Another Democrat Hovel Goes Into A Flat Spin Toward Disaster

If Democrats ran the state into debts from damaging policy and "abuses of govt that are unconstitutional" then the Conservatives with Constitutional beliefs in limits on govt that were VIOLATED by those policies should sue and make Democrats pay all the costs and damages for their unconstitutional policies.

See Govt should not be abused to put party beliefs above the law and public duty. Corruption should be exposed wherever discovered. And the most economical means of accomplishing tasks should be implemented. So assess the abuses and damages/costs/debts these caused, assign responsibility to the wrongdoers who violated govt duty and oath of office, and order them to pay for the damages otherwise charged to taxpayer who are the victims and complainants in this mass abuse case.

They are going broke because of the way the Republican named Christie did stuff.

They are going broke because of the way the Republican named Christie did stuff.

Okay ABikerSailor
whoever passed, signed and enforced those laws instead of contesting them as unconstitutional outside lawful limits of govt, then name THEM as the wrongdoers who owe money back to taxpayers.

If they refuse responsibility, then go after the PARTIES, the donors and members/voters of those parties, who ENABLED them to commit abuses and waste at taxpayer expense.

Don't you think things would change if officials and/or their parties were held to pay back for debts and damages they cause if their policies are in violation of govt duty and limits? Why can't we enforce the Constitution to check against bad govt abuse and waste, by enforcing costs and penalties for wrongdoers to pay back?

Wouldn't they be more careful to ensure the policies work sustainably within the given laws and budgets?

They are going broke because of the way the Republican named Christie did stuff.

Okay ABikerSailor
whoever passed, signed and enforced those laws instead of contesting them as unconstitutional outside lawful limits of govt, then name THEM as the wrongdoers who owe money back to taxpayers.

If they refuse responsibility, then go after the PARTIES, the donors and members/voters of those parties, who ENABLED them to commit abuses and waste at taxpayer expense.

Don't you think things would change if officials and/or their parties were held to pay back for debts and damages they cause if their policies are in violation of govt duty and limits? Why can't we enforce the Constitution to check against bad govt abuse and waste, by enforcing costs and penalties for wrongdoers to pay back?

Wouldn't they be more careful to ensure the policies work sustainably within the given laws and budgets?

Do we get to charge Christie for the helicopter ride he took in a police chopper to go see his son's baseball game?

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