And So It Begins

The Book of Revelations is based on the writings of some nitwit named John who had a nightmare one night and wrote it down. ...... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

That is a matter of opinion. It is said Mohamed had migraine head aches.........and he passed out.....When he awoke it was Allah inspired.........So in return of your calling our beliefs nitwits...............I'll call Mohamed a nitwit as well............

Happy now.
I believe in God the Father Maker of Heaven and Earth.
I believe that Jesus is the son of God and died for our sins.

I don't believe in Islam. That is not my problem. It is my problem when they chop American's heads off in the name of their God.

I respect their right to believe in what they believe. I don't agree with it, but as long as they do their thing and I do mine it's not a problem
But around the globe they have become ANIMALS........Torture, Rape, Murder, Beheading people, crucifying them on the cross, and a scum bag in Oklahoma cutting the head off a 54 year old women was only crime was going to work.

This guy did it in the name of Allah.........That doesn't mean he represents a Muslim in Egypt. That doesn't mean he represents a Muslim in Chicago.........It means that this RADICAL GUY.........killed in the name of Islam........Whether another 900 million wouldn't do that isn't the question. The question is how many more are out there like him.........Even a small percentage of Muslims who believe like this could equal 10's of millions who believe like this fruit cake does............

We see the 10's of thousands in the middle east acting this out in utter barbarism........and now we see a possibility of more here. Whether it be Fort Hood, or Oklahoma.

So it is NOW OUR PROBLEM whether we like it or not. How to deal with it is another thread.

To me he represents Islam, Eagle. How to deal with it? I say we pray and believe the LORD to keep us in the midst of the fire. He is able.
The Book of Revelations is based on the writings of some nitwit named John who had a nightmare one night and wrote it down. ...... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

That is a matter of opinion. It is said Mohamed had migraine head aches.........and he passed out.....When he awoke it was Allah inspired.........So in return of your calling our beliefs nitwits...............I'll call Mohamed a nitwit as well............
No one knows who the man named John was.......he had no last name.......and wasn't a historical figure. ...... :cool:
The Book of Revelations is based on the writings of some nitwit named John who had a nightmare one night and wrote it down. ...... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

That is a matter of opinion. It is said Mohamed had migraine head aches.........and he passed out.....When he awoke it was Allah inspired.........So in return of your calling our beliefs nitwits...............I'll call Mohamed a nitwit as well............

Happy now.

Historical accounts and some authors have stated that Muhammad had seizures and would foam at the mouth and pass out. There are some scholars who believed this to be evidence of demonic possession as that is one of the manifestations of demonic possession - seizures - foaming at the mouth - which there was at least one brought to Jesus in such a state and he cast the demon out of them - there are also some Islamic scholars who I believe accounted it to epilepsy. On the matter of the Koran - it was written perhaps a decade after he died - not sure of the time line but some claimed he was could not read nor write - while others claim that he could read and write - it depends on who is telling the story I guess.
I believe in God the Father Maker of Heaven and Earth.
I believe that Jesus is the son of God and died for our sins.

I don't believe in Islam. That is not my problem. It is my problem when they chop American's heads off in the name of their God.

I respect their right to believe in what they believe. I don't agree with it, but as long as they do their thing and I do mine it's not a problem
But around the globe they have become ANIMALS........Torture, Rape, Murder, Beheading people, crucifying them on the cross, and a scum bag in Oklahoma cutting the head off a 54 year old women was only crime was going to work.

This guy did it in the name of Allah.........That doesn't mean he represents a Muslim in Egypt. That doesn't mean he represents a Muslim in Chicago.........It means that this RADICAL GUY.........killed in the name of Islam........Whether another 900 million wouldn't do that isn't the question. The question is how many more are out there like him.........Even a small percentage of Muslims who believe like this could equal 10's of millions who believe like this fruit cake does............

We see the 10's of thousands in the middle east acting this out in utter barbarism........and now we see a possibility of more here. Whether it be Fort Hood, or Oklahoma.

So it is NOW OUR PROBLEM whether we like it or not. How to deal with it is another thread.

To me he represents Islam, Eagle. How to deal with it? I say we pray and believe the LORD to keep us in the midst of the fire. He is able.

I don't like Islam either..........I see what is happening in the middle east, especially the Genocide going on and it ticks me off........Especially when they cut the heads off of little Children. These types are animals and deserve no respect. The only thing they deserve is to die by the sword for being animals.

Radical Islam has been, and still is a growing threat to our nation and the world. These types need to be sent to hell as soon as possible because they are creating hell on earth for the people in their areas........and corrupting those from abroad. No religion, really comes out and says kill thy neighbor if he refuses to convert to Islam but Islam .........I don't see that happening with Christians at all. Much of this comes from Mohamed and the Koran.......Mohamed was a brutal leader who was a conquerer. Nothing like Jesus at all.
The Book of Revelations is based on the writings of some nitwit named John who had a nightmare one night and wrote it down. ...... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

That is a matter of opinion. It is said Mohamed had migraine head aches.........and he passed out.....When he awoke it was Allah inspired.........So in return of your calling our beliefs nitwits...............I'll call Mohamed a nitwit as well............
No one knows who the man named John was.......he had no last name.......and wasn't a historical figure. ...... :cool:

John was the brother of Jesus Christ. One of Mary's other sons. James was also her son and he wrote the book of James.
The Book of Revelations is based on the writings of some nitwit named John who had a nightmare one night and wrote it down. ...... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

That is a matter of opinion. It is said Mohamed had migraine head aches.........and he passed out.....When he awoke it was Allah inspired.........So in return of your calling our beliefs nitwits...............I'll call Mohamed a nitwit as well............
No one knows who the man named John was.......he had no last name.......and wasn't a historical figure. ...... :cool:

Who's this no one guy? Did he tell you this is so.........And if no one knows him why were you throwing John under the bus.............Considering no one knows him.
The Book of Revelations is based on the writings of some nitwit named John who had a nightmare one night and wrote it down. ...... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

That is a matter of opinion. It is said Mohamed had migraine head aches.........and he passed out.....When he awoke it was Allah inspired.........So in return of your calling our beliefs nitwits...............I'll call Mohamed a nitwit as well............
No one knows who the man named John was.......he had no last name.......and wasn't a historical figure. ...... :cool:

And I am supposed to believe that you were ever a serious student of the Bible? Listen, Sunni man. The cat is out of the bag here. You've dug a hole deep enough for yourself - put down the shovel.
Christian are just jealous because Muslims have all the fun. ...... :cool:

Spain fun to me Sunni Man........

Playing soccer with a little girls head after lopping it off and then saying God is Great referring to Allah....

Is that what you consider fun.............
John was the brother of Jesus Christ. One of Mary's other sons. James was also her son and he wrote the book of James.
There is ZERO evidence that the man named John who wrote the Book of Revelations was the brother of Jesus. ..... :cool:

Then there is zero evidence that Mohamed is a prophet of god then. If you ditch our bible, then I ditch your koran........that's how it works Sunni man.
Christian are just jealous because Muslims have all the fun. ...... :cool:

It is written:
John was the brother of Jesus Christ. One of Mary's other sons. James was also her son and he wrote the book of James.
There is ZERO evidence that the man named John who wrote the Book of Revelations was the brother of Jesus. ..... :cool:

As I said, I can tell you have never been a student of the Bible, Sunni Man. I do not believe you have even read it once cover to cover. I find no evidence of it at all.
As I said, I can tell you have never been a student of the Bible, Sunni Man. I do not believe you have even read it once cover to cover. I find no evidence of it at all.
Actually it's apparent for all to see that I know the Bible far better than you do Jeremiah. ..... :cool:

This isn't a contest but as sure as the LORD lives you show no signs of ever having been a student of the bible. I find no evidence of it at all. I do not even find evidence that you know the Koran. I do find that what you claim and what is factual are often two different things, Sunni Man.

Had you known the LORD you would never have departed from Him. It is obvious that good times are what you are after but I would heed the warning written in Luke 6:25. Here it is a second time for emphasis.

It is written:

Luke 6 25 Woe to you who are well fed now for you will go hungry. Woe to you who laugh now for you will mourn and weep.

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