American Education: Intellectual

What happened to your bullshit example, asshole? Giving up on it already like everything else, you lazy fuck? You're a loser.
Another partisan hack makes the issue about left and right. There is no left or right in math, in grammar, in other langugate arts or in science (though science has been under attack by the right since the days of William Jenningns Bryan and the Scopes Trial).

Typica right wing rhetoric employs blame without any reasonable discussion of cause and effect. And of course the right is never to blame, never wrong in the small minds of CrusaderFrank and Daveboy.

maybe they are trying to show just how bad education in the US can be. Truthfully, at least politicians want to take a crack at fixing it, from both sides. I don't believe either of them have good ideas and education fairs better without all the trendy partisan ideas. Really the only way to fix education is to get parents involved, but how can we do that?

It's one of the greatest American ripoffs too. How much of our tax dollars do we sink into education and our kids can't read,write and do basic math? Just attempt to read any teens facebook page and you'll see what I mean. To cover up the crap education our kids are getting they dumb down the curriculum so kids pass easier. No Child left behind has only made the problem worse as educators will do just about anything to pass children who shouldn't be passed. We need to stop teaching a smorgasbord and concentrate the curriculum on the more important basics. Parents also need to crack down on thier kids. Some of the crap that goes on in the class room is insane. Parents, it's not the teachers job to do your job for you.
Think of one of the few productive teachers, the basketball coach. Does he merely demonstrate a layup, immediately assign it as homework, and then blame the parents for not making sure their kids do it? Teachers should imitate real coaches and drill their students until they get it right. Homework is an evasion of their responsibility.

So, students should get no homework? When do we make the transition to homework, in high school? Because it would be quite a shock when they get to college and realize that 2/3 of the work happens at home.
So our goal in life should be to become obsessive workoholics in order to make the rich richer? All work and no play makes Johnny a brown-nosing wimp. But I'm sure his Mommy is proud of his success.

Every obsessive workaholic I've ever met is rich - without exception.

The secret to wealth is no secret, it's a lifestyle.

I know quite a few obsessive workaholics that are anything but rich.
Think of one of the few productive teachers, the basketball coach. Does he merely demonstrate a layup, immediately assign it as homework, and then blame the parents for not making sure their kids do it? Teachers should imitate real coaches and drill their students until they get it right. Homework is an evasion of their responsibility.

If kids don't do anything for their game but attend practice then they will NOT get much better. The kids who excel are the ones who go home and work out more on their own; who lift, who run, who shoot free-throws a thousand times a day on their own, who watch film of the greats - not for entertainment but for technique, who take care of their bodies and don't let loser friends drag them down. In competition, natural talent and hard work WIN. Just making it through practice alone won't cut it and that's not the coach's fault.

So our goal in life should be to become obsessive workoholics in order to make the rich richer? All work and no play makes Johnny a brown-nosing wimp. But I'm sure his Mommy is proud of his success.
You sound lazy.
It's one of the greatest American ripoffs too. How much of our tax dollars do we sink into education and our kids can't read,write and do basic math? Just attempt to read any teens facebook page and you'll see what I mean. To cover up the crap education our kids are getting they dumb down the curriculum so kids pass easier. No Child left behind has only made the problem worse as educators will do just about anything to pass children who shouldn't be passed. We need to stop teaching a smorgasbord and concentrate the curriculum on the more important basics. Parents also need to crack down on thier kids. Some of the crap that goes on in the class room is insane. Parents, it's not the teachers job to do your job for you.
Think of one of the few productive teachers, the basketball coach. Does he merely demonstrate a layup, immediately assign it as homework, and then blame the parents for not making sure their kids do it? Teachers should imitate real coaches and drill their students until they get it right. Homework is an evasion of their responsibility.

If kids don't do anything for their game but attend practice then they will NOT get much better. The kids who excel are the ones who go home and work out more on their own; who lift, who run, who shoot free-throws a thousand times a day on their own, who watch film of the greats - not for entertainment but for technique, who take care of their bodies and don't let loser friends drag them down. In competition, natural talent and hard work WIN. Just making it through practice alone won't cut it and that's not the coach's fault.

In these days where everyone receives a "participation award" and no one loses, sucking oxygen out of the same room with the coach counts and everyone "wins". No extra effort required.
settling for a world where profit matters more than people is a fools deal
Think of one of the few productive teachers, the basketball coach. Does he merely demonstrate a layup, immediately assign it as homework, and then blame the parents for not making sure their kids do it? Teachers should imitate real coaches and drill their students until they get it right. Homework is an evasion of their responsibility.

If kids don't do anything for their game but attend practice then they will NOT get much better. The kids who excel are the ones who go home and work out more on their own; who lift, who run, who shoot free-throws a thousand times a day on their own, who watch film of the greats - not for entertainment but for technique, who take care of their bodies and don't let loser friends drag them down. In competition, natural talent and hard work WIN. Just making it through practice alone won't cut it and that's not the coach's fault.

So our goal in life should be to become obsessive workoholics in order to make the rich richer? All work and no play makes Johnny a brown-nosing wimp. But I'm sure his Mommy is proud of his success.

It would be nice if a public school education provided students with the tools to survive on their own and not have to rely on government handouts to survive. Whether one chooses to use those tools to make the rich richer, or to enrich oneself is a personal choice.
If kids don't do anything for their game but attend practice then they will NOT get much better. The kids who excel are the ones who go home and work out more on their own; who lift, who run, who shoot free-throws a thousand times a day on their own, who watch film of the greats - not for entertainment but for technique, who take care of their bodies and don't let loser friends drag them down. In competition, natural talent and hard work WIN. Just making it through practice alone won't cut it and that's not the coach's fault.

So our goal in life should be to become obsessive workoholics in order to make the rich richer? All work and no play makes Johnny a brown-nosing wimp. But I'm sure his Mommy is proud of his success.
You sound lazy.

To the parasites who push this drudgery, hard work by us peasants results in easy money for them.
Should also study how Democrat redistributive economics has a 100% guaranteed fail rate
If kids don't do anything for their game but attend practice then they will NOT get much better. The kids who excel are the ones who go home and work out more on their own; who lift, who run, who shoot free-throws a thousand times a day on their own, who watch film of the greats - not for entertainment but for technique, who take care of their bodies and don't let loser friends drag them down. In competition, natural talent and hard work WIN. Just making it through practice alone won't cut it and that's not the coach's fault.

So our goal in life should be to become obsessive workoholics in order to make the rich richer? All work and no play makes Johnny a brown-nosing wimp. But I'm sure his Mommy is proud of his success.

It would be nice if a public school education provided students with the tools to survive on their own and not have to rely on government handouts to survive. Whether one chooses to use those tools to make the rich richer, or to enrich oneself is a personal choice.
Just because your political sect rants about dependence only in relation to government dependence, you think you have a monopoly on being against dependence. But not providing tools to survive on our own forces us to be dependent on bosses who will overwork and underpay us. All institutions in this anti-majority republic serve those with the most power, which means the educational system was purposely designed by them to create dependency on them.

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