America now #2....

China's political ideology is communism..

totally stupid of course. If their ideology was communist they would be switching more and more to capitalism. A communist political ideology would mean the govt would be owning more and more businesses rather than fewer and fewer. Slow?
Are you under the impression China no longer has a big government or big regulations?.

China is switching to aggressive capitalism. They spend about 8% of GDP on social welfare entitlement programs while we spend about 22%. Now even the liberal can understand why they work so hard and average 10% growth each year. There is no free lunch in China!

Do you understand?
Yeah that ever so much over regulations on pollution - not.
So because you don't believe they regulate pollution they don't have a big government or are heavily regulated? This country that doesn't let people look at facebook or twitter? That has tens of thousands of government workers whos only job is censor the internet?

That is hilarious. The country that tells people how many children they can have isn't very regulated, since Peach doesn't know anything about their pollution regulations.

They went from Communism to Socialism in 1949.
They moved away from socialism to capitalism in their economy in the 70's
The communist party in charge right now, the one that rules by decree via central committees where no popular vote is heard to elect, would disagree with you.

You are confused on the difference between systems of government and free enterprise market reforms.

China's political ideology is communism. They are politically communist and economically a mix of capitalist and socialist. They still have tens of thousans of state owned enterprises called 国企 that can be anything from oil producers to hotels.

This thread is about them growing faster over America in their economy.
That is what I said economically they moved toward capitalism.
They moved away from socialism to capitalism in their economy in the 70's.

I also said that we are moving toward their past policies that they used economically and this is why we are number 2 now.
Yeah that ever so much over regulations on pollution - not.
So because you don't believe they regulate pollution they don't have a big government or are heavily regulated? This country that doesn't let people look at facebook or twitter? That has tens of thousands of government workers whos only job is censor the internet?

That is hilarious. The country that tells people how many children they can have isn't very regulated, since Peach doesn't know anything about their pollution regulations.

They went from Communism to Socialism in 1949.
They moved away from socialism to capitalism in their economy in the 70's
The communist party in charge right now, the one that rules by decree via central committees where no popular vote is heard to elect, would disagree with you.

You are confused on the difference between systems of government and free enterprise market reforms.

China's political ideology is communism. They are politically communist and economically a mix of capitalist and socialist. They still have tens of thousans of state owned enterprises called 国企 that can be anything from oil producers to hotels.

This thread is about them growing faster over America in their economy.
That is what I said economically they moved toward capitalism.
They moved away from socialism to capitalism in their economy in the 70's.

I also said that we are moving toward their past policies that they used economically and this is why we are number 2 now.

yes a great example of the liberal IQ. China succeeds with capitalism and our liberals want more socialism!
Go figure.
totally stupid of course. If their ideology was communist they would be switching more and more to capitalism. A communist political ideology would mean the govt would be owning more and more businesses rather than fewer and fewer. Slow?
Their system of government is communism, they have one party the communist party that retains a strong central control. That is their political ideology, and it isn't switching at all if anything under Xi it is getting more rigid. Their economy began free market reforms under Deng Xiao Ping, first with special economic zones and that has continued to branch out. However that is not a political ideology.

And yes, you are slow. I'm surprised you need to ask.

they may be state owned but not state managed which is to say they are largely forced to compete in the capitalistic international marketplace. Do you understand now?
You are wrong, China's SOEs are under constraints and direction by the communist party. There are leaders in the communist party who's role is managing/directing sectors of SOEs. They are trying to reform because predictably SOEs under perform free market driven companies, but that doesn't mean SOEs are not managed by the state.

Yes, you're slow.

China is switching to aggressive capitalism. They spend about 8% of GDP on social welfare entitlement programs while we spend about 22%. Now even the liberal can understand why they work so hard and average 10% growth each year. There is no free lunch in China!
You're wrong again, you clearly know nothing about China other than whatever talking points you are blindly regurgitating. China heavily subsidizes many industries, and despite reforms tens of millions still have the iron rice bowl. Ties to the communist party still play heavily in business success, and an indirect entitlement that isn't easily quantifiable but is one nonetheless.

We borrow money from China, we buy cheap, ill-constructed toys and utensils from China...we do nothing but send them money for interest payments and cheap goods. No wonder the Chinese economy is now bigger than ours.

Hang on to your hats, America.

And throw away that big, fat styrofoam finger while you’re about it.

There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it: We’re no longer No. 1. Today, we’re No. 2. Yes, it’s official. The Chinese economy just overtook the United States economy to become the largest in the world. For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is not the leading economic power on the planet.

It just happened — and almost nobody noticed.

It s official America is now No. 2 - MarketWatch
Hey but we have better welfare hand-out systems than they do! In fact we're #1 in the world in the amount of welfare we hand out!
This thread is about them growing faster over America in their economy.
That is what I said economically they moved toward capitalism.
They moved away from socialism to capitalism in their economy in the 70's.

I also said that we are moving toward their past policies that they used economically and this is why we are number 2 now.
Nope, you said their " China's former political ideology of big government control and big regulations called anti-Capitalism" which is ridiculous because neither is former. Their current political ideology is big government control and they heavily regulate.

Then you scoffed at them being heavy regulators because of whatever you don't know about their polution controls, which is equally silly for reasons I pointed out.
yes a great example of the liberal IQ. China succeeds with capitalism and our liberals want more socialism!
Go figure.
This is a great example of the usual low EdwardBaiamonte IQ. His child like mind can't think outside the box so he can only lump any dissenting argument into one entity of liberals who want socialism.

For the record, I am a capitalist. I've worked in private industry all my life and have made a lot of money via capitalism, both my wife and I have six figure incomes because of capitalism. I love it. Find any thread in these forums about unions, min wage, etc. and tell me where it looks like I fall on the capitalism versus socialism debate. It'll be capitalism every time.

Difference is it isn't just a blind political rant point like it is with you, where you are willing to sit in these forums all day lying through your teeth and making irrational arguments just to brainlessly follow party attack lines.

That is why everyone in this forum thinks you're an idiot, on both sides of the political fence.

. Their current political ideology is big government control and they heavily regulate.

1) too stupid you just said their political ideology in communism!!
2) big government? you mean shrinking govt as more and more businesses are being set free and they spend only 8% on welfare entitlements.

See why we say slow?
This thread is about them growing faster over America in their economy.
That is what I said economically they moved toward capitalism.
They moved away from socialism to capitalism in their economy in the 70's.

I also said that we are moving toward their past policies that they used economically and this is why we are number 2 now.
Nope, you said their " China's former political ideology of big government control and big regulations called anti-Capitalism" which is ridiculous because neither is former. Their current political ideology is big government control and they heavily regulate.

Then you scoffed at them being heavy regulators because of whatever you don't know about their pollution controls, which is equally silly for reasons I pointed out.

I said that they are not heavy regulators on pollution.

Which is what they were. They were anti Capitalists. When they moved toward Capitalism they started to grow economically.
Problem is you can't breathe the air over there. How and why would a nation let something like that happen? Some equate smokestacks with progress..... idiots.
Eh you get what you vote for in 2012 the nation had a choice between a man with business and economic knowledge or a man who had a big smile and was good at reading off a teleprompter and they chose style over substance.
too stupid by 100% a communist government acquires more and more businesses , it doesn't give up more and more businesses!!!
Communism is their system of government, their economic system is undergoing free market reforms. Go look up Deng Xiao Ping's "one country two systems" or go learn anything instead of spouting nonsense.

See why we say slow?
Yes, I see why we say you are slow.
Frankly we need to keep businessmen and lawyers out of the Whitehouse. How about a lifelong janitor?
1) too stupid you just said their political ideology in communism!!
2) big government? you mean shrinking govt as more and more businesses are being set free and they spend only 8% on welfare entitlements.
Yes, their political ideology is communism. Apparently my attempts to help you get your head around the concept of a communist government with a reforming economy are futile, I might as well go explain this to my neighbor's cat Sammy.

See why we say slow?
Yes, and by the mental illness that manifests itself in your saying this same thing over and over I'd say you've heard it said around since childhood.
Eh you get what you vote for in 2012 the nation had a choice between a man with business and economic knowledge or a man who had a big smile and was good at reading off a teleprompter and they chose style over substance.

hey shit for brains this slide started way before obama

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