American gun lobby NRA issues chilling threat to journalist and liberals as s.p. Dana Loesch warns


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
This is one stupid bitch, and so lacking in integrity, to be conned into parroting right-wing talking points into a camera. She probably doesn't even understand what she is saying. And what do her handlers mean by "your time is running out," which was directed toward a large portion of American society? Just what? And who is "we"? This does sound like a threat to decent, law-abiding people who just live and do their jobs. This is downright vile.
People like her are trying so hard to undermine and destroy our society.
This is one stupid bitch, and so lacking in integrity, to be conned into parroting right-wing talking points into a camera. She probably doesn't even understand what she is saying. And what do her handlers mean by "your time is running out," which was directed toward a large portion of American society? Just what? And who is "we"? This does sound like a threat to decent, law-abiding people who just live and do their jobs. This is downright vile.
People like her are trying so hard to undermine and destroy our society.
So are the people she is attacking
Awww so sad, left tards.

Florida Senate Rejects ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Passes Bill to Arm Teachers

The Florida Senate rejected “assault weapons” ban legislation on Saturday and voted in support of training and arming teachers for school safety.
The Senate action came less than a week after the state’s House Appropriations Committee rejected an “assault weapons” ban as well.

Reuters reports that the Senate vote against the ban was 20-17. Those supporting it consisted of the 15 Democrat senators and two Republicans who crossed the aisle to support gun control.

The Tallahassee Democrat reports that Sens. René García and Anitere Flores were the two Republicans who voted for gun control.

The Senate also voted down an amendment intended to prevent teachers from being trained and armed. This vote preserved the school marshal program that will allow school employees to volunteer to undergo training to carry a gun on K-12 campuses.

Florida Senate Rejects 'Assault Weapons' Ban, Passes Bill to Arm Teachers
Awww so sad, left tards.

Florida Senate Rejects ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Passes Bill to Arm Teachers

The Florida Senate rejected “assault weapons” ban legislation on Saturday and voted in support of training and arming teachers for school safety.
The Senate action came less than a week after the state’s House Appropriations Committee rejected an “assault weapons” ban as well.

Reuters reports that the Senate vote against the ban was 20-17. Those supporting it consisted of the 15 Democrat senators and two Republicans who crossed the aisle to support gun control.

The Tallahassee Democrat reports that Sens. René García and Anitere Flores were the two Republicans who voted for gun control.

The Senate also voted down an amendment intended to prevent teachers from being trained and armed. This vote preserved the school marshal program that will allow school employees to volunteer to undergo training to carry a gun on K-12 campuses.

Florida Senate Rejects 'Assault Weapons' Ban, Passes Bill to Arm Teachers
17 is a lot more than I would have expected. You guys better keep up the dirty fighting. Can you feel the breath on your neck?
Awww so sad, left tards.

Florida Senate Rejects ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Passes Bill to Arm Teachers

The Florida Senate rejected “assault weapons” ban legislation on Saturday and voted in support of training and arming teachers for school safety.
The Senate action came less than a week after the state’s House Appropriations Committee rejected an “assault weapons” ban as well.

Reuters reports that the Senate vote against the ban was 20-17. Those supporting it consisted of the 15 Democrat senators and two Republicans who crossed the aisle to support gun control.

The Tallahassee Democrat reports that Sens. René García and Anitere Flores were the two Republicans who voted for gun control.

The Senate also voted down an amendment intended to prevent teachers from being trained and armed. This vote preserved the school marshal program that will allow school employees to volunteer to undergo training to carry a gun on K-12 campuses.

Florida Senate Rejects 'Assault Weapons' Ban, Passes Bill to Arm Teachers
17 is a lot more than I would have expected. You guys better keep up the dirty fighting. Can you feel the breath on your neck?

Yeah and yours smells badly.
Awww so sad, left tards.

Florida Senate Rejects ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Passes Bill to Arm Teachers

The Florida Senate rejected “assault weapons” ban legislation on Saturday and voted in support of training and arming teachers for school safety.
The Senate action came less than a week after the state’s House Appropriations Committee rejected an “assault weapons” ban as well.

Reuters reports that the Senate vote against the ban was 20-17. Those supporting it consisted of the 15 Democrat senators and two Republicans who crossed the aisle to support gun control.

The Tallahassee Democrat reports that Sens. René García and Anitere Flores were the two Republicans who voted for gun control.

The Senate also voted down an amendment intended to prevent teachers from being trained and armed. This vote preserved the school marshal program that will allow school employees to volunteer to undergo training to carry a gun on K-12 campuses.

Florida Senate Rejects 'Assault Weapons' Ban, Passes Bill to Arm Teachers
17 is a lot more than I would have expected. You guys better keep up the dirty fighting. Can you feel the breath on your neck?
Yeah and I can smell it too go brush your teeth
American gun lobby the NRA issues chilling threat to journalists and liberals as spokesperson Dana Loesch warns, ‘Your time is running out’
Loesch and Lapierre are probably praying for another Parkland, which they celebrated, only at a press conference. They were overjoyed at the Parkland massacre knowing that the gun debate it stimulated will over the "Trump Slump" in gun sales since his election. A massacre of the media would please them even more.
lol........gun grabbers are such fucking idiots. Gun owners don't need to make threats.......deep down, they don't give a rats ass what legislation is passed on gun control, especially where "assault" weapons are concerned. duh.......New York and Conn. tried the whole assault weapons ban, passed it and nobody complied!!:deal:
This is one stupid bitch, and so lacking in integrity, to be conned into parroting right-wing talking points into a camera. She probably doesn't even understand what she is saying. And what do her handlers mean by "your time is running out," which was directed toward a large portion of American society? Just what? And who is "we"? This does sound like a threat to decent, law-abiding people who just live and do their jobs. This is downright vile.
People like her are trying so hard to undermine and destroy our society.

Dear Lysistrata I hope you weren't being indirectly sexist by assuming Loesch doesn't know what she is talking about. She speaks for herself, for what she believes. There are plenty of people who parrot the conservative lines and they don't rise to the top of the media as she does. That's because she speaks her mind like Trump does, right or wrong.

As for what she means by time is running out for the left.

I take that either means the media games of relying on bullying is a dead end, and it can only go so far. So this tactic of censoring and silencing people isn't going to work forever, and the public is catching on.

When people get informed and organized around the real solutions and stats on what the deal is with guns and crime and violence, the tables are turning conservative and liberals cannot win on groundless arguments.

Or it means that things will change first, on a spiritual level, when more people unite across parties on solutions and don't support either side in backbiting and excluding the other party. The whole system will come to an end, not just on the left but the deadlock between left and right.

So it either means political solutions will rise, or spiritually things will change the entire paradigm around this conflict.

Either way, the truth sets us free from deadlocking conflicts and strife.

there is political truth and there is spiritual truth.
I always thought spiritually the change and unity would have to happen first, and then the political change will follow.

But Loesch seems to argue for political trouncing and end game first,
and then the truth shall be established.

I don't think we are going to get to that unifying truth by trouncing each other in the media. I believe the leaders behind the scenes, the church leaders and women leaders, will call for unity and work across party lines, change the environment and dynamic, and we'll see change rise from there
lol........gun grabbers are such fucking idiots. Gun owners don't need to make threats.......deep down, they don't give a rats ass what legislation is passed on gun control, especially where "assault" weapons are concerned. duh.......New York and Conn. tried the whole assault weapons ban, passed it and nobody complied!!:deal:

OMG I remember that that fk up wanted then to turn in their guns or some crap, and the people said LIKE HELL WE WILL" ..... I'll have to go find that article.
American gun lobby the NRA issues chilling threat to journalists and liberals as spokesperson Dana Loesch warns, ‘Your time is running out’
Loesch and Lapierre are probably praying for another Parkland, which they celebrated, only at a press conference. They were overjoyed at the Parkland massacre knowing that the gun debate it stimulated will over the "Trump Slump" in gun sales since his election. A massacre of the media would please them even more.

Not exactly edthecynic
Loesch's words have been taken out of context.
Her full statement was that the popular media exploits the white kids dying from shootings and ignores the black populations dying of gun violence.
So the media is racist in profiting off the shootings involving whites

She said the media LOVED these shootings and benefit from publicizing whites dying but don't benefit from black on black gun deaths
going on in the streets of poor areas.

How do you like that?
I thought it was only Blacks arguing that Black and Missing people
weren't getting the same media hype as missing white girls!

Now Dana Loesch is basically saying the same thing.

Where are the cameras when the gun violence is black on black?

And of course edthecynic
the answer is hey you weren't there either.
NOBODY is covering that. the media goes for what is
popular, and if you are going to blame one side or the other blame both



YOU STUPID MORONS are so stuck on AUTHORITY as your defendants, your parents, just to tell you how to breathe you fair to LOOK UP ANYTHING.......... YOU FAIL TO BELIEVE what is true because your Gov. parents haven't told you it is so

When your too gawd dam stupid to realize the big money industry this is and has become......
Last edited:
Awww so sad, left tards.

Florida Senate Rejects ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Passes Bill to Arm Teachers

The Florida Senate rejected “assault weapons” ban legislation on Saturday and voted in support of training and arming teachers for school safety.
The Senate action came less than a week after the state’s House Appropriations Committee rejected an “assault weapons” ban as well.

Reuters reports that the Senate vote against the ban was 20-17. Those supporting it consisted of the 15 Democrat senators and two Republicans who crossed the aisle to support gun control.

The Tallahassee Democrat reports that Sens. René García and Anitere Flores were the two Republicans who voted for gun control.

The Senate also voted down an amendment intended to prevent teachers from being trained and armed. This vote preserved the school marshal program that will allow school employees to volunteer to undergo training to carry a gun on K-12 campuses.

Florida Senate Rejects 'Assault Weapons' Ban, Passes Bill to Arm Teachers
17 is a lot more than I would have expected. You guys better keep up the dirty fighting. Can you feel the breath on your neck?

The only dirty fighting is from bloomberg and his fellow travelers. Just think old lady, we all know how the billionaires are screwing us over. How every tax break helps them, but screws us, and who is leading the charge for gun control? Yep, you betcha! BILLIONAIRES (with one notable exception), after a while I would hope that you will figure out that the only way the billionaires can truly enslave you is when you have been disarmed, and make no doubt about it, gun control is the ultimate form of class warfare.
American gun lobby the NRA issues chilling threat to journalists and liberals as spokesperson Dana Loesch warns, ‘Your time is running out’
Loesch and Lapierre are probably praying for another Parkland, which they celebrated, only at a press conference. They were overjoyed at the Parkland massacre knowing that the gun debate it stimulated will over the "Trump Slump" in gun sales since his election. A massacre of the media would please them even more.

The only scumbags who pray for that sort of horror are you and yours dude. You are the most bloodthirsty, despicable people, on the planet.
lol........gun grabbers are such fucking idiots. Gun owners don't need to make threats.......deep down, they don't give a rats ass what legislation is passed on gun control, especially where "assault" weapons are concerned. duh.......New York and Conn. tried the whole assault weapons ban, passed it and nobody complied!!:deal:

OMG I remember that that fk up wanted then to turn in their guns or some crap, and the people said LIKE HELL WE WILL" ..... I'll have to go find that article.

and the hell they didn' only 3% complied!:springbed:
Loesch and Lapierre are probably praying for another Parkland, which they celebrated, only at a press conference. They were overjoyed at the Parkland massacre knowing that the gun debate it stimulated will over the "Trump Slump" in gun sales since his election. A massacre of the media would please them even more.
There goes any credibility you might have ever had in this forum. Flush >>>>>



YOU STUPID MORONS are so stuck on AUTHORITY as your defendants, your parents, just to tell you how to breathe you fair to LOOK UP ANYTHING.......... YOU FAIL TO BELIEVE what is true because your Gov. parents haven't told you it is so

When your too gawd dam stupid to realize the big money industry this is and has become......

Dear MindWars and westwall
Let's not leave out the millions made in the media off these battles.
both parties spend billions on campaigns the hotter the hype gets.

What if we neutralize the whole debate, turn to mental illness as Trump directed. And focus on lobbying for free cures to reduce the cost of medical care?

Christians would love to join in the campaign to teach the benefits and life saving testimonies where spiritual healing and deliverance freed them from addiction and saved them from cancer!

Wouldn't that pour cold water on the fire to promote a solution that is FREE and ANYONE can get this help, and not worry about the costs of crime and addiction that are costing this country and taxpayers in the billions.

Trump should trumpet this solution to end addictions to pharmaceutical crap.

Demand for every dollar that goes into marijuana or diabetes or cancer research, matching resources go into research and development of FREE spiritual healing to catch and cure the causes of diseases in advance, when the person is first showing signs that their mind or body is not healing itself.

The liberals can get affordable universal care for all, by applying the cure for addictions and mental disorders to changing the prison system to medical programs for treatment and cure, and training doctors nurses and interns to serve the public on a more cost effective basis in every district.

Let's trumpet that solution, slap the name free health care on it, and sell it back to the liberals who have been arguing and lobbying for this.

You asked for it, you got it.

You want regulations on guns, well require spiritual healing of all people to get screened for mental or criminal disorders and addictions, and that will stop all crime before it starts.

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