

Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. But America is still great!
2. Even though the present political party in the White House, who shall go un-named, has really damaged AMERICA, and our way of life.
3. People all over the world wished they were born here, as I am.
4. And first of all I sincerely want to announce right now to all of you who are reading this, right now, or who shall ever read this from this day forth, I just want to say *THANK GOD* I was born here, and I really, really mean that with all my heart.:eusa_pray:
5. God was good to me and my ancestors for having me born here, and I am so grateful for it, really.
6. Setting politics aside, I am sure the misguided democrats want to do whats best for their ideals of what America should be, to them, which is some fucked up shit, okay, but still we fight for our rights, you fellows on that side of the isle, will do your best to fuck America up all you can, and people like me, will do every fucking thing possible to stop you.:doubt:
7. We both see America in *our* image, and the better image shall prevail, we will defeat you from fucking up America, no matter how much you complain about how we don't want men to marry men, and women to marry women kind, we will continue the fight, we will fight for whats right, and never accept immorality.
8. We will stop you from dragging us all down, what ever it takes we shall do whats right for America, and our way of life.
9. Immigrants have been living through so much hardship to get here, some died along the way, some slaves, they died before they arrived too, what a shame, they could of known of what America stands for, as well as their heritage, walking these lands, from sea to shinning sea, America the Beautiful, coast to coast, those who made it here alive, they learned to be an American, they fitted in, and prospered, they had children, and assimilated into the American way of life, which is wonderful.
10. My forefathers were immigrants and they learned to be an American, some generations later, I am one, thats it, I am a American.
11. Do you know what I mean?

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My forefathers were indentured servants, paid the price for freedom in blood, loved and died for their country in 7 wars, and never stopped believing in what this country had to offer it's citizens, freedom, opportunity, and promise of a better tomorrow earned through the sweat that ran down the crack of their ass! GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Sorry bout that,

1. America will get out of this present funk.
2. And start to be America again.
3. It all starts with *YOU*!

Sorry bout that,

1. *America* has been in decline for the last three and a half years.
2. Because we have a President who should not of been President.
3. But PC got all up in the heads of the Independents, who actually end up tipping the scales on every election, and they wanted to give a *Rookie* the benefit of the doubt, a community organizer,..(lol!),.... and that was a huge mistake.
4. The Independents are to blame more than anyone, those whom will vote either Party without regard to principles.
5. I like calling them *Fence Sitters* they are a very unprincipled sort of American, they go where the popular winds tell them to go, the media pretty much owns them, if they are told, such and such often enough about a person of interest, then they accept it as the gospel truth, which is so gullible of them, like a adolescent who is new to the world.

God didn't bless you by making you born in America. Your parents had sex, your mother got pregnant, and you were born here. Quit thanking God for nothing but good luck.

no matter how much you complain about how we don't want men to marry men, and women to marry women

How exactly is gay marriage going to "fuck up" America?

Because we have a President who should not of been President.

The 2008 elections say differently. Why do you hate our democracy? :eusa_whistle:
Sorry bout that,

God didn't bless you by making you born in America. Your parents had sex, your mother got pregnant, and you were born here. Quit thanking God for nothing but good luck.

no matter how much you complain about how we don't want men to marry men, and women to marry women

How exactly is gay marriage going to "fuck up" America?

Because we have a President who should not of been President.

The 2008 elections say differently. Why do you hate our democracy? :eusa_whistle:

1. Are you an *American*?
2. I want to know, so I will know how to answer your post.
3. This is a feel good thread and your words are sort of a bummer.:eusa_eh:

Sorry bout that,

God didn't bless you by making you born in America. Your parents had sex, your mother got pregnant, and you were born here. Quit thanking God for nothing but good luck.

no matter how much you complain about how we don't want men to marry men, and women to marry women

How exactly is gay marriage going to "fuck up" America?

Because we have a President who should not of been President.

The 2008 elections say differently. Why do you hate our democracy? :eusa_whistle:

1. You cheapen life itself with your statement, to a homo, or homo defender, life is just luck, life isn't given, its just a random happenstance, a consequence of a sexual act, with as much meaning as a cow pissing on a flat rock.
2. Thats homo, and thats how a homo thinks, and they dirty everything good and decent in the world, they want to ruin *America*, they want to make it just another Sodom and Gomorrah, and lead us all into the fury of Gods wrath, like in the S&G days, they take everything good, and homo it up.
3. God put the rainbow in the sky as a promise, they have taken this sign of promise and made it their symbol of who they are, homos against everything good and decent in the world.
4. Mocking God.
5. Anyone who flys the homo flag, shall not escape judgment, who ever walks beneath this flag, shall hold their blood in their own hands.
6. Mocking God, is always a bad idea, God shall not be mocked and do nothing.
7. Making *America* into Sodom and Gomorrah will be fought against, we shall not allow this to take place.
8. Homos are in the liberal tent, and this is one reason they are on sandy soil, and an un-even ground, shaky and slippery, they can not ever get their footing.
9. Unless we fight, we shall all be thrown into the pit.
10. Better that we fight for *America* then all be judged.

Sorry bout that,

If you hate the current state of America so much why don't you just leave?

1. Why don't you the homo leave?
2. I hear homos get more standing in Europe, go there, but be aware, Europe is about to collapse economically.
3. Seems your flag is flying a bit too high in Europe.
4. Lets just see how than pans out.
5. *America* needs to wake up, God is not mocked.
6. There is a price to pay, and I'm not willing to go into the pit for one homo.:mad:

Sorry bout that,

5. God was good to me and my ancestors for having me born here, and I am so grateful for it, really.

What is it that helps him to choose who gets born where?

Do people born outside the US think that god has it in for them?

1. Who can fathom the mind of Christ?
2. Who can sit behind and over the shoulder of God, and make judgments?
3. Your question is rude and crude, and I wonder if you really want an answer, or just want to stick your finger in Gods eye?
4. I myself having not experienced being born in a remote part of Africa, can not say for sure, but if I were to imagine for a second, I would think it would cross my mind at some point.

Sorry bout that,

5. God was good to me and my ancestors for having me born here, and I am so grateful for it, really.

What is it that helps him to choose who gets born where?

Do people born outside the US think that god has it in for them?

1. Who can fathom the mind of Christ?
2. Who can sit behind and over the shoulder of God, and make judgments?
3. Your question is rude and crude, and I wonder if you really want an answer, or just want to stick your finger in Gods eye?
4. I myself having not experienced being born in a remote part of Africa, can not say for sure, but if I were to imagine for a second, I would think it would cross my mind at some point.


You fathom the mind of Christ by stating that you were blessed by him for being born here, if it wasn't a conscience action on his part, why would you thank him for it?

The question isn't rude and crude, you just find any questioning of the topic which you never question to be as such.

Sorry, I guess god made me with an overtly inquisitive mind. :dunno:
It is such fun to watch the children playing in a thread. It makes one wonder what they want to be when they grow up.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

What is it that helps him to choose who gets born where?

Do people born outside the US think that god has it in for them?

1. Who can fathom the mind of Christ?
2. Who can sit behind and over the shoulder of God, and make judgments?
3. Your question is rude and crude, and I wonder if you really want an answer, or just want to stick your finger in Gods eye?
4. I myself having not experienced being born in a remote part of Africa, can not say for sure, but if I were to imagine for a second, I would think it would cross my mind at some point.


You fathom the mind of Christ by stating that you were blessed by him for being born here, if it wasn't a conscience action on his part, why would you thank him for it?

The question isn't rude and crude, you just find any questioning of the topic which you never question to be as such.

Sorry, I guess god made me with an overtly inquisitive mind. :dunno:

1. I don't begin to know the Mind of God, but seeing I can see the obvious, which is, I was born free, and in *America*.
2. Your question is nothing but 'rude and crude',
[What is it that helps him to choose who gets born where?

Do people born outside the US think that god has it in for them?]quote

3. You are asking me to explain God.
4. And you are unaware just how impossible that is.
5. So it can only be best described as 'rude and crude'.

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