Another Obama "friend" receives 340 million in taxpayer money

I started quite a few about Republican stupidity just prior to and after the election. More specifically about Roy Blunt of Mo and conservative reactions to the election. I ripped the gop contenders for pouncing on Perry's immigration stance. I complained about romney offshoring his money. And im sure there are several other instances of me being fair.

Sadly hacks and hardcore partisans don't notice.

Now, back to the topic since we're done with your failed attempt. Are you willing to take Obama to the mat for this or are you just gonna stick your head in the sand again?

I do seem to remember that so props for that. Haven't seen anything lately though. Oh, well.

I've not been on as much since the election and rules changes here at usmb. If there is sheisty money deals going on among the gop feel free to start a thread and give me a link to it. Until then what say you about THIS situation?

No further comment huh? I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you vacated the thread. Says much about your political integrity
FAlse again. And lets play for a minute that you are correct (which you aren't) then why has Obama's admin given them no bid contracts?

Don't know why. Perhaps it's in keeping with Obama's continuance of other Bush era policies. He's kind of like Bush except without the malapropisms and only half the insanity and ineptitude.

1) I think all government contracts should be bid for.
2) I think all government grants should be given with an eye towards return on investment. No more government funding of "mating habits of snails studies" type of BS.
Obamaturd isn't anything like Bush. Bush can prove he is an American citizen.

And start a war killing thousands of those.citizens.
FAlse again. And lets play for a minute that you are correct (which you aren't) then why has Obama's admin given them no bid contracts?

Don't know why. Perhaps it's in keeping with Obama's continuance of other Bush era policies. He's kind of like Bush except without the malapropisms and only half the insanity and ineptitude.

1) I think all government contracts should be bid for.
2) I think all government grants should be given with an eye towards return on investment. No more government funding of "mating habits of snails studies" type of BS.

and yet you still refuse to talk about the facts Clinton also gave no-bid contracts to Halliburton. Was Clinton as 'bestest butt buddies' with them? It is always do as I say, not as I do with some of you. It gets really old.

All you republicans and conservatives get all upset about all the "evil" things that Obama does. To hear all the bellyaching and whining coming from the right you would think that everything started with Obama - executive orders, czars, cronyism, wars, economic downturns, gas prices, embassy attacks, etc. The list is endless. Everything is Obama's fault. Of course there was no outcry about any of these things from the right when one of theirs was in power. No demand for hearings and investigations and impeachments. All that righteous indignation is always reserved for when a Democrat does the same things that Republicans have always done.
FAlse again. And lets play for a minute that you are correct (which you aren't) then why has Obama's admin given them no bid contracts?

Don't know why. Perhaps it's in keeping with Obama's continuance of other Bush era policies. He's kind of like Bush except without the malapropisms and only half the insanity and ineptitude.

1) I think all government contracts should be bid for.
2) I think all government grants should be given with an eye towards return on investment. No more government funding of "mating habits of snails studies" type of BS.

and yet you still refuse to talk about the facts Clinton also gave no-bid contracts to Halliburton. Was Clinton as 'bestest butt buddies' with them? It is always do as I say, not as I do with some of you. It gets really old.

All you republicans and conservatives get all upset about all the "evil" things that Obama does. To hear all the bellyaching and whining coming from the right you would think that everything started with Obama - executive orders, czars, cronyism, wars, economic downturns, gas prices, embassy attacks, etc. The list is endless. Everything is Obama's fault. Of course there was no outcry about any of these things from the right when one of theirs was in power. No demand for hearings and investigations and impeachments. All that righteous indignation is always reserved for when a Democrat does the same things that Republicans have always done. It gets really old.
Don't know why. Perhaps it's in keeping with Obama's continuance of other Bush era policies. He's kind of like Bush except without the malapropisms and only half the insanity and ineptitude.

1) I think all government contracts should be bid for.
2) I think all government grants should be given with an eye towards return on investment. No more government funding of "mating habits of snails studies" type of BS.

and yet you still refuse to talk about the facts Clinton also gave no-bid contracts to Halliburton. Was Clinton as 'bestest butt buddies' with them? It is always do as I say, not as I do with some of you. It gets really old.

All you republicans and conservatives get all upset about all the "evil" things that Obama does. To hear all the bellyaching and whining coming from the right you would think that everything started with Obama - executive orders, czars, cronyism, wars, economic downturns, gas prices, embassy attacks, etc. The list is endless. Everything is Obama's fault. Of course there was no outcry about any of these things from the right when one of theirs was in power. No demand for hearings and investigations and impeachments. All that righteous indignation is always reserved for when a Democrat does the same things that Republicans have always done. It gets really old.

As soon as you posted your reply it was apparent where you were coming from. No one has said that "... everything started with Obama". No one. Every administration has it's share of screw ups, missteps and the like. Here's the difference:

According to the left, when Barry was elected the heavens opened up, the skies cleared and Barry took his rightful place at the right-hand of God. He did not. Besides, the communist left doesn't believe in God.

Since that time, the left has spent the majority of their collective energy telling ANYONE who would listen that Obama "doesn't make mistakes". Everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) that Obama has done, will do, or might possibly do in the future is because of George Bush.

The communist left absolutely WILL NOT even remotely entertain the possibility that the community organizer from Chicago can make a mistake - even though he has stepped on his weenie several times already. Nope. It's "Bush's fault"
There's no conflict of interest with Cheney. I've put up links that prove there was no conflict of interest over and over and over. If there were, let's be honest.

Obama's DOJ would have Cheney in prison right now.

On the other hand, Soros has made a killing off his shares in Haliburton and many Democrats and liberal organizations have benefited from wealth derived from Haliburton stocks.

And that's legal, but I'm sick and tired of weenie libs still trying to say Cheney had a conflict of interest when he didn't.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, liberal and Dem donors have benefited enormously from loans and grants from Obama's administration.

Blatantly. Evidence everywhere.

Isn't there one Republican pit bull out there willing to take the time to investigate all of these?

No matter what facts or evidence you present, if they contradict the current liberal narrative, they will be ignored, or shouted over, or you will be target for all manner of nasty name calling. It cannot be permitted that the narrative be revealed as the lie it is.
and yet you still refuse to talk about the facts Clinton also gave no-bid contracts to Halliburton. Was Clinton as 'bestest butt buddies' with them? It is always do as I say, not as I do with some of you. It gets really old.

All you republicans and conservatives get all upset about all the "evil" things that Obama does. To hear all the bellyaching and whining coming from the right you would think that everything started with Obama - executive orders, czars, cronyism, wars, economic downturns, gas prices, embassy attacks, etc. The list is endless. Everything is Obama's fault. Of course there was no outcry about any of these things from the right when one of theirs was in power. No demand for hearings and investigations and impeachments. All that righteous indignation is always reserved for when a Democrat does the same things that Republicans have always done. It gets really old.

As soon as you posted your reply it was apparent where you were coming from. No one has said that "... everything started with Obama". No one. Every administration has it's share of screw ups, missteps and the like. Here's the difference:

According to the left, when Barry was elected the heavens opened up, the skies cleared and Barry took his rightful place at the right-hand of God. He did not. Besides, the communist left doesn't believe in God.

Since that time, the left has spent the majority of their collective energy telling ANYONE who would listen that Obama "doesn't make mistakes". Everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) that Obama has done, will do, or might possibly do in the future is because of George Bush.

The communist left absolutely WILL NOT even remotely entertain the possibility that the community organizer from Chicago can make a mistake - even though he has stepped on his weenie several times already. Nope. It's "Bush's fault"

Not at all. I have already faulted Obama for continuing the failed policies of his predecessor. That's one mistake. Another is not recognizing that the fascist right will not work with him no matter what is at stake, because repugs always put party above country.
All you republicans and conservatives get all upset about all the "evil" things that Obama does. To hear all the bellyaching and whining coming from the right you would think that everything started with Obama - executive orders, czars, cronyism, wars, economic downturns, gas prices, embassy attacks, etc. The list is endless. Everything is Obama's fault. Of course there was no outcry about any of these things from the right when one of theirs was in power. No demand for hearings and investigations and impeachments. All that righteous indignation is always reserved for when a Democrat does the same things that Republicans have always done. It gets really old.

As soon as you posted your reply it was apparent where you were coming from. No one has said that "... everything started with Obama". No one. Every administration has it's share of screw ups, missteps and the like. Here's the difference:

According to the left, when Barry was elected the heavens opened up, the skies cleared and Barry took his rightful place at the right-hand of God. He did not. Besides, the communist left doesn't believe in God.

Since that time, the left has spent the majority of their collective energy telling ANYONE who would listen that Obama "doesn't make mistakes". Everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) that Obama has done, will do, or might possibly do in the future is because of George Bush.

The communist left absolutely WILL NOT even remotely entertain the possibility that the community organizer from Chicago can make a mistake - even though he has stepped on his weenie several times already. Nope. It's "Bush's fault"

Not at all. I have already faulted Obama for continuing the failed policies of his predecessor. That's one mistake. Another is not recognizing that the fascist right will not work with him no matter what is at stake, because repugs always put party above country.

...because Repugs always put party above country

By golly, I've heard it all now. The "fascist right" as you commies like to use, won't work with Barry because it means "fundamentally" transforming the greatest nation on earth to a 3rd world banana republic.

Please understand this: WE ARE NOT SWEDEN
There's no conflict of interest with Cheney. I've put up links that prove there was no conflict of interest over and over and over. If there were, let's be honest.

Obama's DOJ would have Cheney in prison right now.

On the other hand, Soros has made a killing off his shares in Haliburton and many Democrats and liberal organizations have benefited from wealth derived from Haliburton stocks.

And that's legal, but I'm sick and tired of weenie libs still trying to say Cheney had a conflict of interest when he didn't.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, liberal and Dem donors have benefited enormously from loans and grants from Obama's administration.

Blatantly. Evidence everywhere.

Isn't there one Republican pit bull out there willing to take the time to investigate all of these?

No matter what facts or evidence you present, if they contradict the current liberal narrative, they will be ignored, or shouted over, or you will be target for all manner of nasty name calling. It cannot be permitted that the narrative be revealed as the lie it is.

Pot meet kettle.
As soon as you posted your reply it was apparent where you were coming from. No one has said that "... everything started with Obama". No one. Every administration has it's share of screw ups, missteps and the like. Here's the difference:

According to the left, when Barry was elected the heavens opened up, the skies cleared and Barry took his rightful place at the right-hand of God. He did not. Besides, the communist left doesn't believe in God.

Since that time, the left has spent the majority of their collective energy telling ANYONE who would listen that Obama "doesn't make mistakes". Everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) that Obama has done, will do, or might possibly do in the future is because of George Bush.

The communist left absolutely WILL NOT even remotely entertain the possibility that the community organizer from Chicago can make a mistake - even though he has stepped on his weenie several times already. Nope. It's "Bush's fault"

Not at all. I have already faulted Obama for continuing the failed policies of his predecessor. That's one mistake. Another is not recognizing that the fascist right will not work with him no matter what is at stake, because repugs always put party above country.

...because Repugs always put party above country

By golly, I've heard it all now. The "fascist right" as you commies like to use, won't work with Barry because it means "fundamentally" transforming the greatest nation on earth to a 3rd world banana republic.

Please understand this: WE ARE NOT SWEDEN

Yeah, that must be the reason repugs filibuster and obstruct even the things they were previously in support of.

Yeah, I know we aren't Sweden. Swedish citizens actually get something for their taxes.
Don't know why. Perhaps it's in keeping with Obama's continuance of other Bush era policies. He's kind of like Bush except without the malapropisms and only half the insanity and ineptitude.

1) I think all government contracts should be bid for.
2) I think all government grants should be given with an eye towards return on investment. No more government funding of "mating habits of snails studies" type of BS.

and yet you still refuse to talk about the facts Clinton also gave no-bid contracts to Halliburton. Was Clinton as 'bestest butt buddies' with them? It is always do as I say, not as I do with some of you. It gets really old.

All you republicans and conservatives get all upset about all the "evil" things that Obama does. To hear all the bellyaching and whining coming from the right you would think that everything started with Obama - executive orders, czars, cronyism, wars, economic downturns, gas prices, embassy attacks, etc. The list is endless. Everything is Obama's fault. Of course there was no outcry about any of these things from the right when one of theirs was in power. No demand for hearings and investigations and impeachments. All that righteous indignation is always reserved for when a Democrat does the same things that Republicans have always done.

deflect, deflect, deflect.
Not at all. I have already faulted Obama for continuing the failed policies of his predecessor. That's one mistake. Another is not recognizing that the fascist right will not work with him no matter what is at stake, because repugs always put party above country.

...because Repugs always put party above country

By golly, I've heard it all now. The "fascist right" as you commies like to use, won't work with Barry because it means "fundamentally" transforming the greatest nation on earth to a 3rd world banana republic.

Please understand this: WE ARE NOT SWEDEN

Yeah, that must be the reason repugs filibuster and obstruct even the things they were previously in support of.

Yeah, I know we aren't Sweden. Swedish citizens actually get something for their taxes.

Swedish citizens actually get something for their taxes

We have more people on government entitlements than actually LIVE in Sweden. I'd say that "we" are "getting something" for our taxes. A populace of slaves.
...because Repugs always put party above country

By golly, I've heard it all now. The "fascist right" as you commies like to use, won't work with Barry because it means "fundamentally" transforming the greatest nation on earth to a 3rd world banana republic.

Please understand this: WE ARE NOT SWEDEN

Yeah, that must be the reason repugs filibuster and obstruct even the things they were previously in support of.

Yeah, I know we aren't Sweden. Swedish citizens actually get something for their taxes.

Swedish citizens actually get something for their taxes

We have more people on government entitlements than actually LIVE in Sweden. I'd say that "we" are "getting something" for our taxes. A populace of slaves.

Yeah, because to the right paying into and sharing in public benefits = slavery. Swedish citizens get healthcare, education through university level, reliable transportation, and a very comfortable standard of living for their taxes. We get a bloated military, bridges to nowhere, wars without end, a police surveillance state, and corporate bailouts. I know where I'd rather have my money go.
There's no conflict of interest with Cheney. I've put up links that prove there was no conflict of interest over and over and over. If there were, let's be honest.

Obama's DOJ would have Cheney in prison right now.

On the other hand, Soros has made a killing off his shares in Haliburton and many Democrats and liberal organizations have benefited from wealth derived from Haliburton stocks.

And that's legal, but I'm sick and tired of weenie libs still trying to say Cheney had a conflict of interest when he didn't.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, liberal and Dem donors have benefited enormously from loans and grants from Obama's administration.

Blatantly. Evidence everywhere.

Isn't there one Republican pit bull out there willing to take the time to investigate all of these?
You can post all the facts you can find...then dimwit liberals will still respond with more lies. It is their WAY OF LIFE!

Liberals are pathological liars and cannot deal with the truth!
Yeah, that must be the reason repugs filibuster and obstruct even the things they were previously in support of.

Yeah, I know we aren't Sweden. Swedish citizens actually get something for their taxes.

Swedish citizens actually get something for their taxes

We have more people on government entitlements than actually LIVE in Sweden. I'd say that "we" are "getting something" for our taxes. A populace of slaves.

Yeah, because to the right paying into and sharing in public benefits = slavery. Swedish citizens get healthcare, education through university level, reliable transportation, and a very comfortable standard of living for their taxes. We get a bloated military, bridges to nowhere, wars without end, a police surveillance state, and corporate bailouts. I know where I'd rather have my money go.

Well, by all means, feel free to go there...oh, that's right, outsiders aren't welcome there. I forgot. Maybe Russia? perhaps Cuba? How about China? Damn..I'm really not sure what to tell you.

I think you'd probably do well in Cuba. Driving a 1955 Chevy Taxi might be right up your alley......
There's no conflict of interest with Cheney. I've put up links that prove there was no conflict of interest over and over and over. If there were, let's be honest.

Obama's DOJ would have Cheney in prison right now.

On the other hand, Soros has made a killing off his shares in Haliburton and many Democrats and liberal organizations have benefited from wealth derived from Haliburton stocks.

And that's legal, but I'm sick and tired of weenie libs still trying to say Cheney had a conflict of interest when he didn't.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, liberal and Dem donors have benefited enormously from loans and grants from Obama's administration.

Blatantly. Evidence everywhere.

Isn't there one Republican pit bull out there willing to take the time to investigate all of these?
You can post all the facts you can find...then dimwit liberals will still respond with more lies. It is their WAY OF LIFE!

Liberals are pathological liars and cannot deal with the truth!

Pot meet kettle.
Swedish citizens actually get something for their taxes

We have more people on government entitlements than actually LIVE in Sweden. I'd say that "we" are "getting something" for our taxes. A populace of slaves.

Yeah, because to the right paying into and sharing in public benefits = slavery. Swedish citizens get healthcare, education through university level, reliable transportation, and a very comfortable standard of living for their taxes. We get a bloated military, bridges to nowhere, wars without end, a police surveillance state, and corporate bailouts. I know where I'd rather have my money go.

Well, by all means, feel free to go there...oh, that's right, outsiders aren't welcome there. I forgot. Maybe Russia? perhaps Cuba? How about China? Damn..I'm really not sure what to tell you.

I think you'd probably do well in Cuba. Driving a 1955 Chevy Taxi might be right up your alley......

And you would do well in Somalia. They don't have big, evil government there. Guns galore too. No social safety net, no minimum wage, no healthcare. A real conservative utopia. Why don't all you right wingers pack up and move there?

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