"An astounding 102 million trees are now dead in California".


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
"An astounding 102 million trees are now dead in California". The big concern is the wildfires that this will likely cause in the fire season of the summer of 2017.

An astounding 102 million trees have now died in California

Extract: "Forest managers have never seen anything like it. Across California, an astounding 102 million trees have died over the past six years from drought and disease — including 62 million trees in 2016 alone, the US Forest Service estimates. Once-mighty oaks and pines have faded into ghastly hues of brown and gray. "

Sad...Something is seriously wrong with the environment in this area.
All over the West, we have seen a tremendous kill of all species of trees, from disease, fire, and drought. Yet the deniers just yap on about how great and natural that is. Really disgusting.
No big deal. Just part of the natural cycle.
Says another little cocksuck that probably has never spent a week in any kind of forest. That thinks that concrete and asphalt are the natural order of things.

We are losing our forests, and for those of us that have hiked, hunted, fished, and explored them, it is like losing part of our souls. That you don't give a damn is just evidence that your soul is a shriveled and sad thing.
"An astounding 102 million trees are now dead in California". The big concern is the wildfires that this will likely cause in the fire season of the summer of 2017.

An astounding 102 million trees have now died in California

Extract: "Forest managers have never seen anything like it. Across California, an astounding 102 million trees have died over the past six years from drought and disease — including 62 million trees in 2016 alone, the US Forest Service estimates. Once-mighty oaks and pines have faded into ghastly hues of brown and gray. "

Sad...Something is seriously wrong with the environment in this area.

It's too bad that watermelons won't let us cut down and use those trees.
Help the economy and remove fuel from future fires.
All over the West, we have seen a tremendous kill of all species of trees, from disease, fire, and drought. Yet the deniers just yap on about how great and natural that is. Really disgusting.

we have seen a tremendous kill of all species of trees, from disease, fire, and drought

Before man, no tree ever died.

I blame the salty tears of tree huggers.
Oh god, Earth is acting naturally! RUN FOR THE HILLS!
Fear mongering dumbfucks
Ah, but Mr. Westwall will chime in shortly and tell us what a wonderful thing this is, and how the government caused it. LOL

Wonderful? No. Natural? Yes. Fault of the government? No, save for the denial of clearance permits to get rid of the dead wood. Which allows for the buildup of fuel which then leads to crown fires, but the actual dead trees aren't the fault of anyone.
All over the West, we have seen a tremendous kill of all species of trees, from disease, fire, and drought. Yet the deniers just yap on about how great and natural that is. Really disgusting.
It's not that we are not bothered by droughts and loss of forestation, it is that we strongly object to the government 1) telling us it is a man made disaster, and 2) spending untold billions in many different ways to take this on and line the pockets of so many friends. This is not THEE ISSUE facing this nation by any stretch, that is, if it is an issue at all which I doubt. This is taking from the poor or the needy and giving it to other eager users for a problem that either does not exist or cannot be helped and creates greater problems elsewhere by funding it.

Obama: "Man induced global warming is the greatest threat to our nation, greater than terrorism." Yeah, sure, whatever you say phony man.
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1) So, you don't believe that the increase in GHGs in the atmosphere is from the burning of fossil fuels? Then where did that CO2 come from?

2) You don't think that this has happened in the fossil fuel industry?

So, you don't believe that environmental destruction is a problem?

Well now, you will have your 'phony President' after 20Jan. Good luck with that.
1) So, you don't believe that the increase in GHGs in the atmosphere is from the burning of fossil fuels? Then where did that CO2 come from?

2) You don't think that this has happened in the fossil fuel industry?

So, you don't believe that environmental destruction is a problem?

Well now, you will have your 'phony President' after 20Jan. Good luck with that.

Yeah, sure there is a little increase from man. Around 5% of the TOTAL CO2 budget is from man. However, the Earth is not a closed system so the effect that CO2 can have on the global temp is near nil. Environmental destruction is ALWAYS a problem. How about we actually spend money on that problem and not the fantasy of global warming.
The fact is that trees love CO2 and forests are growing at record rates in many parts of the world and in some places countering the destruction caused by pests:

"Rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are accelerating the growth of B.C.’s forests by one to three per cent a year, enough to cancel out the impact on the climate from the mountain pine beetle outbreak by 2020, according to a new study from the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions."

Forest growth accelerating in B.C. due to carbon dioxide 'fertilizer effect'

Climate change helping B.C. forests recover from pine beetle says study

From the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute:


1) So, you don't believe that the increase in GHGs in the atmosphere is from the burning of fossil fuels? Then where did that CO2 come from?

2) You don't think that this has happened in the fossil fuel industry?

So, you don't believe that environmental destruction is a problem?

Well now, you will have your 'phony President' after 20Jan. Good luck with that.

Yeah, sure there is a little increase from man. Around 5% of the TOTAL CO2 budget is from man. However, the Earth is not a closed system so the effect that CO2 can have on the global temp is near nil. Environmental destruction is ALWAYS a problem. How about we actually spend money on that problem and not the fantasy of global warming.
My, what a lying fuck you are, Mr. Westwall. The CO2 in the atmosphere has increased from 280 ppm to 400+ ppm, an increase of over 40%.
1) So, you don't believe that the increase in GHGs in the atmosphere is from the burning of fossil fuels? Then where did that CO2 come from?

2) You don't think that this has happened in the fossil fuel industry?

So, you don't believe that environmental destruction is a problem?

Well now, you will have your 'phony President' after 20Jan. Good luck with that.

Yeah, sure there is a little increase from man. Around 5% of the TOTAL CO2 budget is from man. However, the Earth is not a closed system so the effect that CO2 can have on the global temp is near nil. Environmental destruction is ALWAYS a problem. How about we actually spend money on that problem and not the fantasy of global warming.
My, what a lying fuck you are, Mr. Westwall. The CO2 in the atmosphere has increased from 280 ppm to 400+ ppm, an increase of over 40%.

Yeah, the overwhelming majority of that is NATURAL you half wit. Amazingly enough when you look at the Vostock ice core data it shows the warming trend occurs and then hundreds of years after that the CO2 levels increase. And would you look at that, first there was the MWP and then hundreds of years later the CO2 levels are rising! Holy cow! SCIENCE!
"An astounding 102 million trees are now dead in California". The big concern is the wildfires that this will likely cause in the fire season of the summer of 2017.

An astounding 102 million trees have now died in California

Extract: "Forest managers have never seen anything like it. Across California, an astounding 102 million trees have died over the past six years from drought and disease — including 62 million trees in 2016 alone, the US Forest Service estimates. Once-mighty oaks and pines have faded into ghastly hues of brown and gray. "

Sad...Something is seriously wrong with the environment in this area.
I believe it is because Californians are at odds with nature and nature rejects them.
1) So, you don't believe that the increase in GHGs in the atmosphere is from the burning of fossil fuels? Then where did that CO2 come from?

2) You don't think that this has happened in the fossil fuel industry?

So, you don't believe that environmental destruction is a problem?

Well now, you will have your 'phony President' after 20Jan. Good luck with that.

Yeah, sure there is a little increase from man. Around 5% of the TOTAL CO2 budget is from man. However, the Earth is not a closed system so the effect that CO2 can have on the global temp is near nil. Environmental destruction is ALWAYS a problem. How about we actually spend money on that problem and not the fantasy of global warming.
My, what a lying fuck you are, Mr. Westwall. The CO2 in the atmosphere has increased from 280 ppm to 400+ ppm, an increase of over 40%.
OMG, a 120 parts per MILLION increase in CO2 is destroying our fragile ecosystem. I wonder how our planet ever survived 3500 ppm?

PETM: Global Warming, Naturally | Weather Underground

The Earth has undergone many episodes of natural global warming and cooling and by various causes. The Earth's most common mechanism for climate change are Milankovitch cycles—variations in the Earth's orbit that change its distance from the Sun, which spur ice ages and subsequent warming. Other changes in Earth's past climate were caused by the same processes causing today's warming. The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), which occurred around 56 million years ago, is the most recent event that we can compare today's warming to. Global temperatures rose at least 5°C (9°F), and the PETM warmth lasted 200,000 years before the Earth system was able to remove the extra CO2 from the atmosphere. The resulting impact on Earth's climate was so severe that a new geological era was born—the Eocene. Earth's ecosystems were able to adapt to the PETM because the warming was gradual; however, the warming we're causing today is about 10 times as fast, and Mother Nature might not be able to keep up with the changing climate this time around.

Well yes, there was quite a spike in CO2 at that time. And an extinction event for benthic organisms.

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