Amnesty; highly offensive word


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Comp. Immg. Reform Amnesty are highly offensive words that should be eliminated from the American language forever. There are also phrases related to Comp. Immg. Reform that are also offensive.

“it‘s not amnesty“
“a pathway to citizenship”
“jobs Americans will not do”
“even jobs Blacks will not do”
“to fill jobs openings Americans will not do”
“hard working law abiding people”
“been here for 20 years“
“only country they know“
“if 12 million people are deported, the economy will collapse”
“best thing for Americans”
“children here by no fault of their own should not be punished with deportation”
“fines, pay back taxes, learn English and go to the back of the line”

Including other words that have absolute nothing to do with criminal activity. Like “Humane and compassion” These words and phrases has absolutely nothing to do with controlling illegal immigration and securing the border. But everything to do with politics.

If you don’t like to hear words that is offensive to you and you don’t like the way you are treated, then don’t let the door hit you on your backside as you leave. The same way you came. Back home you will not be hearing the offensive words that you hear here.
Granny says, "Dat's right - it's just another amnesty program - only worse...
American Legion: Obama’s Immigration Plan a ‘Bad Sequel’ to 1986 Amnesty Law
February 8, 2013 -- American Legion National Commander James E. Koutz criticized President Barack Obama’s proposal for immigration reform, calling it a “bad sequel” to the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.
“‘A bad sequel’ is how American Legion National Commander James E. Koutz described President Obama’s proposal to grant amnesty to people who are in the United States illegally,” according to an American Legion press release from Jan. 30. “Whether it’s called ‘Pathway to Citizenship’ or some other euphemism, it’s still amnesty,” said Koutz. “It didn’t work when President Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and it will be even more disastrous if we repeat that mistake again.”

Koutz added that those who came to the United States illegally should not receive the special title of “American citizen.” “What kind of message does it send to those who worked hard to become legal immigrants if we offer the same status to those who disrespected the process?” Koutz said. “‘American citizen’ is a special title that should not be bestowed upon people who broke the law to get it.”

On Nov. 6, 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed into law the Immigration Reform and Control Act that granted amnesty to all those who unlawfully entered the United States prior to Jan. 1, 1982 and can demonstrate they resided in the United States since coming here illegally. Koutz also alludes to a May 2006 opinion piece written by Reagan Attorney General Ed Meese in the New York Times, in which Meese denounced the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. “There is a practical problem as well: the 1986 act did not solve our illegal immigration problem. From the start, there was widespread document fraud by applicants,” Meese wrote in 2006. “Unsurprisingly, the number of people applying for amnesty far exceeded projections. And there proved to be a failure of political will in enforcing new laws against employers.”

President Obama released a plan for immigration reform on Jan. 29 that includes a “Pathway to Earned Citizenship.” Illegal immigrants who are presently in the United States will be required to register with the federal government, pass a background check and pay various fees and penalties before obtaining “provisional legal status.” Upon obtaining legal status, they will ultimately be able to apply for a green card and be eligible for U.S. citizenship.

No matter what its labeled its a reward for breaking the law. The legion commander is absolutely correct we were sold a bill of goods by Reagan because the right wanted cheap labor and to dilute the workforce and it led to what we have today.
We weren't sold a bill of goods by Reagan. Reagan was sold a bill of goods by democrats. He really believed that if they got amnesty border enforcement would be part of the package. He never imagined that democrats were lying through their teeth when they made border enforcement part of the package. They are lying NOW. There will be no such thing as border enforcement.

Now we know that democrats are lying. They were lying in 1986, they are lying now.
We weren't sold a bill of goods by Reagan. Reagan was sold a bill of goods by democrats. He really believed that if they got amnesty border enforcement would be part of the package. He never imagined that democrats were lying through their teeth when they made border enforcement part of the package. They are lying NOW. There will be no such thing as border enforcement.

Now we know that democrats are lying. They were lying in 1986, they are lying now.

"There you go again." Reagan's biggest limitation was his belief in basic human honesty, which certainly doesn't exist among the political class in this country.

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