Anchor babies duel citizenship.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Mexico Claims Anchor Babies by Law « rjjrdq's America II

They are us citizens simple because their mothers come here to give birth to them knowing that makes the eligible for a host of federal and state programs. We will educate them and provide them with jobs and seldom deport their parents. Making them anchors.
There is nothing stopping them from going with their parents when they are deported for being in the country illegally. They already know the language and the culture, because they parents never assimilated and learned English and have often been an embarrassment because they often have to be translators at school, welfare offices and doctors, etc. It is not a punishment but a honor and a valuable learning experience.

We have thousands of anchor babies that do not fit in America’s society and they end up dropping out of school and joining gangs and resort to life of crime. Costing the tax payers even more. Returning anchor babies back to Mexico with their parents is the only humane and compassionate thing to do. Reuniting them with family that was left behind.

Even Obama has made several visits to Kenya the home of his father and connecting with his father’s home and family. I am sure he has never felt he was punishing himself by going to Kenya.

When children of military parents go with them when they are stationed in a foreign country where they don’t know the language or the culture it’s a vast learning experience not a punishment. Kobe Bryant was one of those children who lived overseas with his parents and many are born overseas and brought back to the USA. John McCain was one of those born overseas to military parents and brought back to the USA.

Thousands of anchor babies have returned to Mexico with their parents by self deportation when the economy turned sour. Did they do so to punish their children? And Mexico’s economy is doing much better than ours and Mexico owes it to their citizens to provide education, welfare and jobs.

So the lame old left wing rhetoric that sending these poor little children who are here by no fault of their own and we must educate them and provide jobs for them, home with their parents is a punishment is hog wash and a pig that don’t fly but is does mean votes for the left at the cost to taxpayers.

Deportation do not separate families, Automatic Birthright Citizenship and illegal immigration does.
When anchor babies reach 21, they qualify for a host of federal, state and local benefit programs, and can sponsor the immigration of other members of the family and they become a large voting aid.
Illiegal immigration places a heavy burden on the federal budget. The costs associated with illegals are due to their American-born children, who are awarded U.S. citizenship at birth. Thus, greater efforts at barring illegals from federal programs will not reduce costs because their .
American Action :: Financial Cost of Anchor Babies
Yeah, everyone knows how much you love to type the words "anchor baby," you old freak, but you are talking about US citizens. Don't forget it, you hateful old bitch.
How about US citizens that aren't anchor babies? They are born here because our laws permit birth tourism. All those millions of "citizens" born here, raised elsewhere, who will come home to vote when those votes are needed. Or perhaps because of absentee voting and registration, not even bother with coming here.
Yeah, everyone knows how much you love to type the words "anchor baby," you old freak, but you are talking about US citizens. Don't forget it, you hateful old bitch.

You make my day, Unkotare.:lol::lol::lol:
They are Mexicans citizens also. Mexico can have half of them.

anchor baby

When a foreigner or illegal alien (non-US citizen) comes to the USA to have a baby for the purpose of making the baby a US citizen. The baby becomes a US citizen giving the illegal alien/foreign parent and their family grounds to come to and stay in the US and become eligible for government benefits. Also called a "jackpot baby".

Maria, an illegal alien from Mexico, had her baby in the USA. Thanks to her anchor baby, now she and her whole family can live in the US.

Urban Dictionary: anchor baby
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Yeah, everyone knows how much you love to type the words "anchor baby," you old freak, but you are talking about US citizens. Don't forget it, you hateful old bitch.

They are Mexican citizens first. Mexico has digs on them. We don't know how many of those anchor babies were brought across the border and dumped into midwives laps for fraudulent birth certificates. We do no know how many anchor babies or not really anchor babies. :mad:
Midwife birth certificates tied to immigration problems along Texas border

Their problems began, according to attorney Jaime Diez, when a group of midwives along the U.S.-Mexico border were found guilty of selling birth certificates to people who were not born in the United States.

"Now all the midwives in the area are suspected of committing fraud," said Diez, who said his office regularly sees cases of people delivered by midwives in Texas. Some of them are struggling to get passports because officials question the validity of their birth certificates, he said. Others have been deported and had their identification documents confiscated at the border, he said.
Midwife birth certificates tied to immigration problems along Texas border -
Illegal immigration is all about fraud. Steal and lie to get here and steal and lie to stay here. We have no way of knowing who is who. They all have the same name and use the same social security number and identification.
Illegal immigration is all about fraud. Steal and lie to get here and steal and lie to stay here. We have no way of knowing who is who. They all have the same name and use the same social security number and identification.

And you support it, so why are you bitching constantly about it?
Yeah, everyone knows how much you love to type the words "anchor baby," you old freak, but you are talking about US citizens. Don't forget it, you hateful old bitch.

You make my day, Unkotare.:lol::lol::lol:
They are Mexicans citizens also. Mexico can have half of them.

Lots of US citizens have dual citizenship with some other country. And just who the fuck are YOU to decide who "can have half of them" bitch? Don't refer to my fellow Americans as "them," bitch.
Yeah, everyone knows how much you love to type the words "anchor baby," you old freak, but you are talking about US citizens. Don't forget it, you hateful old bitch.

You make my day, Unkotare.:lol::lol::lol:
They are Mexicans citizens also. Mexico can have half of them.

Lots of US citizens have dual citizenship with some other country. And just who the fuck are YOU to decide who "can have half of them" bitch? Don't refer to my fellow Americans as "them," bitch.
I am a dual citizen. I have lived in each country for over a decade and speak both languages fluently and am fully integrated in both. Unlike anchor babies, it is not just a technicality of birthplace.
You make my day, Unkotare.:lol::lol::lol:
They are Mexicans citizens also. Mexico can have half of them.

Lots of US citizens have dual citizenship with some other country. And just who the fuck are YOU to decide who "can have half of them" bitch? Don't refer to my fellow Americans as "them," bitch.
I am a dual citizen. I have lived in each country for over a decade and speak both languages fluently and am fully integrated in both. Unlike anchor babies, it is not just a technicality of birthplace.

"Unlike anchor babies"

How do you know the circumstances and experiences of every US CITIZEN with dual citizenship? Do you just need to believe that you are so very, very special?
Lots of US citizens have dual citizenship with some other country. And just who the fuck are YOU to decide who "can have half of them" bitch? Don't refer to my fellow Americans as "them," bitch.
I am a dual citizen. I have lived in each country for over a decade and speak both languages fluently and am fully integrated in both. Unlike anchor babies, it is not just a technicality of birthplace.

"Unlike anchor babies"

How do you know the circumstances and experiences of every US CITIZEN with dual citizenship? Do you just need to believe that you are so very, very special?
I know many dual citizens who are the same. They have family, paid taxes, lived, have deep roots and are integrated in both countries. It is certainly not unique and goes well beyond a technicality of birthplace. But then I see I am repeating myself.
Oh, I see. You just wanted to talk about yourself. Aren't you special? Please tell us more about what makes you so special.

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