An Existential Danger To America


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Evidence is mounting that a particular party represents, as per the title of the thread, the end of America and great damage to Western Civilization, if it gets to wield unlimited power.

Guess which party.

Hint.....the one running on this platform: full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

When we see this sort of thing, the hand-writing is on the wall:

"MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books
MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books

White people are oppressing PoCs because they write a lot of books which "physically" take up too much "space" in our nation's libraries and "promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence," according to academic librarian Sofia Leung of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

This racist manic writes:


I had this interesting mini-eureka moment a few weeks ago that I wanted to share for a few reasons. One, I don’t usually reflect on the connections that help me understand how I learn something new or what goes into coming up with some new concept. Most of the time, the connections aren’t clear to me. Two, I like to show students that inspiration for new “research” or “scholarly” ideas doesn’t have to come from only “scholarly” publications. Three, I need to write it out to fully understand how I came to this conclusion and to really understand what this conclusion means!

  1. our library collections, because they are written mostly by straight white men, are a physical manifestation of white men ideas taking up all the space in our library stacks. Pause here and think about this.
  2. If you don’t already know, “whiteness as property,” is a seminal Critical Race Theory (CRT) concept first introduced by Cheryl I. Harris in her 1993 Harvard Law Review article by the same name. She writes, “slavery as a system of property facilitated the merger of white identity and property” (p. 1721) and the formation of whiteness as property required the erasure of Native peoples. Basically, white people want to stay being white because of the privilege and protection whiteness affords under the law that they created. Harris also makes this really good point, “whiteness and property share a common premise — a conceptual nucleus — of a right to exclude” (1714). Bam! That really hits it on the head." Whiteness as Collections

Not dangerous?

A reminder, In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:
"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"

Democrats have already put citizens in concentration camps based on skin color.
If the dems want to put walls up around their urban plantations to keep their hold on the citizenry there they can, but if they try to push their fucked-up policies on the suburban and rural folks, they have another thought coming. Maybe a few states like NY and CA would also follow their dictums, but there would also be a major outflow of voters to free states. I'm hoping that 2020 will be a refutation of the socialist, big government, anti-2nd Amendment, Green New Deal, Open Border, free healthcare, free college, democrats. We've seen this movie before, in 1972...Nixon v. McGovern....
Give me a break.

This is the second thread about this...and this is from psycho place, Info Wars.

One nobody librarian makes a post on her blog and you Trumpbots assume the sky is falling.

Grow spines, for Christ sake.

Failing that:

Last edited:
Evidence is mounting that a particular party represents, as per the title of the thread, the end of America and great damage to Western Civilization, if it gets to wield unlimited power.

Guess which party.

Hint.....the one running on this platform: full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…
When we see this sort of thing, the hand-writing is on the wall:

"MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books
MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books

White people are oppressing PoCs because they write a lot of books which "physically" take up too much "space" in our nation's libraries and "promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence," according to academic librarian Sofia Leung of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
This racist manic writes:
I had this interesting mini-eureka moment a few weeks ago that I wanted to share for a few reasons. One, I don’t usually reflect on the connections that help me understand how I learn something new or what goes into coming up with some new concept. Most of the time, the connections aren’t clear to me. Two, I like to show students that inspiration for new “research” or “scholarly” ideas doesn’t have to come from only “scholarly” publications. Three, I need to write it out to fully understand how I came to this conclusion and to really understand what this conclusion means!

  1. our library collections, because they are written mostly by straight white men, are a physical manifestation of white men ideas taking up all the space in our library stacks. Pause here and think about this.
  2. If you don’t already know, “whiteness as property,” is a seminal Critical Race Theory (CRT) concept first introduced by Cheryl I. Harris in her 1993 Harvard Law Review article by the same name. She writes, “slavery as a system of property facilitated the merger of white identity and property” (p. 1721) and the formation of whiteness as property required the erasure of Native peoples. Basically, white people want to stay being white because of the privilege and protection whiteness affords under the law that they created. Harris also makes this really good point, “whiteness and property share a common premise — a conceptual nucleus — of a right to exclude” (1714). Bam! That really hits it on the head." Whiteness as Collections
Not dangerous?

A reminder, In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:
"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"
Democrats have already put citizens in concentration camps based on skin color.

The problem is clear. The Left have become possessed by evil spirits driving them all bat shit insane. Medical science provides only one solution for their salvation but they must all act quick:


Give me a break.

This is the second thread about this...and this is from psycho place Info Wars.

One nobody librarian makes a post on her blog and you Trumpbots assume the sky is falling.

Grow spines, for Christ sake.

It's the attack of the killer librarians.

Hide the women and children and arm yourselves!
Give me a break.

This is the second thread about this...and this is from psycho place Info Wars.

One nobody librarian makes a post on her blog and you Trumpbots assume the sky is falling.

Grow spines, for Christ sake.

Failing that:


consider the source -
Evidence is mounting that a particular party represents, as per the title of the thread, the end of America and great damage to Western Civilization, if it gets to wield unlimited power.

Guess which party.

Hint.....the one running on this platform: full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

When we see this sort of thing, the hand-writing is on the wall:

"MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books
MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books

White people are oppressing PoCs because they write a lot of books which "physically" take up too much "space" in our nation's libraries and "promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence," according to academic librarian Sofia Leung of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

This racist manic writes:


I had this interesting mini-eureka moment a few weeks ago that I wanted to share for a few reasons. One, I don’t usually reflect on the connections that help me understand how I learn something new or what goes into coming up with some new concept. Most of the time, the connections aren’t clear to me. Two, I like to show students that inspiration for new “research” or “scholarly” ideas doesn’t have to come from only “scholarly” publications. Three, I need to write it out to fully understand how I came to this conclusion and to really understand what this conclusion means!

  1. our library collections, because they are written mostly by straight white men, are a physical manifestation of white men ideas taking up all the space in our library stacks. Pause here and think about this.
  2. If you don’t already know, “whiteness as property,” is a seminal Critical Race Theory (CRT) concept first introduced by Cheryl I. Harris in her 1993 Harvard Law Review article by the same name. She writes, “slavery as a system of property facilitated the merger of white identity and property” (p. 1721) and the formation of whiteness as property required the erasure of Native peoples. Basically, white people want to stay being white because of the privilege and protection whiteness affords under the law that they created. Harris also makes this really good point, “whiteness and property share a common premise — a conceptual nucleus — of a right to exclude” (1714). Bam! That really hits it on the head." Whiteness as Collections

Not dangerous?

A reminder, In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:
"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"

Democrats have already put citizens in concentration camps based on skin color.

So, what you're saying is --

dimocraps are scum........??

I might not have ever thought of that :dunno:
Everywhere in the modern world but GOP dupe America, socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net. Everything you idiot GOP Dupes know is garbage propaganda. Less than 1% of abortions are late-term and you need two doctors and the mother to agree that it will save the mother's life and the baby is not viable. Not wanting to spend billions on a useless un American wall does that mean you are for open borders duh. Wanting Justice and opportunity for the non Rich is not anti White racism, idiot.
Evidence is mounting that a particular party represents, as per the title of the thread, the end of America and great damage to Western Civilization, if it gets to wield unlimited power.

Guess which party.

Hint.....the one running on this platform: full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…
When we see this sort of thing, the hand-writing is on the wall:

"MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books
MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books

White people are oppressing PoCs because they write a lot of books which "physically" take up too much "space" in our nation's libraries and "promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence," according to academic librarian Sofia Leung of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
This racist manic writes:
I had this interesting mini-eureka moment a few weeks ago that I wanted to share for a few reasons. One, I don’t usually reflect on the connections that help me understand how I learn something new or what goes into coming up with some new concept. Most of the time, the connections aren’t clear to me. Two, I like to show students that inspiration for new “research” or “scholarly” ideas doesn’t have to come from only “scholarly” publications. Three, I need to write it out to fully understand how I came to this conclusion and to really understand what this conclusion means!

  1. our library collections, because they are written mostly by straight white men, are a physical manifestation of white men ideas taking up all the space in our library stacks. Pause here and think about this.
  2. If you don’t already know, “whiteness as property,” is a seminal Critical Race Theory (CRT) concept first introduced by Cheryl I. Harris in her 1993 Harvard Law Review article by the same name. She writes, “slavery as a system of property facilitated the merger of white identity and property” (p. 1721) and the formation of whiteness as property required the erasure of Native peoples. Basically, white people want to stay being white because of the privilege and protection whiteness affords under the law that they created. Harris also makes this really good point, “whiteness and property share a common premise — a conceptual nucleus — of a right to exclude” (1714). Bam! That really hits it on the head." Whiteness as Collections
Not dangerous?

A reminder, In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:
"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"
Democrats have already put citizens in concentration camps based on skin color.

The problem is clear. The Left have become possessed by evil spirits driving them all bat shit insane. Medical science provides only one solution for their salvation but they must all act quick:


View attachment 256357

Call me Jerimiah.....but you make a mistake underestimating the threat.
Everywhere in the modern world but GOP dupe America, socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net. Everything you idiot GOP Dupes know is garbage propaganda. Less than 1% of abortions are late-term and you need two doctors and the mother to agree that it will save the mother's life and the baby is not viable. Not wanting to spend billions on a useless un American wall does that mean you are for open borders duh. Wanting Justice and opportunity for the non Rich is not anti White racism, idiot.

"...socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net."

No it doesn't.
I means what it always has....including the slaughter and imprisonment of those who don't fall in line.

Don't worry, you fool......I can help:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More

    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism. Google.
So hey, was the Rodney King riot actually Socialist?! They claim the store owners did not represent the community and its a means of production.
The Democrat Party is about as democratic as the People's Democratic Republic of (North) Korea.
Get Out The Vote is a Duty! US Democrat Party! Citizen Lottery offices of the Athenian Democracy! Everybody go check Kim Jong Un as Worker's Leader! It was the only choice! Good job, go home. It Can be pretty specific. Otherwise, its a mess used all over the world.
So, it's now clear, it ain't the Russians and their nukes, and also not the Chinese and their economic prowess, the Greatest Empire the World Has Ever Seen will be brought down by a librarian. And while doing so should keep her pretty busy, she also throws the entirety of Western Civilization on the Trash Heap of History, for good measure.

That woman ain't kidding.
Evidence is mounting that a particular party represents, as per the title of the thread, the end of America and great damage to Western Civilization, if it gets to wield unlimited power.

Guess which party.

Hint.....the one running on this platform: full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…
When we see this sort of thing, the hand-writing is on the wall:

"MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books
MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books

White people are oppressing PoCs because they write a lot of books which "physically" take up too much "space" in our nation's libraries and "promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence," according to academic librarian Sofia Leung of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
This racist manic writes:
I had this interesting mini-eureka moment a few weeks ago that I wanted to share for a few reasons. One, I don’t usually reflect on the connections that help me understand how I learn something new or what goes into coming up with some new concept. Most of the time, the connections aren’t clear to me. Two, I like to show students that inspiration for new “research” or “scholarly” ideas doesn’t have to come from only “scholarly” publications. Three, I need to write it out to fully understand how I came to this conclusion and to really understand what this conclusion means!

  1. our library collections, because they are written mostly by straight white men, are a physical manifestation of white men ideas taking up all the space in our library stacks. Pause here and think about this.
  2. If you don’t already know, “whiteness as property,” is a seminal Critical Race Theory (CRT) concept first introduced by Cheryl I. Harris in her 1993 Harvard Law Review article by the same name. She writes, “slavery as a system of property facilitated the merger of white identity and property” (p. 1721) and the formation of whiteness as property required the erasure of Native peoples. Basically, white people want to stay being white because of the privilege and protection whiteness affords under the law that they created. Harris also makes this really good point, “whiteness and property share a common premise — a conceptual nucleus — of a right to exclude” (1714). Bam! That really hits it on the head." Whiteness as Collections
Not dangerous?

A reminder, In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:
"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"
Democrats have already put citizens in concentration camps based on skin color.

The problem is clear. The Left have become possessed by evil spirits driving them all bat shit insane. Medical science provides only one solution for their salvation but they must all act quick:


View attachment 256357

Call me Jerimiah.....but you make a mistake underestimating the threat.
She might have a highlighter also.
Evidence is mounting that a particular party represents, as per the title of the thread, the end of America and great damage to Western Civilization, if it gets to wield unlimited power.

Guess which party.

Hint.....the one running on this platform: full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

When we see this sort of thing, the hand-writing is on the wall:

"MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books
MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books

White people are oppressing PoCs because they write a lot of books which "physically" take up too much "space" in our nation's libraries and "promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence," according to academic librarian Sofia Leung of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

This racist manic writes:


I had this interesting mini-eureka moment a few weeks ago that I wanted to share for a few reasons. One, I don’t usually reflect on the connections that help me understand how I learn something new or what goes into coming up with some new concept. Most of the time, the connections aren’t clear to me. Two, I like to show students that inspiration for new “research” or “scholarly” ideas doesn’t have to come from only “scholarly” publications. Three, I need to write it out to fully understand how I came to this conclusion and to really understand what this conclusion means!

  1. our library collections, because they are written mostly by straight white men, are a physical manifestation of white men ideas taking up all the space in our library stacks. Pause here and think about this.
  2. If you don’t already know, “whiteness as property,” is a seminal Critical Race Theory (CRT) concept first introduced by Cheryl I. Harris in her 1993 Harvard Law Review article by the same name. She writes, “slavery as a system of property facilitated the merger of white identity and property” (p. 1721) and the formation of whiteness as property required the erasure of Native peoples. Basically, white people want to stay being white because of the privilege and protection whiteness affords under the law that they created. Harris also makes this really good point, “whiteness and property share a common premise — a conceptual nucleus — of a right to exclude” (1714). Bam! That really hits it on the head." Whiteness as Collections

Not dangerous?

A reminder, In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:
"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"

Democrats have already put citizens in concentration camps based on skin color.

You're a good writer and you do well battling the Akadeemiaks on their own turf. Normally I would say it's a good beginning. Unfortunately the only thing this kind of ignorant slut will understand is a 12 inch blade in the eye face to face.

Evidence is mounting that a particular party represents, as per the title of the thread, the end of America and great damage to Western Civilization, if it gets to wield unlimited power.

Guess which party.

Hint.....the one running on this platform: full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…
When we see this sort of thing, the hand-writing is on the wall:

"MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books
MIT Librarian Slams White People For Writing Books

White people are oppressing PoCs because they write a lot of books which "physically" take up too much "space" in our nation's libraries and "promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence," according to academic librarian Sofia Leung of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
This racist manic writes:
I had this interesting mini-eureka moment a few weeks ago that I wanted to share for a few reasons. One, I don’t usually reflect on the connections that help me understand how I learn something new or what goes into coming up with some new concept. Most of the time, the connections aren’t clear to me. Two, I like to show students that inspiration for new “research” or “scholarly” ideas doesn’t have to come from only “scholarly” publications. Three, I need to write it out to fully understand how I came to this conclusion and to really understand what this conclusion means!

  1. our library collections, because they are written mostly by straight white men, are a physical manifestation of white men ideas taking up all the space in our library stacks. Pause here and think about this.
  2. If you don’t already know, “whiteness as property,” is a seminal Critical Race Theory (CRT) concept first introduced by Cheryl I. Harris in her 1993 Harvard Law Review article by the same name. She writes, “slavery as a system of property facilitated the merger of white identity and property” (p. 1721) and the formation of whiteness as property required the erasure of Native peoples. Basically, white people want to stay being white because of the privilege and protection whiteness affords under the law that they created. Harris also makes this really good point, “whiteness and property share a common premise — a conceptual nucleus — of a right to exclude” (1714). Bam! That really hits it on the head." Whiteness as Collections
Not dangerous?

A reminder, In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:
"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"
Democrats have already put citizens in concentration camps based on skin color.

The problem is clear. The Left have become possessed by evil spirits driving them all bat shit insane. Medical science provides only one solution for their salvation but they must all act quick:


View attachment 256357

Call me Jerimiah.....but you make a mistake underestimating the threat.

They always do underestimate.....
They never learn....
You are spot on with this....
You are not paranoid.

Everywhere in the modern world but GOP dupe America, socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net. Everything you idiot GOP Dupes know is garbage propaganda. Less than 1% of abortions are late-term and you need two doctors and the mother to agree that it will save the mother's life and the baby is not viable. Not wanting to spend billions on a useless un American wall does that mean you are for open borders duh. Wanting Justice and opportunity for the non Rich is not anti White racism, idiot.

"...socialism now means always Democrat fair capitalism with a good safety net."

No it doesn't.
I means what it always has....including the slaughter and imprisonment of those who don't fall in line.

Don't worry, you fool......I can help:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;More

    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism. Google.

coming from YOU knowing your irratioanl obsession over the democrats corruption but CONSTANTLY ignoring the republicans corruption DIALY everyday,another thread everybody can laugh at knowing its from YOU.:abgg2q.jpg:
Get Out The Vote is a Duty! US Democrat Party! Citizen Lottery offices of the Athenian Democracy! Everybody go check Kim Jong Un as Worker's Leader! It was the only choice! Good job, go home. It Can be pretty specific. Otherwise, its a mess used all over the world.

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