Another Obama "friend" receives 340 million in taxpayer money

2. If you get rid of the social safety net, which reichwingers would love to do, people without resources and recourse are going to die.
We don't want to get rid of social safety nets. We want them REFORMED. The system is constantly abused. We want the abuse stopped. We don't want to cut off Grandma from her Social Security. We don't want to cut off a family that has Dad working 2 jobs to make ends meet. We want to cut off the baby-producing crackwhores in Section 8 Housing.

7. Congress controls funding. It would cost money to transfer prisoners. repugs in congress want to keep open our torture prison.
They want Gitmo left open because they don't want dangerous terrorists housed on the US mainland near American citizens.

9. Where are they supposed to put crazy people? Repugs don't want mental health facilities, because it's all "quackery". Geeze, are you a scientologist or something? And why do you assume that anyone in the mental health field is necessarily a liberal? Aren't there any right wing shrinks?
Rahm Emanuel closed half of Chicago's mental health clinics. He ain't a Republican.

The trouble with "reforming" the system is the people you are not targeting would be effected too. The conservative mindset appears to be that abuse must be rooted out no matter who gets hurt. The liberal mindset is that people in need must be helped even though there are those elements who will take advantage of the system.

The forgotten prisoners of Gitmo would be just as secure in isolation in any of our supermax federal institutions as they are in Gitmo. The only differences are that they could no longer be tortured, and they would finally get a hearing. Apparently, republicans are against that.

How much funding did Rahm Emanuel have to keep these institutions open?
The Virginian: Insurer with NY's 'worst' record of complaints gets $340M Obamacare loan

Seriously? One of the companies with THE WORST RECORDS gets paid thanks to connections to Obama.

Where the fuck is the oversight?
Well, I'm sorry her business has the worst record of customer complaints in her state when there were 49 or 50 other more capable insurers. The Washington Examiner's report is very revealing about the attempt by them to keep hush-hush the Obama relationship with the owner/supporter.

I just hope taxpayers get this interest-free "loan" back and quickly. Don't tell me it's another one of those where the taxpayers have to pay the business 100% of its loans if it goes belly-up due to the things they did to make so many customers file complaints and flee for their lives and well-being. Washington Examiner's investigative report by Richard Pollock

Won't people please tell el presidente magnanimouse that quid quo pro is illegal when no merit other than a political contribution is shown? Indeed, the worst consumer record is derelection of duty and not worthy of a king's ransom in taxpayer loans, given irresponsibly for free by boiking.
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Probably the same place it was when Halliburton got those no-bid contracts worth billions when Bush/Cheney were in charge.

Yep. Busy counting their money. Do you support them?

What can I say? I don't like the cronyism. I don't like the undue influences of lobbyists. I try to vote for people that are decent and just. If they prove to be otherwise, I don't vote for them again. Trouble is, it's usually the other guy who I have no control over that is the problem...

Yeah. OK. I just grow weary of the "the other side does it too" excuse. If you can't hold your party accountable, stop supporting them.
Yep. Busy counting their money. Do you support them?

What can I say? I don't like the cronyism. I don't like the undue influences of lobbyists. I try to vote for people that are decent and just. If they prove to be otherwise, I don't vote for them again. Trouble is, it's usually the other guy who I have no control over that is the problem...

Yeah. OK. I just grow weary of the "the other side does it too" excuse. If you can't hold your party accountable, stop supporting them.

Not one dem has blasted this bullshit for what it is. Does the typical dem possess any dignity?
What can I say? I don't like the cronyism. I don't like the undue influences of lobbyists. I try to vote for people that are decent and just. If they prove to be otherwise, I don't vote for them again. Trouble is, it's usually the other guy who I have no control over that is the problem...

Yeah. OK. I just grow weary of the "the other side does it too" excuse. If you can't hold your party accountable, stop supporting them.

Not one dem has blasted this bullshit for what it is. Does the typical dem possess any dignity?

It's because we see this for what it is - just another hate campaign against Obama. Accountability is only for dems. Anyway, I'll leave you to your morning hate. TTFN

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