Another reason to monitor muslims in our country.

Why not? Seems most of the terrorist incidents recently have one thing in common - people able to purchase and amass large amounts of high powered weaponry...makes sense....right?
If we did that, then the teapers would be on the forefront of FBI watchlists. They will never agree...they are terrorists and don't want to get caught.

Why not? Seems most of the terrorist incidents recently have one thing in common - people able to purchase and amass large amounts of high powered weaponry...makes sense....right?
If we did that, then the teapers would be on the forefront of FBI watchlists. They will never agree...they are terrorists and don't want to get caught.

You're obsessed with teapers aren't you? Don't worry, they'll be teabagged into oblivian eventually.
Could you repeat that in Earthling language? matter how stupid you try to play....the fact remains...Houser was a teaper and an esteemed member if this forum. He was coddled by the hate mongers and staff of this forum and is an example of your typical teaper terrorist.

If he were a Muslim, USMB would be considered a jihadist site....(although Fox News described USMB as a extremist hate site).
Drama queen. The "esteemed member" was here for 6 days and posted 14 messages. Aren't you exaggerating just a little? :lol:
I am sure he had other aliases. As racists as this site is...I am sure CK demands it of all of the teaper terrorists.
So much conjecture and no substance.

You are truly unhinged. It is interesting that you show so much outright rage and yet blame the 'tepers' for what you are clearly projecting.
I think it's all an act. Nutz is a plant to make liberals look stupid (and he's doing a helluva job).
No, I doubt it. There really are people that ignorant is crazy out there. matter how stupid you try to play....the fact remains...Houser was a teaper and an esteemed member if this forum. He was coddled by the hate mongers and staff of this forum and is an example of your typical teaper terrorist.

If he were a Muslim, USMB would be considered a jihadist site....(although Fox News described USMB as a extremist hate site).
Drama queen. The "esteemed member" was here for 6 days and posted 14 messages. Aren't you exaggerating just a little? :lol:
I am sure he had other aliases. As racists as this site is...I am sure CK demands it of all of the teaper terrorists.
So much conjecture and no substance.

You are truly unhinged. It is interesting that you show so much outright rage and yet blame the 'tepers' for what you are clearly projecting.
I think it's all an act. Nutz is a plant to make liberals look stupid (and he's doing a helluva job).
No, I doubt it. There really are people that ignorant is crazy out there.
He's crazy, alright.
Drama queen. The "esteemed member" was here for 6 days and posted 14 messages. Aren't you exaggerating just a little? :lol:
I am sure he had other aliases. As racists as this site is...I am sure CK demands it of all of the teaper terrorists.
So much conjecture and no substance.

You are truly unhinged. It is interesting that you show so much outright rage and yet blame the 'tepers' for what you are clearly projecting.
I think it's all an act. Nutz is a plant to make liberals look stupid (and he's doing a helluva job).
No, I doubt it. There really are people that ignorant is crazy out there.
He's crazy, alright.
Crazy about spreading the truth about Teapers - their hate and perversion of TRUE CONSERVATISM.

You are welcome.
I am sure he had other aliases. As racists as this site is...I am sure CK demands it of all of the teaper terrorists.
So much conjecture and no substance.

You are truly unhinged. It is interesting that you show so much outright rage and yet blame the 'tepers' for what you are clearly projecting.
I think it's all an act. Nutz is a plant to make liberals look stupid (and he's doing a helluva job).
No, I doubt it. There really are people that ignorant is crazy out there.
He's crazy, alright.
Crazy about spreading the truth about Teapers - their hate and perversion of TRUE CONSERVATISM.

You are welcome.
How about updating us on some recent statements made by the Tea Party. You know, threats and stuff like that.
So much conjecture and no substance.

You are truly unhinged. It is interesting that you show so much outright rage and yet blame the 'tepers' for what you are clearly projecting.
I think it's all an act. Nutz is a plant to make liberals look stupid (and he's doing a helluva job).
No, I doubt it. There really are people that ignorant is crazy out there.
He's crazy, alright.
Crazy about spreading the truth about Teapers - their hate and perversion of TRUE CONSERVATISM.

You are welcome.
How about updating us on some recent statements made by the Tea Party. You know, threats and stuff like that.
Just listen to Trump. Anti-American, anti-Constitution. What a blow hard representative of the anti-American teapers.
"Another reason to monitor muslims in our country."

Another example of a composition fallacy from the right.

Another example of the contempt for due process and the rule of law common to many conservatives.

And another example of the unwarranted fear of Muslims common to many on the right, as well as their bigotry and hate.

That is all very honorable and noble of you.

But let me put it this way --- we are trying to prevent another 9/11 or an even larger bomb going off in one of our cities. Pardon our irrational fear.

I suppose the difference is you don’t care enough about Islamic crazies to care about it. And we do.

But on the other hand, we don’t want to sink precious tax payer untold billions into green jobs and preventing the planet and the skies from doing what they always do. And you do.
I think it's all an act. Nutz is a plant to make liberals look stupid (and he's doing a helluva job).
No, I doubt it. There really are people that ignorant is crazy out there.
He's crazy, alright.
Crazy about spreading the truth about Teapers - their hate and perversion of TRUE CONSERVATISM.

You are welcome.
How about updating us on some recent statements made by the Tea Party. You know, threats and stuff like that.
Just listen to Trump. Anti-American, anti-Constitution. What a blow hard representative of the anti-American teapers.
In other words, you can't post anything by the Tea Party.
No, I doubt it. There really are people that ignorant is crazy out there.
He's crazy, alright.
Crazy about spreading the truth about Teapers - their hate and perversion of TRUE CONSERVATISM.

You are welcome.
How about updating us on some recent statements made by the Tea Party. You know, threats and stuff like that.
Just listen to Trump. Anti-American, anti-Constitution. What a blow hard representative of the anti-American teapers.
In other words, you can't post anything by the Tea Party.
Oh neat-o...another game!

Like what?
He's crazy, alright.
Crazy about spreading the truth about Teapers - their hate and perversion of TRUE CONSERVATISM.

You are welcome.
How about updating us on some recent statements made by the Tea Party. You know, threats and stuff like that.
Just listen to Trump. Anti-American, anti-Constitution. What a blow hard representative of the anti-American teapers.
In other words, you can't post anything by the Tea Party.
Oh neat-o...another game!

Like what?
Short memory there? Post #67.
Crazy about spreading the truth about Teapers - their hate and perversion of TRUE CONSERVATISM.

You are welcome.
How about updating us on some recent statements made by the Tea Party. You know, threats and stuff like that.
Just listen to Trump. Anti-American, anti-Constitution. What a blow hard representative of the anti-American teapers.
In other words, you can't post anything by the Tea Party.
Oh neat-o...another game!

Like what?
Short memory there? Post #67.
You should independently research that. I am sure it won't take you long to find the hate and vitriol.

Oh, wait. You still deny Houser was a member of this forum and a representative of the average teaper.
How about updating us on some recent statements made by the Tea Party. You know, threats and stuff like that.
Just listen to Trump. Anti-American, anti-Constitution. What a blow hard representative of the anti-American teapers.
In other words, you can't post anything by the Tea Party.
Oh neat-o...another game!

Like what?
Short memory there? Post #67.
You should independently research that. I am sure it won't take you long to find the hate and vitriol.

Oh, wait. You still deny Houser was a member of this forum and a representative of the average teaper.
In other words, you STILL can't find anything.
Just listen to Trump. Anti-American, anti-Constitution. What a blow hard representative of the anti-American teapers.
In other words, you can't post anything by the Tea Party.
Oh neat-o...another game!

Like what?
Short memory there? Post #67.
You should independently research that. I am sure it won't take you long to find the hate and vitriol.

Oh, wait. You still deny Houser was a member of this forum and a representative of the average teaper.
In other words, you STILL can't find anything.
LOL...examples are evrywhere! Open your eyes, S.J.
In other words, you can't post anything by the Tea Party.
Oh neat-o...another game!

Like what?
Short memory there? Post #67.
You should independently research that. I am sure it won't take you long to find the hate and vitriol.

Oh, wait. You still deny Houser was a member of this forum and a representative of the average teaper.
In other words, you STILL can't find anything.
LOL...examples are evrywhere! Open your eyes, S.J.
Then list some.
Oh neat-o...another game!

Like what?
Short memory there? Post #67.
You should independently research that. I am sure it won't take you long to find the hate and vitriol.

Oh, wait. You still deny Houser was a member of this forum and a representative of the average teaper.
In other words, you STILL can't find anything.
LOL...examples are evrywhere! Open your eyes, S.J.
Then list some.
Some what?
Short memory there? Post #67.
You should independently research that. I am sure it won't take you long to find the hate and vitriol.

Oh, wait. You still deny Houser was a member of this forum and a representative of the average teaper.
In other words, you STILL can't find anything.
LOL...examples are evrywhere! Open your eyes, S.J.
Then list some.
Some what?
Examples. Who's playing games now, Nutz?
You should independently research that. I am sure it won't take you long to find the hate and vitriol.

Oh, wait. You still deny Houser was a member of this forum and a representative of the average teaper.
In other words, you STILL can't find anything.
LOL...examples are evrywhere! Open your eyes, S.J.
Then list some.
Some what?
Examples. Who's playing games now, Nutz?
I give you an example...

You say they aren't teapers.

I say yes they are.

You say Ted Cruz is great.

I say Cruz is a fucking canadian.

Shall I continue or should we call the game a draw?
In other words, you STILL can't find anything.
LOL...examples are evrywhere! Open your eyes, S.J.
Then list some.
Some what?
Examples. Who's playing games now, Nutz?
I give you an example...

You say they aren't teapers.

I say yes they are.

You say Ted Cruz is great.

I say Cruz is a fucking canadian.

Shall I continue or should we call the game a draw?

You are losing horribly. Blanket claims that someone is a 'teaper' certainly does not make them one. You wouldn't know a teaper from a green party member.

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