An Existential Danger To America

Everywhere in the modern world but GOP dupe America, socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net. Everything you idiot GOP Dupes know is garbage propaganda. Less than 1% of abortions are late-term and you need two doctors and the mother to agree that it will save the mother's life and the baby is not viable. Not wanting to spend billions on a useless un American wall does that mean you are for open borders duh. Wanting Justice and opportunity for the non Rich is not anti White racism, idiot.

"...socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net."

No it doesn't.
I means what it always has....including the slaughter and imprisonment of those who don't fall in line.

Don't worry, you fool......I can help:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More

    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism. Google.

Agreed, Socialism is a system that can be very benign when first implemented and can coexist along with the capitalist sector which it needs to feed off of, but the problem is as failures begin to mount, a socialist leadership wont defer control back to the people themselves and the free market. Rather, they will double down and even demanding more control over the populations' actions will be the required remedy for these socialist geniuses. The result will be a detereorization over time in which the socialist establishment will then require more and more control even in the face of their failure. Eventually socialist systems must become more hard line and less benign in their natural progression approaching something like communism.
Bologna, communism has only been put in by violent revolution. Socialism today is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net... Excepting Cold War dinosaur GOP dupe America. "We are all socialists now!--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....

Both are theft.

Dunces like you don't care if earners have the fruits of their labor stolen, as you are one of the vagrants standing there with your hand out.
So you are against taxes of any kind? Great idea LOL, brainwashed functional moron. we're talking here about taxing the rich more than other people percentage wise so we have enough money to invest in infrastructure and people. After 35 years of GOP dominance of tax rates, we have the worst Inequality and upward mobility ever and in the modern world by far. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you...
Evidence is mounting that a particular party represents, as per the title of the thread, the end of America and great damage to Western Civilization, if it gets to wield unlimited power.

Guess which party.

Hint.....the one running on this platform: full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

When we see this sort of thing, the hand-writing is on the wall:

"MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books
MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books

White people are oppressing PoCs because they write a lot of books which "physically" take up too much "space" in our nation's libraries and "promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence," according to academic librarian Sofia Leung of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

This racist manic writes:


I had this interesting mini-eureka moment a few weeks ago that I wanted to share for a few reasons. One, I don’t usually reflect on the connections that help me understand how I learn something new or what goes into coming up with some new concept. Most of the time, the connections aren’t clear to me. Two, I like to show students that inspiration for new “research” or “scholarly” ideas doesn’t have to come from only “scholarly” publications. Three, I need to write it out to fully understand how I came to this conclusion and to really understand what this conclusion means!

  1. our library collections, because they are written mostly by straight white men, are a physical manifestation of white men ideas taking up all the space in our library stacks. Pause here and think about this.
  2. If you don’t already know, “whiteness as property,” is a seminal Critical Race Theory (CRT) concept first introduced by Cheryl I. Harris in her 1993 Harvard Law Review article by the same name. She writes, “slavery as a system of property facilitated the merger of white identity and property” (p. 1721) and the formation of whiteness as property required the erasure of Native peoples. Basically, white people want to stay being white because of the privilege and protection whiteness affords under the law that they created. Harris also makes this really good point, “whiteness and property share a common premise — a conceptual nucleus — of a right to exclude” (1714). Bam! That really hits it on the head." Whiteness as Collections

Not dangerous?

A reminder, In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:
"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"

Democrats have already put citizens in concentration camps based on skin color.

Thank you, as always for your post and insight. That being said, let us time travel in spirit back to the French Revolution and examine for a moment the atheist mob mentality born among the French masses not by radio or satellite or fiber optic internet waves, but by books; tens of thousands of radical Leftist French philosopher written books which after being distributed to all French Revolution social classes, convinced a large number of them that slaughtering their fellow countrymen in the name of godlessness was the right thing to do. During that horrible time of evil, soldiers and civilians alike bayoneted children (I'm censoring), pregnant women, tied married couples to logs they then threw in rivers. In other words, when the radical, atheist Left raised a large enough mob in 18th century France, what did they do with said mob? They used it to slaughter hundreds of thousands of their fellow French citizens, that's what.

Now, back to our present day and we can clearly see the undertones of French Revolution radical Leftist cultism ravaging our nation with such winning platforms as child murder and child mutilation, atheism, communism, anti-fact, overt lying to the masses and so much more. The only question perhaps then becomes: how much longer will WE THE PEOPLE tolerate the dictatorship of liberal judges whose rulings have implemented so much of the French Revolution-like radical Leftist insanity, before we go to war to smack them down?

You always say the nicest things. Much thanks.

Coincidentally, at this moment I'm working on a thread that refers to exactly that, the French Revolution.

This is one part....

1.The battle cry of the Left…”separation of church and state.” Why? Truth is, America was founded based on the Judeo-Christian faith, the Bible being the most quoted source by our Founders. And those Founders were religious folks who saw America as the extension of the Jews escaping Egypt.

The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.”
They were believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known by Leftists today, “an extremist Fundamentalist hate group.”
Actually, the reason is that our revolution was just changing who taxed us and getting control of our own business. While the French revolution was overthrowing an incredibly unfair system. It didn't get crazy until the king tried to escape and the rest of Europe all started attacking France.
Evidence is mounting that a particular party represents, as per the title of the thread, the end of America and great damage to Western Civilization, if it gets to wield unlimited power.

Guess which party.

Hint.....the one running on this platform: full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

When we see this sort of thing, the hand-writing is on the wall:

"MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books
MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books

White people are oppressing PoCs because they write a lot of books which "physically" take up too much "space" in our nation's libraries and "promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence," according to academic librarian Sofia Leung of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

This racist manic writes:


I had this interesting mini-eureka moment a few weeks ago that I wanted to share for a few reasons. One, I don’t usually reflect on the connections that help me understand how I learn something new or what goes into coming up with some new concept. Most of the time, the connections aren’t clear to me. Two, I like to show students that inspiration for new “research” or “scholarly” ideas doesn’t have to come from only “scholarly” publications. Three, I need to write it out to fully understand how I came to this conclusion and to really understand what this conclusion means!

  1. our library collections, because they are written mostly by straight white men, are a physical manifestation of white men ideas taking up all the space in our library stacks. Pause here and think about this.
  2. If you don’t already know, “whiteness as property,” is a seminal Critical Race Theory (CRT) concept first introduced by Cheryl I. Harris in her 1993 Harvard Law Review article by the same name. She writes, “slavery as a system of property facilitated the merger of white identity and property” (p. 1721) and the formation of whiteness as property required the erasure of Native peoples. Basically, white people want to stay being white because of the privilege and protection whiteness affords under the law that they created. Harris also makes this really good point, “whiteness and property share a common premise — a conceptual nucleus — of a right to exclude” (1714). Bam! That really hits it on the head." Whiteness as Collections

Not dangerous?

A reminder, In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:
"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"

Democrats have already put citizens in concentration camps based on skin color.

Thank you, as always for your post and insight. That being said, let us time travel in spirit back to the French Revolution and examine for a moment the atheist mob mentality born among the French masses not by radio or satellite or fiber optic internet waves, but by books; tens of thousands of radical Leftist French philosopher written books which after being distributed to all French Revolution social classes, convinced a large number of them that slaughtering their fellow countrymen in the name of godlessness was the right thing to do. During that horrible time of evil, soldiers and civilians alike bayoneted children (I'm censoring), pregnant women, tied married couples to logs they then threw in rivers. In other words, when the radical, atheist Left raised a large enough mob in 18th century France, what did they do with said mob? They used it to slaughter hundreds of thousands of their fellow French citizens, that's what.

Now, back to our present day and we can clearly see the undertones of French Revolution radical Leftist cultism ravaging our nation with such winning platforms as child murder and child mutilation, atheism, communism, anti-fact, overt lying to the masses and so much more. The only question perhaps then becomes: how much longer will WE THE PEOPLE tolerate the dictatorship of liberal judges whose rulings have implemented so much of the French Revolution-like radical Leftist insanity, before we go to war to smack them down?

You always say the nicest things. Much thanks.

Coincidentally, at this moment I'm working on a thread that refers to exactly that, the French Revolution.

This is one part....

1.The battle cry of the Left…”separation of church and state.” Why? Truth is, America was founded based on the Judeo-Christian faith, the Bible being the most quoted source by our Founders. And those Founders were religious folks who saw America as the extension of the Jews escaping Egypt.

The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.”
They were believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known by Leftists today, “an extremist Fundamentalist hate group.”
Actually, the reason is that our revolution was just changing who taxed us and getting control of our own business. While the French revolution was overthrowing an incredibly unfair system. It didn't get crazy until the king tried to escape and the rest of Europe all started attacking France.
Of course we are all reading the English language version of history.
Last edited:
Everywhere in the modern world but GOP dupe America, socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net. Everything you idiot GOP Dupes know is garbage propaganda. Less than 1% of abortions are late-term and you need two doctors and the mother to agree that it will save the mother's life and the baby is not viable. Not wanting to spend billions on a useless un American wall does that mean you are for open borders duh. Wanting Justice and opportunity for the non Rich is not anti White racism, idiot.

"...socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net."

No it doesn't.
I means what it always has....including the slaughter and imprisonment of those who don't fall in line.

Don't worry, you fool......I can help:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More

    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism. Google.

Agreed, Socialism is a system that can be very benign when first implemented and can coexist along with the capitalist sector which it needs to feed off of, but the problem is as failures begin to mount, a socialist leadership wont defer control back to the people themselves and the free market. Rather, they will double down and even demanding more control over the populations' actions will be the required remedy for these socialist geniuses. The result will be a detereorization over time in which the socialist establishment will then require more and more control even in the face of their failure. Eventually socialist systems must become more hard line and less benign in their natural progression approaching something like communism.
Bologna, communism has only been put in by violent revolution. Socialism today is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net... Excepting Cold War dinosaur GOP dupe America. "We are all socialists now!--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....

Both are theft.

Dunces like you don't care if earners have the fruits of their labor stolen, as you are one of the vagrants standing there with your hand out.
So you are against taxes of any kind? Great idea LOL, brainwashed functional moron. we're talking here about taxing the rich more than other people percentage wise so we have enough money to invest in infrastructure and people. After 35 years of GOP dominance of tax rates, we have the worst Inequality and upward mobility ever and in the modern world by far. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you...

I am for taxes that cover the federal responsibilities listed in Article 1, section 8.

One day you may actually read the Constitution, and you'll know what I'm referencing.
Evidence is mounting that a particular party represents, as per the title of the thread, the end of America and great damage to Western Civilization, if it gets to wield unlimited power.

Guess which party.

Hint.....the one running on this platform: full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

When we see this sort of thing, the hand-writing is on the wall:

"MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books
MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books

White people are oppressing PoCs because they write a lot of books which "physically" take up too much "space" in our nation's libraries and "promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence," according to academic librarian Sofia Leung of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

This racist manic writes:


I had this interesting mini-eureka moment a few weeks ago that I wanted to share for a few reasons. One, I don’t usually reflect on the connections that help me understand how I learn something new or what goes into coming up with some new concept. Most of the time, the connections aren’t clear to me. Two, I like to show students that inspiration for new “research” or “scholarly” ideas doesn’t have to come from only “scholarly” publications. Three, I need to write it out to fully understand how I came to this conclusion and to really understand what this conclusion means!

  1. our library collections, because they are written mostly by straight white men, are a physical manifestation of white men ideas taking up all the space in our library stacks. Pause here and think about this.
  2. If you don’t already know, “whiteness as property,” is a seminal Critical Race Theory (CRT) concept first introduced by Cheryl I. Harris in her 1993 Harvard Law Review article by the same name. She writes, “slavery as a system of property facilitated the merger of white identity and property” (p. 1721) and the formation of whiteness as property required the erasure of Native peoples. Basically, white people want to stay being white because of the privilege and protection whiteness affords under the law that they created. Harris also makes this really good point, “whiteness and property share a common premise — a conceptual nucleus — of a right to exclude” (1714). Bam! That really hits it on the head." Whiteness as Collections

Not dangerous?

A reminder, In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:
"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"

Democrats have already put citizens in concentration camps based on skin color.

Thank you, as always for your post and insight. That being said, let us time travel in spirit back to the French Revolution and examine for a moment the atheist mob mentality born among the French masses not by radio or satellite or fiber optic internet waves, but by books; tens of thousands of radical Leftist French philosopher written books which after being distributed to all French Revolution social classes, convinced a large number of them that slaughtering their fellow countrymen in the name of godlessness was the right thing to do. During that horrible time of evil, soldiers and civilians alike bayoneted children (I'm censoring), pregnant women, tied married couples to logs they then threw in rivers. In other words, when the radical, atheist Left raised a large enough mob in 18th century France, what did they do with said mob? They used it to slaughter hundreds of thousands of their fellow French citizens, that's what.

Now, back to our present day and we can clearly see the undertones of French Revolution radical Leftist cultism ravaging our nation with such winning platforms as child murder and child mutilation, atheism, communism, anti-fact, overt lying to the masses and so much more. The only question perhaps then becomes: how much longer will WE THE PEOPLE tolerate the dictatorship of liberal judges whose rulings have implemented so much of the French Revolution-like radical Leftist insanity, before we go to war to smack them down?

You always say the nicest things. Much thanks.

Coincidentally, at this moment I'm working on a thread that refers to exactly that, the French Revolution.

This is one part....

1.The battle cry of the Left…”separation of church and state.” Why? Truth is, America was founded based on the Judeo-Christian faith, the Bible being the most quoted source by our Founders. And those Founders were religious folks who saw America as the extension of the Jews escaping Egypt.

The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.”
They were believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known by Leftists today, “an extremist Fundamentalist hate group.”
Actually, the reason is that our revolution was just changing who taxed us and getting control of our own business. While the French revolution was overthrowing an incredibly unfair system. It didn't get crazy until the king tried to escape and the rest of Europe all started attacking France.
Of course we are all reading the English language version of history.

Wait......are you trying to pretend that you actually read???????

Be serious.
Evidence is mounting that a particular party represents, as per the title of the thread, the end of America and great damage to Western Civilization, if it gets to wield unlimited power.

Guess which party.

Hint.....the one running on this platform: full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

When we see this sort of thing, the hand-writing is on the wall:

"MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books
MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books

White people are oppressing PoCs because they write a lot of books which "physically" take up too much "space" in our nation's libraries and "promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence," according to academic librarian Sofia Leung of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

This racist manic writes:


I had this interesting mini-eureka moment a few weeks ago that I wanted to share for a few reasons. One, I don’t usually reflect on the connections that help me understand how I learn something new or what goes into coming up with some new concept. Most of the time, the connections aren’t clear to me. Two, I like to show students that inspiration for new “research” or “scholarly” ideas doesn’t have to come from only “scholarly” publications. Three, I need to write it out to fully understand how I came to this conclusion and to really understand what this conclusion means!

  1. our library collections, because they are written mostly by straight white men, are a physical manifestation of white men ideas taking up all the space in our library stacks. Pause here and think about this.
  2. If you don’t already know, “whiteness as property,” is a seminal Critical Race Theory (CRT) concept first introduced by Cheryl I. Harris in her 1993 Harvard Law Review article by the same name. She writes, “slavery as a system of property facilitated the merger of white identity and property” (p. 1721) and the formation of whiteness as property required the erasure of Native peoples. Basically, white people want to stay being white because of the privilege and protection whiteness affords under the law that they created. Harris also makes this really good point, “whiteness and property share a common premise — a conceptual nucleus — of a right to exclude” (1714). Bam! That really hits it on the head." Whiteness as Collections

Not dangerous?

A reminder, In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:
"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"

Democrats have already put citizens in concentration camps based on skin color.

Thank you, as always for your post and insight. That being said, let us time travel in spirit back to the French Revolution and examine for a moment the atheist mob mentality born among the French masses not by radio or satellite or fiber optic internet waves, but by books; tens of thousands of radical Leftist French philosopher written books which after being distributed to all French Revolution social classes, convinced a large number of them that slaughtering their fellow countrymen in the name of godlessness was the right thing to do. During that horrible time of evil, soldiers and civilians alike bayoneted children (I'm censoring), pregnant women, tied married couples to logs they then threw in rivers. In other words, when the radical, atheist Left raised a large enough mob in 18th century France, what did they do with said mob? They used it to slaughter hundreds of thousands of their fellow French citizens, that's what.

Now, back to our present day and we can clearly see the undertones of French Revolution radical Leftist cultism ravaging our nation with such winning platforms as child murder and child mutilation, atheism, communism, anti-fact, overt lying to the masses and so much more. The only question perhaps then becomes: how much longer will WE THE PEOPLE tolerate the dictatorship of liberal judges whose rulings have implemented so much of the French Revolution-like radical Leftist insanity, before we go to war to smack them down?

You always say the nicest things. Much thanks.

Coincidentally, at this moment I'm working on a thread that refers to exactly that, the French Revolution.

This is one part....

1.The battle cry of the Left…”separation of church and state.” Why? Truth is, America was founded based on the Judeo-Christian faith, the Bible being the most quoted source by our Founders. And those Founders were religious folks who saw America as the extension of the Jews escaping Egypt.

The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.”
They were believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known by Leftists today, “an extremist Fundamentalist hate group.”

Sounds interesting. From the standpoint of the simple human condition . . . the condition of simply expecting privacy, decency, mercy and the opportunity of a chance to prosper as an individual, anyone with eyes who can read or ears that can hear must know that the base, primary goal of the radical Left, historically and presently, is destruction and oppression. The radical Left's modus operandi, today as since its inception, has been and continues to be to use brute force against the masses it holds power over, in order to make them accept their radical philosophies and obey those core tenets of their ideology. All those who dare oppose the fanaticism of the radical Left are beset upon by a rabid mob . . . be it a mob of actual pitchfork wielding maniacs (Antifa) or a mob on twitter or in the MSM. No matter how insane some of our fellow Americans' beliefs, they must know . . . deep within their minds . . . how overtly, obviously wrong are the platforms of the radical Left. And still, and yet somehow tens of millions of Americans continue their membership in the radical Leftist cult.
It is sad that freedom is not 'popular' and people no longer believe in the American Dream. It took the Democrats a bit of time to accomplish this. Now they can beat up political foes, silence them, and segregate people by skin color. There is a reason our entire political system was designed to protect us from politicians. It doen't help that media is pure propaganda. A Fourth Estate would have been nice.
"...socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net."

No it doesn't.
I means what it always has....including the slaughter and imprisonment of those who don't fall in line.

Don't worry, you fool......I can help:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More

    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism. Google.

Agreed, Socialism is a system that can be very benign when first implemented and can coexist along with the capitalist sector which it needs to feed off of, but the problem is as failures begin to mount, a socialist leadership wont defer control back to the people themselves and the free market. Rather, they will double down and even demanding more control over the populations' actions will be the required remedy for these socialist geniuses. The result will be a detereorization over time in which the socialist establishment will then require more and more control even in the face of their failure. Eventually socialist systems must become more hard line and less benign in their natural progression approaching something like communism.
Bologna, communism has only been put in by violent revolution. Socialism today is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net... Excepting Cold War dinosaur GOP dupe America. "We are all socialists now!--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....

Both are theft.

Dunces like you don't care if earners have the fruits of their labor stolen, as you are one of the vagrants standing there with your hand out.
So you are against taxes of any kind? Great idea LOL, brainwashed functional moron. we're talking here about taxing the rich more than other people percentage wise so we have enough money to invest in infrastructure and people. After 35 years of GOP dominance of tax rates, we have the worst Inequality and upward mobility ever and in the modern world by far. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you...

I am for taxes that cover the federal responsibilities listed in Article 1, section 8.

One day you may actually read the Constitution, and you'll know what I'm referencing.
Sorry, it's almost time to rejoin humanity in the 21st century. The Supreme Court has approved all the changes.
Agreed, Socialism is a system that can be very benign when first implemented and can coexist along with the capitalist sector which it needs to feed off of, but the problem is as failures begin to mount, a socialist leadership wont defer control back to the people themselves and the free market. Rather, they will double down and even demanding more control over the populations' actions will be the required remedy for these socialist geniuses. The result will be a detereorization over time in which the socialist establishment will then require more and more control even in the face of their failure. Eventually socialist systems must become more hard line and less benign in their natural progression approaching something like communism.
Bologna, communism has only been put in by violent revolution. Socialism today is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net... Excepting Cold War dinosaur GOP dupe America. "We are all socialists now!--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....

Both are theft.

Dunces like you don't care if earners have the fruits of their labor stolen, as you are one of the vagrants standing there with your hand out.
So you are against taxes of any kind? Great idea LOL, brainwashed functional moron. we're talking here about taxing the rich more than other people percentage wise so we have enough money to invest in infrastructure and people. After 35 years of GOP dominance of tax rates, we have the worst Inequality and upward mobility ever and in the modern world by far. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you...

I am for taxes that cover the federal responsibilities listed in Article 1, section 8.

One day you may actually read the Constitution, and you'll know what I'm referencing.
Sorry, it's almost time to rejoin humanity in the 21st century. The Supreme Court has approved all the changes.
The problem is we aren't taxing the rich enough. End of story.
Everywhere in the modern world but GOP dupe America, socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net. Everything you idiot GOP Dupes know is garbage propaganda. Less than 1% of abortions are late-term and you need two doctors and the mother to agree that it will save the mother's life and the baby is not viable. Not wanting to spend billions on a useless un American wall does that mean you are for open borders duh. Wanting Justice and opportunity for the non Rich is not anti White racism, idiot.

"...socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net."

No it doesn't.
I means what it always has....including the slaughter and imprisonment of those who don't fall in line.

Don't worry, you fool......I can help:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More

    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism. Google.

Agreed, Socialism is a system that can be very benign when first implemented and can coexist along with the capitalist sector which it needs to feed off of, but the problem is as failures begin to mount, a socialist leadership wont defer control back to the people themselves and the free market. Rather, they will double down and even demanding more control over the populations' actions will be the required remedy for these socialist geniuses. The result will be a detereorization over time in which the socialist establishment will then require more and more control even in the face of their failure. Eventually socialist systems must become more hard line and less benign in their natural progression approaching something like communism.
Bologna, communism has only been put in by violent revolution. Socialism today is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net... Excepting Cold War dinosaur GOP dupe America. "We are all socialists now!--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....
Everywhere in the modern world but GOP dupe America, socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net. Everything you idiot GOP Dupes know is garbage propaganda. Less than 1% of abortions are late-term and you need two doctors and the mother to agree that it will save the mother's life and the baby is not viable. Not wanting to spend billions on a useless un American wall does that mean you are for open borders duh. Wanting Justice and opportunity for the non Rich is not anti White racism, idiot.

"...socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net."

No it doesn't.
I means what it always has....including the slaughter and imprisonment of those who don't fall in line.

Don't worry, you fool......I can help:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More

    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism. Google.

Agreed, Socialism is a system that can be very benign when first implemented and can coexist along with the capitalist sector which it needs to feed off of, but the problem is as failures begin to mount, a socialist leadership wont defer control back to the people themselves and the free market. Rather, they will double down and even demanding more control over the populations' actions will be the required remedy for these socialist geniuses. The result will be a detereorization over time in which the socialist establishment will then require more and more control even in the face of their failure. Eventually socialist systems must become more hard line and less benign in their natural progression approaching something like communism.

Bet you've read The Gulag Archipelago by Russian writer and historian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

No, I haven't read it though I have heard it referred to many times.
It is sad that freedom is not 'popular' and people no longer believe in the American Dream. It took the Democrats a bit of time to accomplish this. Now they can beat up political foes, silence them, and segregate people by skin color. There is a reason our entire political system was designed to protect us from politicians. It doen't help that media is pure propaganda. A Fourth Estate would have been nice.
Democrats simply want to make our GOP Savage capitalism Fair and give us a good safety net like every other modern country. all they have given us is a giveaway to the rich and cuts for everyone else. Only the GOP propaganda machine is pure propaganda. The rest suck because they don't do news anymore, just pundits blabbing Non-Stop. There will continue to be a fourth estate, it is just in a bit of chaos with the internet. Just like politics. It's always great to have the chaos of another GOP World depression at the same time. Cost Obama 7 or 8 trillion dollars in debt so you brainwashed functional morons can believe there wasn't one.the American dream is just fine will get a hell of a lot better when we have health care daycare paid parental leave good infrastructure good vacations cheap college and training etc etc like every other modern country. The scumbag GOP is killing us, and only their ridiculous propaganda of hate and character assassination make it possible.
Last edited:
Everywhere in the modern world but GOP dupe America, socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net. Everything you idiot GOP Dupes know is garbage propaganda. Less than 1% of abortions are late-term and you need two doctors and the mother to agree that it will save the mother's life and the baby is not viable. Not wanting to spend billions on a useless un American wall does that mean you are for open borders duh. Wanting Justice and opportunity for the non Rich is not anti White racism, idiot.

"...socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net."

No it doesn't.
I means what it always has....including the slaughter and imprisonment of those who don't fall in line.

Don't worry, you fool......I can help:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More

    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism. Google.

Agreed, Socialism is a system that can be very benign when first implemented and can coexist along with the capitalist sector which it needs to feed off of, but the problem is as failures begin to mount, a socialist leadership wont defer control back to the people themselves and the free market. Rather, they will double down and even demanding more control over the populations' actions will be the required remedy for these socialist geniuses. The result will be a detereorization over time in which the socialist establishment will then require more and more control even in the face of their failure. Eventually socialist systems must become more hard line and less benign in their natural progression approaching something like communism.
Bologna, communism has only been put in by violent revolution. Socialism today is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net... Excepting Cold War dinosaur GOP dupe America. "We are all socialists now!--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....
Everywhere in the modern world but GOP dupe America, socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net. Everything you idiot GOP Dupes know is garbage propaganda. Less than 1% of abortions are late-term and you need two doctors and the mother to agree that it will save the mother's life and the baby is not viable. Not wanting to spend billions on a useless un American wall does that mean you are for open borders duh. Wanting Justice and opportunity for the non Rich is not anti White racism, idiot.

"...socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net."

No it doesn't.
I means what it always has....including the slaughter and imprisonment of those who don't fall in line.

Don't worry, you fool......I can help:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More

    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism. Google.

Agreed, Socialism is a system that can be very benign when first implemented and can coexist along with the capitalist sector which it needs to feed off of, but the problem is as failures begin to mount, a socialist leadership wont defer control back to the people themselves and the free market. Rather, they will double down and even demanding more control over the populations' actions will be the required remedy for these socialist geniuses. The result will be a detereorization over time in which the socialist establishment will then require more and more control even in the face of their failure. Eventually socialist systems must become more hard line and less benign in their natural progression approaching something like communism.

Bet you've read The Gulag Archipelago by Russian writer and historian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

No, I haven't read it though I have heard it referred to many times.
Well I have read it and I have read a day in the life of Denise denisovich, and I don't think it's any secret that communism in Russia was horrible...
Evidence is mounting that a particular party represents, as per the title of the thread, the end of America and great damage to Western Civilization, if it gets to wield unlimited power.

Guess which party.

Hint.....the one running on this platform: full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

When we see this sort of thing, the hand-writing is on the wall:

"MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books
MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books

White people are oppressing PoCs because they write a lot of books which "physically" take up too much "space" in our nation's libraries and "promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence," according to academic librarian Sofia Leung of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

This racist manic writes:


I had this interesting mini-eureka moment a few weeks ago that I wanted to share for a few reasons. One, I don’t usually reflect on the connections that help me understand how I learn something new or what goes into coming up with some new concept. Most of the time, the connections aren’t clear to me. Two, I like to show students that inspiration for new “research” or “scholarly” ideas doesn’t have to come from only “scholarly” publications. Three, I need to write it out to fully understand how I came to this conclusion and to really understand what this conclusion means!

  1. our library collections, because they are written mostly by straight white men, are a physical manifestation of white men ideas taking up all the space in our library stacks. Pause here and think about this.
  2. If you don’t already know, “whiteness as property,” is a seminal Critical Race Theory (CRT) concept first introduced by Cheryl I. Harris in her 1993 Harvard Law Review article by the same name. She writes, “slavery as a system of property facilitated the merger of white identity and property” (p. 1721) and the formation of whiteness as property required the erasure of Native peoples. Basically, white people want to stay being white because of the privilege and protection whiteness affords under the law that they created. Harris also makes this really good point, “whiteness and property share a common premise — a conceptual nucleus — of a right to exclude” (1714). Bam! That really hits it on the head." Whiteness as Collections

Not dangerous?

A reminder, In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:
"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"

Democrats have already put citizens in concentration camps based on skin color.

Thank you, as always for your post and insight. That being said, let us time travel in spirit back to the French Revolution and examine for a moment the atheist mob mentality born among the French masses not by radio or satellite or fiber optic internet waves, but by books; tens of thousands of radical Leftist French philosopher written books which after being distributed to all French Revolution social classes, convinced a large number of them that slaughtering their fellow countrymen in the name of godlessness was the right thing to do. During that horrible time of evil, soldiers and civilians alike bayoneted children (I'm censoring), pregnant women, tied married couples to logs they then threw in rivers. In other words, when the radical, atheist Left raised a large enough mob in 18th century France, what did they do with said mob? They used it to slaughter hundreds of thousands of their fellow French citizens, that's what.

Now, back to our present day and we can clearly see the undertones of French Revolution radical Leftist cultism ravaging our nation with such winning platforms as child murder and child mutilation, atheism, communism, anti-fact, overt lying to the masses and so much more. The only question perhaps then becomes: how much longer will WE THE PEOPLE tolerate the dictatorship of liberal judges whose rulings have implemented so much of the French Revolution-like radical Leftist insanity, before we go to war to smack them down?

You always say the nicest things. Much thanks.

Coincidentally, at this moment I'm working on a thread that refers to exactly that, the French Revolution.

This is one part....

1.The battle cry of the Left…”separation of church and state.” Why? Truth is, America was founded based on the Judeo-Christian faith, the Bible being the most quoted source by our Founders. And those Founders were religious folks who saw America as the extension of the Jews escaping Egypt.

The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.”
They were believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known by Leftists today, “an extremist Fundamentalist hate group.”

Sounds interesting. From the standpoint of the simple human condition . . . the condition of simply expecting privacy, decency, mercy and the opportunity of a chance to prosper as an individual, anyone with eyes who can read or ears that can hear must know that the base, primary goal of the radical Left, historically and presently, is destruction and oppression. The radical Left's modus operandi, today as since its inception, has been and continues to be to use brute force against the masses it holds power over, in order to make them accept their radical philosophies and obey those core tenets of their ideology. All those who dare oppose the fanaticism of the radical Left are beset upon by a rabid mob . . . be it a mob of actual pitchfork wielding maniacs (Antifa) or a mob on twitter or in the MSM. No matter how insane some of our fellow Americans' beliefs, they must know . . . deep within their minds . . . how overtly, obviously wrong are the platforms of the radical Left. And still, and yet somehow tens of millions of Americans continue their membership in the radical Leftist cult.
Yeah antifas we haven't heard from them in years basically and they're just punks, brainwashed functional moron. Blame the GOP if you don't like what things are. And the only spike in violence has been GOP dupes beating up and vandalizing Jews blacks Muslims and gays. You know nothing factual.
It is sad that freedom is not 'popular' and people no longer believe in the American Dream. It took the Democrats a bit of time to accomplish this. Now they can beat up political foes, silence them, and segregate people by skin color. There is a reason our entire political system was designed to protect us from politicians. It doen't help that media is pure propaganda. A Fourth Estate would have been nice.

I'm on the same page as you are, Dusty, but it took the forces of evil over two centuries to get to this point.

Have heart, we won the last election.....and the Russia scam.......who know?
Everywhere in the modern world but GOP dupe America, socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net. Everything you idiot GOP Dupes know is garbage propaganda. Less than 1% of abortions are late-term and you need two doctors and the mother to agree that it will save the mother's life and the baby is not viable. Not wanting to spend billions on a useless un American wall does that mean you are for open borders duh. Wanting Justice and opportunity for the non Rich is not anti White racism, idiot.

"...socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net."

No it doesn't.
I means what it always has....including the slaughter and imprisonment of those who don't fall in line.

Don't worry, you fool......I can help:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More

    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism. Google.

Agreed, Socialism is a system that can be very benign when first implemented and can coexist along with the capitalist sector which it needs to feed off of, but the problem is as failures begin to mount, a socialist leadership wont defer control back to the people themselves and the free market. Rather, they will double down and even demanding more control over the populations' actions will be the required remedy for these socialist geniuses. The result will be a detereorization over time in which the socialist establishment will then require more and more control even in the face of their failure. Eventually socialist systems must become more hard line and less benign in their natural progression approaching something like communism.
Bologna, communism has only been put in by violent revolution. Socialism today is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net... Excepting Cold War dinosaur GOP dupe America. "We are all socialists now!--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....
Everywhere in the modern world but GOP dupe America, socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net. Everything you idiot GOP Dupes know is garbage propaganda. Less than 1% of abortions are late-term and you need two doctors and the mother to agree that it will save the mother's life and the baby is not viable. Not wanting to spend billions on a useless un American wall does that mean you are for open borders duh. Wanting Justice and opportunity for the non Rich is not anti White racism, idiot.

"...socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net."

No it doesn't.
I means what it always has....including the slaughter and imprisonment of those who don't fall in line.

Don't worry, you fool......I can help:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More

    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism. Google.

Agreed, Socialism is a system that can be very benign when first implemented and can coexist along with the capitalist sector which it needs to feed off of, but the problem is as failures begin to mount, a socialist leadership wont defer control back to the people themselves and the free market. Rather, they will double down and even demanding more control over the populations' actions will be the required remedy for these socialist geniuses. The result will be a detereorization over time in which the socialist establishment will then require more and more control even in the face of their failure. Eventually socialist systems must become more hard line and less benign in their natural progression approaching something like communism.

Bet you've read The Gulag Archipelago by Russian writer and historian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

No, I haven't read it though I have heard it referred to many times.

You're on the same page as Solzhenitsyn
Everywhere in the modern world but GOP dupe America, socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net. Everything you idiot GOP Dupes know is garbage propaganda. Less than 1% of abortions are late-term and you need two doctors and the mother to agree that it will save the mother's life and the baby is not viable. Not wanting to spend billions on a useless un American wall does that mean you are for open borders duh. Wanting Justice and opportunity for the non Rich is not anti White racism, idiot.

"...socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net."

No it doesn't.
I means what it always has....including the slaughter and imprisonment of those who don't fall in line.

Don't worry, you fool......I can help:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More

    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism. Google.

Agreed, Socialism is a system that can be very benign when first implemented and can coexist along with the capitalist sector which it needs to feed off of, but the problem is as failures begin to mount, a socialist leadership wont defer control back to the people themselves and the free market. Rather, they will double down and even demanding more control over the populations' actions will be the required remedy for these socialist geniuses. The result will be a detereorization over time in which the socialist establishment will then require more and more control even in the face of their failure. Eventually socialist systems must become more hard line and less benign in their natural progression approaching something like communism.
Bologna, communism has only been put in by violent revolution. Socialism today is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net... Excepting Cold War dinosaur GOP dupe America. "We are all socialists now!--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....
Everywhere in the modern world but GOP dupe America, socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net. Everything you idiot GOP Dupes know is garbage propaganda. Less than 1% of abortions are late-term and you need two doctors and the mother to agree that it will save the mother's life and the baby is not viable. Not wanting to spend billions on a useless un American wall does that mean you are for open borders duh. Wanting Justice and opportunity for the non Rich is not anti White racism, idiot.

"...socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net."

No it doesn't.
I means what it always has....including the slaughter and imprisonment of those who don't fall in line.

Don't worry, you fool......I can help:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More

    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism. Google.

Agreed, Socialism is a system that can be very benign when first implemented and can coexist along with the capitalist sector which it needs to feed off of, but the problem is as failures begin to mount, a socialist leadership wont defer control back to the people themselves and the free market. Rather, they will double down and even demanding more control over the populations' actions will be the required remedy for these socialist geniuses. The result will be a detereorization over time in which the socialist establishment will then require more and more control even in the face of their failure. Eventually socialist systems must become more hard line and less benign in their natural progression approaching something like communism.

Bet you've read The Gulag Archipelago by Russian writer and historian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

No, I haven't read it though I have heard it referred to many times.
Well I have read it and I have read a day in the life of Denise denisovich, and I don't think it's any secret that communism in Russia was horrible...

Communism....socialism....Leftism......all the same and all terrible and the road to slaughter.

Boris Yeltsin himself showed the error of this attempt:

In September of 1991, the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, was asked about the history and future of Communism:
“One of their more dramatic responses came to a question by Los Angeles actor Ben Stein, who asked whether the two leaders believed any country should live under communism.

Yeltsin answered first: "This experiment which was conducted on our soil was a tragedy for our people and it was too bad that it happened on our territory. It would have been better if the experiment had happened in some small country, to make it clear that it was a Utopian idea, although a beautiful idea."

Gorbachev said history has shown that "that model has failed which was brought about in our country. And I believe that this is a lesson not only for our people but for all peoples.” GORBACHEV, YELTSIN SAY COMMUNISM FAILED USSR
Evidence is mounting that a particular party represents, as per the title of the thread, the end of America and great damage to Western Civilization, if it gets to wield unlimited power.

Guess which party.

Hint.....the one running on this platform: full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

When we see this sort of thing, the hand-writing is on the wall:

"MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books
MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books

White people are oppressing PoCs because they write a lot of books which "physically" take up too much "space" in our nation's libraries and "promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence," according to academic librarian Sofia Leung of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

This racist manic writes:


I had this interesting mini-eureka moment a few weeks ago that I wanted to share for a few reasons. One, I don’t usually reflect on the connections that help me understand how I learn something new or what goes into coming up with some new concept. Most of the time, the connections aren’t clear to me. Two, I like to show students that inspiration for new “research” or “scholarly” ideas doesn’t have to come from only “scholarly” publications. Three, I need to write it out to fully understand how I came to this conclusion and to really understand what this conclusion means!

  1. our library collections, because they are written mostly by straight white men, are a physical manifestation of white men ideas taking up all the space in our library stacks. Pause here and think about this.
  2. If you don’t already know, “whiteness as property,” is a seminal Critical Race Theory (CRT) concept first introduced by Cheryl I. Harris in her 1993 Harvard Law Review article by the same name. She writes, “slavery as a system of property facilitated the merger of white identity and property” (p. 1721) and the formation of whiteness as property required the erasure of Native peoples. Basically, white people want to stay being white because of the privilege and protection whiteness affords under the law that they created. Harris also makes this really good point, “whiteness and property share a common premise — a conceptual nucleus — of a right to exclude” (1714). Bam! That really hits it on the head." Whiteness as Collections

Not dangerous?

A reminder, In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:
"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"

Democrats have already put citizens in concentration camps based on skin color.

Thank you, as always for your post and insight. That being said, let us time travel in spirit back to the French Revolution and examine for a moment the atheist mob mentality born among the French masses not by radio or satellite or fiber optic internet waves, but by books; tens of thousands of radical Leftist French philosopher written books which after being distributed to all French Revolution social classes, convinced a large number of them that slaughtering their fellow countrymen in the name of godlessness was the right thing to do. During that horrible time of evil, soldiers and civilians alike bayoneted children (I'm censoring), pregnant women, tied married couples to logs they then threw in rivers. In other words, when the radical, atheist Left raised a large enough mob in 18th century France, what did they do with said mob? They used it to slaughter hundreds of thousands of their fellow French citizens, that's what.

Now, back to our present day and we can clearly see the undertones of French Revolution radical Leftist cultism ravaging our nation with such winning platforms as child murder and child mutilation, atheism, communism, anti-fact, overt lying to the masses and so much more. The only question perhaps then becomes: how much longer will WE THE PEOPLE tolerate the dictatorship of liberal judges whose rulings have implemented so much of the French Revolution-like radical Leftist insanity, before we go to war to smack them down?

You always say the nicest things. Much thanks.

Coincidentally, at this moment I'm working on a thread that refers to exactly that, the French Revolution.

This is one part....

1.The battle cry of the Left…”separation of church and state.” Why? Truth is, America was founded based on the Judeo-Christian faith, the Bible being the most quoted source by our Founders. And those Founders were religious folks who saw America as the extension of the Jews escaping Egypt.

The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.”
They were believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known by Leftists today, “an extremist Fundamentalist hate group.”

Sounds interesting. From the standpoint of the simple human condition . . . the condition of simply expecting privacy, decency, mercy and the opportunity of a chance to prosper as an individual, anyone with eyes who can read or ears that can hear must know that the base, primary goal of the radical Left, historically and presently, is destruction and oppression. The radical Left's modus operandi, today as since its inception, has been and continues to be to use brute force against the masses it holds power over, in order to make them accept their radical philosophies and obey those core tenets of their ideology. All those who dare oppose the fanaticism of the radical Left are beset upon by a rabid mob . . . be it a mob of actual pitchfork wielding maniacs (Antifa) or a mob on twitter or in the MSM. No matter how insane some of our fellow Americans' beliefs, they must know . . . deep within their minds . . . how overtly, obviously wrong are the platforms of the radical Left. And still, and yet somehow tens of millions of Americans continue their membership in the radical Leftist cult.
Yeah antifas we haven't heard from them in years basically and they're just punks, brainwashed functional moron. Blame the GOP if you don't like what things are. And the only spike in violence has been GOP dupes beating up and vandalizing Jews blacks Muslims and gays. You know nothing factual.

ANTIFA, just like the KKK is an arm of the DNC.

You didn't know that????

“However, social media does give some indication of how many people are involved in the Antifa movement, but those numbers don't indicate a massive following. The New York City Antifa Twitter account has a little under 18,000 followers, and the account for Philadelphia only has about 6,000. The group's previously low profile has quickly dissolved — search interest in Antifa has exploded in the last 72 hours, according to Google Trends.” After Charlottesville, Interest In The Antifa Movement Is Spiking
Evidence is mounting that a particular party represents, as per the title of the thread, the end of America and great damage to Western Civilization, if it gets to wield unlimited power.

Guess which party.

Hint.....the one running on this platform: full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

When we see this sort of thing, the hand-writing is on the wall:

"MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books
MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books

White people are oppressing PoCs because they write a lot of books which "physically" take up too much "space" in our nation's libraries and "promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence," according to academic librarian Sofia Leung of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

This racist manic writes:


I had this interesting mini-eureka moment a few weeks ago that I wanted to share for a few reasons. One, I don’t usually reflect on the connections that help me understand how I learn something new or what goes into coming up with some new concept. Most of the time, the connections aren’t clear to me. Two, I like to show students that inspiration for new “research” or “scholarly” ideas doesn’t have to come from only “scholarly” publications. Three, I need to write it out to fully understand how I came to this conclusion and to really understand what this conclusion means!

  1. our library collections, because they are written mostly by straight white men, are a physical manifestation of white men ideas taking up all the space in our library stacks. Pause here and think about this.
  2. If you don’t already know, “whiteness as property,” is a seminal Critical Race Theory (CRT) concept first introduced by Cheryl I. Harris in her 1993 Harvard Law Review article by the same name. She writes, “slavery as a system of property facilitated the merger of white identity and property” (p. 1721) and the formation of whiteness as property required the erasure of Native peoples. Basically, white people want to stay being white because of the privilege and protection whiteness affords under the law that they created. Harris also makes this really good point, “whiteness and property share a common premise — a conceptual nucleus — of a right to exclude” (1714). Bam! That really hits it on the head." Whiteness as Collections

Not dangerous?

A reminder, In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:
"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"

Democrats have already put citizens in concentration camps based on skin color.

The danger to America is when conspiracy and lies are believed for political expediency by one party

Socialism well unless the government owns the means of production then the US is no where near that

It is just repubs beating the drum and see who will dance

I see a lot of private enterprise that is alive and well

The government should step when private enterprise threatens the general public

The great depression when 15 million Americans were unemployed and nearly half the country’s banks had failed.

1973 recession

1980 recession

2006 recession when sub prime mortgage problem created a banking and financial crisis.

The government step in as they should cause private enterprise was running amok

I can help.

Here is the existential threat to America:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

Wake the heck up, you dunce.

Yep. An amalgam of all the Fauxrageous false talking points put together like that really shows the dangers of and the main reason why Fox is Bad News for America.

Seems you are unable to produce any such 'false' talking points.

That must mean you're lying again, huh?


Turn off Faux.

It's Bad News for America

amen to that.:2up:

Thank you, as always for your post and insight.

the most comedic post of the year.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::lmao::laughing0301:
The greatest danger is repubs with computers who think with their keypads.

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