Another CC gun nutter goes of, and kills someone of course

Yes. Japan is a monolithic culture. That helps a ton. Import a bunch of black and Hispanic gangbangers though and the story would change. Maybe that's why they don't let anyone else in?

"The country's homicide rate is associated with a stable and prosperous society with low inequality and high levels of development. Young Japanese males now commit only a tenth of the homicides committed by their predecessors in 1955, and the age and sex distribution of victims tend to be uniform across age groups. This has been attributed by some researchers to, amongst other factors, extremely low levels of gun ownership (1 in 175 households), a greater chance of detection (according to police data, 98 per cent of homicide cases are solved), the rejection of violence after the Second World War, the growth of affluence without the accompanying concentrations of poverty common in many highly developed countries, and the stigma of arrest for any crime in Japanese society."

Why Japan's Murder Rate Is So Low - Business Insider
Working just great:

"Unlike the U.S., Japan has strict gun laws. Most guns are illegal, and there are tight restrictions on purchasing the few firearms that are allowed in the country, according to The Atlantic. Japan also has a rigorous testing and background-check process for those who seek to purchase a gun.

To put it all into perspective, the U.S. saw more than 12,000 firearm-related homicides in 2008, while Japan had only 11."

I noticed you "forgot" to post that part...

And you ignore the fact that 80% of those are black and Hispanic gangbangers. Remove them and what are the numbers?
Still far too high, and that doesn't matter a damn since the point is the same, dump the damn guns.

And the point is you simply can't. Assholes will always get guns and all your policy does is make their jobs easier. You lose.
Good point. Assholes will always get guns when there are hundreds of millions in circulation. That`s Jr. High Economics. Doing nothing and expecting this country to become safer is incredibly stupid. Perhaps the NRA is right. It takes a good waitress with a gun to stop a bad customer with a gun to stop smoking in a Waffle House.

If you want to reduce violent crime the fastest way is to decriminalize the use of drugs. The overwhelming majority of crime in our nation is derived from that one source.
Yes. Japan is a monolithic culture. That helps a ton. Import a bunch of black and Hispanic gangbangers though and the story would change. Maybe that's why they don't let anyone else in?

"The country's homicide rate is associated with a stable and prosperous society with low inequality and high levels of development. Young Japanese males now commit only a tenth of the homicides committed by their predecessors in 1955, and the age and sex distribution of victims tend to be uniform across age groups. This has been attributed by some researchers to, amongst other factors, extremely low levels of gun ownership (1 in 175 households), a greater chance of detection (according to police data, 98 per cent of homicide cases are solved), the rejection of violence after the Second World War, the growth of affluence without the accompanying concentrations of poverty common in many highly developed countries, and the stigma of arrest for any crime in Japanese society."

Why Japan's Murder Rate Is So Low - Business Insider
Working just great:

"Unlike the U.S., Japan has strict gun laws. Most guns are illegal, and there are tight restrictions on purchasing the few firearms that are allowed in the country, according to The Atlantic. Japan also has a rigorous testing and background-check process for those who seek to purchase a gun.

To put it all into perspective, the U.S. saw more than 12,000 firearm-related homicides in 2008, while Japan had only 11."

I noticed you "forgot" to post that part...

And you ignore the fact that 80% of those are black and Hispanic gangbangers. Remove them and what are the numbers?
Still far too high, and that doesn't matter a damn since the point is the same, dump the damn guns.

And the point is you simply can't. Assholes will always get guns and all your policy does is make their jobs easier. You lose.
Good point. Assholes will always get guns when there are hundreds of millions in circulation. That`s Jr. High Economics. Doing nothing and expecting this country to become safer is incredibly stupid. Perhaps the NRA is right. It takes a good waitress with a gun to stop a bad customer with a gun to stop smoking in a Waffle House.

Assholes will always get guns even if they are confiscated and banned, and have extreme gun control laws....ask Britain, France...the people in the concert hall would agree, and well as Belgium, Sweden, Denmark.....
Working just great:

"Unlike the U.S., Japan has strict gun laws. Most guns are illegal, and there are tight restrictions on purchasing the few firearms that are allowed in the country, according to The Atlantic. Japan also has a rigorous testing and background-check process for those who seek to purchase a gun.

To put it all into perspective, the U.S. saw more than 12,000 firearm-related homicides in 2008, while Japan had only 11."

I noticed you "forgot" to post that part...
And you ignore the fact that 80% of those are black and Hispanic gangbangers. Remove them and what are the numbers?
Still far too high, and that doesn't matter a damn since the point is the same, dump the damn guns.
And the point is you simply can't. Assholes will always get guns and all your policy does is make their jobs easier. You lose.
It's going to make their job much harder, and even holding a gun, while not in uniform, means you are DOA, no questions asked. As a public service we'll show the body-cam footage with the tag line, We shoot first, and don't bother to ask questions, A gun is a grave thing. Cute eh, just came up with that.

Have you by chance learned the difference between fact and opinion?
I learned the difference between fact and opinion long ago. Japan has strict gun control. They are also an island which makes control of their border really simple. There are 84,000 Yakuza. The Japanese estimate there are over 100,000 guns in a country that is not supposed to have them. Ergo any Yakuza who want's one....HAS one. Thus they have all they want.

Your violent fantasy world already existed. It was called the Warsaw Pact. It failed. And....more to the point, they never prevented guns from getting into the hands of criminals. Your so called ultimate solution failed. That is a FACT.

Just face it, you've already said you want to murder the human race so an insane person like you has no opinion that is worth talking about.
Then don't talk to me, I don't give a damn, but you still don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion.

"Ergo any Yakuza who want's one....HAS one. Thus they have all they want."

That's an opinion, not a fact.
Working just great:

"Unlike the U.S., Japan has strict gun laws. Most guns are illegal, and there are tight restrictions on purchasing the few firearms that are allowed in the country, according to The Atlantic. Japan also has a rigorous testing and background-check process for those who seek to purchase a gun.

To put it all into perspective, the U.S. saw more than 12,000 firearm-related homicides in 2008, while Japan had only 11."

I noticed you "forgot" to post that part...
And you ignore the fact that 80% of those are black and Hispanic gangbangers. Remove them and what are the numbers?
Still far too high, and that doesn't matter a damn since the point is the same, dump the damn guns.
And the point is you simply can't. Assholes will always get guns and all your policy does is make their jobs easier. You lose.
Good point. Assholes will always get guns when there are hundreds of millions in circulation. That`s Jr. High Economics. Doing nothing and expecting this country to become safer is incredibly stupid. Perhaps the NRA is right. It takes a good waitress with a gun to stop a bad customer with a gun to stop smoking in a Waffle House.
If you want to reduce violent crime the fastest way is to decriminalize the use of drugs. The overwhelming majority of crime in our nation is derived from that one source.
Good idea, and we could use the extra tax dollars from the underground economy.
And you ignore the fact that 80% of those are black and Hispanic gangbangers. Remove them and what are the numbers?
Still far too high, and that doesn't matter a damn since the point is the same, dump the damn guns.
And the point is you simply can't. Assholes will always get guns and all your policy does is make their jobs easier. You lose.
It's going to make their job much harder, and even holding a gun, while not in uniform, means you are DOA, no questions asked. As a public service we'll show the body-cam footage with the tag line, We shoot first, and don't bother to ask questions, A gun is a grave thing. Cute eh, just came up with that.

Have you by chance learned the difference between fact and opinion?
I learned the difference between fact and opinion long ago. Japan has strict gun control. They are also an island which makes control of their border really simple. There are 84,000 Yakuza. The Japanese estimate there are over 100,000 guns in a country that is not supposed to have them. Ergo any Yakuza who want's one....HAS one. Thus they have all they want.

Your violent fantasy world already existed. It was called the Warsaw Pact. It failed. And....more to the point, they never prevented guns from getting into the hands of criminals. Your so called ultimate solution failed. That is a FACT.

Just face it, you've already said you want to murder the human race so an insane person like you has no opinion that is worth talking about.
Then don't talk to me, I don't give a damn, but you still don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion.

"Ergo any Yakuza who want's one....HAS one. Thus they have all they want."

That's an opinion, not a fact.

Sure I do. You're simply incapable of understanding a viewpoint that doesn't come from a insane person such as yourself. The facts are all against you. The Soviet Union had the exact gun laws you proclaim will work and they enforced them the exact same way. No joy in mudville. Japan has the most extreme anti gun laws in the world and the easiest way of maintaining them and once again, no joy. The Yakuza have more guns than they need.

You are simply wrong as wrong can be.
Still far too high, and that doesn't matter a damn since the point is the same, dump the damn guns.
And the point is you simply can't. Assholes will always get guns and all your policy does is make their jobs easier. You lose.
It's going to make their job much harder, and even holding a gun, while not in uniform, means you are DOA, no questions asked. As a public service we'll show the body-cam footage with the tag line, We shoot first, and don't bother to ask questions, A gun is a grave thing. Cute eh, just came up with that.

Have you by chance learned the difference between fact and opinion?
I learned the difference between fact and opinion long ago. Japan has strict gun control. They are also an island which makes control of their border really simple. There are 84,000 Yakuza. The Japanese estimate there are over 100,000 guns in a country that is not supposed to have them. Ergo any Yakuza who want's one....HAS one. Thus they have all they want.

Your violent fantasy world already existed. It was called the Warsaw Pact. It failed. And....more to the point, they never prevented guns from getting into the hands of criminals. Your so called ultimate solution failed. That is a FACT.

Just face it, you've already said you want to murder the human race so an insane person like you has no opinion that is worth talking about.
Then don't talk to me, I don't give a damn, but you still don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion.

"Ergo any Yakuza who want's one....HAS one. Thus they have all they want."

That's an opinion, not a fact.
The Soviet Union had the exact gun laws you proclaim will work and they enforced them the exact same way.
Nope. And you continue to state opinions, only.
And you ignore the fact that 80% of those are black and Hispanic gangbangers. Remove them and what are the numbers?
Still far too high, and that doesn't matter a damn since the point is the same, dump the damn guns.
And the point is you simply can't. Assholes will always get guns and all your policy does is make their jobs easier. You lose.
Good point. Assholes will always get guns when there are hundreds of millions in circulation. That`s Jr. High Economics. Doing nothing and expecting this country to become safer is incredibly stupid. Perhaps the NRA is right. It takes a good waitress with a gun to stop a bad customer with a gun to stop smoking in a Waffle House.
If you want to reduce violent crime the fastest way is to decriminalize the use of drugs. The overwhelming majority of crime in our nation is derived from that one source.
Good idea, and we could use the extra tax dollars from the underground economy.

What underground economy stupid. That;s the whole point of decriminalization. Right now a kilo of cocaine costs over 11,000 dollars. On the other hand, if it were legal, the cost would drop to around 100 bucks. It's hard to build a underground economy on that sort of profit margin....moron.
And the point is you simply can't. Assholes will always get guns and all your policy does is make their jobs easier. You lose.
It's going to make their job much harder, and even holding a gun, while not in uniform, means you are DOA, no questions asked. As a public service we'll show the body-cam footage with the tag line, We shoot first, and don't bother to ask questions, A gun is a grave thing. Cute eh, just came up with that.

Have you by chance learned the difference between fact and opinion?
I learned the difference between fact and opinion long ago. Japan has strict gun control. They are also an island which makes control of their border really simple. There are 84,000 Yakuza. The Japanese estimate there are over 100,000 guns in a country that is not supposed to have them. Ergo any Yakuza who want's one....HAS one. Thus they have all they want.

Your violent fantasy world already existed. It was called the Warsaw Pact. It failed. And....more to the point, they never prevented guns from getting into the hands of criminals. Your so called ultimate solution failed. That is a FACT.

Just face it, you've already said you want to murder the human race so an insane person like you has no opinion that is worth talking about.
Then don't talk to me, I don't give a damn, but you still don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion.

"Ergo any Yakuza who want's one....HAS one. Thus they have all they want."

That's an opinion, not a fact.
The Soviet Union had the exact gun laws you proclaim will work and they enforced them the exact same way.
Nope. And you continue to state opinions, only.

Nope. It is a fact that the Soviet Union had gun control like you dream of and enforced it the same way. It is also a fact that they failed. Thus it is you who are spewing opinion, idjit.
And people still wonder why I want all the damn guns...

Man Kills Waffle House Worker Over Smoking Ban, Cops Say

Posted: 11/27/2015 01:13 PM EST | Edited: 2 hours ago
"A Waffle House employee in Mississippi was shot dead after she asked a customer to stop smoking in the restaurant, police said.

Johnny Max Mount, 45, was allegedly smoking in a Biloxi Waffle House when the 52-year-old employee asked him to put it out, according to the Sun Herald. Mount is accused of refusing and instead removing a 9mm handgun hidden under his shirt, WMC reports. Police allege he shot the woman, who has not yet been identified, once in the head early Friday morning. She was later pronounced dead at a hospital."
Man Kills Waffle House Worker Over Smoking Ban, Cops Say

One more life down the tubes, because you morons love your deadly toys.
Who clicked on the funny tab?
Still far too high, and that doesn't matter a damn since the point is the same, dump the damn guns.
And the point is you simply can't. Assholes will always get guns and all your policy does is make their jobs easier. You lose.
Good point. Assholes will always get guns when there are hundreds of millions in circulation. That`s Jr. High Economics. Doing nothing and expecting this country to become safer is incredibly stupid. Perhaps the NRA is right. It takes a good waitress with a gun to stop a bad customer with a gun to stop smoking in a Waffle House.
If you want to reduce violent crime the fastest way is to decriminalize the use of drugs. The overwhelming majority of crime in our nation is derived from that one source.
Good idea, and we could use the extra tax dollars from the underground economy.
What underground economy stupid. That;s the whole point of decriminalization. Right now a kilo of cocaine costs over 11,000 dollars. On the other hand, if it were legal, the cost would drop to around 100 bucks. It's hard to build a underground economy on that sort of profit margin....moron.
The underground economy is the one we have now, dumbass, that doesn't pay taxes.
Nope. It is a fact that the Soviet Union had gun control like you dream of and enforced it the same way.
Not even close. No one has the gun control I would impose, Japan is not bad however, I could live with that.

Wrong the Soviet Union DID have it and they failed. Just like you would fail. Face it dumbass, your ideas aren't new. Have been tried and failed before, and like all insane people you think that if you just try it one more time it will somehow magically work with you.

"Insanity: the belief that one can get different results by doing the same thing."
-Albert Einstein
And the point is you simply can't. Assholes will always get guns and all your policy does is make their jobs easier. You lose.
Good point. Assholes will always get guns when there are hundreds of millions in circulation. That`s Jr. High Economics. Doing nothing and expecting this country to become safer is incredibly stupid. Perhaps the NRA is right. It takes a good waitress with a gun to stop a bad customer with a gun to stop smoking in a Waffle House.
If you want to reduce violent crime the fastest way is to decriminalize the use of drugs. The overwhelming majority of crime in our nation is derived from that one source.
Good idea, and we could use the extra tax dollars from the underground economy.
What underground economy stupid. That;s the whole point of decriminalization. Right now a kilo of cocaine costs over 11,000 dollars. On the other hand, if it were legal, the cost would drop to around 100 bucks. It's hard to build a underground economy on that sort of profit margin....moron.
The underground economy is the one we have now, dumbass, that doesn't pay taxes.

Sure they do. They pay just as many taxes as they would if the drugs were decriminalized. Dumbass.
Nope. It is a fact that the Soviet Union had gun control like you dream of and enforced it the same way.
Not even close. No one has the gun control I would impose, Japan is not bad however, I could live with that.
Wrong the Soviet Union DID have it and they failed. Just like you would fail. Face it dumbass, your ideas aren't new. Have been tried and failed before, and like all insane people you think that if you just try it one more time it will somehow magically work with you.

"Insanity: the belief that one can get different results by doing the same thing."
-Albert Einstein
I'll not say it again, gun control my way has never been tried. Your inability to be rational makes you believe you know things you do not.
Good point. Assholes will always get guns when there are hundreds of millions in circulation. That`s Jr. High Economics. Doing nothing and expecting this country to become safer is incredibly stupid. Perhaps the NRA is right. It takes a good waitress with a gun to stop a bad customer with a gun to stop smoking in a Waffle House.
If you want to reduce violent crime the fastest way is to decriminalize the use of drugs. The overwhelming majority of crime in our nation is derived from that one source.
Good idea, and we could use the extra tax dollars from the underground economy.
What underground economy stupid. That;s the whole point of decriminalization. Right now a kilo of cocaine costs over 11,000 dollars. On the other hand, if it were legal, the cost would drop to around 100 bucks. It's hard to build a underground economy on that sort of profit margin....moron.
The underground economy is the one we have now, dumbass, that doesn't pay taxes.
Sure they do. They pay just as many taxes as they would if the drugs were decriminalized. Dumbass.
Nope. They don't call them sin taxes for no reason, and drug lords aren't big on paying income taxes either.

Here's that lack of rational thinking of yours again, coming back to bite you on the ass.
Nope. It is a fact that the Soviet Union had gun control like you dream of and enforced it the same way.
Not even close. No one has the gun control I would impose, Japan is not bad however, I could live with that.
Wrong the Soviet Union DID have it and they failed. Just like you would fail. Face it dumbass, your ideas aren't new. Have been tried and failed before, and like all insane people you think that if you just try it one more time it will somehow magically work with you.

"Insanity: the belief that one can get different results by doing the same thing."
-Albert Einstein
I'll not say it again, gun control my way has never been tried. Your inability to be rational makes you believe you know things you do not.

And you are flat assed wrong. The Soviet Union DID do it your way and they were never successful.

Gun control in the Soviet Union began in earnest in 1918. And reached it's zenith under Stalin.

Разрешительная система в России: вехи становления -
Nope. It is a fact that the Soviet Union had gun control like you dream of and enforced it the same way.
Not even close. No one has the gun control I would impose, Japan is not bad however, I could live with that.
Wrong the Soviet Union DID have it and they failed. Just like you would fail. Face it dumbass, your ideas aren't new. Have been tried and failed before, and like all insane people you think that if you just try it one more time it will somehow magically work with you.

"Insanity: the belief that one can get different results by doing the same thing."
-Albert Einstein
I'll not say it again, gun control my way has never been tried. Your inability to be rational makes you believe you know things you do not.
And you are flat assed wrong. The Soviet Union DID do it your way and they were never successful.

Gun control in the Soviet Union began in earnest in 1918. And reached it's zenith under Stalin.

Разрешительная система в России: вехи становления -
Nope. My way has never been tried.
Nope. It is a fact that the Soviet Union had gun control like you dream of and enforced it the same way.
Not even close. No one has the gun control I would impose, Japan is not bad however, I could live with that.
Wrong the Soviet Union DID have it and they failed. Just like you would fail. Face it dumbass, your ideas aren't new. Have been tried and failed before, and like all insane people you think that if you just try it one more time it will somehow magically work with you.

"Insanity: the belief that one can get different results by doing the same thing."
-Albert Einstein
I'll not say it again, gun control my way has never been tried. Your inability to be rational makes you believe you know things you do not.
And you are flat assed wrong. The Soviet Union DID do it your way and they were never successful.

Gun control in the Soviet Union began in earnest in 1918. And reached it's zenith under Stalin.

Разрешительная система в России: вехи становления -
Nope. My way has never been tried.

It has no matter how many times you say different.
Not even close. No one has the gun control I would impose, Japan is not bad however, I could live with that.
Wrong the Soviet Union DID have it and they failed. Just like you would fail. Face it dumbass, your ideas aren't new. Have been tried and failed before, and like all insane people you think that if you just try it one more time it will somehow magically work with you.

"Insanity: the belief that one can get different results by doing the same thing."
-Albert Einstein
I'll not say it again, gun control my way has never been tried. Your inability to be rational makes you believe you know things you do not.
And you are flat assed wrong. The Soviet Union DID do it your way and they were never successful.

Gun control in the Soviet Union began in earnest in 1918. And reached it's zenith under Stalin.

Разрешительная система в России: вехи становления -
Nope. My way has never been tried.
It has no matter how many times you say different.
No, it has not, and I'm tired of saying it and everyone else is tried of reading it. Stop trolling, Mod.
Didn't Hitler disarm Germany's citizens? Oh yes, that's right - he did.
Nope, just the Jews. He actually repealed restrictions on guns for the rest of the nation. He liked guns, like you.

The Hitler gun control lie -

False. ONLY members of the NAZI Party had access to guns. They even confiscated bayonets from everyone. I suggest you read The Nazi Seizure of Power for a more accurate representation of how the NAZI's disarmed the populace. Salon is lying, and you're simply a buffoon.
Didn't Hitler disarm Germany's citizens? Oh yes, that's right - he did.
Nope, just the Jews. He actually repealed restrictions on guns for the rest of the nation. He liked guns, like you.

The Hitler gun control lie -
Wow! Ignorant much?

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