America Shouldn't Enter Into Israel's War!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
It was reported in the media that the Prime Minister of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu, recently told President Joe Biden if you don't bomb Yemen over the drones they have been launching toward Israel, Israel will bomb Yemen over the matter. President Biden should not be persuaded by this ultimatum or any other appeal from an Israeli government leader for America to bomb Yemen over their attacks toward Israel. The American people should not be fools here what the Israeli government is talking about is getting America involved in the Israeli government's war against the Palestinian people. To the vast majority of people throughout the world the government of Israeli is illegally occupying the West Bank they consider this land the sovereign territory of the Palestinian people and attacks by Palestinians against Israeli defense forces are just attacks in a just war! To many people throughout the world Hamas is an army of the Palestinian people and their fighting of the IDF is legitimate combat in a just war; the fact that most of the leaders and rank and file members of Hamas are war criminals, barbarians and don't have the character of soldiers does not change this status like the fact that many of the leaders and rank and file members of the Russian Army are war criminals and don't have the character of soldiers does not change the fact they are the army of the Russian people! Similarly, in Lebanon America should not bomb the Hezbollah launch sites the issue is relevant because as the Israeli government continues on its policy of teaching the Palestinian people in Gaza a lesson by depriving them of needed food, water, medicine and health care services and the world sees more Gaza Palestinians die and go through extreme suffering the Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah will likely change his course from holding back the use of Hezbollah weapons against Israel to unleashing them and Hezbollah has a significant missile arsenal! Using American naval ships to shoot down drones and missiles fired at Israel is not America entering into this Israeli war against the Palestinians and its allies it is America protecting Israeli civilians but using American planes to bomb the launch sites in these foreign countries is crossing a critical line, bombing of a country is an act of war against that country this is a long standing international standard!

One compelling reason why America should not enter this Israeli war on the side of Israel is that Israel is the bad guys in this war, Israel is on the unjust side in this war, this war is over Palestinian land commonly called the West Bank which the Israeli government is occupying in violation of international law; America should not back the bad or unjust side in a major war that betrays American values! If President Biden cannot refrain from being manipulated to enter into this Israeli war on Israel's side based on principle he should refrain based on practical considerations. Such being if Biden enters this war for the entire balance of Biden's term in office his administration will be plagued with Palestinian allies attacks on American government facilities and personnel and terrorist attacks on Americans the character of these Palestinian's allies clearly indicates this would be coming. Moreover, if Biden enters American into this Israeli war he will caused Russia to win the war against Ukraine; this is so because wisdom indicates that Ukraine's hope in winning this war rest on three major things Russia unable to expend the massive amounts of firepower and the massive number of soldiers it heretofore has been in this Ukrainian war and the Ukraine government replacing its Commander-in-Chief from the bureaucrat General Valery "I need weapons equivalent to the invention of gunpowder to win" Zaluzhny to an inspiring, creative and smart top General. Today, contrary to media hype honestly the Russian government's ability to throw weapons and soldiers into this Ukrainian fight at the levels heretofore seen indefinitely is really in question; however, if Biden enters the Israeli war on the side of Israel, the Palestinian's Arab and other allies are going to see it that oil and natural gas money pours into the Russian treasury from the sale of these Russian fossil fuels and Russian President Putin with such monies can buy the weapons and fighters he needs to sustain this Ukraine War and thus forcing Ukraine to make a peace deal along the current front lines . Critics might say Ukraine cannot win this war anyway it is going to have to sue for peace meaning Putin gets to permanently hold onto the provinces of Luhansk, Donetsk and Crimea all which Russia has already annexed, these critics are idiots Ukraine can never agree to such terms unless forced to with no choice for the length of border that would result is too long it would be indefensible against a superpower leader like Putin and the way he fights he just brings overwhelming firepower and manpower on his enemy Putin would just rebuild his Army and overwhelm the Ukrainian lines at multiple points and capture the entirety of Ukraine. A signature accomplishment of the Biden's administration is their saving Ukraine from being conquered by Russia it would be very foolish for them to throw this away by entering into the Israeli war and thereby triggering an event which causes the Ukrainian war to be lost!

It is so sad the misinformation and bad information about the Israeli/Hamas and Palestinian conflict that is being bombarded on the American public through the media. Yes, the Hamas October 7th attack that killed over 1300 Israeli's was a world shattering event in its barbarism, immorality and inhumanity and it gave Israel every right to go to war against Hamas to get justice and stop like attacks in the future. However, Israel did not have to go to war against Hamas to stop future October 7th attacks the Israeli Defense Forces readily has the ability to stop such a future attack the border the IDF forces has to protect is only approximately 32 miles long Gaza is 25 X 7 they only need to build five moderately sized bases evenly spaced along that border about five miles from the border that have artillery/howitzer units within each base as well as having two infantry units on emergency standby if Hamas were to breach the border the standby units would confront them on foot with the artillery units and Israel air power covering them and since Israel has air superiority throughout Israel and Israel is such a small country the IDF could use helicopters to quickly fly in infantry support units, the bases would have to be concrete walled and hold troops and artillery units in concrete buildings within the bases so the bases could not be quickly overran by Hamas. What is widespread accepted and considered a good analysis is that the Israel government and the IDF woefully failed to do their job that is why the October 7th attack was able to occur!

When October 7th occurred and the Israeli government announced it was going to war with Hamas with the object to wipe them out in Gaza many smart people publicly said that the Israeli government should scale back their goal because the harm that would befall the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza ancillary to such a campaign would be a severe humanitarian catastrophe of epic proportion these commentators counseled the Israel government should restrict their campaign to just destroying the Hamas tunnel system in Gaza a doable and very valuable accomplishment for the Israel government plus a campaign that would likely hold Palestinian civilian casualty rates to an acceptable level. These prophetic voices turned out to actually correct the death, casualty rate and suffering on the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza from this Israeli campaign is sickening, it is morally indefensible. And on the military front this wholesale destruction of large parts of Gaza has created a million hiding places for Hamas fighters and made those hiding places incredibly tough for IDF forces to identify and clear out without increased risk to the IDF. If the Israeli government had just stuck to a mission of destroying the tunnel system that would have been extremely valuable to the security of Israel for the tunnel system is where Hamas builds missiles it fires on Israels and stores those missiles and other weapons it uses to attack Israel and where it plans and has its command and control and safe havens for Hamas fighters; also, destroying the tunnel system would have weakened Hamas in internal fights amongst the Palestinians and would have helped bring about a Palestinian power structure in Gaza that is not militant. Because what October 7th showed every prudent Palestinian, Palestinian friend and fair person throughout the world that Hamas leaders are stupid, stupid beyond description they took an historic opportunity for the Palestinians to show the world they are victims of extreme injustice at the hands of the Israeli government in the Israelis occupying the West Bank the Palestinians' sovereign land and all the deprivations that ensue and that they deserve help; Hamas leaders took the narrative from the Palestinian people hold the same moral ground as the Ukranian people their land is being occupied and stolen by a foreign government in Ukraine's case Russia and we see how the international community is rallying around the Ukrainian people the world has not seen such international supportive action in fifty plus years the Palestinian people deserve such support and could have gotten meaningful nonmilitary action like groups of countries imposing sanctions against Israel. But what Hamas leaders have done with their October 7th brutality they turned the victimizer into the victim now public attention is all focused on how the Israeli government has the right to wage war against Hamas and see no repeats of October 7th, the harm Hamas caused on the Palestinian is epic, history will record it as an historic squander of a real opportunity to improve the Palestinian people's fortunes. After October 7th if the Israeli government did not subject the Palestinian people in Gaza to unconscionable hardship Israel would have had a Gaza civilian population that would have been zealots against Hamas and the other terrorist groups in Gaza they would have been thinking you guys aren't Palestinian soldiers you are barbarians, criminals and animals you have shamed us to the world you have no value for the Palestinian people, many Gazans would have been looking to help the Palestinian authority throw Hamas and the other terrorist groups out of Gaza with the Israeli governments extreme viciousness toward the Palestinian population in Gaza now what the world is left with is a Gaza civilian population that is gripped with a just hatred of Israeli Jews because of what their government did to them, Hamas now has widespread support amongst the Gaza population.

Finally, Israeli leaders and their allies have repeatedly said in the media that over the decades we have offered the Palestinian people their own country in the West Bank and the Palestinian people have rejected it. This writer is over sixty years old and he has been alive during all these negotiations and what is being proffered here is half truths. What Israeli leaders only offered the Palestinian people in these negotiations is what can succinctly be described as a Swiss cheese shape piece of land where the Palestinian country would have these significant size sections within their borders of being Israeli territory in other words it was an unjust deal offered to the Palestinians. Never in any of these negotiations was a fair deal offered to the Palestinian leaders a fair deal is what the international community has been calling for the last fifty plus years a Palestinian country with the borders that existed between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples in 1967 before the war that year with mutually agreed to fair trade offs. Both peoples have legitimate claim to the land of Palestine this 1967 border gives the Palestinian people twenty-two or low thirties percent of the land (this writer is no surveyor different reporting sources have given this range) which is a reasonable division seeing that when the British divided the land Palestinian leaders would not accept an Israeli country and the Palestinians then lost the resulting war. Noteworthy, fourteen days after the October 7th attack Egypt held an international Peace Summit where several of the participants called for this two state solution based on the 1967 border. Related to this in the media Israeli sided commentators regularly say things like how can the Israelis make peace with the Palestinians when they don't recognize the right of the country of Israel to exist; this is a half truth over the course of the multiple negotiations through the years the Palestinian authority either did or was poised to make such recognition as a part of a two state solution deal. Yes, Hamas has as its founding principle the destruction of the state of Israel but people need to focus on the truth Hamas only came to power after the Palestinian Authority and its first charismatic leader Yasser Arafat were unable to get the Israeli government to agree to a just peace deal embodying the two state solution, Palestinians are human it is human nature to lose patience eventually and look for other options to get a good result.

One last point, in the media there is a lot of commentary about who should be in authority after this IDF military campaign in Gaza. I haven't heard this analysis so I offer it because it reflects the clearest view of reality. The Israeli government can stay in Gaza if it wants but doing so will be very costly in terms of Israeli soldiers lives and continuing the cycle of violence. What the Israeli government has done to the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza during the last two months, the extreme torture and callous killing they have subjected these people to likely has created thousand of suicide killers against Israeli soldiers and government officials. It would seem for the smartest thing the Israeli government could do is pivot the mission to destroying the tunnel systems in Gaza. Pumping seawater into the tunnels isn't destroying them for Hamas or another terrorist group can just pump out the water later; blow up the tunnels or pump in a slurry of crushed concrete and water or a slurry of dirt and water so in order to use the tunnels the terrorist will have to dig them out largely starting from scratch. Stop the widespread destruction and bombing of Gaza, secure and surveil for mines and IEDs a "route" from Israel to the base of each tunnel system and extend that route and base as sections of the tunnel are destroyed. Begin immediately and continue indefinitely letting in an abundance of food, water, medicine and fuel for the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza open multiple crossings directly into Israel stop the hardship on Gaza Palestinian civilians. Announce to the public the change in mission goal and announce that once the tunnel systems are destroyed and the Israeli hostages are released and negotiations with the Palestinian authority to take over authority in Gaza is complete the IDF forces will leave Gaza. Maybe if the Israeli government makes this extreme pivot it can salvage a desire amongst the Gaza Palestinians to shut down Hamas and the terrorists in Gaza for they offer no salvation for the Palestinian people and "maybe" for like seven years America with the help of two other NATO countries using their "security services" can offer to help the Palestinian authority build an anti-terrorist force that can permanently shut down Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza - of course Israeli security forces could not be involved they lack trust and good will, the Israeli gov't would receive periodic reports from this Nato alliance verifying they weren't building a military force in Gaza that would threaten Israel!
Bibi Netanyahu, recently told President Joe Biden if you don't bomb Yemen over the drones they have been launching toward Israel, Israel will bomb Yemen over the matter.
How, exactly, is THIS^ a call for the US to enter the war? Your thug buddies up in DC are doing everything they can to protect the mullahs and they're clamping down harder and harder on Israel to keep the war from spreading. Yemen's Houthis have declared war on Israel and are sending regular waves of drones and ballistic missiles against Israel as well as any shipping in transit to Israel. All Netanyahu is doing is telling DC to take care of the problem or get the hell out of the way.
It was reported in the media that the Prime Minister of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu, recently told President Joe Biden if you don't bomb Yemen over the drones they have been launching toward Israel, Israel will bomb Yemen over the matter. President Biden should not be persuaded by this ultimatum or any other appeal from an Israeli government leader for America to bomb Yemen over their attacks toward Israel. The American people should not be fools here what the Israeli government is talking about is getting America involved in the Israeli government's war against the Palestinian people. To the vast majority of people throughout the world the government of Israeli is illegally occupying the West Bank they consider this land the sovereign territory of the Palestinian people and attacks by Palestinians against Israeli defense forces are just attacks in a just war! To many people throughout the world Hamas is an army of the Palestinian people and their fighting of the IDF is legitimate combat in a just war; the fact that most of the leaders and rank and file members of Hamas are war criminals, barbarians and don't have the character of soldiers does not change this status like the fact that many of the leaders and rank and file members of the Russian Army are war criminals and don't have the character of soldiers does not change the fact they are the army of the Russian people! Similarly, in Lebanon America should not bomb the Hezbollah launch sites the issue is relevant because as the Israeli government continues on its policy of teaching the Palestinian people in Gaza a lesson by depriving them of needed food, water, medicine and health care services and the world sees more Gaza Palestinians die and go through extreme suffering the Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah will likely change his course from holding back the use of Hezbollah weapons against Israel to unleashing them and Hezbollah has a significant missile arsenal! Using American naval ships to shoot down drones and missiles fired at Israel is not America entering into this Israeli war against the Palestinians and its allies it is America protecting Israeli civilians but using American planes to bomb the launch sites in these foreign countries is crossing a critical line, bombing of a country is an act of war against that country this is a long standing international standard!

One compelling reason why America should not enter this Israeli war on the side of Israel is that Israel is the bad guys in this war, Israel is on the unjust side in this war, this war is over Palestinian land commonly called the West Bank which the Israeli government is occupying in violation of international law; America should not back the bad or unjust side in a major war that betrays American values! If President Biden cannot refrain from being manipulated to enter into this Israeli war on Israel's side based on principle he should refrain based on practical considerations. Such being if Biden enters this war for the entire balance of Biden's term in office his administration will be plagued with Palestinian allies attacks on American government facilities and personnel and terrorist attacks on Americans the character of these Palestinian's allies clearly indicates this would be coming. Moreover, if Biden enters American into this Israeli war he will caused Russia to win the war against Ukraine; this is so because wisdom indicates that Ukraine's hope in winning this war rest on three major things Russia unable to expend the massive amounts of firepower and the massive number of soldiers it heretofore has been in this Ukrainian war and the Ukraine government replacing its Commander-in-Chief from the bureaucrat General Valery "I need weapons equivalent to the invention of gunpowder to win" Zaluzhny to an inspiring, creative and smart top General. Today, contrary to media hype honestly the Russian government's ability to throw weapons and soldiers into this Ukrainian fight at the levels heretofore seen indefinitely is really in question; however, if Biden enters the Israeli war on the side of Israel, the Palestinian's Arab and other allies are going to see it that oil and natural gas money pours into the Russian treasury from the sale of these Russian fossil fuels and Russian President Putin with such monies can buy the weapons and fighters he needs to sustain this Ukraine War and thus forcing Ukraine to make a peace deal along the current front lines . Critics might say Ukraine cannot win this war anyway it is going to have to sue for peace meaning Putin gets to permanently hold onto the provinces of Luhansk, Donetsk and Crimea all which Russia has already annexed, these critics are idiots Ukraine can never agree to such terms unless forced to with no choice for the length of border that would result is too long it would be indefensible against a superpower leader like Putin and the way he fights he just brings overwhelming firepower and manpower on his enemy Putin would just rebuild his Army and overwhelm the Ukrainian lines at multiple points and capture the entirety of Ukraine. A signature accomplishment of the Biden's administration is their saving Ukraine from being conquered by Russia it would be very foolish for them to throw this away by entering into the Israeli war and thereby triggering an event which causes the Ukrainian war to be lost!

It is so sad the misinformation and bad information about the Israeli/Hamas and Palestinian conflict that is being bombarded on the American public through the media. Yes, the Hamas October 7th attack that killed over 1300 Israeli's was a world shattering event in its barbarism, immorality and inhumanity and it gave Israel every right to go to war against Hamas to get justice and stop like attacks in the future. However, Israel did not have to go to war against Hamas to stop future October 7th attacks the Israeli Defense Forces readily has the ability to stop such a future attack the border the IDF forces has to protect is only approximately 32 miles long Gaza is 25 X 7 they only need to build five moderately sized bases evenly spaced along that border about five miles from the border that have artillery/howitzer units within each base as well as having two infantry units on emergency standby if Hamas were to breach the border the standby units would confront them on foot with the artillery units and Israel air power covering them and since Israel has air superiority throughout Israel and Israel is such a small country the IDF could use helicopters to quickly fly in infantry support units, the bases would have to be concrete walled and hold troops and artillery units in concrete buildings within the bases so the bases could not be quickly overran by Hamas. What is widespread accepted and considered a good analysis is that the Israel government and the IDF woefully failed to do their job that is why the October 7th attack was able to occur!

When October 7th occurred and the Israeli government announced it was going to war with Hamas with the object to wipe them out in Gaza many smart people publicly said that the Israeli government should scale back their goal because the harm that would befall the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza ancillary to such a campaign would be a severe humanitarian catastrophe of epic proportion these commentators counseled the Israel government should restrict their campaign to just destroying the Hamas tunnel system in Gaza a doable and very valuable accomplishment for the Israel government plus a campaign that would likely hold Palestinian civilian casualty rates to an acceptable level. These prophetic voices turned out to actually correct the death, casualty rate and suffering on the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza from this Israeli campaign is sickening, it is morally indefensible. And on the military front this wholesale destruction of large parts of Gaza has created a million hiding places for Hamas fighters and made those hiding places incredibly tough for IDF forces to identify and clear out without increased risk to the IDF. If the Israeli government had just stuck to a mission of destroying the tunnel system that would have been extremely valuable to the security of Israel for the tunnel system is where Hamas builds missiles it fires on Israels and stores those missiles and other weapons it uses to attack Israel and where it plans and has its command and control and safe havens for Hamas fighters; also, destroying the tunnel system would have weakened Hamas in internal fights amongst the Palestinians and would have helped bring about a Palestinian power structure in Gaza that is not militant. Because what October 7th showed every prudent Palestinian, Palestinian friend and fair person throughout the world that Hamas leaders are stupid, stupid beyond description they took an historic opportunity for the Palestinians to show the world they are victims of extreme injustice at the hands of the Israeli government in the Israelis occupying the West Bank the Palestinians' sovereign land and all the deprivations that ensue and that they deserve help; Hamas leaders took the narrative from the Palestinian people hold the same moral ground as the Ukranian people their land is being occupied and stolen by a foreign government in Ukraine's case Russia and we see how the international community is rallying around the Ukrainian people the world has not seen such international supportive action in fifty plus years the Palestinian people deserve such support and could have gotten meaningful nonmilitary action like groups of countries imposing sanctions against Israel. But what Hamas leaders have done with their October 7th brutality they turned the victimizer into the victim now public attention is all focused on how the Israeli government has the right to wage war against Hamas and see no repeats of October 7th, the harm Hamas caused on the Palestinian is epic, history will record it as an historic squander of a real opportunity to improve the Palestinian people's fortunes. After October 7th if the Israeli government did not subject the Palestinian people in Gaza to unconscionable hardship Israel would have had a Gaza civilian population that would have been zealots against Hamas and the other terrorist groups in Gaza they would have been thinking you guys aren't Palestinian soldiers you are barbarians, criminals and animals you have shamed us to the world you have no value for the Palestinian people, many Gazans would have been looking to help the Palestinian authority throw Hamas and the other terrorist groups out of Gaza with the Israeli governments extreme viciousness toward the Palestinian population in Gaza now what the world is left with is a Gaza civilian population that is gripped with a just hatred of Israeli Jews because of what their government did to them, Hamas now has widespread support amongst the Gaza population.

Finally, Israeli leaders and their allies have repeatedly said in the media that over the decades we have offered the Palestinian people their own country in the West Bank and the Palestinian people have rejected it. This writer is over sixty years old and he has been alive during all these negotiations and what is being proffered here is half truths. What Israeli leaders only offered the Palestinian people in these negotiations is what can succinctly be described as a Swiss cheese shape piece of land where the Palestinian country would have these significant size sections within their borders of being Israeli territory in other words it was an unjust deal offered to the Palestinians. Never in any of these negotiations was a fair deal offered to the Palestinian leaders a fair deal is what the international community has been calling for the last fifty plus years a Palestinian country with the borders that existed between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples in 1967 before the war that year with mutually agreed to fair trade offs. Both peoples have legitimate claim to the land of Palestine this 1967 border gives the Palestinian people twenty-two or low thirties percent of the land (this writer is no surveyor different reporting sources have given this range) which is a reasonable division seeing that when the British divided the land Palestinian leaders would not accept an Israeli country and the Palestinians then lost the resulting war. Noteworthy, fourteen days after the October 7th attack Egypt held an international Peace Summit where several of the participants called for this two state solution based on the 1967 border. Related to this in the media Israeli sided commentators regularly say things like how can the Israelis make peace with the Palestinians when they don't recognize the right of the country of Israel to exist; this is a half truth over the course of the multiple negotiations through the years the Palestinian authority either did or was poised to make such recognition as a part of a two state solution deal. Yes, Hamas has as its founding principle the destruction of the state of Israel but people need to focus on the truth Hamas only came to power after the Palestinian Authority and its first charismatic leader Yasser Arafat were unable to get the Israeli government to agree to a just peace deal embodying the two state solution, Palestinians are human it is human nature to lose patience eventually and look for other options to get a good result.

One last point, in the media there is a lot of commentary about who should be in authority after this IDF military campaign in Gaza. I haven't heard this analysis so I offer it because it reflects the clearest view of reality. The Israeli government can stay in Gaza if it wants but doing so will be very costly in terms of Israeli soldiers lives and continuing the cycle of violence. What the Israeli government has done to the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza during the last two months, the extreme torture and callous killing they have subjected these people to likely has created thousand of suicide killers against Israeli soldiers and government officials. It would seem for the smartest thing the Israeli government could do is pivot the mission to destroying the tunnel systems in Gaza. Pumping seawater into the tunnels isn't destroying them for Hamas or another terrorist group can just pump out the water later; blow up the tunnels or pump in a slurry of crushed concrete and water or a slurry of dirt and water so in order to use the tunnels the terrorist will have to dig them out largely starting from scratch. Stop the widespread destruction and bombing of Gaza, secure and surveil for mines and IEDs a "route" from Israel to the base of each tunnel system and extend that route and base as sections of the tunnel are destroyed. Begin immediately and continue indefinitely letting in an abundance of food, water, medicine and fuel for the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza open multiple crossings directly into Israel stop the hardship on Gaza Palestinian civilians. Announce to the public the change in mission goal and announce that once the tunnel systems are destroyed and the Israeli hostages are released and negotiations with the Palestinian authority to take over authority in Gaza is complete the IDF forces will leave Gaza. Maybe if the Israeli government makes this extreme pivot it can salvage a desire amongst the Gaza Palestinians to shut down Hamas and the terrorists in Gaza for they offer no salvation for the Palestinian people and "maybe" for like seven years America with the help of two other NATO countries using their "security services" can offer to help the Palestinian authority build an anti-terrorist force that can permanently shut down Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza - of course Israeli security forces could not be involved they lack trust and good will, the Israeli gov't would receive periodic reports from this Nato alliance verifying they weren't building a military force in Gaza that would threaten Israel!
Palestine should be bombed to pebbles then the pebbles bombed to dust.

America will do nothing to combat the relentless drone attacks on American forces, interests and assets. At least until we get an American president in the white house.
After October 7th if the Israeli government did not subject the Palestinian people in Gaza to unconscionable hardship Israel would have had a Gaza civilian population that would have been zealots against Hama
Care to offer any data to go along with your assumptions? Polling both prior to and after 10/7 shows very strong support for Hamas' goals. You people on the Left really do inhabit a special world all of your own don't ya? Palestinians hate Jews, will never make true peace with them, and will keep coming back to slaughter more of them until there is an endstate where one or the other is totally removed from the land.
It was reported in the media that the Prime Minister of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu, recently told President Joe Biden if you don't bomb Yemen over the drones they have been launching toward Israel, Israel will bomb Yemen over the matter. President Biden should not be persuaded by this ultimatum or any other appeal from an Israeli government leader for America to bomb Yemen over their attacks toward Israel. The American people should not be fools here what the Israeli government is talking about is getting America involved in the Israeli government's war against the Palestinian people. To the vast majority of people throughout the world the government of Israeli is illegally occupying the West Bank they consider this land the sovereign territory of the Palestinian people and attacks by Palestinians against Israeli defense forces are just attacks in a just war! To many people throughout the world Hamas is an army of the Palestinian people and their fighting of the IDF is legitimate combat in a just war; the fact that most of the leaders and rank and file members of Hamas are war criminals, barbarians and don't have the character of soldiers does not change this status like the fact that many of the leaders and rank and file members of the Russian Army are war criminals and don't have the character of soldiers does not change the fact they are the army of the Russian people! Similarly, in Lebanon America should not bomb the Hezbollah launch sites the issue is relevant because as the Israeli government continues on its policy of teaching the Palestinian people in Gaza a lesson by depriving them of needed food, water, medicine and health care services and the world sees more Gaza Palestinians die and go through extreme suffering the Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah will likely change his course from holding back the use of Hezbollah weapons against Israel to unleashing them and Hezbollah has a significant missile arsenal! Using American naval ships to shoot down drones and missiles fired at Israel is not America entering into this Israeli war against the Palestinians and its allies it is America protecting Israeli civilians but using American planes to bomb the launch sites in these foreign countries is crossing a critical line, bombing of a country is an act of war against that country this is a long standing international standard!

One compelling reason why America should not enter this Israeli war on the side of Israel is that Israel is the bad guys in this war, Israel is on the unjust side in this war, this war is over Palestinian land commonly called the West Bank which the Israeli government is occupying in violation of international law; America should not back the bad or unjust side in a major war that betrays American values! If President Biden cannot refrain from being manipulated to enter into this Israeli war on Israel's side based on principle he should refrain based on practical considerations. Such being if Biden enters this war for the entire balance of Biden's term in office his administration will be plagued with Palestinian allies attacks on American government facilities and personnel and terrorist attacks on Americans the character of these Palestinian's allies clearly indicates this would be coming. Moreover, if Biden enters American into this Israeli war he will caused Russia to win the war against Ukraine; this is so because wisdom indicates that Ukraine's hope in winning this war rest on three major things Russia unable to expend the massive amounts of firepower and the massive number of soldiers it heretofore has been in this Ukrainian war and the Ukraine government replacing its Commander-in-Chief from the bureaucrat General Valery "I need weapons equivalent to the invention of gunpowder to win" Zaluzhny to an inspiring, creative and smart top General. Today, contrary to media hype honestly the Russian government's ability to throw weapons and soldiers into this Ukrainian fight at the levels heretofore seen indefinitely is really in question; however, if Biden enters the Israeli war on the side of Israel, the Palestinian's Arab and other allies are going to see it that oil and natural gas money pours into the Russian treasury from the sale of these Russian fossil fuels and Russian President Putin with such monies can buy the weapons and fighters he needs to sustain this Ukraine War and thus forcing Ukraine to make a peace deal along the current front lines . Critics might say Ukraine cannot win this war anyway it is going to have to sue for peace meaning Putin gets to permanently hold onto the provinces of Luhansk, Donetsk and Crimea all which Russia has already annexed, these critics are idiots Ukraine can never agree to such terms unless forced to with no choice for the length of border that would result is too long it would be indefensible against a superpower leader like Putin and the way he fights he just brings overwhelming firepower and manpower on his enemy Putin would just rebuild his Army and overwhelm the Ukrainian lines at multiple points and capture the entirety of Ukraine. A signature accomplishment of the Biden's administration is their saving Ukraine from being conquered by Russia it would be very foolish for them to throw this away by entering into the Israeli war and thereby triggering an event which causes the Ukrainian war to be lost!

It is so sad the misinformation and bad information about the Israeli/Hamas and Palestinian conflict that is being bombarded on the American public through the media. Yes, the Hamas October 7th attack that killed over 1300 Israeli's was a world shattering event in its barbarism, immorality and inhumanity and it gave Israel every right to go to war against Hamas to get justice and stop like attacks in the future. However, Israel did not have to go to war against Hamas to stop future October 7th attacks the Israeli Defense Forces readily has the ability to stop such a future attack the border the IDF forces has to protect is only approximately 32 miles long Gaza is 25 X 7 they only need to build five moderately sized bases evenly spaced along that border about five miles from the border that have artillery/howitzer units within each base as well as having two infantry units on emergency standby if Hamas were to breach the border the standby units would confront them on foot with the artillery units and Israel air power covering them and since Israel has air superiority throughout Israel and Israel is such a small country the IDF could use helicopters to quickly fly in infantry support units, the bases would have to be concrete walled and hold troops and artillery units in concrete buildings within the bases so the bases could not be quickly overran by Hamas. What is widespread accepted and considered a good analysis is that the Israel government and the IDF woefully failed to do their job that is why the October 7th attack was able to occur!

When October 7th occurred and the Israeli government announced it was going to war with Hamas with the object to wipe them out in Gaza many smart people publicly said that the Israeli government should scale back their goal because the harm that would befall the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza ancillary to such a campaign would be a severe humanitarian catastrophe of epic proportion these commentators counseled the Israel government should restrict their campaign to just destroying the Hamas tunnel system in Gaza a doable and very valuable accomplishment for the Israel government plus a campaign that would likely hold Palestinian civilian casualty rates to an acceptable level. These prophetic voices turned out to actually correct the death, casualty rate and suffering on the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza from this Israeli campaign is sickening, it is morally indefensible. And on the military front this wholesale destruction of large parts of Gaza has created a million hiding places for Hamas fighters and made those hiding places incredibly tough for IDF forces to identify and clear out without increased risk to the IDF. If the Israeli government had just stuck to a mission of destroying the tunnel system that would have been extremely valuable to the security of Israel for the tunnel system is where Hamas builds missiles it fires on Israels and stores those missiles and other weapons it uses to attack Israel and where it plans and has its command and control and safe havens for Hamas fighters; also, destroying the tunnel system would have weakened Hamas in internal fights amongst the Palestinians and would have helped bring about a Palestinian power structure in Gaza that is not militant. Because what October 7th showed every prudent Palestinian, Palestinian friend and fair person throughout the world that Hamas leaders are stupid, stupid beyond description they took an historic opportunity for the Palestinians to show the world they are victims of extreme injustice at the hands of the Israeli government in the Israelis occupying the West Bank the Palestinians' sovereign land and all the deprivations that ensue and that they deserve help; Hamas leaders took the narrative from the Palestinian people hold the same moral ground as the Ukranian people their land is being occupied and stolen by a foreign government in Ukraine's case Russia and we see how the international community is rallying around the Ukrainian people the world has not seen such international supportive action in fifty plus years the Palestinian people deserve such support and could have gotten meaningful nonmilitary action like groups of countries imposing sanctions against Israel. But what Hamas leaders have done with their October 7th brutality they turned the victimizer into the victim now public attention is all focused on how the Israeli government has the right to wage war against Hamas and see no repeats of October 7th, the harm Hamas caused on the Palestinian is epic, history will record it as an historic squander of a real opportunity to improve the Palestinian people's fortunes. After October 7th if the Israeli government did not subject the Palestinian people in Gaza to unconscionable hardship Israel would have had a Gaza civilian population that would have been zealots against Hamas and the other terrorist groups in Gaza they would have been thinking you guys aren't Palestinian soldiers you are barbarians, criminals and animals you have shamed us to the world you have no value for the Palestinian people, many Gazans would have been looking to help the Palestinian authority throw Hamas and the other terrorist groups out of Gaza with the Israeli governments extreme viciousness toward the Palestinian population in Gaza now what the world is left with is a Gaza civilian population that is gripped with a just hatred of Israeli Jews because of what their government did to them, Hamas now has widespread support amongst the Gaza population.

Finally, Israeli leaders and their allies have repeatedly said in the media that over the decades we have offered the Palestinian people their own country in the West Bank and the Palestinian people have rejected it. This writer is over sixty years old and he has been alive during all these negotiations and what is being proffered here is half truths. What Israeli leaders only offered the Palestinian people in these negotiations is what can succinctly be described as a Swiss cheese shape piece of land where the Palestinian country would have these significant size sections within their borders of being Israeli territory in other words it was an unjust deal offered to the Palestinians. Never in any of these negotiations was a fair deal offered to the Palestinian leaders a fair deal is what the international community has been calling for the last fifty plus years a Palestinian country with the borders that existed between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples in 1967 before the war that year with mutually agreed to fair trade offs. Both peoples have legitimate claim to the land of Palestine this 1967 border gives the Palestinian people twenty-two or low thirties percent of the land (this writer is no surveyor different reporting sources have given this range) which is a reasonable division seeing that when the British divided the land Palestinian leaders would not accept an Israeli country and the Palestinians then lost the resulting war. Noteworthy, fourteen days after the October 7th attack Egypt held an international Peace Summit where several of the participants called for this two state solution based on the 1967 border. Related to this in the media Israeli sided commentators regularly say things like how can the Israelis make peace with the Palestinians when they don't recognize the right of the country of Israel to exist; this is a half truth over the course of the multiple negotiations through the years the Palestinian authority either did or was poised to make such recognition as a part of a two state solution deal. Yes, Hamas has as its founding principle the destruction of the state of Israel but people need to focus on the truth Hamas only came to power after the Palestinian Authority and its first charismatic leader Yasser Arafat were unable to get the Israeli government to agree to a just peace deal embodying the two state solution, Palestinians are human it is human nature to lose patience eventually and look for other options to get a good result.

One last point, in the media there is a lot of commentary about who should be in authority after this IDF military campaign in Gaza. I haven't heard this analysis so I offer it because it reflects the clearest view of reality. The Israeli government can stay in Gaza if it wants but doing so will be very costly in terms of Israeli soldiers lives and continuing the cycle of violence. What the Israeli government has done to the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza during the last two months, the extreme torture and callous killing they have subjected these people to likely has created thousand of suicide killers against Israeli soldiers and government officials. It would seem for the smartest thing the Israeli government could do is pivot the mission to destroying the tunnel systems in Gaza. Pumping seawater into the tunnels isn't destroying them for Hamas or another terrorist group can just pump out the water later; blow up the tunnels or pump in a slurry of crushed concrete and water or a slurry of dirt and water so in order to use the tunnels the terrorist will have to dig them out largely starting from scratch. Stop the widespread destruction and bombing of Gaza, secure and surveil for mines and IEDs a "route" from Israel to the base of each tunnel system and extend that route and base as sections of the tunnel are destroyed. Begin immediately and continue indefinitely letting in an abundance of food, water, medicine and fuel for the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza open multiple crossings directly into Israel stop the hardship on Gaza Palestinian civilians. Announce to the public the change in mission goal and announce that once the tunnel systems are destroyed and the Israeli hostages are released and negotiations with the Palestinian authority to take over authority in Gaza is complete the IDF forces will leave Gaza. Maybe if the Israeli government makes this extreme pivot it can salvage a desire amongst the Gaza Palestinians to shut down Hamas and the terrorists in Gaza for they offer no salvation for the Palestinian people and "maybe" for like seven years America with the help of two other NATO countries using their "security services" can offer to help the Palestinian authority build an anti-terrorist force that can permanently shut down Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza - of course Israeli security forces could not be involved they lack trust and good will, the Israeli gov't would receive periodic reports from this Nato alliance verifying they weren't building a military force in Gaza that would threaten Israel!

President Biden should not be persuaded by this ultimatum or any other appeal from an Israeli government leader for America to bomb Yemen over their attacks toward Israel

Didn't Yemen launch drone attacks against US Navy ships?

Israel is on the unjust side in this war, this war is over Palestinian land commonly called the West Bank

You mean Judea and Samaria?
Care to offer any data to go along with your assumptions? Polling both prior to and after 10/7 shows very strong support for Hamas' goals. You people on the Left really do inhabit a special world all of your own don't ya? Palestinians hate Jews, will never make true peace with them, and will keep coming back to slaughter more of them until there is an endstate where one or the other is totally removed from the land.

The Two-State Solution means One War ... here it is ... time to pick sides ...

About half Hamas rockets land in Gaza ... killing Palestinians ... I think the Palestinians should be given water pumps and hoses and let them flood out Hamas' tunnel system ... then maybe Jews will stop dropping bombs on them ...

When Mohammad returned to Mecca ... in force ... he spared the women and children ... Hamas profanes Allah ...
It was reported in the media that

2,677 words. 😓 Suffice it to say that we should continue supporting Israel with needed military supplies, but we need to stay out of what are ostensibly other people's problems and the USA has to stop feeling like we are the world's police. And that includes defeating Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, Russia and Ukraine. We have no business getting personally involved anywhere unless the action is a direct threat to mainland USA.

Now, speaking of defending our own southern border . . . .
Yemen is attacking whatever ship goes by...not Israel.....that makes it an international concern
The Houthi, which Biden removed from the US list of terrorist organization as part of his effort to court Iran, is attacking Israel by both firing missiles at Eilat and blocking shipping to Israel through the Red Sea, however, blocking shipping to Israel through the Red Sea also blocks access to the Suez Canal, and that makes it an international issue that cannot be neglected without negatively effecting international commerce.
It was reported in the media that the Prime Minister of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu, recently told President Joe Biden if you don't bomb Yemen over the drones they have been launching toward Israel, Israel will bomb Yemen over the matter. President Biden should not be persuaded by this ultimatum or any other appeal from an Israeli government leader for America to bomb Yemen over their attacks toward Israel. The American people should not be fools here what the Israeli government is talking about is getting America involved in the Israeli government's war against the Palestinian people. To the vast majority of people throughout the world the government of Israeli is illegally occupying the West Bank they consider this land the sovereign territory of the Palestinian people and attacks by Palestinians against Israeli defense forces are just attacks in a just war! To many people throughout the world Hamas is an army of the Palestinian people and their fighting of the IDF is legitimate combat in a just war; the fact that most of the leaders and rank and file members of Hamas are war criminals, barbarians and don't have the character of soldiers does not change this status like the fact that many of the leaders and rank and file members of the Russian Army are war criminals and don't have the character of soldiers does not change the fact they are the army of the Russian people! Similarly, in Lebanon America should not bomb the Hezbollah launch sites the issue is relevant because as the Israeli government continues on its policy of teaching the Palestinian people in Gaza a lesson by depriving them of needed food, water, medicine and health care services and the world sees more Gaza Palestinians die and go through extreme suffering the Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah will likely change his course from holding back the use of Hezbollah weapons against Israel to unleashing them and Hezbollah has a significant missile arsenal! Using American naval ships to shoot down drones and missiles fired at Israel is not America entering into this Israeli war against the Palestinians and its allies it is America protecting Israeli civilians but using American planes to bomb the launch sites in these foreign countries is crossing a critical line, bombing of a country is an act of war against that country this is a long standing international standard!

One compelling reason why America should not enter this Israeli war on the side of Israel is that Israel is the bad guys in this war, Israel is on the unjust side in this war, this war is over Palestinian land commonly called the West Bank which the Israeli government is occupying in violation of international law; America should not back the bad or unjust side in a major war that betrays American values! If President Biden cannot refrain from being manipulated to enter into this Israeli war on Israel's side based on principle he should refrain based on practical considerations. Such being if Biden enters this war for the entire balance of Biden's term in office his administration will be plagued with Palestinian allies attacks on American government facilities and personnel and terrorist attacks on Americans the character of these Palestinian's allies clearly indicates this would be coming. Moreover, if Biden enters American into this Israeli war he will caused Russia to win the war against Ukraine; this is so because wisdom indicates that Ukraine's hope in winning this war rest on three major things Russia unable to expend the massive amounts of firepower and the massive number of soldiers it heretofore has been in this Ukrainian war and the Ukraine government replacing its Commander-in-Chief from the bureaucrat General Valery "I need weapons equivalent to the invention of gunpowder to win" Zaluzhny to an inspiring, creative and smart top General. Today, contrary to media hype honestly the Russian government's ability to throw weapons and soldiers into this Ukrainian fight at the levels heretofore seen indefinitely is really in question; however, if Biden enters the Israeli war on the side of Israel, the Palestinian's Arab and other allies are going to see it that oil and natural gas money pours into the Russian treasury from the sale of these Russian fossil fuels and Russian President Putin with such monies can buy the weapons and fighters he needs to sustain this Ukraine War and thus forcing Ukraine to make a peace deal along the current front lines . Critics might say Ukraine cannot win this war anyway it is going to have to sue for peace meaning Putin gets to permanently hold onto the provinces of Luhansk, Donetsk and Crimea all which Russia has already annexed, these critics are idiots Ukraine can never agree to such terms unless forced to with no choice for the length of border that would result is too long it would be indefensible against a superpower leader like Putin and the way he fights he just brings overwhelming firepower and manpower on his enemy Putin would just rebuild his Army and overwhelm the Ukrainian lines at multiple points and capture the entirety of Ukraine. A signature accomplishment of the Biden's administration is their saving Ukraine from being conquered by Russia it would be very foolish for them to throw this away by entering into the Israeli war and thereby triggering an event which causes the Ukrainian war to be lost!

It is so sad the misinformation and bad information about the Israeli/Hamas and Palestinian conflict that is being bombarded on the American public through the media. Yes, the Hamas October 7th attack that killed over 1300 Israeli's was a world shattering event in its barbarism, immorality and inhumanity and it gave Israel every right to go to war against Hamas to get justice and stop like attacks in the future. However, Israel did not have to go to war against Hamas to stop future October 7th attacks the Israeli Defense Forces readily has the ability to stop such a future attack the border the IDF forces has to protect is only approximately 32 miles long Gaza is 25 X 7 they only need to build five moderately sized bases evenly spaced along that border about five miles from the border that have artillery/howitzer units within each base as well as having two infantry units on emergency standby if Hamas were to breach the border the standby units would confront them on foot with the artillery units and Israel air power covering them and since Israel has air superiority throughout Israel and Israel is such a small country the IDF could use helicopters to quickly fly in infantry support units, the bases would have to be concrete walled and hold troops and artillery units in concrete buildings within the bases so the bases could not be quickly overran by Hamas. What is widespread accepted and considered a good analysis is that the Israel government and the IDF woefully failed to do their job that is why the October 7th attack was able to occur!

When October 7th occurred and the Israeli government announced it was going to war with Hamas with the object to wipe them out in Gaza many smart people publicly said that the Israeli government should scale back their goal because the harm that would befall the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza ancillary to such a campaign would be a severe humanitarian catastrophe of epic proportion these commentators counseled the Israel government should restrict their campaign to just destroying the Hamas tunnel system in Gaza a doable and very valuable accomplishment for the Israel government plus a campaign that would likely hold Palestinian civilian casualty rates to an acceptable level. These prophetic voices turned out to actually correct the death, casualty rate and suffering on the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza from this Israeli campaign is sickening, it is morally indefensible. And on the military front this wholesale destruction of large parts of Gaza has created a million hiding places for Hamas fighters and made those hiding places incredibly tough for IDF forces to identify and clear out without increased risk to the IDF. If the Israeli government had just stuck to a mission of destroying the tunnel system that would have been extremely valuable to the security of Israel for the tunnel system is where Hamas builds missiles it fires on Israels and stores those missiles and other weapons it uses to attack Israel and where it plans and has its command and control and safe havens for Hamas fighters; also, destroying the tunnel system would have weakened Hamas in internal fights amongst the Palestinians and would have helped bring about a Palestinian power structure in Gaza that is not militant. Because what October 7th showed every prudent Palestinian, Palestinian friend and fair person throughout the world that Hamas leaders are stupid, stupid beyond description they took an historic opportunity for the Palestinians to show the world they are victims of extreme injustice at the hands of the Israeli government in the Israelis occupying the West Bank the Palestinians' sovereign land and all the deprivations that ensue and that they deserve help; Hamas leaders took the narrative from the Palestinian people hold the same moral ground as the Ukranian people their land is being occupied and stolen by a foreign government in Ukraine's case Russia and we see how the international community is rallying around the Ukrainian people the world has not seen such international supportive action in fifty plus years the Palestinian people deserve such support and could have gotten meaningful nonmilitary action like groups of countries imposing sanctions against Israel. But what Hamas leaders have done with their October 7th brutality they turned the victimizer into the victim now public attention is all focused on how the Israeli government has the right to wage war against Hamas and see no repeats of October 7th, the harm Hamas caused on the Palestinian is epic, history will record it as an historic squander of a real opportunity to improve the Palestinian people's fortunes. After October 7th if the Israeli government did not subject the Palestinian people in Gaza to unconscionable hardship Israel would have had a Gaza civilian population that would have been zealots against Hamas and the other terrorist groups in Gaza they would have been thinking you guys aren't Palestinian soldiers you are barbarians, criminals and animals you have shamed us to the world you have no value for the Palestinian people, many Gazans would have been looking to help the Palestinian authority throw Hamas and the other terrorist groups out of Gaza with the Israeli governments extreme viciousness toward the Palestinian population in Gaza now what the world is left with is a Gaza civilian population that is gripped with a just hatred of Israeli Jews because of what their government did to them, Hamas now has widespread support amongst the Gaza population.

Finally, Israeli leaders and their allies have repeatedly said in the media that over the decades we have offered the Palestinian people their own country in the West Bank and the Palestinian people have rejected it. This writer is over sixty years old and he has been alive during all these negotiations and what is being proffered here is half truths. What Israeli leaders only offered the Palestinian people in these negotiations is what can succinctly be described as a Swiss cheese shape piece of land where the Palestinian country would have these significant size sections within their borders of being Israeli territory in other words it was an unjust deal offered to the Palestinians. Never in any of these negotiations was a fair deal offered to the Palestinian leaders a fair deal is what the international community has been calling for the last fifty plus years a Palestinian country with the borders that existed between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples in 1967 before the war that year with mutually agreed to fair trade offs. Both peoples have legitimate claim to the land of Palestine this 1967 border gives the Palestinian people twenty-two or low thirties percent of the land (this writer is no surveyor different reporting sources have given this range) which is a reasonable division seeing that when the British divided the land Palestinian leaders would not accept an Israeli country and the Palestinians then lost the resulting war. Noteworthy, fourteen days after the October 7th attack Egypt held an international Peace Summit where several of the participants called for this two state solution based on the 1967 border. Related to this in the media Israeli sided commentators regularly say things like how can the Israelis make peace with the Palestinians when they don't recognize the right of the country of Israel to exist; this is a half truth over the course of the multiple negotiations through the years the Palestinian authority either did or was poised to make such recognition as a part of a two state solution deal. Yes, Hamas has as its founding principle the destruction of the state of Israel but people need to focus on the truth Hamas only came to power after the Palestinian Authority and its first charismatic leader Yasser Arafat were unable to get the Israeli government to agree to a just peace deal embodying the two state solution, Palestinians are human it is human nature to lose patience eventually and look for other options to get a good result.

One last point, in the media there is a lot of commentary about who should be in authority after this IDF military campaign in Gaza. I haven't heard this analysis so I offer it because it reflects the clearest view of reality. The Israeli government can stay in Gaza if it wants but doing so will be very costly in terms of Israeli soldiers lives and continuing the cycle of violence. What the Israeli government has done to the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza during the last two months, the extreme torture and callous killing they have subjected these people to likely has created thousand of suicide killers against Israeli soldiers and government officials. It would seem for the smartest thing the Israeli government could do is pivot the mission to destroying the tunnel systems in Gaza. Pumping seawater into the tunnels isn't destroying them for Hamas or another terrorist group can just pump out the water later; blow up the tunnels or pump in a slurry of crushed concrete and water or a slurry of dirt and water so in order to use the tunnels the terrorist will have to dig them out largely starting from scratch. Stop the widespread destruction and bombing of Gaza, secure and surveil for mines and IEDs a "route" from Israel to the base of each tunnel system and extend that route and base as sections of the tunnel are destroyed. Begin immediately and continue indefinitely letting in an abundance of food, water, medicine and fuel for the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza open multiple crossings directly into Israel stop the hardship on Gaza Palestinian civilians. Announce to the public the change in mission goal and announce that once the tunnel systems are destroyed and the Israeli hostages are released and negotiations with the Palestinian authority to take over authority in Gaza is complete the IDF forces will leave Gaza. Maybe if the Israeli government makes this extreme pivot it can salvage a desire amongst the Gaza Palestinians to shut down Hamas and the terrorists in Gaza for they offer no salvation for the Palestinian people and "maybe" for like seven years America with the help of two other NATO countries using their "security services" can offer to help the Palestinian authority build an anti-terrorist force that can permanently shut down Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza - of course Israeli security forces could not be involved they lack trust and good will, the Israeli gov't would receive periodic reports from this Nato alliance verifying they weren't building a military force in Gaza that would threaten Israel!
Please keep your posts short.
2,677 words. 😓 Suffice it to say that we should continue supporting Israel with needed military supplies, but we need to stay out of what are ostensibly other people's problems and the USA has to stop feeling like we are the world's police. And that includes defeating Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, Russia and Ukraine. We have no business getting personally involved anywhere unless the action is a direct threat to mainland USA.

Now, speaking of defending our own southern border . . . .

Well ... House Republicans are the only ones that can initiate the funding to secure our borders ... are they still on vacation? ...

Ukraine is OUR problem ... they've been buying Russian military equipment all these years and that's cutting into American Business Profits ... we need to go in and make sure the Ukrainians know how to use all this equipment we're selling them ... and then feed the supplies in at just the right rate to maintain the status quo ...

As long as folks want to fight ... the United States is proud to provide the means needed ...
Well ... House Republicans are the only ones that can initiate the funding to secure our borders ... are they still on vacation? ...
If the Senate passes it and Biden doesn't veto it. And yes, I think they went on vacation today.

Ukraine is OUR problem ...
Bullshit. 193 countries all closer to them and they are OUR problem?

they've been buying Russian military equipment all these years and that's cutting into American Business Profits ...
Tough shit.

we need to go in and make sure the Ukrainians know how to use all this equipment we're selling them ...
You mean like how we trained the Afghan military, the Iraqi military and the Kurds?

and then feed the supplies in at just the right rate to maintain the status quo ...
So, basically, we are at war our CIA trying to get Putin and we are just using the poor Ukrainians as our war proxies.

As long as folks want to fight ... the United States is proud to provide the means needed ...
Count me out. No pride here. That money is needed HERE at our own border.
Well ... House Republicans are the only ones that can initiate the funding to secure our borders ... are they still on vacation? ...

Ukraine is OUR problem ... they've been buying Russian military equipment all these years and that's cutting into American Business Profits ... we need to go in and make sure the Ukrainians know how to use all this equipment we're selling them ... and then feed the supplies in at just the right rate to maintain the status quo ...

As long as folks want to fight ... the United States is proud to provide the means needed ...
Hey dumbass there is funding. Politicians need to get out of the way.Joe should be prosecuted for using it to fly them in
If the Senate passes it and Biden doesn't veto it. And yes, I think they went on vacation today.

Bullshit. 193 countries all closer to them and they are OUR problem?

Tough shit.

You mean like how we trained the Afghan military, the Iraqi military and the Kurds?

So, basically, we are at war our CIA trying to get Putin and we are just using the poor Ukrainians as our war proxies.

Count me out. No pride here. That money is needed HERE at our own border.

House Republicans stay on vacation between pork-barrel CR's ... and NO, we don't want to "get" Putin, that's not how proxy wars work my friend ...

Why do you want to wall off the 12th largest economy in the world? ... Mexico's GDP is slightly higher than South Korea ... and they have oil, maybe annexation is the more profitable choice? ... or am I just being a capitalist here again, sorry ...

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