The Doom Coffin: Pension Deficits To Create Unfunded Retirees(?)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The more likely traditional, Red State version of why Evolution took so long--(They were probably Colored)--now finds the more Blue State version of why Evolution took so long--(They were probably Drunk)--with the discovery that the human capacity to process fermented fruit, (alcohol), goes back 10 mil. years.

So now the Congress has a bi-partisan likely pension reform--a benefit cut for existing pensioners, in the defined pension plans.

Lame-Duck Congress Nears Last-Minute Vote On Sweeping Pension Reform - Working In These Times

So before there was farming, there was one or another version of a Garden of Eden: Now according to anybody in the United States. With the more stable food supply of farming, then civilized arithmetic started to happen. A loan of three bags of barley seed would be repaid with four. And so there was usury invented. Code of Hammurabi, of Babylon, would eventually allow dear old dad to put the wife and kids into slavery for a three year term. That would satisfy unpaid debts. Dad could get back to the primordial, fermentation concept, and wife and kids could have housing, clothing, and shelter. Likely they had something to do.

Now, setting about readiness for 2015, at least the kids appear ready for the pay-back, of the more civilized version of the concept. Moses would prohibit the charge of interest among the Hebrews. That math was to be reserved for all the other nations. "Screw-Em" became a religious matter, blamed on deities, or one or another.

Jesus would come up with the usury explanation in Matt 25:14-30. Effectively, economies rewarding the rich the most, and everyone else successively less: Don't work. A semblance of an ancient "foreclosure crisis," was explained. So if some pensions get bigger raises and rewards than other pensions: Then maybe the Red State and Blue State Congress Reps will blame the whole thing on Moses, or something(?). The regime of the Third German Republic, 1932-1945, was able to do this, and even include the other Orthodox, the Slavs.

Jesus could be said to have applied the Pythagorean Theorem: An accurate if not allowed foreign religious concept, following the Moses Atrocity. The square of five squared, plus the square root of five squared, is about the hypoteneus enrichment of the household, seven talents instead of eight. Jesus could be said to have understood that an across-the-board, equal amount benefit raise--would engage both the rich and the poor in the market. That would be the story in Matt 20:1-16.

No one seems to have acknowledged the existence of either story, in any systemic, market economy context. That includes so many, like Mohammed, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Keynes or anyone, known to the Ivy League, Chinese or not(?). You never know where these people come from, anymore.

So if the United States did go off the Gold Standard in 1963, then the value of the currency is probably arithmetic, and then the ancient usury concepts--applied in the New Testament, can be said to happen. The Inverse Usury of Matt 20 story appears in the Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Reid, "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit," which McConnell and Boehner took away from all Americans, first order of business after 2010.

The Pension Plans have no money. People seem to have less discretionary income. Actually the raite of federal deficit increase is coming down, post-Stimulus. Still there is a problem with dear old mom and dad!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations long-ago learned alcohol adaptation methodologies(?). Now Many White Eyes, come to Lands of Many Nations, following Progress of Renewed Great Spirit of us all. . . .or something(?)!)

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