'Americans do not have the right to know what is in legislation...'

Speaking of mental illness, 2 of the biggest liberals on this board are personally attacking me in defense of their self-appointed ruler who declared to Americans - which includes them - that they have no right to know what is in the legislation / edicts they impose. (At least they were smart enough NOT to try to deny what Pelosi said...)

No, what’s pathetic are your lies, fallacies, and ridiculous partisanism.

Among your more moronic lies is Obama is ‘always wrong, all the time.’
Liberals rammed a minority-supported piece of liberal agenda-driven legislation into law against the majority opposition of the American people.

That is simply not true. It is the job of the American people to elect legislators. It is the job of legislators to... legislate. The will of the American people had elected 100 Senators. 59 caucused with the Democrats, and 41 with the Republicans. The House was comprised of 255 Democrats and 179 Republicans. That is not 'liberals ramming minority-supported agenda-driven legislation into law against the majority opposition'. It is called representative democracy. It is exactly how the founders wanted this republic to function. They wanted the will of the people to be tempered against the tyranny of the majority. In the founders' day, democracy was somewhat a pejorative term since they feared that a pure democracy would trample the rights of any unpopular minority. Understanding that even representatives of the people could possibly be influenced to unduly violate the rights of some, they instituted a third, judicial branch of government to protect the unalienable rights of all citizens. And in June, 2015, the Supreme court, even with a conservative majority, and after 50 Republican repeals attempts, ruled the ACA constitutional by a 6-3 decision.

On its way to being forced into law, Democrat Nancy Pelosi demonstrated how under Liberal RULE the American people have NO RIGHT and NO SAY in THE DNC's self-appointed Oligarchist ruling government by OPENLY declaring to the American people that they had NO RIGHT to know what was in the ACA UNTIL IT HAD BEEN PASSED.

What echo chamber are you living in, easyt65? That is quite simply a lie. Nancy Pelosi promised to post the bill 72 hours before the vote, and it was. It would take an average person about 7 or 8 hours to read the entire bill. Right wing media claims that amendments weren't included in that 72 hour window, but it was the conservatives that tried to pile on amendments, not the liberals. Her actual quote was, "“But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”. There was no "declaring to the American people that they had NO RIGHT to know what was in the ACA UNTIL IT HAD BEEN PASSED." If you have any desire for the truth, easyt65, she was referring to the fact that she hoped the Senate would pass their version, so that the House could find out what the Senate had approved. It had nothing to do with keeping it from the American public. Do you now understand? Or is there still an echo in your head?

If the people have so quickly forgotten how the Demicratic party so arrogantly declared their control and virtual enslavement of the American people by voting for a Democrat for President in 2016 then they deserve what is to come.

Many of my Republican friends surprised me by voting for Obama in both 2008 and 2012. I was shocked when I found out. That some conservatives don't feel controlled and enslaved by a Democrat, means that even though Hillary may not be as inspiring as Obama had been, she has at least a fair shot at it.

The fact, though, is that citizens responded by punishing Democrats by handing them an historic, record-setting loss in 2014. The election turnout was dismal...and it has only gotten WORSE, as seen by the plumetting numbers this primary season.

Ah, the tea-party. Good luck with Ted Cruz.

Maybe there's still hope for this country yet...

Trump is about hope and change. He hopes America will change from the dire straits that he sees we are in right now, and wants to change it. If you love that slogan, then you must agree that this country is a mess. But we can make it better, AGAIN. What a moron
I recall the former House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi stating "you will know what is in the ACA when it is passed". Pelosi would have been laughed out of Washington if the liberal media was paying attention but the liberal media lost it's way and has become the propaganda arm of the democrat party.
Obama care was never made for the American people, it was just to fuck them up. And pad the pockets of career politicians and their special interest groups...

Right as rain and the ACA was written by insurance companies for the benefit of insurance companies and who has the controlling shares in healthcare insurance companies? It is USA.INC with Barrypuppet as the face of the franchise. Mandate that everyone pays into it one way or the other. Every U.S citizen has a bond in their straw man fiction, all caps name that is monetized and used as collateral that any corporation can dip into so the insurance companies are going to be paid one way or another........it's all a total scam.
Liberals rammed a minority-supported piece of liberal agenda-driven legislation into law against the majority opposition of the American people.

On its way to being forced into law, Democrat Nancy Pelosi demonstrated how under Liberal RULE the American people have NO RIGHT and NO SAY in THE DNC's self-appointed Oligarchist ruling government by OPENLY declaring to the American people that they had NO RIGHT to know what was in the ACA UNTIL IT HAD BEEN PASSED.

If the people have so quickly forgotten how the Demicratic party so arrogantly declared their control and virtual enslavement of the American people by voting for a Democrat for President in 2016 then they deserve what is to come.

The fact, though, is that citizens responded by punishing Democrats by handing them an historic, record-setting loss in 2014. The election turnout was dismal...and it has only gotten WORSE, as seen by the plumetting numbers this primary season.

Maybe there's still hope for this country yet...

Are you talking about the American Counseling Association passing it's code of ethics? WTF does THAT have to do with legislation? I am thinking you got this gem of a whistle blowing event from some right wing stooge site. You appear to be an incredibly stupid person. Have a nice day.

PS. The ACA are within their rights to establish their own code of ethics rules.
Right as rain and the ACA was written by insurance companies for the benefit of insurance companies and who has the controlling shares in healthcare insurance companies? It is USA.INC with Barrypuppet as the face of the franchise. Mandate that everyone pays into it one way or the other. Every U.S citizen has a bond in their straw man fiction, all caps name that is monetized and used as collateral that any corporation can dip into so the insurance companies are going to be paid one way or another........it's all a total scam.
You are right that big insurance, big pharma, big farmers, big defense contractors, big bankers, wall street, and big corporations in general are a scam. That they are allowed undue influence in government, I agree 100% with you. Thank you Citizens United. You can jail citizens, but not corporates. Yet you can give corporates free speech, and monetary influence, with little consequence for civil irresponsibility. The very essence of incorporation to to protect the individual from consequences of corporate liability. How convenient is that?

And yes, insurance companies did force Obama to mandate subscription, but do not think that Obama could have gotten coverage for pre-existing conditions and non-droppable due to illness concessions from the insurance industry without that concession. Remember that he really wanted single-payer, but the conservative pressure made him compromise on that. To now say that ACA is a product of buying off Obama is an extremely naive and partisan take on history.
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Speaking of mental illness, 2 of the biggest liberals on this board are personally attacking me in defense of their self-appointed ruler who declared to Americans - which includes them - that they have no right to know what is in the legislation / edicts they impose. (At least they were smart enough NOT to try to deny what Pelosi said...)

No, what’s pathetic are your lies, fallacies, and ridiculous partisanism.

Among your more moronic lies is Obama is ‘always wrong, all the time.’
You lie again to protect your fantasy. I do not always say Obama is always wrong. I'm not even the one who said the Obama administrarion is the most criminal, FOIA non-compliant administration is US History. It was proven, recorded, and reported. If atracking me personally though makes you feel better - even though it won't change the FACT that it's TRUE - go for it.

Liberals rammed a minority-supported piece of liberal agenda-driven legislation into law against the majority opposition of the American people.

On its way to being forced into law, Democrat Nancy Pelosi demonstrated how under Liberal RULE the American people have NO RIGHT and NO SAY in THE DNC's self-appointed Oligarchist ruling government by OPENLY declaring to the American people that they had NO RIGHT to know what was in the ACA UNTIL IT HAD BEEN PASSED.

If the people have so quickly forgotten how the Demicratic party so arrogantly declared their control and virtual enslavement of the American people by voting for a Democrat for President in 2016 then they deserve what is to come.

The fact, though, is that citizens responded by punishing Democrats by handing them an historic, record-setting loss in 2014. The election turnout was dismal...and it has only gotten WORSE, as seen by the plumetting numbers this primary season.

Maybe there's still hope for this country yet...

Are you talking about the American Counseling Association passing it's code of ethics? WTF does THAT have to do with legislation? I am thinking you got this gem of a whistle blowing event from some right wing stooge site. You appear to be an incredibly stupid person. Have a nice day.

PS. The ACA are within their rights to establish their own code of ethics rules.
No, I'm talking about the monitoring of ALL the FOIA requests filed with the Obama administration, with which they are legally required to comply, and the fact that they have been found criminally non-compliant in a record-setting 70% of the time!

I'm also talking about how it was discovered and reported recently how the State Department, AFTER being served with a Subpoena to hand over documents, attempted to and did hide those documents for approx a year before they were discovered and taken.

MOST CRIMINALLY NON-COMPLIANT ADMINISTRATION REGARDING THE FOIA ACT IN US HISTORY...ironically the same administration run by the man who falsely vowed to run the most transparent administration ever...the man who sealed all of his own personal records...the man who won 'LIE OF THE YEAR'.
Speaking of mental illness, 2 of the biggest liberals on this board are personally attacking me in defense of their self-appointed ruler who declared to Americans - which includes them - that they have no right to know what is in the legislation / edicts they impose. (At least they were smart enough NOT to try to deny what Pelosi said...)

No, what’s pathetic are your lies, fallacies, and ridiculous partisanism.

Among your more moronic lies is Obama is ‘always wrong, all the time.’
Once again you attack me but refuse, intelligently, to declare this is not true. You KNOW it was proven and reported. Mr. LIE OF THE YEAR, Mr. MOST TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION EVUH has been appropriately tagged as the MOST SECRETIVE, MOST FOIA CRIMINALLY NON-COMPLIANT IN US HISTORY.

Next thing you're going to try to do, I guess, is personally attack me while declaring Barry never won / was awarded 'Lie of the Year'.

Reality is just so hard to accept for Liberals.

Liberals rammed a minority-supported piece of liberal agenda-driven legislation into law against the majority opposition of the American people.

On its way to being forced into law, Democrat Nancy Pelosi demonstrated how under Liberal RULE the American people have NO RIGHT and NO SAY in THE DNC's self-appointed Oligarchist ruling government by OPENLY declaring to the American people that they had NO RIGHT to know what was in the ACA UNTIL IT HAD BEEN PASSED.

If the people have so quickly forgotten how the Demicratic party so arrogantly declared their control and virtual enslavement of the American people by voting for a Democrat for President in 2016 then they deserve what is to come.

The fact, though, is that citizens responded by punishing Democrats by handing them an historic, record-setting loss in 2014. The election turnout was dismal...and it has only gotten WORSE, as seen by the plumetting numbers this primary season.

Maybe there's still hope for this country yet...

Are you talking about the American Counseling Association passing it's code of ethics? WTF does THAT have to do with legislation? I am thinking you got this gem of a whistle blowing event from some right wing stooge site. You appear to be an incredibly stupid person. Have a nice day.

PS. The ACA are within their rights to establish their own code of ethics rules.
No, I'm talking about the monitoring of ALL the FOIA requests filed with the Obama administration, with which they are legally required to comply, and the fact that they have been found criminally non-compliant in a record-setting 70% of the time!

I'm also talking about how it was discovered and reported recently how the State Department, AFTER being served with a Subpoena to hand over documents, attempted to and did hide those documents for approx a year before they were discovered and taken.

MOST CRIMINALLY NON-COMPLIANT ADMINISTRATION REGARDING THE FOIA ACT IN US HISTORY...ironically the same administration run by the man who falsely vowed to run the most transparent administration ever...the man who sealed all of his own personal records...the man who won 'LIE OF THE YEAR'.

Well, it looks like congress has the makings of charges to impeach. What is stopping them?
LACK of Courage, selfishness over what is best for Country...
remember, adding trillions to our debt was unpatriotic for bush, somehow makes obama great again.

the gavel drop passing the aca was the sound of the beginning of 8 years of static inertia.

after obama, the tides will rise and fall the same, irrespective of the liberal desire to be just like europe.

chicago still needs some community "organizing".
remember, adding trillions to our debt was unpatriotic for bush, somehow makes obama great again.

the gavel drop passing the aca was the sound of the beginning of 8 years of static inertia.

after obama, the tides will rise and fall the same, irrespective of the liberal desire to be just like europe.

chicago still needs some community "organizing".
Sure. :rolleyes:

Let's just forget about the housing bubble bust in 2006/2007 and the financial collapse of wall street and the world with it in 2008, Before the ACA was introduced and before Obama was even elected....
And the American public had the ability to read the House version of the Bill and the Senate version of the Bill, all at their fingertips to read and never mind to watch on c-span as it was debated for a YEAR and passed...Pelosi comment was about the MERGED House and Senate bills, after each house had passed their own.
remember, adding trillions to our debt was unpatriotic for bush, somehow makes obama great again.

the gavel drop passing the aca was the sound of the beginning of 8 years of static inertia.

after obama, the tides will rise and fall the same, irrespective of the liberal desire to be just like europe.

chicago still needs some community "organizing".
Sure. :rolleyes:

Let's just forget about the housing bubble bust in 2006/2007 and the financial collapse of wall street and the world with it in 2008, Before the ACA was introduced and before Obama was even elected....
Clintons had a hand in that.
WTF are you talking about? Nothing passes in Congress for the last couple of years without the approval and support of the GOP.
The ACA passed without a single Republican vote.
But over 160 amendments introduced and added by the Republicans...to the ACA, ALL voted on and passed.

So? the bottom line is that they all voted against it. HUGGY claimed "Nothing passes in Congress for the last couple of years without the approval and support of the GOP." He lied.
And the American public had the ability to read the House version of the Bill and the Senate version of the Bill, all at their fingertips to read and never mind to watch on c-span as it was debated for a YEAR and passed...Pelosi comment was about the MERGED House and Senate bills, after each house had passed their own.

They had something like a day to read the version that actually passed.
WTF are you talking about? Nothing passes in Congress for the last couple of years without the approval and support of the GOP.
The ACA passed without a single Republican vote.
But over 160 amendments introduced and added by the Republicans...to the ACA, ALL voted on and passed.

So? the bottom line is that they all voted against it. HUGGY claimed "Nothing passes in Congress for the last couple of years without the approval and support of the GOP." He lied.
NO, he didn't lie....the past FEW years is NOT almost 7 years ago Bri...when the ACA was being debated and then passed.

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