Zone1 America: Subsidizing and financing failure.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Note: Some of you may remember me speaking about this interview/topic before. But this is a different spin of that answer.

About 10 years or so ago, the Chinese Finance Minister was giving a rare interview. Especially to an American journalist.
An answer he gave to a question was remarkable. Both in the answer itself, but he gave that answer without hesitation.

The Question: 'What is the greatest problem facing modern economies?"
The Answer: "What to do with excess population".

Excess population.
What is that exactly? Well he went on to explain what that is - at the turn of the last century for every million people, you needed X number of people working to support their needs and wants. As technologies/robotics/outsourcing/mergers continued - that number needed to work to supply the overall population became LESS THAN THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE SEEKING EMPLOYMENT.
And that - is the excess population. We simply don't need as many people working today to provide for the needs of a nation.
So.. what do you do with those people left out?

That is one topic. I want to think about, and talk about another side of that quandary.
In America, for the past 15 years straight the number of people getting welfare and all the other government programs is growing.
But who is getting that money?
Overwhelmingly the people getting that money are the dregs of society. Lazy people, drug addicts, alcoholics and otherwise people who simply don't want to work. But are perfectly willing to have multiple children that they have no intention of supporting.
MEANWHILE - there is an ALARMING number of people who are only having one child because they cannot afford the crippling high cost of childcare. - WHY NOT SUPPORT THEM INSTEAD?

Nearly all of the money, and we are talking $billions a month, is going to people who not only don't deserve it, but raise multiple children who overwhelmingly are going to be come the next generation of freeloaders/drug addicts/alcoholics.
We are subsidizing, and indeed financing that failure. Guaranteeing it. The result is a population where good/smart people are having less kids producing less good smart future adults... and financing a dumber/lazy population that is growing fast.

It's true.
Orban has been subsidizing families in Hungary.

Though I'm no fan whatsoever of such redistribution, it makes far more sense than giving resources to people who are likely to waste them on continued self-destructive behavior.
Well first of all, thank you for a real response. Something not offered on this forum a lot.
I was unaware of what they were doing in Hungary... interesting.
Generally, I am not a fan of redistribution either, especially long term.
But, absolutely what he is doing is better than financing vices and future failure of literally millions of people.
In America we are subsidizing problematic populations, while punishing productive populations.
It's ass backwards.

Not at all.
The thread is open with we are financing/subsidizing population failure... guaranteeing it.
And you are talking about corporate bailouts.
That is a valid sidebar. One I wholeheartedly agree with.
But it is not on the topic.
The thread is open with we are financing/subsidizing population failure... guaranteeing it.
And you are talking about corporate bailouts.
That is a valid sidebar. One I wholeheartedly agree with.
But it is not on the topic.

It's about subsidizing failure. My post is furthering that point.
The thread is open with we are financing/subsidizing population failure... guaranteeing it.
And you are talking about corporate bailouts.
That is a valid sidebar. One I wholeheartedly agree with.
But it is not on the topic.
The 3 top guys at Fanny Mae still took $100 million in bonuses. The courts made them give half back and they say crime don't pay.
One of the things that is very disheartening to me, and makes me want to further check out of society... is how threads like this die with little to no response.
Even though, it affects every single one of us in a drastic way. As in - big time.
But people aren't interested.
And I don't understand why?
Maybe it is just as simple as it isn't a topic you can throw rocks at and point fingers so it is no fun.

Note: Some of you may remember me speaking about this interview/topic before. But this is a different spin of that answer.

About 10 years or so ago, the Chinese Finance Minister was giving a rare interview. Especially to an American journalist.
An answer he gave to a question was remarkable. Both in the answer itself, but he gave that answer without hesitation.

The Question: 'What is the greatest problem facing modern economies?"
The Answer: "What to do with excess population".

Excess population.
What is that exactly? Well he went on to explain what that is - at the turn of the last century for every million people, you needed X number of people working to support their needs and wants. As technologies/robotics/outsourcing/mergers continued - that number needed to work to supply the overall population became LESS THAN THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE SEEKING EMPLOYMENT.
And that - is the excess population. We simply don't need as many people working today to provide for the needs of a nation.
So.. what do you do with those people left out?

That is one topic. I want to think about, and talk about another side of that quandary.
In America, for the past 15 years straight the number of people getting welfare and all the other government programs is growing.
But who is getting that money?
Overwhelmingly the people getting that money are the dregs of society. Lazy people, drug addicts, alcoholics and otherwise people who simply don't want to work. But are perfectly willing to have multiple children that they have no intention of supporting.
MEANWHILE - there is an ALARMING number of people who are only having one child because they cannot afford the crippling high cost of childcare. - WHY NOT SUPPORT THEM INSTEAD?

Nearly all of the money, and we are talking $billions a month, is going to people who not only don't deserve it, but raise multiple children who overwhelmingly are going to be come the next generation of freeloaders/drug addicts/alcoholics.
We are subsidizing, and indeed financing that failure. Guaranteeing it. The result is a population where good/smart people are having less kids producing less good smart future adults... and financing a dumber/lazy population that is growing fast.

It's true.
i agree.
if you're a deadbeat, you don't deserve to be raising children.

that said, if you're in welfare, that doesn't necessarily mean you're a deadbeat.
i smoke hash, i'm in welfare because i can't properly control my coffee consumption (which leads me to severe sleep rythm irregularities),
but i build free websites and web software, and i do peace activism.

i'd love to raise 1 or 2 kids.
and i'd need either lower taxes on tobacco and hash, or welfare would have to double or even triple for that raising of those kids.

i'll make sure i stay reasonably happy regardless of what governments decide to do about this situation. :)

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