Andrew Klavan comments on the Woman Upset About..Something march, funny...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I like Andrew Klavan....he is a great commentator on all things left wing nuttery......

His breakdown of victimhood is it....

Look, dumbass, the Women's March drew 4 million across the nation. That is far more than the coronation of the orange clown drew. That lying asshole have been exposed for what he truly is in the past five days. So, he thinks he can censure the press and scientists at will. He is going to learn that he cannot. And that is going to force the psychotic clown to do things that will lead to the GOP controlled Congress to Impeach him, and the Senate to convict him.

"The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them".

Thomas Jefferson
The Million Harpy March was a failure since it was completely overshadowed by the story about Spicers dressing down of the press.

Look, dumbass, the Women's March drew 4 million across the nation. That is far more than the coronation of the orange clown drew. That lying asshole have been exposed for what he truly is in the past five days. So, he thinks he can censure the press and scientists at will. He is going to learn that he cannot. And that is going to force the psychotic clown to do things that will lead to the GOP controlled Congress to Impeach him, and the Senate to convict him.

"The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them".

Thomas Jefferson

How did he censure the press asswipe.......he increased the fucking size of the press pool......

Political hacks in the government are now going to be called on being political all levels of government ....and it is about time...

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