American taxpayer payers, paying $1100 per taxpayer for the "stranger that they are taking ,in."


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Each one of us is putting at least 1100 Don't need to feel bad about that.
King James Bible
For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

Taxpayers are paying over 1 grand per tax payer for this voter replacement scheme

Each one of us is putting at least 1100 Don't need to feel bad about that.
King James Bible
For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

Taxpayers are paying over 1 grand per tax payer for this voter replacement sche
Let's just take a look at this report.

Data released by the state of Florida, meanwhile, showed that illegal aliens cost hospitals in the state about $312 million in FY20-21, with hospitals only receiving around $103 million in reimbursements.
Come on. So, Florida hospitals billed uninsured illegal immigrants full cost, at 312 million, and they got thirty cents on the dollar in payments? More than they get from insurance companies, that is for damn sure. And Medicare, they ain't getting ten cents on the dollar at full price.

Assuming that uninsured illegal aliens receive improper Medicaid payouts and/or commit Medicaid fraud at the same rate as U.S. citizens — a very conservative estimate, considering illegal aliens are both more likely to commit document-related fraud and have greater incentive to commit Medicaid fraud — there would be approximately 1.28 million illegal aliens receiving improper Medicaid payouts each year. The average improper Medicaid payout per-person comes out to approximately $6,226, meaning the overall annual total loss attributable to illegal aliens is approximately $8 billion.
Right out of the gate, "assuming"--you know what they say, "Assume makes an ass out of u and me. Those numbers are absolutely worthless and have no basis in reality. Medicaid fraud is not instigated by patients and beneficiaries, it is initiated by crooked doctors, billing for procedures not done. So, in order for those statistics to translate with any relevance, it would have to factor in the number of illegal immigrant doctors, I am going with ZERO.

But I am just scrolling because I wanted to get to this one, I knew it would be there.

The costs of providing education services to illegal alien children, or the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens, represent enormous expenditures for the states and the federal government.

You know what they call those US born children of illegal immigrants? AMERICAN CITIZENS. Like I said, I knew that little "disclaimer" would be in there from the first damn page that indicated the committee was using numbers from FAIR. Federation for American Immigration Reform. Hell, it is their calling card, to insert the cost of educating AMERICAN CITIZENS into the cost of illegal immigration. I mean God forbid, American taxpayers paying to educate American citizens. I mean seriously, who the hell do you want funding your Social Security checks, illiterate workers that were never given an education, or a flippin engineer?

The whole damn report is a disgrace. Some snot-nosed twerp, wet behind the ears, grossly overpaid with GOVERNMENT FUNDS, rips that shit out in a weekend of binge drinking, and it gets entered into the public record. Some Stephen Miller wannabe, holding the pocket of some two-bit right-wing legislator that isn't qualified to run a cub scout pack.

This defines the shit pile the Republican party has descended to. And hell, I will give them the benefit of the doubt. They know, just as easily as I know, that the entire report is full of shit. They know, like I know, that American citizens with health insurance are not subsidizing the care of illegal immigrants. Hell, it is the exact opposite. Look at the financial statements of hospitals. Ironic that the report used Florida, where most of the hospital care is paid by Medicare. Look, if Medicare isn't even paying ten cents on the dollar of the listed cost, and illegals are paying thirty cents on the dollar, who is subsidizing who? Try Connecticut, where illegals are paying fifty cents on the dollar.

And they know, like I know, the vast majority of the costs they are claiming due to illegal immigration is the cost of educating AMERICAN CITIZENS. Honestly, these wet behind the ear twerps are just as smart as I am, hell, maybe even smarter. But they have no morals, no character, and most of all, NO HONOR. Because let's make something clear, there is honor among theives, there is no Honor upon politicians and their staff. And THAT is at the core of what is wrong with this country.
Deport the Illegals and their UniParty enablers — one way ticket - never return
You know, I see this type of shit all the time. Deport the illegals. Stop illegal immigration. And when I see it all I sense is "fear". But let's make things clear from the getgo. I support free and open borders, period. Let them in, give them a TIN, taxpayer identification number, and be done with it. Give them the freedom to find a job and make them visible with the TIN.

And let me make an analogy. Let's say you are on a baseball team. And the team has announced that anyone and everyone can come and audition for a position. Maybe it is a white only team, or maybe it is a team from a specific area. But now, well the team opens up slots for anyone and everyone.

If you are the star pitcher, and bat clean-up and play centerfield when you are not pitching, and you really want to win the championship, well hell, you are onboard, with this open up the tryouts. But, if you are a journeyman that sometimes plays right field and has a subpar batting average, well you got problems with this "open borders", open tryout thing. I mean do you get the picture?

Getting a championship, you don't give a shit. Being the best the team you can be, you absolutely don't give a shit. You just want to play. And if that is where you are at, then God Bless your heart.

You see, the difference is that I am in the position that I go, "bring it on". And while that might not be that much, working a physical job that involves processing and moving freight. I don't care, bring it on. But it really makes no difference, my oldest son is an engineer, and he operates the same way, "bring it on", and it has provided him with tremendous success. And yeah, almost all the people working under him have temporary VISA;s.

So, when push comes to shove, all you anti-immigration shits are little more than cowards.
You know, I see this type of shit all the time. Deport the illegals. Stop illegal immigration. And when I see it all I sense is "fear". But let's make things clear from the getgo. I support free and open borders, period. Let them in, give them a TIN, taxpayer identification number, and be done with it. Give them the freedom to find a job and make them visible with the TIN.

And let me make an analogy. Let's say you are on a baseball team. And the team has announced that anyone and everyone can come and audition for a position. Maybe it is a white only team, or maybe it is a team from a specific area. But now, well the team opens up slots for anyone and everyone.

If you are the star pitcher, and bat clean-up and play centerfield when you are not pitching, and you really want to win the championship, well hell, you are onboard, with this open up the tryouts. But, if you are a journeyman that sometimes plays right field and has a subpar batting average, well you got problems with this "open borders", open tryout thing. I mean do you get the picture?

Getting a championship, you don't give a shit. Being the best the team you can be, you absolutely don't give a shit. You just want to play. And if that is where you are at, then God Bless your heart.

You see, the difference is that I am in the position that I go, "bring it on". And while that might not be that much, working a physical job that involves processing and moving freight. I don't care, bring it on. But it really makes no difference, my oldest son is an engineer, and he operates the same way, "bring it on", and it has provided him with tremendous success. And yeah, almost all the people working under him have temporary VISA;s.

So, when push comes to shove, all you anti-immigration shits are little more than cowards.
How about us cowards that served during Vietnam.
You know, I see this type of shit all the time. Deport the illegals. Stop illegal immigration. And when I see it all I sense is "fear". But let's make things clear from the getgo. I support free and open borders, period. Let them in, give them a TIN, taxpayer identification number, and be done with it. Give them the freedom to find a job and make them visible with the TIN.

And let me make an analogy. Let's say you are on a baseball team. And the team has announced that anyone and everyone can come and audition for a position. Maybe it is a white only team, or maybe it is a team from a specific area. But now, well the team opens up slots for anyone and everyone.

If you are the star pitcher, and bat clean-up and play centerfield when you are not pitching, and you really want to win the championship, well hell, you are onboard, with this open up the tryouts. But, if you are a journeyman that sometimes plays right field and has a subpar batting average, well you got problems with this "open borders", open tryout thing. I mean do you get the picture?

Getting a championship, you don't give a shit. Being the best the team you can be, you absolutely don't give a shit. You just want to play. And if that is where you are at, then God Bless your heart.

You see, the difference is that I am in the position that I go, "bring it on". And while that might not be that much, working a physical job that involves processing and moving freight. I don't care, bring it on. But it really makes no difference, my oldest son is an engineer, and he operates the same way, "bring it on", and it has provided him with tremendous success. And yeah, almost all the people working under him have temporary VISA;s.

So, when push comes to shove, all you anti-immigration shits are little more than cowards.
Unfortunately in spite spending more money on education than practically any other nation America does not produce enough engineers or doctors to meet our needs

So visas for highly qualified and needed foreigners with those skills makes sense
What we dont need are millions of illiterates clogging up our hospitals or standing around Home Depot looking day labor
Dems love buying votes with YOUR MONEY.
That one gets me too. How is it that one automatically assumes that illegal immigrants, if they could vote, would vote for Democrats? I mean let's be honest, in a sense it is an open admission that the Republican party is only for white, non-Hispanic males. All other demographic groups need not apply. Hell, Republicans might as well wear white gowns and a hood and burn crosses during their meetings. Of course, in some areas, they probably are.

But come on, illegal immigrants fit right into the wheelhouse of the Republican party. Hard working, driven toward improving the lives of their family. Religious, mostly Catholic, opposed to abortion. Seems to me that is a block of potential future voters that Republicans should be targeting instead of alienating.
That one gets me too. How is it that one automatically assumes that illegal immigrants, if they could vote, would vote for Democrats?
The best evidence of that is California. It use to be a Conservative state. It was the Golden State back then. However, the illegals came in and the Democrats promised them welfare and that change the voting demographics. Now it is a shithole because of Democrat leadership but the welfare payments are high.

That is the real purpose of Potatohead letting all the Illegals flood in. It is to dilute the Conservative base by adding literally millions of welfare queens that will vote for the Democrat filth to keep the welfare coming in. Despicable agenda that will destroy this country just like it destroyed the once Golden State of California.

Not much different than LBJ turning all the Negroes into Democrat voters by giving them welfare. He even is quoted as saying it will get the Negroes voting Democrat for the next 200 years.
The best evidence of that is California. It use to be a Conservative state. It was the Golden State back then. However, the illegals came in and the Democrats promised them welfare and that change the voting demographics. Now it is a shithole because of Democrat leadership but the welfare payments are high.

That is the real purpose of Potatohead letting all the Illegals flood in. It is to dilute the Conservative base by adding literally millions of welfare queens that will vote for the Democrat filth to keep the welfare coming in. Despicable agenda that will destroy this country just like it destroyed the once Golden State of California.

Not much different than LBJ turning all the Negroes into Democrat voters by giving them welfare. He even is quoted as saying it will get the Negroes voting Democrat for the next 200 years.
I am not buying. The illegal immigrant problem in California is due to one thing, a closed border. And I know, the border is not closed, but for decades thousands of Mexicans crossed the border every single day to go to work in the fields of California. They lived in Mexico, which is where they wanted to live, and they worked in California, where they made their money.

But then, the border tightened, and those immigrant farm workers had a choice. Live where they wanted to live and make no money, or live where they made their money. Hell, it is kind of a no-brainer.

And California's shift to the left has little to do with immigrants voting. It has everything to do with those liberal actors and activist that seem to pop out of every hole in California. They live in a fantasy world that has no bearing on reality, and that is a problem. When the world caters to your every whim it taints your ability to make informed decisions.
So, when push comes to shove, all you anti-immigration shits are little more than cowards.
Sorry but that shit don't fly.

The US should be closed to all immigration. At 330 million we are full and we sure as hell don't need thousands of welfare queens Illegally flooding across the border each day just so the Democrats can up their voter base.

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