America is gone

the golden age of the USA is past for one basic reason. increasing profit.

Yes, no one in the USA was never interested in increasing profit before 1980.


When its become all about profit over the good of America, than profit has become a dirty word. When the baby boomers parents ruled our businesses and government they did so with a much more balanced approach, with more equitable shares of the AMERICAN pie. The Greatest Generation spoiled their baby boom children, and when their offspring replaced them atop of Corporate AMERICA and Government, those spoiled baby boomers took everything for themselves, and left little for the masses. One day, the spoiled baby boomers will be old and hopefully the next generation(s) will bring America back to a time when all shared in its great wealth, not just the top !% wealthiest :eusa_pray:

Yes, yes....I've heard this clap-trap-OWS-whiney-Bullshit before: It was EASIER, Now It's Harder, and we need to be spoonfed.

Problem is, there's no evidence that there was ever a time when "America Shared its Great Wealth," whatever the fuck that means.
the golden age of the USA is past for one basic reason. increasing profit.

Yes, no one in the USA was never interested in increasing profit before 1980.


It will be getting colder sleeping outside in a park in NYC; I don't expect it will improve your mental condition.

When the stock price of a corporation began to outweigh other aspects of US businesses the downfall began.
This was dirven in large part by aquisitions leveraged by stock price not real assets.

When reductions in workforce to boost stock prices....

btw I am a millionaire +

in Hard gold and real assets not stocks.
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the golden age of the USA is past for one basic reason. increasing profit.

Yes, no one in the USA was never interested in increasing profit before 1980.


It will be getting colder sleeping outside in a park in NYC; I don't expect it will improve your mental condition.

When the stock price of a corporation began to outweigh other aspects of US businesses the downfall began.
This was dirven in large part by aquisitions leveraged by stock price not real assets.

When reductions in workforce to boost stock prices....

Stock price of a corporation began to "outweigh" other aspects of US businesses?

What "other aspects" are these?

Are you saying there was a time when corporations couldn't care less about their stock price? When was this? What Corporation are you talking about?

Why would anyone "leverage an aquisition" to DECREASE the worth of the stock? How is stock "not a real asset?"

All this gobblety gook sounds good until someone has to explain the details of this ridiculous theory, then it all falls apart under anything more that cursory examination.
There have always been 'The Rich' ... From the Carnegies to the Rockefellers ... They, like today's Gates started wonderful programs, but make no mistake, they were just as interested in profit. Is there a company more 'cold blooded' to it's compitition then Microsoft?

The rich have always been around. It's always been the American dream to become one yourself. It's happening in this generation as in years past (anyone hear of a company called Google?)

The difference is that many of these babyboomers children are so used to mommy and daddy giving them everything that they don't understand that mommy and daddy worked for those things. The basement that they stay in was paid for by a working mommy and daddy. Tough love is what those in my generation called ... They need to be kicked out from under mommys apron and out into the 'mean cruel world' and make something of themselves

Each generation eventually grows up and learns to be adults (yes, even the hippy children) ... What the OWS people are doing has been done before. When they get to work and create a life for themselves, they will learn that the world that they want is theirs for the building .. They just need the will to work for it
Go back to the constitution, but put in a no clothes amendment in there somewhere. There are hotties down at the foodland that I wouldn't mind seeing naked.
There have always been 'The Rich' ... From the Carnegies to the Rockefellers ... They, like today's Gates started wonderful programs, but make no mistake, they were just as interested in profit. Is there a company more 'cold blooded' to it's compitition then Microsoft?

The rich have always been around. It's always been the American dream to become one yourself. It's happening in this generation as in years past (anyone hear of a company called Google?)

The difference is that many of these babyboomers children are so used to mommy and daddy giving them everything that they don't understand that mommy and daddy worked for those things. The basement that they stay in was paid for by a working mommy and daddy. Tough love is what those in my generation called ... They need to be kicked out from under mommys apron and out into the 'mean cruel world' and make something of themselves

Each generation eventually grows up and learns to be adults (yes, even the hippy children) ... What the OWS people are doing has been done before. When they get to work and create a life for themselves, they will learn that the world that they want is theirs for the building .. They just need the will to work for it


Hear, Hear!!!

These protesters need to put down their morning Latte's from Starbucks and learn to live off Baloney and PB&J sammiches.
It's not gone, just another pub deregulation and corruption bubble and bust....great many times can the dupes fall for this crappe?

It's greed and voodoo at the bottom of it, the end of the greatest generation and the takeover of the bought off bad actor...
Maybe there is no starting over?
Are we doomed to an on-going rut of being right and endless contests with no guiding moral compass?

A Country Obsessed By Contests and Being Right Self-Destructs

The media, I believe are a big part of the problems of this nation. If there was proper truthful reporting on our current situation and what needs to happen for our nation to continue ... When the media became bias, the nation became divided. When the media only reports what is in line with it's ideals ... The truth never gets play and the people are left in the dark when it comes time to vote.

There are a great deal of working people in NYC that are working to improve their personal situation. Not just in NY, but across the country there are far FAR greater numbers of workers then leaches .... Why does the media concentrate on the leaches instead of solutions? Why does the media ignore crimes committed by some and sensationalize crimes of others?

If the people of the country knew what the problems are, then fixing them would be as simple as the next general election. But they are left in the dark and instead treated to stories of a woman released from a Italian prison, a story on dictators fall in a country that matters nothing in the world (unless you like dessert living) and how some nut job predicted the end of the world ... Again

How many unemployed people actually care about these things? The news media is not even a shadow of what it once was ... It's entertainment tonight instead of world news tonight
America is gone, or pretty much gone, or almost gone. It will go on as a geographical expression. A land mass. The people will still breathe, eat, shit (as we see in New York), but what made it a great nation is gone. It's traditions and values are gone. It's history is being rewritten as fast as history books can be churned out. It is shrugging off morality and stepping into degeneracy. It is rejecting the truly American concept of self-reliance in favor of collective care. It's not the same country now. America has as much in common with Ameicans of 50 years ago as today's Egyptians have with the Pharoahs.
America is gone, or pretty much gone, or almost gone. It will go on as a geographical expression. A land mass. The people will still breathe, eat, shit (as we see in New York), but what made it a great nation is gone. It's traditions and values are gone. It's history is being rewritten as fast as history books can be churned out. It is shrugging off morality and stepping into degeneracy. It is rejecting the truly American concept of self-reliance in favor of collective care. It's not the same country now. America has as much in common with Ameicans of 50 years ago as today's Egyptians have with the Pharoahs.

Progressives have won all the battles and not given up any ground in their 100 year Jihad on the USA.

They won, America's finished
America is gone, or pretty much gone, or almost gone. It will go on as a geographical expression. A land mass. The people will still breathe, eat, shit (as we see in New York), but what made it a great nation is gone. It's traditions and values are gone. It's history is being rewritten as fast as history books can be churned out. It is shrugging off morality and stepping into degeneracy. It is rejecting the truly American concept of self-reliance in favor of collective care. It's not the same country now. America has as much in common with Ameicans of 50 years ago as today's Egyptians have with the Pharoahs.




Their are WAY too many adults in this nation to let a few people in NY change anything. Their are far too many Americans in this nation to let things slip too far off center. There are far too many Americans working for the American dream to believe a bunch of whiny brats crying in a protest.

The media like to report that the OWS movement is universal ... It's nothng of the sort. It isn't being talked about around the country. It's not being talked about in the heartland. It's not being talked about on the west coast. It's not being talked about on the east coast (I travel A LOT) ... It's not being talked about in NJ ... It's being talked about in the media ... And by police that have to tend to the children

Ths nation is far from done. Way too many Americans are still alive and kicking
There have always been 'The Rich' ... From the Carnegies to the Rockefellers ... They, like today's Gates started wonderful programs, but make no mistake, they were just as interested in profit. Is there a company more 'cold blooded' to it's compitition then Microsoft?

The rich have always been around. It's always been the American dream to become one yourself. It's happening in this generation as in years past (anyone hear of a company called Google?)

The difference is that many of these babyboomers children are so used to mommy and daddy giving them everything that they don't understand that mommy and daddy worked for those things. The basement that they stay in was paid for by a working mommy and daddy. Tough love is what those in my generation called ... They need to be kicked out from under mommys apron and out into the 'mean cruel world' and make something of themselves

Each generation eventually grows up and learns to be adults (yes, even the hippy children) ... What the OWS people are doing has been done before. When they get to work and create a life for themselves, they will learn that the world that they want is theirs for the building .. They just need the will to work for it

Exactly wrong.

Occupy Wall Street's Age Divide

The reason baby boomers don't understand the protesters is because we grew up with all advantages now being denied the younger generation—and it's left us totally clueless.

The Boomers have been pressing for tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts even as the entitlement system is strained. Our generation can bear working harder, but we won't bear having to pay off YOUR generation's debts, not while YOUR generation can pay its due but refuses to do so.
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America is gone, or pretty much gone, or almost gone. It will go on as a geographical expression. A land mass. The people will still breathe, eat, shit (as we see in New York), but what made it a great nation is gone. It's traditions and values are gone. It's history is being rewritten as fast as history books can be churned out. It is shrugging off morality and stepping into degeneracy. It is rejecting the truly American concept of self-reliance in favor of collective care. It's not the same country now. America has as much in common with Ameicans of 50 years ago as today's Egyptians have with the Pharoahs.

Progressives have won all the battles and not given up any ground in their 100 year Jihad on the USA.

They won, America's finished

oh boo hoo
I'd break up the country. The time for compromise and be united is long past. Recognize that and restore the nation to what it was, a loose confedration of independent states with a weak federal government limited to specific enumerated powers.

And what is the role of the ‘weak Federal government’? Will there still be a Bill of Rights? A 14th Amendment? A Supreme Court? Should one of these ‘independent states’ violate the rights of its citizens, to whom may the injured party appeal for relief?

Or are you advocating ending the Republic and rule of law?
Exactly wrong.

The Boomers have been pressing for tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts even as the entitlement system is strained. Our generation can bear working harder, but we won't bear having to pay off YOUR generation's debts, not while YOUR generation can pay its due but refuses to do so.

Debt is Debt ... Do you think it should be paid or not?

Do you think that is how the world works? That you only have to pay off what your generation has done? It's not. Debt is Debt ... It either is paid for or it's an albatros on future generations .... It's not really a 'your debt' 'my debt' situation ... It's a simple matter of if yourwilling to pay it off or not.

Cutting taxes is the way to get out of a finacial crisis. You don't raise taxes when the economy is in this shape ... Has nothing to do with profits. Has everything to do with spending. More money in my pocket doesn't mean that I save more, it means I buy that new plasma tv I've been looking at .... It's all about putting more money in the working mans pocket.

Will the ultra rich save more? Yes ... It's not about them ... It's about the other 99% of the workers in this country having more money in their pocket that will spur the growth

It's the lefts hatered of the ultra rich that makes you think of tax cuts as bad because those billionaire won't pay as much ... Your in essense saying ... If the really rich get a cut too, then I don't want anyone getting a tax cut ... Makes no sense to me ... Why penalize 99% of the work force because 1% would 'get a break' like the rest of us would?

Tax cuts spur spending ... Plan and simple ... Most Americans are not rich, we spend what we make. How many people do you know that hide their income overseas? Bet it's a pretty small number.

Cutting taxes works. It's proven to work. It proven to increase demand. It proven to put more disposible income in peoples pockets. In what world is that bad?

As for entitlements, if you have been living for four years on unemployment (a program that back in my day was to provide income for no more the 16 weeks) then maybe your exploring that entitlement program
America is gone, or pretty much gone, or almost gone. It will go on as a geographical expression. A land mass. The people will still breathe, eat, shit (as we see in New York), but what made it a great nation is gone. It's traditions and values are gone. It's history is being rewritten as fast as history books can be churned out. It is shrugging off morality and stepping into degeneracy. It is rejecting the truly American concept of self-reliance in favor of collective care. It's not the same country now. America has as much in common with Ameicans of 50 years ago as today's Egyptians have with the Pharoahs.




Their are WAY too many adults in this nation to let a few people in NY change anything. Their are far too many Americans in this nation to let things slip too far off center. There are far too many Americans working for the American dream to believe a bunch of whiny brats crying in a protest.

The media like to report that the OWS movement is universal ... It's nothng of the sort. It isn't being talked about around the country. It's not being talked about in the heartland. It's not being talked about on the west coast. It's not being talked about on the east coast (I travel A LOT) ... It's not being talked about in NJ ... It's being talked about in the media ... And by police that have to tend to the children

Ths nation is far from done. Way too many Americans are still alive and kicking

Stop it for this thread there is no wrong or right answer
And yes, taxes should be cut on the rich too (though not so certain about the ultra rich ... 10m+) because someone has to buy the Cadillac XST and those Z06 Vettes.
Go back to 1791? So slavery is OK, women have almost no property or legal rights and can't vote, and the American native in his habitat is considered as if he were an enemy combatant.

You are nuts.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights is fine as they are. We just need to get back to following it.

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