America Misses You Ronald Reagan

No, we don't. The man demolished the middle class and made crippling debt the norm in the operation of government.

I can see why Republicans miss him, though. He's the only Republican not to get voted out of office (Ford, Bush, Trump), forced to resign (Nixon) or left the country in a crippling recession (Nixon, Ford, Both Bushes, and Trump) ..

Of course, Republicans would never welcome his policies today. He raised taxes after he found out that Supply Side doesn't work, he gave amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens, he appointed sensible moderates to the bench.
No one misses Ronald Reagan. Certainly not democrats. Republicans are now devoted to a man so unlike Reagan it's ridiculous.

The two great men, Reagan and Trump, were very close friends who hung out together. As the photo show, Ronaldus Magnus and Donaldus Magnus did rely on each other.

The Berlin Wall Speech was delivered by United States President Ronald Reagan in West Berlin on June 12, 1987.

Berlin Wall - History, Dates & the Fall

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Dec 15, 2009 — The Berlin Wall stood until November 9, 1989, when the head of the East German Communist Party announced that citizens of the GDR could cross ...

REAGAN had NOTHING to do with it.
Yes he did

He engineered the strategy which destroyed the USSR

That is historic fact

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