ANOTHER Obama Scandal?! Obama admin accused of ....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama admin accused of forcing bank to pay baseless racial settlement

"Newly uncovered internal memos reveal the Obama administration knowingly exaggerated charges of racial discrimination in probes of Ally Bank and other defendants in the $900 billion car-lending business as part of a “racial justice” campaign that’s looking more like a massive government extortion and shakedown operation.

So far, Obama’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has reached more than $220 million in settlements with several auto lenders since the agency launched its anti-discrimination crusade against the industry in 2013. Several other banks are under active investigation.

That’s despite the fact that the CFPB had no actual complaints of racial discrimination — it was all just based on half-baked statistics."

The Obama ADMINISTRATION was just BUSTED running a govt racially-based extortion / SHAKEDOWN operation and intentionally causing further racial division in this country while helping others financially benefit from false accusations / claims of racial descrimination!

I guess he figured it worked so well for his pals Jesse 'Pay The rainbow Coalition Money To Pay For My Illegitimate Baby Or I will Falsely Brand You / Your Company' Jackson and Reverend Al 'Pay Me Money Or I Will Falsely Brand You / Your Company As A Racist, Too'' Sharpton that he thought he would get into the 'business'!

"This department was the brainchild of Elizabeth Warren."
-- Yeah, leave it up to the 'fake Woowoo' to drum up fake cases of discrimination!

Obama admin accused of forcing bank to pay baseless racial settlement
Time to give this thread a boost...

Another Obama Admin E-Mail Scandal, This Time at Homeland Security
Well, well, well, what do we have here?
Trey Sanchez

Hillary Clinton’s use of an unsecured, private server to send classified documents earned her a spot on an Army OPSEC training slide as an “insider threat” to national security. That’s pretty serious business, though that didn’t stop her from nearly becoming president.

But now, there’s another e-mail scandal brewing from the Obama administration and Judicial Watch is on the case:


Security officials that used “non-‘.gov’” email addresses.

Judicial Watch revealed that “Johnson and 28 other agency officials used government computers to access personal web-based email accounts despite an agency-wide ban due to heightened security concerns.” Homeland Security also lied to Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) when they told him no personal accounts were being used for government business.

“It is ironic and disconcerting that Secretary Johnson and his aides touted Homeland Security’s great ‘strides in cybersecurity’ while using unsecured, private, web-based email accounts that the Department had officially prohibited,” JW’s report states. “The fact that the documents found in these email accounts were so heavily redacted and that Johnson’s name and email account were spoofed in a phishing scam is indicative of just how lax communications security was inside Homeland Security during the Obama administration.”

Another Obama Admin E-Mail Scandal, This Time at Homeland Security
Under obongo watch...

San Antonio area commander charged in the Navy’s worst bribery scandal in its history
6 / 24

San Antonio Express-News

By Guillermo Contreras, Staff Writer 6 hrs ago

A Navy commander from the San Antonio area has been charged in the armed service branch’s worst corruption scandal in its history.

Federal agents from California arrested Lt. Cmdr. Mario Herrera, 48, on Thursday at his Helotes home on a charge of conspiracy to commit bribery. He is accused of accepting gifts, travel, sex from hookers and expensive meals from a company run by a corrupt contractor that gouged the Navy — and ultimately U.S. taxpayers — multi-millions of dollars.

Leonard Glenn Francis, a 6-foot-3-inch, 350-pound Malaysian known as “Fat Leonard,” ran Glenn Defense Marine Asia in Singapore and pleaded guilty last year to bribing several Navy commanders in exchange for classified information on ship schedules for the Seventh Fleet.



San Antonio area commander charged in the Navy’s worst bribery scandal in its history

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