Another Obama "friend" receives 340 million in taxpayer money

Yeah, because to the right paying into and sharing in public benefits = slavery. Swedish citizens get healthcare, education through university level, reliable transportation, and a very comfortable standard of living for their taxes. We get a bloated military, bridges to nowhere, wars without end, a police surveillance state, and corporate bailouts. I know where I'd rather have my money go.

Well, by all means, feel free to go there...oh, that's right, outsiders aren't welcome there. I forgot. Maybe Russia? perhaps Cuba? How about China? Damn..I'm really not sure what to tell you.

I think you'd probably do well in Cuba. Driving a 1955 Chevy Taxi might be right up your alley......

And you would do well in Somalia. They don't have big, evil government there. Guns galore too. No social safety net, no minimum wage, no healthcare. A real conservative utopia. Why don't all you right wingers pack up and move there?

show me where ANY conservative wants absolutely no government.
Yeah, because to the right paying into and sharing in public benefits = slavery. Swedish citizens get healthcare, education through university level, reliable transportation, and a very comfortable standard of living for their taxes. We get a bloated military, bridges to nowhere, wars without end, a police surveillance state, and corporate bailouts. I know where I'd rather have my money go.

Well, by all means, feel free to go there...oh, that's right, outsiders aren't welcome there. I forgot. Maybe Russia? perhaps Cuba? How about China? Damn..I'm really not sure what to tell you.

I think you'd probably do well in Cuba. Driving a 1955 Chevy Taxi might be right up your alley......

And you would do well in Somalia. They don't have big, evil government there. Guns galore too. No social safety net, no minimum wage, no healthcare. A real conservative utopia. Why don't all you right wingers pack up and move there?

Well, let's examine that. I grew up as a military brat. I was taught that as a black man, I needed to "prove" my worth. My Father, retired Air Force General taught us that the "worth of a man is in his "deeds, not his needs".

I have never needed ths "safety net" that you lefties are so fond of. I served in the military, returned from Vietnam, got my BA in communications from the University of Louisville, married with 2 children to the same woman for 39 years, missed 2 days of work in 25 years. Never asked anyone for anything.

The only time in my life I EVER received "minimum wage" was when I, at 14, worked at a Holiday Inn as a dishwasher.

I currently receive Social Security that I paid for and a pension that I paid for. My mortgage is paid off and I live a comfortable life with my Wife, my kids and, in particular, my Grandkids.

It's called the American dream. YOUR guy wants to take it away from us, and, I assume that YOU do, as well. Living it requires that an individual get up off his ass and take care of himself and his loved ones. Not sit on his lazy ass and wait for the likes of Barry Obama to do it for him.
Well, by all means, feel free to go there...oh, that's right, outsiders aren't welcome there. I forgot. Maybe Russia? perhaps Cuba? How about China? Damn..I'm really not sure what to tell you.

I think you'd probably do well in Cuba. Driving a 1955 Chevy Taxi might be right up your alley......

And you would do well in Somalia. They don't have big, evil government there. Guns galore too. No social safety net, no minimum wage, no healthcare. A real conservative utopia. Why don't all you right wingers pack up and move there?

Well, let's examine that. I grew up as a military brat. I was taught that as a black man, I needed to "prove" my worth. My Father, retired Air Force General taught us that the "worth of a man is in his "deeds, not his needs".

I have never needed ths "safety net" that you lefties are so fond of. I served in the military, returned from Vietnam, got my BA in communications from the University of Louisville, married with 2 children to the same woman for 39 years, missed 2 days of work in 25 years. Never asked anyone for anything.

The only time in my life I EVER received "minimum wage" was when I, at 14, worked at a Holiday Inn as a dishwasher.

I currently receive Social Security that I paid for and a pension that I paid for. My mortgage is paid off and I live a comfortable life with my Wife, my kids and, in particular, my Grandkids.

It's called the American dream. YOUR guy wants to take it away from us, and, I assume that YOU do, as well. Living it requires that an individual get up off his ass and take care of himself and his loved ones. Not sit on his lazy ass and wait for the likes of Barry Obama to do it for him.

I've worked all my adult life, a couple minimum wage jobs when I was in High School. I Joined the Navy under the old GI bill. I took another minimum wage retail job when I got out of the Navy to help put myself through college. I've been an Engineer for the past 30 years, always paying taxes and putting into Social Security and Medicare. In another 10 years, if I'm still alive, I hope to retire and collect my Social Security. My mortgage should be paid off and my kids through college by then. Don't know who this lazy person is you're talking about.

Social Security and Medicare are part of the social safety net. Unemployment insurance is another - one that fortunately I've only used once for a couple months. Republicans are the ones that want to do away with it. Calling people who have worked all their lives putting into the system leeches, sponges, ticks, and all sorts of other vile things. Well, fuck them. I want the social safety net around.

Don't know where you get the idea that Obama or the Democrats want to take anything away from anyone. Asking the rich to pay 38% instead of 35% is hardly onerous given that most of them pay far less than that. See Romney's 15% as an example. And I'm not waiting for anyone to do anything for me.
And you would do well in Somalia. They don't have big, evil government there. Guns galore too. No social safety net, no minimum wage, no healthcare. A real conservative utopia. Why don't all you right wingers pack up and move there?

Well, let's examine that. I grew up as a military brat. I was taught that as a black man, I needed to "prove" my worth. My Father, retired Air Force General taught us that the "worth of a man is in his "deeds, not his needs".

I have never needed ths "safety net" that you lefties are so fond of. I served in the military, returned from Vietnam, got my BA in communications from the University of Louisville, married with 2 children to the same woman for 39 years, missed 2 days of work in 25 years. Never asked anyone for anything.

The only time in my life I EVER received "minimum wage" was when I, at 14, worked at a Holiday Inn as a dishwasher.

I currently receive Social Security that I paid for and a pension that I paid for. My mortgage is paid off and I live a comfortable life with my Wife, my kids and, in particular, my Grandkids.

It's called the American dream. YOUR guy wants to take it away from us, and, I assume that YOU do, as well. Living it requires that an individual get up off his ass and take care of himself and his loved ones. Not sit on his lazy ass and wait for the likes of Barry Obama to do it for him.

I've worked all my adult life, a couple minimum wage jobs when I was in High School. I Joined the Navy under the old GI bill. I took another minimum wage retail job when I got out of the Navy to help put myself through college. I've been an Engineer for the past 30 years, always paying taxes and putting into Social Security and Medicare. In another 10 years, if I'm still alive, I hope to retire and collect my Social Security. My mortgage should be paid off and my kids through college by then. Don't know who this lazy person is you're talking about.

Social Security and Medicare are part of the social safety net. Unemployment insurance is another - one that fortunately I've only used once for a couple months. Republicans are the ones that want to do away with it. Calling people who have worked all their lives putting into the system leeches, sponges, ticks, and all sorts of other vile things. Well, fuck them. I want the social safety net around.

Don't know where you get the idea that Obama or the Democrats want to take anything away from anyone. Asking the rich to pay 38% instead of 35% is hardly onerous given that most of them pay far less than that. See Romney's 15% as an example. And I'm not waiting for anyone to do anything for me.

The democrats don't want to "take anything away from anyone". They want to give more and more and more and more. More of what we simply DO NOT have. Barry asked for a rise in taxes from the "rich". He got what he wanted. Now he wants more, as the "rich" apparently STILL aren't paying their "fair share". Regardless of the FACT that they ALREADY pay the lions share of the taxes in America while being vilified by those who are disgusted by "success".

That's the problem in this country. Victimization of everyone. I know first hand (being black) about you democrats. I voted for JFK my first time out. I truly believed in the man until I found out what a sleaze-bag he was. I truly bought into the democrat philosophy of "we care". It's bogus BS.

Democrats enslave. They have made addicts out of black Americans for a hundred years. No thank you. You want to buy into this smooth talker's crap, that's on you. I see the man for what he is - A man who had everything in his life handed to him by "persons unknown", never held a meaningful job in his life, skated through a FREE education (again by persons unknown) cavorts with known domestic terrorists, his mentors are avowed communists, his "pastor" is a left wing radical "America-hater".

Where I come from, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.......
The Virginian: Insurer with NY's 'worst' record of complaints gets $340M Obamacare loan

Seriously? One of the companies with THE WORST RECORDS gets paid thanks to connections to Obama.

Where the fuck is the oversight?

Not to be rude.....but have you been living on Mars for the last 4 years? There is no oversight or accountability or even reasonable questioning by the media. obama is allowed to pretty much do as he pleases, with no real challenge by anyone in the media or other democrats. The one thing people can say about obama is that he has the dems staying on message....whatever that message is. Public disagreements are kept to a bare minimum, which is more than I can say for the republicans.....they publicly argue about everything. The pubs have learned NOTHING....dumber than a box of rocks.
Well, let's examine that. I grew up as a military brat. I was taught that as a black man, I needed to "prove" my worth. My Father, retired Air Force General taught us that the "worth of a man is in his "deeds, not his needs".

I have never needed ths "safety net" that you lefties are so fond of. I served in the military, returned from Vietnam, got my BA in communications from the University of Louisville, married with 2 children to the same woman for 39 years, missed 2 days of work in 25 years. Never asked anyone for anything.

The only time in my life I EVER received "minimum wage" was when I, at 14, worked at a Holiday Inn as a dishwasher.

I currently receive Social Security that I paid for and a pension that I paid for. My mortgage is paid off and I live a comfortable life with my Wife, my kids and, in particular, my Grandkids.

It's called the American dream. YOUR guy wants to take it away from us, and, I assume that YOU do, as well. Living it requires that an individual get up off his ass and take care of himself and his loved ones. Not sit on his lazy ass and wait for the likes of Barry Obama to do it for him.

I've worked all my adult life, a couple minimum wage jobs when I was in High School. I Joined the Navy under the old GI bill. I took another minimum wage retail job when I got out of the Navy to help put myself through college. I've been an Engineer for the past 30 years, always paying taxes and putting into Social Security and Medicare. In another 10 years, if I'm still alive, I hope to retire and collect my Social Security. My mortgage should be paid off and my kids through college by then. Don't know who this lazy person is you're talking about.

Social Security and Medicare are part of the social safety net. Unemployment insurance is another - one that fortunately I've only used once for a couple months. Republicans are the ones that want to do away with it. Calling people who have worked all their lives putting into the system leeches, sponges, ticks, and all sorts of other vile things. Well, fuck them. I want the social safety net around.

Don't know where you get the idea that Obama or the Democrats want to take anything away from anyone. Asking the rich to pay 38% instead of 35% is hardly onerous given that most of them pay far less than that. See Romney's 15% as an example. And I'm not waiting for anyone to do anything for me.

The democrats don't want to "take anything away from anyone". They want to give more and more and more and more. More of what we simply DO NOT have. Barry asked for a rise in taxes from the "rich". He got what he wanted. Now he wants more, as the "rich" apparently STILL aren't paying their "fair share". Regardless of the FACT that they ALREADY pay the lions share of the taxes in America while being vilified by those who are disgusted by "success".

That's the problem in this country. Victimization of everyone. I know first hand (being black) about you democrats. I voted for JFK my first time out. I truly believed in the man until I found out what a sleaze-bag he was. I truly bought into the democrat philosophy of "we care". It's bogus BS.

Democrats enslave. They have made addicts out of black Americans for a hundred years. No thank you. You want to buy into this smooth talker's crap, that's on you. I see the man for what he is - A man who had everything in his life handed to him by "persons unknown", never held a meaningful job in his life, skated through a FREE education (again by persons unknown) cavorts with known domestic terrorists, his mentors are avowed communists, his "pastor" is a left wing radical "America-hater".

Where I come from, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.......

I take Republicans at their word. They hate "entitlements". Well, Social Security is an "entitlement". One I've paid into for 40 years. Republicans don't want healthcare. They want "Let him die". Republicans don't want peace. They want "bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran". They hate welfare unless it's for corporations. They want to turn our schools into armed camps with armed vigilantes roaming the halls. They want to codify religion into law. No thanks. Until there is a credible 3rd party out there that stands for ordinary working people rather than corporate oligarchy, I'll continue to vote for the Democratic party and for my own self interests.
The Virginian: Insurer with NY's 'worst' record of complaints gets $340M Obamacare loan

Seriously? One of the companies with THE WORST RECORDS gets paid thanks to connections to Obama.

Where the fuck is the oversight?

Not to be rude.....but have you been living on Mars for the last 4 years? There is no oversight or accountability or even reasonable questioning by the media. obama is allowed to pretty much do as he pleases, with no real challenge by anyone in the media or other democrats. The one thing people can say about obama is that he has the dems staying on message....whatever that message is. Public disagreements are kept to a bare minimum, which is more than I can say for the republicans.....they publicly argue about everything. The pubs have learned NOTHING....dumber than a box of rocks.

I couldn't agree more. The REPUBLICANS are being overwhelmed by the democrats and they have no answer for it. What's worse, is that they refuse to understand that political demographics are rapidly changing in this country primarily due to illegal immigration. We have turned from a nation of self-reliance to a nation of victims and the right has no answer.

How could they? Every group from single women to blacks to illegals to organized labor has been promised "free stuff" and these groups are thrilled to death by that. Comrade Obama is no fool. He KNOWS that to promise the moon is to promise votes for the "central party" for years to come. The Russians accomplished this by guns - he is accomplishing this with empty promises - same thing.

The "central government" has been taken over by idiotic and ridiculous folks (re:Nancy Pelosi) who are fond of spouting that there "is no spending problem" in the US; and they truly believe that. The comedian is right. There is NO CURE for stupid and she is without doubt one of the most stupid people on this planet.

I see this like a person standing on the railroad tracks trying to stop a "hell-bound" train.

The media is squarely behind Comrade Obama and they will lie, cheat and steal to do anything they can to help him out. Joseph Goebbels is no doubt clapping with glee from hell at seeing his plans being so aptly applied in this country.
The Virginian: Insurer with NY's 'worst' record of complaints gets $340M Obamacare loan

Seriously? One of the companies with THE WORST RECORDS gets paid thanks to connections to Obama.

Where the fuck is the oversight?

Not to be rude.....but have you been living on Mars for the last 4 years? There is no oversight or accountability or even reasonable questioning by the media. obama is allowed to pretty much do as he pleases, with no real challenge by anyone in the media or other democrats. The one thing people can say about obama is that he has the dems staying on message....whatever that message is. Public disagreements are kept to a bare minimum, which is more than I can say for the republicans.....they publicly argue about everything. The pubs have learned NOTHING....dumber than a box of rocks.

Really? Always seemed to me that getting Democrats to agree on things was like herding cats. Republicans, on the other hand, always seem to vote in lockstep.
I've worked all my adult life, a couple minimum wage jobs when I was in High School. I Joined the Navy under the old GI bill. I took another minimum wage retail job when I got out of the Navy to help put myself through college. I've been an Engineer for the past 30 years, always paying taxes and putting into Social Security and Medicare. In another 10 years, if I'm still alive, I hope to retire and collect my Social Security. My mortgage should be paid off and my kids through college by then. Don't know who this lazy person is you're talking about.

Social Security and Medicare are part of the social safety net. Unemployment insurance is another - one that fortunately I've only used once for a couple months. Republicans are the ones that want to do away with it. Calling people who have worked all their lives putting into the system leeches, sponges, ticks, and all sorts of other vile things. Well, fuck them. I want the social safety net around.

Don't know where you get the idea that Obama or the Democrats want to take anything away from anyone. Asking the rich to pay 38% instead of 35% is hardly onerous given that most of them pay far less than that. See Romney's 15% as an example. And I'm not waiting for anyone to do anything for me.

The democrats don't want to "take anything away from anyone". They want to give more and more and more and more. More of what we simply DO NOT have. Barry asked for a rise in taxes from the "rich". He got what he wanted. Now he wants more, as the "rich" apparently STILL aren't paying their "fair share". Regardless of the FACT that they ALREADY pay the lions share of the taxes in America while being vilified by those who are disgusted by "success".

That's the problem in this country. Victimization of everyone. I know first hand (being black) about you democrats. I voted for JFK my first time out. I truly believed in the man until I found out what a sleaze-bag he was. I truly bought into the democrat philosophy of "we care". It's bogus BS.

Democrats enslave. They have made addicts out of black Americans for a hundred years. No thank you. You want to buy into this smooth talker's crap, that's on you. I see the man for what he is - A man who had everything in his life handed to him by "persons unknown", never held a meaningful job in his life, skated through a FREE education (again by persons unknown) cavorts with known domestic terrorists, his mentors are avowed communists, his "pastor" is a left wing radical "America-hater".

Where I come from, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.......

I take Republicans at their word. They hate "entitlements". Well, Social Security is an "entitlement". One I've paid into for 40 years. Republicans don't want healthcare. They want "Let him die". Republicans don't want peace. They want "bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran". They hate welfare unless it's for corporations. They want to turn our schools into armed camps with armed vigilantes roaming the halls. They want to codify religion into law. No thanks. Until there is a credible 3rd party out there that stands for ordinary working people rather than corporate oligarchy, I'll continue to vote for the Democratic party and for my own self interests.

Again, you act like the typical communist that is called a "democrat". I DO NOT hate entitlements. I cannot see how it helps ANYONE to put them on the government dole and then leave them there for the next 8 generations. I believe in a HAND UP - not a HAND OUT. Not one soul has said that Social Security is an "entitlement" I've paid into it a helluva lot longer than you. IT IS MINE.

I couldn't care less whether you or anyone else has healthcare. That's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to take care of YOUR FAMILY. Yeah, you're right. As a combat vet- I HATE peace. You goofball. I've killed more times that I want to remember but guess what? I DO REMEMBER and there's nothing than I want more than Peace.

I guess your buddy Bill Clinton wanted Peace when he got involved in Serbia? Or when your Comrade Obama promised to get us out of the middle East and close Guantanamo?? You can't have it both ways there son...And By the way, it was a DEMOCRAT that sent me to SouthEast Asia. His name was John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Turn our schools into "Armed camps"?? Are you crazy?? Most schools have had safety officers in them for over 10 years now. How about we start to blame the worthless liberal mental health providers that allow these monsters to walk among us rather than have them put away in institutions where they belong? Or do you contend that these guns jumped down off the shelf and committed these mass murders by themselves??

Stupid Communists......
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The Virginian: Insurer with NY's 'worst' record of complaints gets $340M Obamacare loan

Seriously? One of the companies with THE WORST RECORDS gets paid thanks to connections to Obama.

Where the fuck is the oversight?

Not to be rude.....but have you been living on Mars for the last 4 years? There is no oversight or accountability or even reasonable questioning by the media. obama is allowed to pretty much do as he pleases, with no real challenge by anyone in the media or other democrats. The one thing people can say about obama is that he has the dems staying on message....whatever that message is. Public disagreements are kept to a bare minimum, which is more than I can say for the republicans.....they publicly argue about everything. The pubs have learned NOTHING....dumber than a box of rocks.

Really? Always seemed to me that getting Democrats to agree on things was like herding cats. Republicans, on the other hand, always seem to vote in lockstep.
Until the socilaist in chief came into existence, now the dimwits all got their head up his ass.
Yeah, that must be the reason repugs filibuster and obstruct even the things they were previously in support of.

Yeah, I know we aren't Sweden. Swedish citizens actually get something for their taxes.

Swedish citizens actually get something for their taxes

We have more people on government entitlements than actually LIVE in Sweden. I'd say that "we" are "getting something" for our taxes. A populace of slaves.

Yeah, because to the right paying into and sharing in public benefits = slavery. Swedish citizens get healthcare, education through university level, reliable transportation, and a very comfortable standard of living for their taxes. We get a bloated military, bridges to nowhere, wars without end, a police surveillance state, and corporate bailouts. I know where I'd rather have my money go.

I'm not sure the Swedes would have you.
Swedish citizens actually get something for their taxes

We have more people on government entitlements than actually LIVE in Sweden. I'd say that "we" are "getting something" for our taxes. A populace of slaves.

Yeah, because to the right paying into and sharing in public benefits = slavery. Swedish citizens get healthcare, education through university level, reliable transportation, and a very comfortable standard of living for their taxes. We get a bloated military, bridges to nowhere, wars without end, a police surveillance state, and corporate bailouts. I know where I'd rather have my money go.

I'm not sure the Swedes would have you.

Why not? I play by the rules. I pay my share. I obey the laws. I do my duty. I speak my mind. I am even part Swedish on my father's side. But I have no desire to live anywhere other than where I already live - right here in the USA.
The democrats don't want to "take anything away from anyone". They want to give more and more and more and more. More of what we simply DO NOT have. Barry asked for a rise in taxes from the "rich". He got what he wanted. Now he wants more, as the "rich" apparently STILL aren't paying their "fair share". Regardless of the FACT that they ALREADY pay the lions share of the taxes in America while being vilified by those who are disgusted by "success".

That's the problem in this country. Victimization of everyone. I know first hand (being black) about you democrats. I voted for JFK my first time out. I truly believed in the man until I found out what a sleaze-bag he was. I truly bought into the democrat philosophy of "we care". It's bogus BS.

Democrats enslave. They have made addicts out of black Americans for a hundred years. No thank you. You want to buy into this smooth talker's crap, that's on you. I see the man for what he is - A man who had everything in his life handed to him by "persons unknown", never held a meaningful job in his life, skated through a FREE education (again by persons unknown) cavorts with known domestic terrorists, his mentors are avowed communists, his "pastor" is a left wing radical "America-hater".

Where I come from, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.......

I take Republicans at their word. They hate "entitlements". Well, Social Security is an "entitlement". One I've paid into for 40 years. Republicans don't want healthcare. They want "Let him die". Republicans don't want peace. They want "bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran". They hate welfare unless it's for corporations. They want to turn our schools into armed camps with armed vigilantes roaming the halls. They want to codify religion into law. No thanks. Until there is a credible 3rd party out there that stands for ordinary working people rather than corporate oligarchy, I'll continue to vote for the Democratic party and for my own self interests.

Again, you act like the typical communist that is called a "democrat". I DO NOT hate entitlements. I cannot see how it helps ANYONE to put them on the government dole and then leave them there for the next 8 generations. I believe in a HAND UP - not a HAND OUT. Not one soul has said that Social Security is an "entitlement" I've paid into it a helluva lot longer than you. IT IS MINE.

I couldn't care less whether you or anyone else has healthcare. That's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to take care of YOUR FAMILY. Yeah, you're right. As a combat vet- I HATE peace. You goofball. I've killed more times that I want to remember but guess what? I DO REMEMBER and there's nothing than I want more than Peace.

I guess your buddy Bill Clinton wanted Peace when he got involved in Serbia? Or when your Comrade Obama promised to get us out of the middle East and close Guantanamo?? You can't have it both ways there son...And By the way, it was a DEMOCRAT that sent me to SouthEast Asia. His name was John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Turn our schools into "Armed camps"?? Are you crazy?? Most schools have had safety officers in them for over 10 years now. How about we start to blame the worthless liberal mental health providers that allow these monsters to walk among us rather than have them put away in institutions where they belong? Or do you contend that these guns jumped down off the shelf and committed these mass murders by themselves??

Stupid Communists......

1. I am no more a Communist than you are a Nazi.
2. I suppose it would be better to have people starving and dying in the streets than have a social safety net.
3. You and I and most people are against war. After all, what's in it for the common man? But the political parties? Republicans like war. Democrats too. It's good for business. Of course, you're not going to find many of the 1% out there putting their lives on the line. They have "other priorities".
4. Obama got us out of Iraq, although we still have some forces remaining. He isn't getting us out of Afghanistan as quickly as I'd like, but at least we should be out in the foreseeable future.
5. How many American lives were lost in Serbia with Clinton? How many in Iraq with Bush?
6. Our involvement in Viet Nam preceded Kennedy.
7. Gitmo has not closed because congress has not permitted it. I guess Repugs are too much in love with torture prisons.
8. It is all the rage with the right wing gun nutters. According to them, schools now need armed guards, armed teachers, armed administrators, armed janitors, armed crosswalk guards, armed PTA volunteers, armed counselors, armed principals, and bulletproof shields for students.
9. Right wing demigod Reagan did away with fed support of mental health treatment services. A bit late and hypocritical to cast blame on "worthless liberal mental health providers" when it was the right that eliminated those services. Maybe if these mental institutions were still being funded, some of these homicidal wackos would have been caught and treated instead of being left to their own ends.

Stupid fascists.
The Virginian: Insurer with NY's 'worst' record of complaints gets $340M Obamacare loan

Seriously? One of the companies with THE WORST RECORDS gets paid thanks to connections to Obama.

Where the fuck is the oversight?

Probably the same place it was when Halliburton got those no-bid contracts worth billions when Bush/Cheney were in charge.

Yep. Busy counting their money. Do you support them?

What can I say? I don't like the cronyism. I don't like the undue influences of lobbyists. I try to vote for people that are decent and just. If they prove to be otherwise, I don't vote for them again. Trouble is, it's usually the other guy who I have no control over that is the problem...
I take Republicans at their word. They hate "entitlements". Well, Social Security is an "entitlement". One I've paid into for 40 years. Republicans don't want healthcare. They want "Let him die". Republicans don't want peace. They want "bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran". They hate welfare unless it's for corporations. They want to turn our schools into armed camps with armed vigilantes roaming the halls. They want to codify religion into law. No thanks. Until there is a credible 3rd party out there that stands for ordinary working people rather than corporate oligarchy, I'll continue to vote for the Democratic party and for my own self interests.

Again, you act like the typical communist that is called a "democrat". I DO NOT hate entitlements. I cannot see how it helps ANYONE to put them on the government dole and then leave them there for the next 8 generations. I believe in a HAND UP - not a HAND OUT. Not one soul has said that Social Security is an "entitlement" I've paid into it a helluva lot longer than you. IT IS MINE.

I couldn't care less whether you or anyone else has healthcare. That's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to take care of YOUR FAMILY. Yeah, you're right. As a combat vet- I HATE peace. You goofball. I've killed more times that I want to remember but guess what? I DO REMEMBER and there's nothing than I want more than Peace.

I guess your buddy Bill Clinton wanted Peace when he got involved in Serbia? Or when your Comrade Obama promised to get us out of the middle East and close Guantanamo?? You can't have it both ways there son...And By the way, it was a DEMOCRAT that sent me to SouthEast Asia. His name was John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Turn our schools into "Armed camps"?? Are you crazy?? Most schools have had safety officers in them for over 10 years now. How about we start to blame the worthless liberal mental health providers that allow these monsters to walk among us rather than have them put away in institutions where they belong? Or do you contend that these guns jumped down off the shelf and committed these mass murders by themselves??

Stupid Communists......

1. I am no more a Communist than you are a Nazi.
2. I suppose it would be better to have people starving and dying in the streets than have a social safety net.
3. You and I and most people are against war. After all, what's in it for the common man? But the political parties? Republicans like war. Democrats too. It's good for business. Of course, you're not going to find many of the 1% out there putting their lives on the line. They have "other priorities".
4. Obama got us out of Iraq, although we still have some forces remaining. He isn't getting us out of Afghanistan as quickly as I'd like, but at least we should be out in the foreseeable future.
5. How many American lives were lost in Serbia with Clinton? How many in Iraq with Bush?
6. Our involvement in Viet Nam preceded Kennedy.
7. Gitmo has not closed because congress has not permitted it. I guess Repugs are too much in love with torture prisons.
8. It is all the rage with the right wing gun nutters. According to them, schools now need armed guards, armed teachers, armed administrators, armed janitors, armed crosswalk guards, armed PTA volunteers, armed counselors, armed principals, and bulletproof shields for students.
9. Right wing demigod Reagan did away with fed support of mental health treatment services. A bit late and hypocritical to cast blame on "worthless liberal mental health providers" when it was the right that eliminated those services. Maybe if these mental institutions were still being funded, some of these homicidal wackos would have been caught and treated instead of being left to their own ends.

Stupid fascists.

OK Commie....let's take your little diatribe one point at a time.

(1) You support Barry - Nuff said.

(2) If people "starve in the streets" this must be Biafra. There are 270 FEDERAL programs to keep people from "starving" in the streets. We're talking about generations of people who have known NOTHING but the "helping hand" of the government. There are currently 47 MILLION people receiving some sort of assistance from Barry. Before his regime took over, there were 16 million. SLAVES.

(3) There have been wars as long as their have been humans on this planet you moron. They will not stop as long as there are humans on this planet. Grow up.

(4) Barry "got us out of Iraq" and is using drones all over the middle east to do his dirty work - including American citizens (I am glad) that were denied due process. We are nearly 5 years into his regime and he has yet to leave Afghanistan or close Guantanimo. He still maintains kill orders on suspected Taliban and Al Quaeda in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq.

(4) The draw down in Iraq started with George Bush and was completed with Barry. That was a war that should never have been started in the first place.

(5) How many serbian lives were lost as a direct result of american involvement? Remember the "aspirin factory" that your boy bombed?

(6) Again, you're a fool. Eisenhower sent 760 advisors to Vietnam. Kennedy sent 25,000 troops to Vietnam. Get your facts straight.

(7) Again, you're a fool. Barry could, with one swipe of his "executive order" pen close Gitmo tomorrow. He hasn't done it. Why?

(8) I couldn't care less how schools "protect" themselves as long as they protect our children. "GUN FREE SCHOOL ZONES" do nothing to deter a criminal. Only a mongoloid would buy into that crazy theory. Again, until we hold liberal, health care professionals responsible for not doing their jobs - this will not go away.

(9) Reagan did, indeed cut the budget of the National Institute of Mental Health. So what? That was 33 years ago! There are thousands of "mental health professionals" that have been practicing their quackery since 1980. And yet, they are never held accountable when, through their "professionalism", they allow monsters to KNOWINGLY walk among us - knowing full well that they are going to kill. Yet, communists, like you, make political hay with gun manufacturers as if, it is the guns fault. You don't have the intelligence necessary to understand that these sick SOBs would use a knife or an axe to accomplish their goals.

Stupid Communist.

Das Vi Danya!
Again, you act like the typical communist that is called a "democrat". I DO NOT hate entitlements. I cannot see how it helps ANYONE to put them on the government dole and then leave them there for the next 8 generations. I believe in a HAND UP - not a HAND OUT. Not one soul has said that Social Security is an "entitlement" I've paid into it a helluva lot longer than you. IT IS MINE.

I couldn't care less whether you or anyone else has healthcare. That's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to take care of YOUR FAMILY. Yeah, you're right. As a combat vet- I HATE peace. You goofball. I've killed more times that I want to remember but guess what? I DO REMEMBER and there's nothing than I want more than Peace.

I guess your buddy Bill Clinton wanted Peace when he got involved in Serbia? Or when your Comrade Obama promised to get us out of the middle East and close Guantanamo?? You can't have it both ways there son...And By the way, it was a DEMOCRAT that sent me to SouthEast Asia. His name was John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Turn our schools into "Armed camps"?? Are you crazy?? Most schools have had safety officers in them for over 10 years now. How about we start to blame the worthless liberal mental health providers that allow these monsters to walk among us rather than have them put away in institutions where they belong? Or do you contend that these guns jumped down off the shelf and committed these mass murders by themselves??

Stupid Communists......

1. I am no more a Communist than you are a Nazi.
2. I suppose it would be better to have people starving and dying in the streets than have a social safety net.
3. You and I and most people are against war. After all, what's in it for the common man? But the political parties? Republicans like war. Democrats too. It's good for business. Of course, you're not going to find many of the 1% out there putting their lives on the line. They have "other priorities".
4. Obama got us out of Iraq, although we still have some forces remaining. He isn't getting us out of Afghanistan as quickly as I'd like, but at least we should be out in the foreseeable future.
5. How many American lives were lost in Serbia with Clinton? How many in Iraq with Bush?
6. Our involvement in Viet Nam preceded Kennedy.
7. Gitmo has not closed because congress has not permitted it. I guess Repugs are too much in love with torture prisons.
8. It is all the rage with the right wing gun nutters. According to them, schools now need armed guards, armed teachers, armed administrators, armed janitors, armed crosswalk guards, armed PTA volunteers, armed counselors, armed principals, and bulletproof shields for students.
9. Right wing demigod Reagan did away with fed support of mental health treatment services. A bit late and hypocritical to cast blame on "worthless liberal mental health providers" when it was the right that eliminated those services. Maybe if these mental institutions were still being funded, some of these homicidal wackos would have been caught and treated instead of being left to their own ends.

Stupid fascists.

OK Commie....let's take your little diatribe one point at a time.

(1) You support Barry - Nuff said.

(2) If people "starve in the streets" this must be Biafra. There are 270 FEDERAL programs to keep people from "starving" in the streets. We're talking about generations of people who have known NOTHING but the "helping hand" of the government. There are currently 47 MILLION people receiving some sort of assistance from Barry. Before his regime took over, there were 16 million. SLAVES.

(3) There have been wars as long as their have been humans on this planet you moron. They will not stop as long as there are humans on this planet. Grow up.

(4) Barry "got us out of Iraq" and is using drones all over the middle east to do his dirty work - including American citizens (I am glad) that were denied due process. We are nearly 5 years into his regime and he has yet to leave Afghanistan or close Guantanimo. He still maintains kill orders on suspected Taliban and Al Quaeda in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq.

(4) The draw down in Iraq started with George Bush and was completed with Barry. That was a war that should never have been started in the first place.

(5) How many serbian lives were lost as a direct result of american involvement? Remember the "aspirin factory" that your boy bombed?

(6) Again, you're a fool. Eisenhower sent 760 advisors to Vietnam. Kennedy sent 25,000 troops to Vietnam. Get your facts straight.

(7) Again, you're a fool. Barry could, with one swipe of his "executive order" pen close Gitmo tomorrow. He hasn't done it. Why?

(8) I couldn't care less how schools "protect" themselves as long as they protect our children. "GUN FREE SCHOOL ZONES" do nothing to deter a criminal. Only a mongoloid would buy into that crazy theory. Again, until we hold liberal, health care professionals responsible for not doing their jobs - this will not go away.

(9) Reagan did, indeed cut the budget of the National Institute of Mental Health. So what? That was 33 years ago! There are thousands of "mental health professionals" that have been practicing their quackery since 1980. And yet, they are never held accountable when, through their "professionalism", they allow monsters to KNOWINGLY walk among us - knowing full well that they are going to kill. Yet, communists, like you, make political hay with gun manufacturers as if, it is the guns fault. You don't have the intelligence necessary to understand that these sick SOBs would use a knife or an axe to accomplish their goals.

Stupid Communist.

Das Vi Danya!

1. WTF does it have to do with communism? I don't think you know what communism is.
2. If you get rid of the social safety net, which reichwingers would love to do, people without resources and recourse are going to die.
3. So how is it the fault of liberals or Obama then?
4. Agreed. Iraq was an idiotic debacle. Who started it?
5. Who cares? Does the right care about the million or so Iraqis dead or displaced because of Shrub's war?
6. So you admit we were there before Kennedy? It was all about fighting communism, wasn't it? You should have been happy as a clam killing commies in order to make the world safe for Coca-Cola.
7. Congress controls funding. It would cost money to transfer prisoners. repugs in congress want to keep open our torture prison.
8. We need to protect our kids by arming everybody, because guns plus more guns plus crazy people with guns = peace.
9. Where are they supposed to put crazy people? Repugs don't want mental health facilities, because it's all "quackery". Geeze, are you a scientologist or something? And why do you assume that anyone in the mental health field is necessarily a liberal? Aren't there any right wing shrinks?

Stupid Fascists...

2. If you get rid of the social safety net, which reichwingers would love to do, people without resources and recourse are going to die.
We don't want to get rid of social safety nets. We want them REFORMED. The system is constantly abused. We want the abuse stopped. We don't want to cut off Grandma from her Social Security. We don't want to cut off a family that has Dad working 2 jobs to make ends meet. We want to cut off the baby-producing crackwhores in Section 8 Housing.

7. Congress controls funding. It would cost money to transfer prisoners. repugs in congress want to keep open our torture prison.
They want Gitmo left open because they don't want dangerous terrorists housed on the US mainland near American citizens.

9. Where are they supposed to put crazy people? Repugs don't want mental health facilities, because it's all "quackery". Geeze, are you a scientologist or something? And why do you assume that anyone in the mental health field is necessarily a liberal? Aren't there any right wing shrinks?
Rahm Emanuel closed half of Chicago's mental health clinics. He ain't a Republican.
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