American Education: Intellectual


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
You might be interested to learn that in New York City approximately 1/3 of the High School students drop out and the vast majority of the 2/3 that do "Graduate" cannot perform even at community college level without remedial education. What pathetic, lowbrow standards are we setting for our children? This is in American's premier city, the cultural and financial center of our nation. It is not a question of money either, the city spends $18,000 per student.

In Renaissance Florence, Lorenzo Medici set up an educational system that spent generously on scholars and books (under $18,000 per pupil) and produced the greatest artist of the period; Il Magnifico set a standard for excellence and in return we got Michelangelo. In America, we set up a state run Third World educational system that intellectually abuses children, makes them give up, breaks them, fails to teach them and in return we get wards of the state and loyal Democrat Party voters. Our education system is a form of pedophilia where our kids are abused on a daily basis. In the inner city parents cry to let the children to attend Charter school and be given a chance for a full and rewarding life. In response, our educational system tries to cut the exits.

It has to end, the educational system must be transformed and reformed. We have to stop the intellectual abuse of our kids at the hands of a state run educational system.
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"Thirty years ago, 10 percent of California’s general revenue fund went to higher education and 3 percent to prisons. Today nearly 11 percent goes to prisons and 8 percent to higher education." Friedman/Mandelbaum in 'That Used To Be Us'

CrusaderFrank, you do realize you live in America right? Americans worship money, followed by sports, followed by TV, followed by drugs and drink and fast food. Religion comes just a bit down from there. Education no where to be found. Give an American a few bucks, big fries, and 50 inch TV with all the sports channels and they will think they are in heaven. ;)

"Every tenth man would give up sex if he never had to go to work again. Almost half of British men would give up sex for half a year in exchange for a 50-inch TV." sex survey anon

"Great inequality is the scourge of modern societies. We provide the evidence on each of eleven different health and social problems: physical health, mental health, drug abuse, education, imprisonment, obesity, social mobility, trust and community life, violence, teenage births, and child well-being. For all eleven of these health and social problems, outcomes are very substantially worse in more unequal societies." Richard Wilkinson/Kate Pickett The Evidence in Detail | The Equality Trust
The failure of public education, which has trickled up to higher education, is the greatest tragedy of the USA, by far.


It's one of the greatest American ripoffs too. How much of our tax dollars do we sink into education and our kids can't read,write and do basic math? Just attempt to read any teens facebook page and you'll see what I mean. To cover up the crap education our kids are getting they dumb down the curriculum so kids pass easier. No Child left behind has only made the problem worse as educators will do just about anything to pass children who shouldn't be passed. We need to stop teaching a smorgasbord and concentrate the curriculum on the more important basics. Parents also need to crack down on thier kids. Some of the crap that goes on in the class room is insane. Parents, it's not the teachers job to do your job for you.
The failure of public education, which has trickled up to higher education, is the greatest tragedy of the USA, by far.


It's one of the greatest American ripoffs too. How much of our tax dollars do we sink into education and our kids can't read,write and do basic math? Just attempt to read any teens facebook page and you'll see what I mean. To cover up the crap education our kids are getting they dumb down the curriculum so kids pass easier. No Child left behind has only made the problem worse as educators will do just about anything to pass children who shouldn't be passed. We need to stop teaching a smorgasbord and concentrate the curriculum on the more important basics. Parents also need to crack down on thier kids. Some of the crap that goes on in the class room is insane. Parents, it's not the teachers job to do your job for you.

We have an intentionally sabotaged, Eastern Bloc educational system in this country; it gets progressively worse every year

It's one of the greatest American ripoffs too. How much of our tax dollars do we sink into education and our kids can't read,write and do basic math? Just attempt to read any teens facebook page and you'll see what I mean. To cover up the crap education our kids are getting they dumb down the curriculum so kids pass easier. No Child left behind has only made the problem worse as educators will do just about anything to pass children who shouldn't be passed. We need to stop teaching a smorgasbord and concentrate the curriculum on the more important basics. Parents also need to crack down on thier kids. Some of the crap that goes on in the class room is insane. Parents, it's not the teachers job to do your job for you.

We have an intentionally sabotaged, Eastern Bloc educational system in this country; it gets progressively worse every year

Eastern Bloc education system was better. What we have is the all inclusive,government issued Freudian enhanced,PC ,use fancy words for what is essentially BS System.

It's one of the greatest American ripoffs too. How much of our tax dollars do we sink into education and our kids can't read,write and do basic math? Just attempt to read any teens facebook page and you'll see what I mean. To cover up the crap education our kids are getting they dumb down the curriculum so kids pass easier. No Child left behind has only made the problem worse as educators will do just about anything to pass children who shouldn't be passed. We need to stop teaching a smorgasbord and concentrate the curriculum on the more important basics. Parents also need to crack down on thier kids. Some of the crap that goes on in the class room is insane. Parents, it's not the teachers job to do your job for you.

We have an intentionally sabotaged, Eastern Bloc educational system in this country; it gets progressively worse every year
Eastern Bloc education is quite excellent. They actually paid attention to education and let parents parent the kids, or not. They just didn't care about that. They had a mission to educate on subject matter, and they did that well.

Well, there is the indoctrination thing in social studies, but whateryagonnado?
seems one does 'projects' in college now......projects? what the hell happened to classic education?

i think the headline was a bit much however but then again frank is a republican and its go to horror or go home with them...and i will be glad when this bunch of losers goes home....

only 8 votes or so separate the mormon and the fucking loon
The effect of public education in America is well known. As usual crusaderfrank defaults to partisan hackery and fails to suggest causes or potential solutions.

Over the years the issue of education has been a frequent theme for threads, most have been interesting and the debates focused on solutions, not on making partisan points.
Given how many people vote Republican or Democrat, I'd say that the American educational system is definitely broken.

I doubt it's much worse than it was, but then it was never designed to teach people the stuff they really need to elect good leaders.

Mostly the k-12 educational system is designed to create good peasants who will genuflect to their masters.
Apparently it is also good at produciing hysterical conspiracy nutbags.
In America money is first priority, or the worship of money, sport is related and comes next, entertainment comes next, as American Idol and other more idiotic reality (?) shows demonstrate. Religion comes in here somewhere but consider in a nation that claims personal transcendence, that is, exaggerates the role of individual, who needs education? Don't we all create our own reality and don't we all make it or not based on the lone individual who lives inside our heads. Hyperbole you say, nah, this is America folks, we do not worship education because it forces us to pay attention and that just ain't American. We are attentive to small or large screens only. Facebook exemplifies America. Soon TVs and cell phones will so occupy our lives nothing else will matter. Huxley was right but the material required to hypnotize the proletariat is new. ;)

My wife has taught forever and looks to parents and the changing culture as the reason we are becoming a ???? nation.

“Monitoring homework; making sure children get to school; rewarding their efforts and talking up the idea of going to college. These parent actions are linked to better attendance, grades, test scores, and preparation for college,” Barth wrote. “The study found that getting parents involved with their children’s learning at home is a more powerful driver of achievement than parents attending P.T.A. and school board meetings, volunteering in classrooms, participating in fund-raising, and showing up at back-to-school nights.”

"Not surprisingly, in a land where literacy and numeracy are considered virtues, teachers are revered. Teenagers ranked teaching at the top of their list of favorite professions in a recent survey. Far more graduates of upper schools in Finland apply for admission to teacher-training institutes than are accepted. The overwhelming majority of those who eventually enter the classroom as a teacher make it a lifelong career, even though they are paid no more than their counterparts in other European countries."

"At the heart of Finland's stellar reputation is a philosophy completely alien to America. The country of 5.3 million in an area twice the size of Missouri considers education an end in itself - not a means to an end. It's a deeply rooted value that is reflected in the Ministry of Education and in all 432 municipalities. In sharp contrast, Americans view education as a stepping stone to better-paying jobs or to impress others. The distinction explains why we are obsessed with marquee names, and how we structure, operate and fund schools." Lessons From Finland: The Way to Education Excellence |
Treat educators like crap and the educational system runs amok.

Why this suprises any of us I do not know.

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