Anonymous: Video of Bill Clinton with 13 year old on Epstein's Orgy Island



BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Circle the wagons around the Clinton crime family, dumb fuck....."They are INNOCENT!!! INNOCENT I TELLS YA!!!"

Wikileaks, Project Veritas, the sex scandals of Bill "drop trou"...utter corruption of people in the highest places of power protecting these scum sucking parasites....but dumb fucks like you will support them to the bitter end. I have come to expect this from leftards with double digit IQs.
Hey, retard. Did all those hundreds of celebrities who visited Lolita Island™ have orgy sex with kids?

A simple yes or no question NONE of you parroting retards has the guts to answer, coward.

When they raided Epstein's palatial manor, they found pictures on the wall of under-aged girls in bikinis and other skimpy attire, Now, I ask YOU...if you visited someone's home and they had those kinds of things on the wall...would you return time and time again??? Epstein
s sentence was a total fucking joke and an insult to anyone paying attention...wonder how that happened? Perhaps because he had the goods on those like Bill "drop trou" They did find hidden cameras in the room...perfect for blackmailing and for covering your own ass as well. Think, dumb might be a new experience.


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Circle the wagons around the Clinton crime family, dumb fuck....."They are INNOCENT!!! INNOCENT I TELLS YA!!!"

Wikileaks, Project Veritas, the sex scandals of Bill "drop trou"...utter corruption of people in the highest places of power protecting these scum sucking parasites....but dumb fucks like you will support them to the bitter end. I have come to expect this from leftards with double digit IQs.
Hey, retard. Did all those hundreds of celebrities who visited Lolita Island™ have orgy sex with kids?

A simple yes or no question NONE of you parroting retards has the guts to answer, coward.

When they raided Epstein's palatial manor, they found pictures on the wall of under-aged girls in bikinis and other skimpy attire, Now, I ask YOU...if you visited someone's home and they had those kinds of things on the wall...would you return time and time again??? Epstein
s sentence was a total fucking joke and an insult to anyone paying attention...wonder how that happened? Perhaps because he had the goods on those like Bill "drop trou" They did find hidden cameras in the room...perfect for blackmailing and for covering your own ass as well. Think, dumb might be a new experience.
Prove he was ever there.....

Virginia Roberts, 32, who claims she was pimped out by Epstein at age 15, has previously claimed she saw Clinton at Epstein’s getaway in 2002, but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane. They do show Clinton flying aboard Epstein’s plane to such destinations as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa.

Flight Logs Show Bill Clinton Flew On Sex Offender's Jet Much More Than Previously Known
Whoa! Don't shoot me :) I'm only the piano player. Here's the story. This is the wildest election cycle EVAH!



Anonymous says there is video of Bill Clinton raping a 13 year-old girl on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Orgy Island.”

Anonymous claims the video will plunge the presidential race into chaos.

The video was released this week.

Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the registered sex offender’s infamous jet. Flight logs show the former president took at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” — even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights.

Anonymous: Video of Bill Clinton Raping 13 Yr-Old Girl Will Plunge Race into Chaos
Day #8... no video and tinydancer and LadyGunSlinger couldn't look more retarded for pushing this nonsense.

I definitely believe that the video existsb and that the Mossad has it, paid a pretty penny for it and it's great blackmail material to help keep Hitlery in line should she be able to steal her way into the WH. Lots of politicians have been compromised and if you knew anything about the Franklin County cover-up and the recent scandal in the U.K where Jimmy Savile was providing under-aged boys and girls to members of Parliament to insure that they could be compromised, you would know this.

Wave that leftard rainbow colored flag and wear that little "Kiss me cause I'm a leftard" pin on that puny chest of yours and show the world what a fucking clown you are.
How fortunate for the Clinton's that you're batshit insane and what you believe bears no resemblance to reality?

I know more than you and I comprehend more than you which is why your panties get into a wad when I post things that you do not understand. I attack issues from every angle and do my due dilgence....your opinion is only based on what your beloved corporate "gubermint" tells you and you eat their shit up like it was manna from heaven.

I know more than I wish I did about stupid fucks like you that believes in the left versus right paradigm and how your leftardism is so precious to you. I know all about the disgusting double-standard the Fabian socialists have against anyone that threatens their agenda and they will stoop to any dirty, rotten, disgusting tactic to make it happen while playing the victim when they get a push-back. I am a student of the history of this country...the REAL history and what we are facing is so fucking clear. Dumb useful idiots will not have their epiphany until it's too late and you are begging for food. It will definitely suck to be you, dumb ass. Spare me a thought when it happens. (snicker)


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Circle the wagons around the Clinton crime family, dumb fuck....."They are INNOCENT!!! INNOCENT I TELLS YA!!!"

Wikileaks, Project Veritas, the sex scandals of Bill "drop trou"...utter corruption of people in the highest places of power protecting these scum sucking parasites....but dumb fucks like you will support them to the bitter end. I have come to expect this from leftards with double digit IQs.
Hey, retard. Did all those hundreds of celebrities who visited Lolita Island™ have orgy sex with kids?

A simple yes or no question NONE of you parroting retards has the guts to answer, coward.

When they raided Epstein's palatial manor, they found pictures on the wall of under-aged girls in bikinis and other skimpy attire, Now, I ask YOU...if you visited someone's home and they had those kinds of things on the wall...would you return time and time again??? Epstein
s sentence was a total fucking joke and an insult to anyone paying attention...wonder how that happened? Perhaps because he had the goods on those like Bill "drop trou" They did find hidden cameras in the room...perfect for blackmailing and for covering your own ass as well. Think, dumb might be a new experience.
Prove he was ever there.....

Virginia Roberts, 32, who claims she was pimped out by Epstein at age 15, has previously claimed she saw Clinton at Epstein’s getaway in 2002, but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane. They do show Clinton flying aboard Epstein’s plane to such destinations as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa.

Flight Logs Show Bill Clinton Flew On Sex Offender's Jet Much More Than Previously Known

Yeah, Bill "drop trou" flew commercial.....LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoa! Don't shoot me :) I'm only the piano player. Here's the story. This is the wildest election cycle EVAH!



Anonymous says there is video of Bill Clinton raping a 13 year-old girl on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Orgy Island.”

Anonymous claims the video will plunge the presidential race into chaos.

The video was released this week.

Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the registered sex offender’s infamous jet. Flight logs show the former president took at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” — even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights.

Anonymous: Video of Bill Clinton Raping 13 Yr-Old Girl Will Plunge Race into Chaos
Day #8... no video and tinydancer and LadyGunSlinger couldn't look more retarded for pushing this nonsense.

I definitely believe that the video existsb and that the Mossad has it, paid a pretty penny for it and it's great blackmail material to help keep Hitlery in line should she be able to steal her way into the WH. Lots of politicians have been compromised and if you knew anything about the Franklin County cover-up and the recent scandal in the U.K where Jimmy Savile was providing under-aged boys and girls to members of Parliament to insure that they could be compromised, you would know this.

Wave that leftard rainbow colored flag and wear that little "Kiss me cause I'm a leftard" pin on that puny chest of yours and show the world what a fucking clown you are.
How fortunate for the Clinton's that you're batshit insane and what you believe bears no resemblance to reality?

I know more than you and I comprehend more than you which is why your panties get into a wad when I post things that you do not understand. I attack issues from every angle and do my due dilgence....your opinion is only based on what your beloved corporate "gubermint" tells you and you eat their shit up like it was manna from heaven.

I know more than I wish I did about stupid fucks like you that believes in the left versus right paradigm and how your leftardism is so precious to you. I know all about the disgusting double-standard the Fabian socialists have against anyone that threatens their agenda and they will stoop to any dirty, rotten, disgusting tactic to make it happen while playing the victim when they get a push-back. I am a student of the history of this country...the REAL history and what we are facing is so fucking clear. Dumb useful idiots will not have their epiphany until it's too late and you are begging for food. It will definitely suck to be you, dumb ass. Spare me a thought when it happens. (snicker)
In reality, you know shit and you attack your own hallucinations. But how lucky are you to be too deranged to realize that?


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Circle the wagons around the Clinton crime family, dumb fuck....."They are INNOCENT!!! INNOCENT I TELLS YA!!!"

Wikileaks, Project Veritas, the sex scandals of Bill "drop trou"...utter corruption of people in the highest places of power protecting these scum sucking parasites....but dumb fucks like you will support them to the bitter end. I have come to expect this from leftards with double digit IQs.
Hey, retard. Did all those hundreds of celebrities who visited Lolita Island™ have orgy sex with kids?

A simple yes or no question NONE of you parroting retards has the guts to answer, coward.

When they raided Epstein's palatial manor, they found pictures on the wall of under-aged girls in bikinis and other skimpy attire, Now, I ask YOU...if you visited someone's home and they had those kinds of things on the wall...would you return time and time again??? Epstein
s sentence was a total fucking joke and an insult to anyone paying attention...wonder how that happened? Perhaps because he had the goods on those like Bill "drop trou" They did find hidden cameras in the room...perfect for blackmailing and for covering your own ass as well. Think, dumb might be a new experience.
Prove he was ever there.....

Virginia Roberts, 32, who claims she was pimped out by Epstein at age 15, has previously claimed she saw Clinton at Epstein’s getaway in 2002, but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane. They do show Clinton flying aboard Epstein’s plane to such destinations as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa.

Flight Logs Show Bill Clinton Flew On Sex Offender's Jet Much More Than Previously Known

Yeah, Bill "drop trou" flew commercial.....LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
Who said that?? You can't prove he was ever at the island, as the flight logs indicate, so you try that moronic strawman?

I'm embarrassed for you.
Whoa! Don't shoot me :) I'm only the piano player. Here's the story. This is the wildest election cycle EVAH!



Anonymous says there is video of Bill Clinton raping a 13 year-old girl on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Orgy Island.”

Anonymous claims the video will plunge the presidential race into chaos.

The video was released this week.

Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the registered sex offender’s infamous jet. Flight logs show the former president took at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” — even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights.

Anonymous: Video of Bill Clinton Raping 13 Yr-Old Girl Will Plunge Race into Chaos
Day #8... no video and tinydancer and LadyGunSlinger couldn't look more retarded for pushing this nonsense.

I definitely believe that the video existsb and that the Mossad has it, paid a pretty penny for it and it's great blackmail material to help keep Hitlery in line should she be able to steal her way into the WH. Lots of politicians have been compromised and if you knew anything about the Franklin County cover-up and the recent scandal in the U.K where Jimmy Savile was providing under-aged boys and girls to members of Parliament to insure that they could be compromised, you would know this.

Wave that leftard rainbow colored flag and wear that little "Kiss me cause I'm a leftard" pin on that puny chest of yours and show the world what a fucking clown you are.
How fortunate for the Clinton's that you're batshit insane and what you believe bears no resemblance to reality?

I know more than you and I comprehend more than you which is why your panties get into a wad when I post things that you do not understand. I attack issues from every angle and do my due dilgence....your opinion is only based on what your beloved corporate "gubermint" tells you and you eat their shit up like it was manna from heaven.

I know more than I wish I did about stupid fucks like you that believes in the left versus right paradigm and how your leftardism is so precious to you. I know all about the disgusting double-standard the Fabian socialists have against anyone that threatens their agenda and they will stoop to any dirty, rotten, disgusting tactic to make it happen while playing the victim when they get a push-back. I am a student of the history of this country...the REAL history and what we are facing is so fucking clear. Dumb useful idiots will not have their epiphany until it's too late and you are begging for food. It will definitely suck to be you, dumb ass. Spare me a thought when it happens. (snicker)
In reality, you know shit and you attack your own hallucinations. But how lucky are you to be too deranged to realize that?

Do tell, Fran? So why don't you tell us how you see things for the way they are and why this country is swirling the drain and what it will take to stop the demise of the middle class. I have GOT to know what it is you think should be done...pretty sure I already know but I'll give you the chance. If it's the typical leftard talking points, I will destroy it with ease....

Bring it on, Fran........(snicker)
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Circle the wagons around the Clinton crime family, dumb fuck....."They are INNOCENT!!! INNOCENT I TELLS YA!!!"

Wikileaks, Project Veritas, the sex scandals of Bill "drop trou"...utter corruption of people in the highest places of power protecting these scum sucking parasites....but dumb fucks like you will support them to the bitter end. I have come to expect this from leftards with double digit IQs.
Hey, retard. Did all those hundreds of celebrities who visited Lolita Island™ have orgy sex with kids?

A simple yes or no question NONE of you parroting retards has the guts to answer, coward.

When they raided Epstein's palatial manor, they found pictures on the wall of under-aged girls in bikinis and other skimpy attire, Now, I ask YOU...if you visited someone's home and they had those kinds of things on the wall...would you return time and time again??? Epstein
s sentence was a total fucking joke and an insult to anyone paying attention...wonder how that happened? Perhaps because he had the goods on those like Bill "drop trou" They did find hidden cameras in the room...perfect for blackmailing and for covering your own ass as well. Think, dumb might be a new experience.
Prove he was ever there.....

Virginia Roberts, 32, who claims she was pimped out by Epstein at age 15, has previously claimed she saw Clinton at Epstein’s getaway in 2002, but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane. They do show Clinton flying aboard Epstein’s plane to such destinations as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa.

Flight Logs Show Bill Clinton Flew On Sex Offender's Jet Much More Than Previously Known

Yeah, Bill "drop trou" flew commercial.....LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
Who said that?? You can't prove he was ever at the island, as the flight logs indicate, so you try that moronic strawman?

I'm embarrassed for you.

Flight log records can't be manipulated before or even after the fact? Now THAT is embarrassing for you and shows how utterly naive you are. (snicker)
Day #8... no video and tinydancer and LadyGunSlinger couldn't look more retarded for pushing this nonsense.

I definitely believe that the video existsb and that the Mossad has it, paid a pretty penny for it and it's great blackmail material to help keep Hitlery in line should she be able to steal her way into the WH. Lots of politicians have been compromised and if you knew anything about the Franklin County cover-up and the recent scandal in the U.K where Jimmy Savile was providing under-aged boys and girls to members of Parliament to insure that they could be compromised, you would know this.

Wave that leftard rainbow colored flag and wear that little "Kiss me cause I'm a leftard" pin on that puny chest of yours and show the world what a fucking clown you are.
How fortunate for the Clinton's that you're batshit insane and what you believe bears no resemblance to reality?

I know more than you and I comprehend more than you which is why your panties get into a wad when I post things that you do not understand. I attack issues from every angle and do my due dilgence....your opinion is only based on what your beloved corporate "gubermint" tells you and you eat their shit up like it was manna from heaven.

I know more than I wish I did about stupid fucks like you that believes in the left versus right paradigm and how your leftardism is so precious to you. I know all about the disgusting double-standard the Fabian socialists have against anyone that threatens their agenda and they will stoop to any dirty, rotten, disgusting tactic to make it happen while playing the victim when they get a push-back. I am a student of the history of this country...the REAL history and what we are facing is so fucking clear. Dumb useful idiots will not have their epiphany until it's too late and you are begging for food. It will definitely suck to be you, dumb ass. Spare me a thought when it happens. (snicker)
In reality, you know shit and you attack your own hallucinations. But how lucky are you to be too deranged to realize that?

Do tell, Fran? So why don't you tell us how you see things for the way they are and why this country is swirling the drain and what it will take to stop the demise of the middle class. I have GOT to know what it is you think should be done...pretty sure I already know but I'll give you the chance. If it's the typical leftard talking points, I will destroy it with ease....

Bring it on, Fran........(snicker)
This is what you do when your lunacy gets exposed... You divert.

The spotlight is shining on you to prove your idiotic claim that Clinton visited Epstein's island. You don't get to divert away from the topic because you're unable to prove you're not simply experiencing yet another one of your massive delusions.

G'head.... prove the flight logs, of which none indicate Clinton flew to the island or the one nearby, were falsified.....
Hey, retard. Did all those hundreds of celebrities who visited Lolita Island™ have orgy sex with kids?

A simple yes or no question NONE of you parroting retards has the guts to answer, coward.

When they raided Epstein's palatial manor, they found pictures on the wall of under-aged girls in bikinis and other skimpy attire, Now, I ask YOU...if you visited someone's home and they had those kinds of things on the wall...would you return time and time again??? Epstein
s sentence was a total fucking joke and an insult to anyone paying attention...wonder how that happened? Perhaps because he had the goods on those like Bill "drop trou" They did find hidden cameras in the room...perfect for blackmailing and for covering your own ass as well. Think, dumb might be a new experience.
Prove he was ever there.....

Virginia Roberts, 32, who claims she was pimped out by Epstein at age 15, has previously claimed she saw Clinton at Epstein’s getaway in 2002, but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane. They do show Clinton flying aboard Epstein’s plane to such destinations as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa.

Flight Logs Show Bill Clinton Flew On Sex Offender's Jet Much More Than Previously Known

Yeah, Bill "drop trou" flew commercial.....LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
Who said that?? You can't prove he was ever at the island, as the flight logs indicate, so you try that moronic strawman?

I'm embarrassed for you.

Flight log records can't be manipulated before or even after the fact? Now THAT is embarrassing for you and shows how utterly naive you are. (snicker)
Hurling suggestions prove you're only capable of hurling suggestions.

Prove they were manipulated. That's the task you can't accomplish, despite your empty claims of superiority.
Last edited:
I definitely believe that the video existsb and that the Mossad has it, paid a pretty penny for it and it's great blackmail material to help keep Hitlery in line should she be able to steal her way into the WH. Lots of politicians have been compromised and if you knew anything about the Franklin County cover-up and the recent scandal in the U.K where Jimmy Savile was providing under-aged boys and girls to members of Parliament to insure that they could be compromised, you would know this.

Wave that leftard rainbow colored flag and wear that little "Kiss me cause I'm a leftard" pin on that puny chest of yours and show the world what a fucking clown you are.
How fortunate for the Clinton's that you're batshit insane and what you believe bears no resemblance to reality?

I know more than you and I comprehend more than you which is why your panties get into a wad when I post things that you do not understand. I attack issues from every angle and do my due dilgence....your opinion is only based on what your beloved corporate "gubermint" tells you and you eat their shit up like it was manna from heaven.

I know more than I wish I did about stupid fucks like you that believes in the left versus right paradigm and how your leftardism is so precious to you. I know all about the disgusting double-standard the Fabian socialists have against anyone that threatens their agenda and they will stoop to any dirty, rotten, disgusting tactic to make it happen while playing the victim when they get a push-back. I am a student of the history of this country...the REAL history and what we are facing is so fucking clear. Dumb useful idiots will not have their epiphany until it's too late and you are begging for food. It will definitely suck to be you, dumb ass. Spare me a thought when it happens. (snicker)
In reality, you know shit and you attack your own hallucinations. But how lucky are you to be too deranged to realize that?

Do tell, Fran? So why don't you tell us how you see things for the way they are and why this country is swirling the drain and what it will take to stop the demise of the middle class. I have GOT to know what it is you think should be done...pretty sure I already know but I'll give you the chance. If it's the typical leftard talking points, I will destroy it with ease....

Bring it on, Fran........(snicker)
This is what you do when your lunacy gets exposed... You divert.

The spotlight is shining on you to prove your idiotic claim that Clinton visited Epstein's island. You don't get to divert away from the topic because you're unable to prove you're not simply experiencing yet another one of your massive delusions.

G'head.... prove the flight logs, of which none indicate Clinton flew to the island or the one nearby, were falsified.....

Prove that Bill "drop trou" did not go to Pedophile Island.....we sure haven't heard Bill "drop trou" deny it. Epstein had 20 plus different ways to contact Bill "drop trou" and it definitely fits Bill "drop trou's" modus operandi. The Clintons are filth....pure and simple and no amount of water and soap will wash the stench off of them and those that support and back them. Any other questions??? BTW, still waiting on you to tell me how things really work and what it would take to turn things around before the shit storm happens. (snicker)
When they raided Epstein's palatial manor, they found pictures on the wall of under-aged girls in bikinis and other skimpy attire, Now, I ask YOU...if you visited someone's home and they had those kinds of things on the wall...would you return time and time again??? Epstein
s sentence was a total fucking joke and an insult to anyone paying attention...wonder how that happened? Perhaps because he had the goods on those like Bill "drop trou" They did find hidden cameras in the room...perfect for blackmailing and for covering your own ass as well. Think, dumb might be a new experience.
Prove he was ever there.....

Virginia Roberts, 32, who claims she was pimped out by Epstein at age 15, has previously claimed she saw Clinton at Epstein’s getaway in 2002, but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane. They do show Clinton flying aboard Epstein’s plane to such destinations as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa.

Flight Logs Show Bill Clinton Flew On Sex Offender's Jet Much More Than Previously Known

Yeah, Bill "drop trou" flew commercial.....LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
Who said that?? You can't prove he was ever at the island, as the flight logs indicate, so you try that moronic strawman?

I'm embarrassed for you.

Flight log records can't be manipulated before or even after the fact? Now THAT is embarrassing for you and shows how utterly naive you are. (snicker)
Hurling suggestions prove you're only capable of hurling suggestions.

Prove they were manipulated. That's the task you can't accomplish, despite your empty claims of superiority.

Prove that there is no way that the flight logs could be manipulated and that it has never been done ever....go ahead.....
How fortunate for the Clinton's that you're batshit insane and what you believe bears no resemblance to reality?

I know more than you and I comprehend more than you which is why your panties get into a wad when I post things that you do not understand. I attack issues from every angle and do my due dilgence....your opinion is only based on what your beloved corporate "gubermint" tells you and you eat their shit up like it was manna from heaven.

I know more than I wish I did about stupid fucks like you that believes in the left versus right paradigm and how your leftardism is so precious to you. I know all about the disgusting double-standard the Fabian socialists have against anyone that threatens their agenda and they will stoop to any dirty, rotten, disgusting tactic to make it happen while playing the victim when they get a push-back. I am a student of the history of this country...the REAL history and what we are facing is so fucking clear. Dumb useful idiots will not have their epiphany until it's too late and you are begging for food. It will definitely suck to be you, dumb ass. Spare me a thought when it happens. (snicker)
In reality, you know shit and you attack your own hallucinations. But how lucky are you to be too deranged to realize that?

Do tell, Fran? So why don't you tell us how you see things for the way they are and why this country is swirling the drain and what it will take to stop the demise of the middle class. I have GOT to know what it is you think should be done...pretty sure I already know but I'll give you the chance. If it's the typical leftard talking points, I will destroy it with ease....

Bring it on, Fran........(snicker)
This is what you do when your lunacy gets exposed... You divert.

The spotlight is shining on you to prove your idiotic claim that Clinton visited Epstein's island. You don't get to divert away from the topic because you're unable to prove you're not simply experiencing yet another one of your massive delusions.

G'head.... prove the flight logs, of which none indicate Clinton flew to the island or the one nearby, were falsified.....

Prove that Bill "drop trou" did not go to Pedophile Island.....we sure haven't heard Bill "drop trou" deny it. Epstein had 20 plus different ways to contact Bill "drop trou" and it definitely fits Bill "drop trou's" modus operandi. The Clintons are filth....pure and simple and no amount of water and soap will wash the stench off of them and those that support and back them. Any other questions??? BTW, still waiting on you to tell me how things really work and what it would take to turn things around before the shit storm happens. (snicker)
It's your claim he went there. You're beyond insane to think the burden to prove you right falls upon others.

You obviously can't prove your hallucinations. Not that anyone doubted that door a second.
Prove he was ever there.....

Virginia Roberts, 32, who claims she was pimped out by Epstein at age 15, has previously claimed she saw Clinton at Epstein’s getaway in 2002, but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane. They do show Clinton flying aboard Epstein’s plane to such destinations as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa.

Flight Logs Show Bill Clinton Flew On Sex Offender's Jet Much More Than Previously Known

Yeah, Bill "drop trou" flew commercial.....LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
Who said that?? You can't prove he was ever at the island, as the flight logs indicate, so you try that moronic strawman?

I'm embarrassed for you.

Flight log records can't be manipulated before or even after the fact? Now THAT is embarrassing for you and shows how utterly naive you are. (snicker)
Hurling suggestions prove you're only capable of hurling suggestions.

Prove they were manipulated. That's the task you can't accomplish, despite your empty claims of superiority.

Prove that there is no way that the flight logs could be manipulated and that it has never been done ever....go ahead.....
That was never a claim I ever made. You're hallucinating . What I did say was inserting the suggestion that such a thing is possible does not prove it happened.

You failed misserably to prove your claim. But then, this was the expected result.
I know more than you and I comprehend more than you which is why your panties get into a wad when I post things that you do not understand. I attack issues from every angle and do my due dilgence....your opinion is only based on what your beloved corporate "gubermint" tells you and you eat their shit up like it was manna from heaven.

I know more than I wish I did about stupid fucks like you that believes in the left versus right paradigm and how your leftardism is so precious to you. I know all about the disgusting double-standard the Fabian socialists have against anyone that threatens their agenda and they will stoop to any dirty, rotten, disgusting tactic to make it happen while playing the victim when they get a push-back. I am a student of the history of this country...the REAL history and what we are facing is so fucking clear. Dumb useful idiots will not have their epiphany until it's too late and you are begging for food. It will definitely suck to be you, dumb ass. Spare me a thought when it happens. (snicker)
In reality, you know shit and you attack your own hallucinations. But how lucky are you to be too deranged to realize that?

Do tell, Fran? So why don't you tell us how you see things for the way they are and why this country is swirling the drain and what it will take to stop the demise of the middle class. I have GOT to know what it is you think should be done...pretty sure I already know but I'll give you the chance. If it's the typical leftard talking points, I will destroy it with ease....

Bring it on, Fran........(snicker)
This is what you do when your lunacy gets exposed... You divert.

The spotlight is shining on you to prove your idiotic claim that Clinton visited Epstein's island. You don't get to divert away from the topic because you're unable to prove you're not simply experiencing yet another one of your massive delusions.

G'head.... prove the flight logs, of which none indicate Clinton flew to the island or the one nearby, were falsified.....

Prove that Bill "drop trou" did not go to Pedophile Island.....we sure haven't heard Bill "drop trou" deny it. Epstein had 20 plus different ways to contact Bill "drop trou" and it definitely fits Bill "drop trou's" modus operandi. The Clintons are filth....pure and simple and no amount of water and soap will wash the stench off of them and those that support and back them. Any other questions??? BTW, still waiting on you to tell me how things really work and what it would take to turn things around before the shit storm happens. (snicker)
It's your claim he went there. You're beyond insane to think the burden to prove you right falls upon others.

You obviously can't prove your hallucinations. Not that anyone doubted that door a second.

Prove that flight logs cannot be changed or manipulated because you are basing your case that he DIDN'T go based on flight logs.
In reality, you know shit and you attack your own hallucinations. But how lucky are you to be too deranged to realize that?

Do tell, Fran? So why don't you tell us how you see things for the way they are and why this country is swirling the drain and what it will take to stop the demise of the middle class. I have GOT to know what it is you think should be done...pretty sure I already know but I'll give you the chance. If it's the typical leftard talking points, I will destroy it with ease....

Bring it on, Fran........(snicker)
This is what you do when your lunacy gets exposed... You divert.

The spotlight is shining on you to prove your idiotic claim that Clinton visited Epstein's island. You don't get to divert away from the topic because you're unable to prove you're not simply experiencing yet another one of your massive delusions.

G'head.... prove the flight logs, of which none indicate Clinton flew to the island or the one nearby, were falsified.....

Prove that Bill "drop trou" did not go to Pedophile Island.....we sure haven't heard Bill "drop trou" deny it. Epstein had 20 plus different ways to contact Bill "drop trou" and it definitely fits Bill "drop trou's" modus operandi. The Clintons are filth....pure and simple and no amount of water and soap will wash the stench off of them and those that support and back them. Any other questions??? BTW, still waiting on you to tell me how things really work and what it would take to turn things around before the shit storm happens. (snicker)
It's your claim he went there. You're beyond insane to think the burden to prove you right falls upon others.

You obviously can't prove your hallucinations. Not that anyone doubted that door a second.

Prove that flight logs cannot be changed or manipulated because you are basing your case that he DIDN'T go based on flight logs.
It's your claim they were manipulated. It's not my job to prove you wrong because you can't prove yourself right.
Do tell, Fran? So why don't you tell us how you see things for the way they are and why this country is swirling the drain and what it will take to stop the demise of the middle class. I have GOT to know what it is you think should be done...pretty sure I already know but I'll give you the chance. If it's the typical leftard talking points, I will destroy it with ease....

Bring it on, Fran........(snicker)
This is what you do when your lunacy gets exposed... You divert.

The spotlight is shining on you to prove your idiotic claim that Clinton visited Epstein's island. You don't get to divert away from the topic because you're unable to prove you're not simply experiencing yet another one of your massive delusions.

G'head.... prove the flight logs, of which none indicate Clinton flew to the island or the one nearby, were falsified.....

Prove that Bill "drop trou" did not go to Pedophile Island.....we sure haven't heard Bill "drop trou" deny it. Epstein had 20 plus different ways to contact Bill "drop trou" and it definitely fits Bill "drop trou's" modus operandi. The Clintons are filth....pure and simple and no amount of water and soap will wash the stench off of them and those that support and back them. Any other questions??? BTW, still waiting on you to tell me how things really work and what it would take to turn things around before the shit storm happens. (snicker)
It's your claim he went there. You're beyond insane to think the burden to prove you right falls upon others.

You obviously can't prove your hallucinations. Not that anyone doubted that door a second.

Prove that flight logs cannot be changed or manipulated because you are basing your case that he DIDN'T go based on flight logs.
It's your claim they were manipulated. It's not my job to prove you wrong because you can't prove yourself right.

But you are claiming that based on flight logs, Bill "drop trou" is exonerated simply on that alone.

Report: Bill Clinton Flew on Jeffrey Epstein's Jet Without Secret Service Detail - Breitbart
This is what you do when your lunacy gets exposed... You divert.

The spotlight is shining on you to prove your idiotic claim that Clinton visited Epstein's island. You don't get to divert away from the topic because you're unable to prove you're not simply experiencing yet another one of your massive delusions.

G'head.... prove the flight logs, of which none indicate Clinton flew to the island or the one nearby, were falsified.....

Prove that Bill "drop trou" did not go to Pedophile Island.....we sure haven't heard Bill "drop trou" deny it. Epstein had 20 plus different ways to contact Bill "drop trou" and it definitely fits Bill "drop trou's" modus operandi. The Clintons are filth....pure and simple and no amount of water and soap will wash the stench off of them and those that support and back them. Any other questions??? BTW, still waiting on you to tell me how things really work and what it would take to turn things around before the shit storm happens. (snicker)
It's your claim he went there. You're beyond insane to think the burden to prove you right falls upon others.

You obviously can't prove your hallucinations. Not that anyone doubted that door a second.

Prove that flight logs cannot be changed or manipulated because you are basing your case that he DIDN'T go based on flight logs.
It's your claim they were manipulated. It's not my job to prove you wrong because you can't prove yourself right.

But you are claiming that based on flight logs, Bill "drop trou" is exonerated simply on that alone.

Report: Bill Clinton Flew on Jeffrey Epstein's Jet Without Secret Service Detail - Breitbart
Too bad you can't comprehend your own links....

but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane.
Prove that Bill "drop trou" did not go to Pedophile Island.....we sure haven't heard Bill "drop trou" deny it. Epstein had 20 plus different ways to contact Bill "drop trou" and it definitely fits Bill "drop trou's" modus operandi. The Clintons are filth....pure and simple and no amount of water and soap will wash the stench off of them and those that support and back them. Any other questions??? BTW, still waiting on you to tell me how things really work and what it would take to turn things around before the shit storm happens. (snicker)
It's your claim he went there. You're beyond insane to think the burden to prove you right falls upon others.

You obviously can't prove your hallucinations. Not that anyone doubted that door a second.

Prove that flight logs cannot be changed or manipulated because you are basing your case that he DIDN'T go based on flight logs.
It's your claim they were manipulated. It's not my job to prove you wrong because you can't prove yourself right.

But you are claiming that based on flight logs, Bill "drop trou" is exonerated simply on that alone.

Report: Bill Clinton Flew on Jeffrey Epstein's Jet Without Secret Service Detail - Breitbart
Too bad you can't comprehend your own links....

but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane.

"U.S. Secret Service said it has no records showing agents were ever on the island with Clinton"

Wonder why that is???? (snicker)

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