Ann Coulter gives Sandra Fluke and her supporters a reality check.

People can screw whether birth control is available or not

The issue is responsible family planning and it is in societies best interests that unwanted children be kept to a minimum

No hate larger than calling another human being unwanted.

What kind of sick bastard EVER thinks of a baby as "unwanted"? "Unplanned", maybe, but "unwanted"?

Guess you've never heard then of the gals who have babies and then dump them in the dumpster? If we had given these women free BCPs, they wouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place. What about the boyfriend/father/husband who kills a newborn? Babies ARE unwanted sometimes, sad but true, ESPECIALLY if they were unplanned. I still say give these people all the birth control they need to keep from reproducing! If their employer or church forbids it, too bad. But I do think they can get this at Planned Parenthood, can't they. Don't they operate on a sliding fee scale? Preventing liberals from reproducing should be one of our top priorities. I have written my congressman about it as well.
Not true, and you know it.

Actually, it is true and we both know it.

From a major pro-abortion advocate;

{." A fetus is not a separate individual - it lives inside a pregnant woman and depends on her for its growth. In fact, the biological definition of "parasite" fits the fetal mode of growth precisely, }


In fact, "parasite" is the favored term among the pro-abortion crowd, who virtually control the shameful democrats.

Next time you see a leftist with a tummy bulge, ask her "are you with parasite? When is the little leech due?"

You are over generalizing to the point where you are no longer adding to the discussion.

I'm pointing out the facts. You wish to whitewash, I'm bluntly stating the facts.

How can you say that "the left" - in its entirety - collectively thinks of babies as parasites? It's a totally incorrect statement. Admit it.

Because the left has become a cohesive part of the pro-abortion movement.

Ayn Rand wrote that ultimately the left is based on a hatred of human life. She wrote that about the Communists and the way they crush life even among the living; but the fanatical love of abortion is another example of the contempt and hatred the left holds for life in general.
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Guess you've never heard then of the gals who have babies and then dump them in the dumpster? If we had given these women free BCPs, they wouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place.


Yo sparky, we DO give them free birth control pills..

{Call 516-750-2656 or email [email protected] to see if you qualify, to find Family Planning Benefit Program locations, or to make an appointment at PPNC. }

Free Birth Control, STI Testing & Exams - Planned Parenthood - Nassau County

There are more than 10,000 Planned Parenthood clinics nationwide, supported by the federal government.

Try a different lie.

It's called protecting oneself from risk. I will suffer personally when some irresponsible person who wants no kids has unprotected sex and gets knocked up. I have to pay for their bad decision, because my insurance pool will have to cover the costs of that pregnancy, which could cost anywhere from $12k - $100k. I will suffer, because if this happens enough premiums go up - for everyone, including me - despite the fact it's not me having unprotected sex.

BC pills are a mechanism to curb against this risk, which at a cheap price tag reduces the amount of unwanted and costly pregnancies in the overall insurance pool that I am a part of.

Movie ticket? If I pay for that what risk am I protecting my insurance pool from?


Pay for your son's football team? Again what risk would that action protect the insurance pool from?


Why is it so insanely difficult to get across the concept of protecting oneself from risk? Why can't you grasp this?

But you are also taking away ones personal responsiblity to have responsible sex.

Oh, I get the concept, I just disagree with it. BTW, I'm a centrist here, not a conservative. I also come from NZ but live in Australia and I've been telling people about this thread and they can't believe that insurance is to cover contracpetion.

To a person they have said "Why don't they pay for it themselves".

Also, the costs of having a baby down here are a lot cheaper than up there. Cost us virtually nothing to have both my sons at our National Woman's Hospital in NZ. Before you say, well 'it cost the taxpayer''re right it did. But I've paid taxes for 28 years, so I think I'm covered...;o)

Dr. Grump - shhhhh - think for a minute: all the liberal women are whining they can't get the BCPs, right? Well I say give it to them. Render as man as we can unable to reproduce. In a few years they will be too old to conceive and won't be long before --- no more liberals! think about it. They haven't caught onto what they are asking for. Let them have sex willy nilly, I couldn't care less. at least we can prevent more people being produced who will eventually be living off the government and paying no federal income tax. If they contract some dread venereal disease, insurance should pay for antibiotics -- IF they checked for STDs that is before syphillis has destroyed their central nervous system.
KW your theory is a fail. These not responsible people are going to take the birth control as prescribed? Why do you think they can do one thing but not another?

There are birth control methods that don't require taking a pill every day: Norplant, the Ortho Evra patch, NuvaRing, IUD. Whatever it takes to keep people from reproducing. I mean these young women are having babies with men they are not married to, men who likely don't want a baby. Or they are having a baby and they have no idea who the father is. These women can't even support themselves, let alone a baby. so guess what, they go on welfare. These couples nowadays don't want to get married because it's such a committment, but they have a baby. LIke a baby is not a committment? My God! Boggles the mind!
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

I know you want to believe that is the issue, but it isn't.

LIBERAL: Give me the Pill so I can have sex!

PRIEST: That is against my religion.

LIBERAL: I don't give a shit. I am going to DEMAND the government make you give it to me.

And that, boys and girls, is all you need to know about Liberals and their intolerance of others' values.

IDIOT LIBERAL: You mean to tell me my employer won't buy me the Pill? Since when?

FRIEND: Since forever. You work for the Catholic Church.


FRIEND: You mean to tell me you did not know the Catholich Church is against the Pill?


FRIEND: You can buy condoms right across the street.


IDIOT LIBERAL: Okay. I want you to meet another friend of mine. She has ovarian cysts and needs to take the Pill for her health and she works at the Church with me.

FRIEND: The law requires the Church pay for her medication, even if it is a contraceptive.

IDIOT LIBERAL: Yes, but how does that get MEEEEEEEE the Pill?

The issue is about getting something for free and making someone else pay for it. And liberals will shamelessly use sick people to get what they want. They will leech off the system, thus making it harder for people who are truly in need to get help.

They are absolutely shameless in their disgusting attempts to get something for nothing at others' expense.
I'm tired of hearing about religious exceptions for a church that has such an ongoing problem with grown men sticking their fingers up little boy's rectums.
I'm tired of hearing about religious exceptions for a church that has such an ongoing problem with grown men sticking their fingers up little boy's rectums.

Damn that pesky constitution! It's always getting in the way of leftists isn't it?

Good idea. Let's ignore that part of the First Amendment that says, congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, and let the right wing whackos in Congress write a bill that allows the Catholic Church tell us what we can't do when regulating healthcare insurance companies.
Good idea. Let's ignore that part of the First Amendment that says, congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, and let the right wing whackos in Congress write a bill that allows the Catholic Church tell us what we can't do when regulating healthcare insurance companies.

You know dick suck, you seem to have missed the part that says "or prohibit the free exercise therein."

You of the left are at war with the 1st Amendment, you seek to revoke basic, civil liberties.

This is business as usual for you of the left. The Obama left is the gravest threat to civil liberties this nation has ever faced.
Good idea. Let's ignore that part of the First Amendment that says, congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, and let the right wing whackos in Congress write a bill that allows the Catholic Church tell us what we can't do when regulating healthcare insurance companies.

You know dick suck, you seem to have missed the part that says "or prohibit the free exercise therein."

You of the left are at war with the 1st Amendment, you seek to revoke basic, civil liberties.

This is business as usual for you of the left. The Obama left is the gravest threat to civil liberties this nation has ever faced.

Like I said, the constitution is a pesky thing for leftists. I'm not sure why the expound on something that they never read, have no use for or understand. Go figure.
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

I know you want to believe that is the issue, but it isn't.

LIBERAL: Give me the Pill so I can have sex!

PRIEST: That is against my religion.

LIBERAL: I don't give a shit. I am going to DEMAND the government make you give it to me.

And that, boys and girls, is all you need to know about Liberals and their intolerance of others' values.

IDIOT LIBERAL: You mean to tell me my employer won't buy me the Pill? Since when?

FRIEND: Since forever. You work for the Catholic Church.


FRIEND: You mean to tell me you did not know the Catholich Church is against the Pill?


FRIEND: You can buy condoms right across the street.


IDIOT LIBERAL: Okay. I want you to meet another friend of mine. She has ovarian cysts and needs to take the Pill for her health and she works at the Church with me.

FRIEND: The law requires the Church pay for her medication, even if it is a contraceptive.

IDIOT LIBERAL: Yes, but how does that get MEEEEEEEE the Pill?

The issue is about getting something for free and making someone else pay for it. And liberals will shamelessly use sick people to get what they want. They will leech off the system, thus making it harder for people who are truly in need to get help.

They are absolutely shameless in their disgusting attempts to get something for nothing at others' expense.

I agree with the "the world owes me a living" mentality of the liberal mindset, yes. But as I've said, THIS is one area where they don't realize what they are asking for. They want pills to prevent them from conceiving a baby. From reproducing more liberals, more entitlement mentality people. I say give it to them by all means. We can't very well ship all the liberals to Sweden or push them all off a cliff, but we can keep them from reproducing by giving them the pill or the IUD or whatever. BUT - IF this becomes an issue far and above other more pressing issues, I know, and Obama DOES get elected and they DO give these BCPs to these nitwits for free - the same result will happen - the liberals will be stopped from reproducing. It's a win-win situation, seems to me.
Good idea. Let's ignore that part of the First Amendment that says, congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, and let the right wing whackos in Congress write a bill that allows the Catholic Church tell us what we can't do when regulating healthcare insurance companies.

You know dick suck, you seem to have missed the part that says "or prohibit the free exercise therein."

You of the left are at war with the 1st Amendment, you seek to revoke basic, civil liberties.

This is business as usual for you of the left. The Obama left is the gravest threat to civil liberties this nation has ever faced.

Churches are exempt from the requirement. Your war with the 1st Amendment doesn't exist.
Good idea. Let's ignore that part of the First Amendment that says, congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, and let the right wing whackos in Congress write a bill that allows the Catholic Church tell us what we can't do when regulating healthcare insurance companies.

You know dick suck, you seem to have missed the part that says "or prohibit the free exercise therein."

You of the left are at war with the 1st Amendment, you seek to revoke basic, civil liberties.

This is business as usual for you of the left. The Obama left is the gravest threat to civil liberties this nation has ever faced.

Churches are exempt from the requirement. Your war with the 1st Amendment doesn't exist.

Yet we have leftists like Dick Lick arguing in favor of ignoring the constitution don't we?
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

The outrage is not with birth control, it's with government mandating that religious institutions supply it against their beliefs, which in itself is a constitutional violation. The left could not win in the abortion debate, so they had to find another way to make conservatives look bad, and birth control happened to be it. Bottom line is, getting birth control has never been hard to do in this country, you can go down to you local health care clinic and get it practically for free.
This topic is nothing more than smoke and mirrors, it is a way to get everybody thinking about something other than the democrat record for the last 4 years, and it's not working.
OK. Now let's see how long it takes all the resident liberals to attack Ann Coulter personally.

Wait a put up a quote of Coulter doing nothing, other than personally attacking someone, and completely ignoring the issue. And in the same breath you decry the fact that people might respond with personal attacks against Coulter? What a hypocrite you are.

There is no issue, other than the one the left has created. The left love stockholme syndrome type scenarios, they create a problem and then come in to fix the problem they created, all the while everybody "those Gullible enough to not see through it" cheers for them.
Churches are exempt from the requirement.

Sort of - at least, Obama has given lip service, for the moment.

Your war with the 1st Amendment doesn't exist.

True, but Obama's war to end the 1st Amendment is all too real.

Obama seeks to end religious liberty by forcing Catholic institutions, schools and hospitals, to provide contraception and abortion. Little doubt Catholic hospitals will be coerced to offer abortion on demand under fascist care.
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

The outrage is not with birth control, it's with government mandating that religious institutions supply it against their beliefs, which in itself is a constitutional violation. The left could not win in the abortion debate, so they had to find another way to make conservatives look bad, and birth control happened to be it. Bottom line is, getting birth control has never been hard to do in this country, you can go down to you local health care clinic and get it practically for free.
This topic is nothing more than smoke and mirrors, it is a way to get everybody thinking about something other than the democrat record for the last 4 years, and it's not working.

The problem with those religious institutions is when they receive 60% of their funding from the government. Accept government by government rules

Insurance paying for birth control is a matter of public policy as is preventing unwanted pregnancies
You know dick suck, you seem to have missed the part that says "or prohibit the free exercise therein."

You of the left are at war with the 1st Amendment, you seek to revoke basic, civil liberties.

This is business as usual for you of the left. The Obama left is the gravest threat to civil liberties this nation has ever faced.

Churches are exempt from the requirement. Your war with the 1st Amendment doesn't exist.

Yet we have leftists like Dick Lick arguing in favor of ignoring the constitution don't we?


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