment 73 1.6%
Firearm 72 1.6%
Other Transport 68 1.5%
Struck by or Against 67 1.5%
Other Spec., classifiable 62 1.1%

Center for Disease Control, 2001, All Races, Both Sexes, Ages: 1-14
I worked a case in Hahira, Ga. years ago where a man had a property dispute with his neighbor. Neighbor was weed eating out by the road and the elderly neighbor thought he was on his property. Elderly man attempts to stop man with the weed eater and man with weed eater attacks him with the weed eater. Man being attacked had injuries and died of a heart attack.
We need a 3 day waiting period on weed eaters. Drive way weeds can wait 3 days.

Phone me when someone shoots up a mall at Christmas with a weed eater

Or blows the brains out of a Kindergartner

Ever heard of Tim McVeigh?
How many kids did he kill and was it a gun?
Find out how easy it was for McVeigh to get the fertilizer and diesel fuel and get back to me.
What legislation do you support to ban fertilizer and diesel fuel?
McVeigh purchased a large quantity of ammonium nitrate for his bomb. since the attack AN is a controlled substance with regulations governing its sales.
The much needed discussion on gun-control.


They aren't decreasing, their increasing. In both frequency and verocity.

An elementary school...that's a new low.

And BTW, the answer ain't arm everyone...we're not going back to the cowboy days of the wild, wild West.

Gun control is not the answer. I do not mean to impune these atrocities in any way, but sometimes "shit happens". I hope I never live in a world where EVERYTHING can be controlled, the good, the bad or the ugly.

actually that shit happens mostly just in america, cause you dont have gun laws and the rest of the free world does
I worked a case in Hahira, Ga. years ago where a man had a property dispute with his neighbor. Neighbor was weed eating out by the road and the elderly neighbor thought he was on his property. Elderly man attempts to stop man with the weed eater and man with weed eater attacks him with the weed eater. Man being attacked had injuries and died of a heart attack.
We need a 3 day waiting period on weed eaters. Drive way weeds can wait 3 days.

Phone me when someone shoots up a mall at Christmas with a weed eater

Or blows the brains out of a Kindergartner

Ever heard of Tim McVeigh?
How many kids did he kill and was it a gun?
Find out how easy it was for McVeigh to get the fertilizer and diesel fuel and get back to me.
What legislation do you support to ban fertilizer and diesel fuel?

I know better than to expect any type of legislation

This is America and we are perfectly fine with our occaisional massacre. As long as we don't impede free and open access to the weapon of your choice
You people need to stop with the hyperbole. Arming teachers is not a solution. Gun control is not a solution either.

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