Another City Bails On Un-Constitutional Sanctuary City Supporting California Dems


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Dominos fall: Another California city bails on sanctuary status

"Another Orange County city is joining the fight against sanctuary city status.

The Huntington Beach City Council voted 6 to 1 to sue the state over SB 54 — the Senate bill that would protect undocumented immigrants by limiting the cooperation between local police and ICE agents.

More than 100 people were at the meeting to tell the council they wanted to join the Orange County lawsuit, just days after Los Alamitos became the first city in Orange County to leave their sanctuary city status behind.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher could barely be heard over the hecklers."

Whattaya know, more and more Americans are rejecting the Un-Constitutional, Law Violating, Criminal Supporting Liberals in California....


Dominos fall: Another California city bails on sanctuary status
Dominos fall: Another California city bails on sanctuary status

"Another Orange County city is joining the fight against sanctuary city status.

The Huntington Beach City Council voted 6 to 1 to sue the state over SB 54 — the Senate bill that would protect undocumented immigrants by limiting the cooperation between local police and ICE agents.

More than 100 people were at the meeting to tell the council they wanted to join the Orange County lawsuit, just days after Los Alamitos became the first city in Orange County to leave their sanctuary city status behind.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher could barely be heard over the hecklers."

Whattaya know, more and more Americans are rejecting the Un-Constitutional, Law Violating, Criminal Supporting Liberals in California....


Dominos fall: Another California city bails on sanctuary status
There are many sensible people in California. Unfortunately, the Brown Family machine is in power and is very influential in determining the fate of the state. They need to votes of illegal aliens and their heads counted in the census to retain power and obtain more federal funds.

Get rid of the Browns and the state will improve.
Dominos fall: Another California city bails on sanctuary status

"Another Orange County city is joining the fight against sanctuary city status.

The Huntington Beach City Council voted 6 to 1 to sue the state over SB 54 — the Senate bill that would protect undocumented immigrants by limiting the cooperation between local police and ICE agents.

More than 100 people were at the meeting to tell the council they wanted to join the Orange County lawsuit, just days after Los Alamitos became the first city in Orange County to leave their sanctuary city status behind.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher could barely be heard over the hecklers."

Whattaya know, more and more Americans are rejecting the Un-Constitutional, Law Violating, Criminal Supporting Liberals in California....


Dominos fall: Another California city bails on sanctuary status
There are many sensible people in California. Unfortunately, the Brown Family machine is in power and is very influential in determining the fate of the state. They need to votes of illegal aliens and their heads counted in the census to retain power and obtain more federal funds.

Get rid of the Browns and the state will improve.

I wouldn't bet on it, the public unions in that state have a strangle hold on Sacramento and they won't let go without one hell of a fight. It's hard to understand how the democrats think that backing the illegals won't hurt them with everybody else. Guess they're counting on the sheep being sheep.
Orange county should tell you something. Our dictator is orange so of course the republican stronghold will follow his decrees. Also the dems are not in need of illegals but republicans are. How else can they make big profits from their business's without low income Braceros.
Have you considered the possibility that you might be an idiot? You say the Dems don't need the illegals yet here they are, bitch-slapping the American voters to support these people. You say the Repubs are in need of the illegals but if so they've got a funny way of showing it. And the comment about business profits is so ridiculous, as if the illegals have so much money to spend that they must be catered to. You sir are an ideological fool.
Have you considered the possibility that you might be an idiot? You say the Dems don't need the illegals yet here they are, bitch-slapping the American voters to support these people. You say the Repubs are in need of the illegals but if so they've got a funny way of showing it. And the comment about business profits is so ridiculous, as if the illegals have so much money to spend that they must be catered to. You sir are an ideological fool.
I will consider you were born in tezass and give you a lot of leeway. Conservative business's use illegals to produce products and work in their homes for pittance and when caught say I was just using them for a day. Your inability to reason and understand english is because of tezass.
Dominos fall: Another California city bails on sanctuary status

"Another Orange County city is joining the fight against sanctuary city status.

The Huntington Beach City Council voted 6 to 1 to sue the state over SB 54 — the Senate bill that would protect undocumented immigrants by limiting the cooperation between local police and ICE agents.

More than 100 people were at the meeting to tell the council they wanted to join the Orange County lawsuit, just days after Los Alamitos became the first city in Orange County to leave their sanctuary city status behind.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher could barely be heard over the hecklers."

Whattaya know, more and more Americans are rejecting the Un-Constitutional, Law Violating, Criminal Supporting Liberals in California....


Dominos fall: Another California city bails on sanctuary status

hey sergei, what's unconstitutional about local law enforcement refusing to act on behalf of the feds?

it would probably be helpful if you stopped posting propaganda all day long

you're boring
Also the dems are not in need of illegals

You sure put in a lot of effort to make sure someone you don't need is here.

wanting to allow people brought to this country as children, who have no connection with their place of birth, and who only know the US as home, to stay here is simple decency.

something to which the right suddenly seems to be allergic.
You say the Repubs are in need of the illegals but if so they've got a funny way of showing it. .
indeed. It is very funny
They always say they want to do something about illegals and then they go and give them amnesty or vote down e-verify.
Also the dems are not in need of illegals

You sure put in a lot of effort to make sure someone you don't need is here.

wanting to allow people brought to this country as children, who have no connection with their place of birth, and who only know the US as home, to stay here is simple decency.

something to which the right suddenly seems to be allergic.
Its incentive. Incentive drives them here.
Dominos fall: Another California city bails on sanctuary status

"Another Orange County city is joining the fight against sanctuary city status.

The Huntington Beach City Council voted 6 to 1 to sue the state over SB 54 — the Senate bill that would protect undocumented immigrants by limiting the cooperation between local police and ICE agents.

More than 100 people were at the meeting to tell the council they wanted to join the Orange County lawsuit, just days after Los Alamitos became the first city in Orange County to leave their sanctuary city status behind.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher could barely be heard over the hecklers."

Whattaya know, more and more Americans are rejecting the Un-Constitutional, Law Violating, Criminal Supporting Liberals in California....


Dominos fall: Another California city bails on sanctuary status

Orange County, the home of the John Birch Society. Who what have guessed.
Also the dems are not in need of illegals

You sure put in a lot of effort to make sure someone you don't need is here.

wanting to allow people brought to this country as children, who have no connection with their place of birth, and who only know the US as home, to stay here is simple decency.

something to which the right suddenly seems to be allergic.
President Trump offered to let not only the 800,000 DACA recipients, but an additional 1,000,000 illegal aliens remain here and gain legality. The conniving Democrats refused it. They did so to perpetuate the victim status of illegal aliens so they pretend to cry out as their saviors.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Also the dems are not in need of illegals

You sure put in a lot of effort to make sure someone you don't need is here.

wanting to allow people brought to this country as children, who have no connection with their place of birth, and who only know the US as home, to stay here is simple decency.

something to which the right suddenly seems to be allergic.

I'm not talking about the DACA kids. I support giving them permanent status. I'm talking about the other ten million as well as the ones still crossing over.
Dominos fall: Another California city bails on sanctuary status

"Another Orange County city is joining the fight against sanctuary city status.

The Huntington Beach City Council voted 6 to 1 to sue the state over SB 54 — the Senate bill that would protect undocumented immigrants by limiting the cooperation between local police and ICE agents.

More than 100 people were at the meeting to tell the council they wanted to join the Orange County lawsuit, just days after Los Alamitos became the first city in Orange County to leave their sanctuary city status behind.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher could barely be heard over the hecklers."

Whattaya know, more and more Americans are rejecting the Un-Constitutional, Law Violating, Criminal Supporting Liberals in California....


Dominos fall: Another California city bails on sanctuary status
It's time to end this insanity. We have record numbers of homeless and jobless Americans. And even THEY don't get this level of special treatment Mexican Hispanics receive. Some of our conflicted politicians mis-perceive this situation. Illegal aliens are not beneficial to this country, just to the rich wealthy that exploit them. We in the 5th estate frown on this cynical game confusing morality with profits.
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Have you considered the possibility that you might be an idiot? You say the Dems don't need the illegals yet here they are, bitch-slapping the American voters to support these people. You say the Repubs are in need of the illegals but if so they've got a funny way of showing it. And the comment about business profits is so ridiculous, as if the illegals have so much money to spend that they must be catered to. You sir are an ideological fool.
I will consider you were born in tezass and give you a lot of leeway. Conservative business's use illegals to produce products and work in their homes for pittance and when caught say I was just using them for a day. Your inability to reason and understand english is because of tezass.

And you don't think liberal businesses do the same thing? No difference, but all you can think of is slamming the Repubs. Which makes you an ideologue of the 1st order. As for being a fool, well that part is obvious.
Orange county should tell you something. Our dictator is orange so of course the republican stronghold will follow his decrees. Also the dems are not in need of illegals but republicans are. How else can they make big profits from their business's without low income Braceros.

You really are unhinged.
Too bad the sensible people of California cannot outvote Los Angeles and San Francisco. The state needs to break up.

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