America now #2....

1) We're on the brink of "naturalizing" millions of third-worlders.
2) Wages ARE stagnant while the price of milk is above $4.00 per gallon.
3) The fact that China just surpassed us should strongly indicate that we're declining. There's no, good reason to allow ourselves to be overtaken by ANYONE.

At one point ... China wasn't even close to our economic power. Now they're our masters. You do the math!!!

1) No we aren't. Look up what naturalization means, there are no proposals to grant citizenship to millions of third world workers.

2) Wages have been stagnant, and ARE starting to rise. Inflation is quite low, pointing to a single commodity isn't a reasonable way of attempting to prove a point on wages vs. prices. Someone else could point to gasoline to make the opposite point, you'd both be doing it wrong.

3. Nope because it isn't a zero sum gain, a rise in China doesn't indicate we're declining. Other countries improving their economies and quality of life is a good thing.

China isn't our masters, you're pegging the hyperbole meter at this point.

I did not say that DrifitingSand said that.
If we remain on our current path then we can expect India to take second place as we decline into the depths of Third-Worldism!
Exactly how are we declining? Wages are stagnant for most Americans but a country with one of the highest standards of living having stagnant wages doesn't equate to declining into third world status.

India's economy is under 2 trillion compared to US 17 trillion ((not sure exact in 2014 for either) and India's growth rate was around 5% in 2013. I'll let you do the math on when we can expect them to overtake us. Do you really think you're making a rational statement given those numbers?

And either way everyone caught up in total GDP while disregarding size of country is making a pointless ranking anyway.

1) We're on the brink of "naturalizing" millions of third-worlders.
2) Wages ARE stagnant while the price of milk is above $4.00 per gallon.
3) The fact that China just surpassed us should strongly indicate that we're declining. There's no, good reason to allow ourselves to be overtaken by ANYONE.

At one point ... China wasn't even close to our economic power. Now they're our masters. You do the math!!!
We built china. We are the reason they are the economic power they are. We decided to send a large % of our industry and engineering to China. We did this on purpose for cheap labor and quick profit. The democrat party ignores it because they benefit from poverty. The more America sucks the better off the democrat party is.
The democrat party ignores it because they benefit from poverty. The more America sucks the better off the democrat party is.

And that is the schtick of the Democrat Party. And they do it very well.
Historically, the Democrat party has been a wrecking ball to both minorities and the poor. It's like giving a fat five year old candy bars and pop whenever he wants. He will love you for it, but you are doing the exact opposite of what he needs and ensuring he STAYS overweight.
After Clinton made the welfare reform deal, Democrats couldn't wait to undermine it. And when they returned to power - we have what we have today - 40,000,000 more on welfare since Obama became President. And every single one of them who vote - will absolutely vote Democrat.
The democrat party ignores it because they benefit from poverty. The more America sucks the better off the democrat party is.

And that is the schtick of the Democrat Party. And they do it very well.
Historically, the Democrat party has been a wrecking ball to both minorities and the poor. It's like giving a fat five year old candy bars and pop whenever he wants. He will love you for it, but you are doing the exact opposite of what he needs and ensuring he STAYS overweight.
After Clinton made the welfare reform deal, Democrats couldn't wait to undermine it. And when they returned to power - we have what we have today - 40,000,000 more on welfare since Obama became President. And every single one of them who vote - will absolutely vote Democrat.
zero pride
The democrat party ignores it because they benefit from poverty. The more America sucks the better off the democrat party is.

And that is the schtick of the Democrat Party. And they do it very well.
Historically, the Democrat party has been a wrecking ball to both minorities and the poor. It's like giving a fat five year old candy bars and pop whenever he wants. He will love you for it, but you are doing the exact opposite of what he needs and ensuring he STAYS overweight.
After Clinton made the welfare reform deal, Democrats couldn't wait to undermine it. And when they returned to power - we have what we have today - 40,000,000 more on welfare since Obama became President. And every single one of them who vote - will absolutely vote Democrat.
zero pride

Oh they are quite proud. Just not in the way we are.
It is twisted strange way, they have pride in NOT working. Proud of gaming the system, proud of "not being a sucker" like all the other working stiffs.
The human mind always seeks to justify bad behavior within themselves.
"Situation ethics" is a good example of that.
I can't imagine how people can feel pride in being able bodied yet letting society carry you. I'd be so embarrassed answering the usual social warm-up questions about what you do for a living if I appeared healthy.
I can't imagine how people can feel pride in being able bodied yet letting society carry you. I'd be so embarrassed answering the usual social warm-up questions about what you do for a living if I appeared healthy.

It is all in the environment you were raised.
Most of us grew up being praised for our accomplishments, whatever they were, and chastised for a LACK of accomplishments.
Most of us were pushed by our parents, our grandparents, teachers, coaches - basically everyone we came in contact with expects something of us. We are driven to do something and do it well.
But in other cultures, this does not happen. They are not encouraged to accomplish. Their parents are bums, their neighbors are bums. Practically everyone they know is living on the dole. We saw this CLEARLY before welfare reform.
As the saying goes - give someone something for nothing, and they will thank you. Give it to them again, and they will expect it again. Give it to them again, and they will demand it again.
The Democrats couldn't wait to return to permanent welfare. And the reason is obvious. They are buying votes. While else would they drive up the national debt to a predicted $20 TRILLION before Obama leaves office - that is primarily spent on social entitlements for 40,000,000 MORE people than before.
Folks we have NOW SURPASSED THE 50% MARK of more citizens in this country getting more from the federal government than paying in.
This is not sustainable. And thus why Democrats want to raise taxes more and more.
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Correct. It is the communist government thing you can't get.

don't be totally stupid and liberal , a communist govt wants a communist economy. The Chinese govt is no longer communist or authoritarian, rather it is dictatorial and state capitalist. Isn't thinking fun?
They still have tens of thousans of state owned enterprises

they may be state owned but not state managed which is to say they are largely forced to compete in the capitalistic international marketplace. Do you understand now?

Too stupid! Most of them don't compete in the capitalistic international marketplace.
Correct. It is the communist government thing you can't get.

don't be totally stupid and liberal , a communist govt wants a communist economy. The Chinese govt is no longer communist or authoritarian, rather it is dictatorial and state capitalist. Isn't thinking fun?

Too stupid! The Chinese government locks up dissidents for speaking out against the Communist government.

Why do you support liberal communists? Why do you hate Republican freedom?
We borrow money from China, we buy cheap, ill-constructed toys and utensils from China...we do nothing but send them money for interest payments and cheap goods. No wonder the Chinese economy is now bigger than ours.

Hang on to your hats, America.

And throw away that big, fat styrofoam finger while you’re about it.

There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it: We’re no longer No. 1. Today, we’re No. 2. Yes, it’s official. The Chinese economy just overtook the United States economy to become the largest in the world. For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is not the leading economic power on the planet.

It just happened — and almost nobody noticed.

It s official America is now No. 2 - MarketWatch

4 times our population though. Not an apples and apples comparison.
We borrow money from China, we buy cheap, ill-constructed toys and utensils from China...we do nothing but send them money for interest payments and cheap goods. No wonder the Chinese economy is now bigger than ours.

Hang on to your hats, America.

And throw away that big, fat styrofoam finger while you’re about it.

There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it: We’re no longer No. 1. Today, we’re No. 2. Yes, it’s official. The Chinese economy just overtook the United States economy to become the largest in the world. For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is not the leading economic power on the planet.

It just happened — and almost nobody noticed.

It s official America is now No. 2 - MarketWatch

4 times our population though. Not an apples and apples comparison.

its very simple they have least liberal interference in their economy and we have the most or second most after France so they are growing at 10% and we at 3%.
We borrow money from China, we buy cheap, ill-constructed toys and utensils from China...we do nothing but send them money for interest payments and cheap goods. No wonder the Chinese economy is now bigger than ours.

Hang on to your hats, America.

And throw away that big, fat styrofoam finger while you’re about it.

There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it: We’re no longer No. 1. Today, we’re No. 2. Yes, it’s official. The Chinese economy just overtook the United States economy to become the largest in the world. For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is not the leading economic power on the planet.

It just happened — and almost nobody noticed.

It s official America is now No. 2 - MarketWatch

4 times our population though. Not an apples and apples comparison.

its very simple they have least liberal interference in their economy and we have the most or second most after France so they are growing at 10% and we at 3%.
Half the country is voting for a party (the democrats) who have declared growth and profits as evil.

ROFL but when there are growth and profits the democrats try to take credit... then they run off and declare them evil again.

Let's face it the democrats are idiots.
Half the country is voting for a party (the democrats) who have declared growth and profits as evil.

ROFL but when there are growth and profits the democrats try to take credit... then they run off and declare them evil again.

Let's face it the democrats are idiots.

The Chinese growth of today is also thanks to a Republican president: USA is number 2 because a Mr Nixon started with ping pong diplomacy.

The democratic measures that got us out of this crisis are also responsible for the American growth at the moment, why? Because Republicans made 0 contributions, they had no propositions passed ... . But I m sure they re first in line now to take credit for it.

Besides the biggest reason is that the Western companies just decided to let everything to be produced in China, our own greed is the reason the USA is now number 2.

But the chinese story makes you think about the Japanese economic story, the only scary bit is that the Chinese don't have a government that is friendly to Western countries. Especially the US which is the only thing blocking Chinese military dominance in Asia.

Right now they re buying western companies with companies of their own, one example is Lenovo - Wikipedia

And let s not forget the economic crash that destructed so much of the US economy happened on Republican watch, "let Lehman Brothers fail" is the biggest economic mistake of the century and we re still paying for it ...

It happend on mr stupid his watch (Bush), who also got us into 2 wars which are by themselves responsible for the biggest increase in US debt in decades. You talk about government spending, funny enough it are the republicans who did the most gvt spending in decades by getting the US in those wars ...
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the republicans who did the most gvt spending in decades by getting the US in those wars ...

1) war spending was trivial compared to welfare entitlement programs

2) Republicans are not opposed to military spending because without it the nation would be conquered and we'd all be dead or enslaved.

Do you understand?
Check out the air quality and Lin fen and Beijing and other areas. The unchecked regulatory status of what is happening over there is coming with a huge price... air that makes people sick. Why do those people put up with that?

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