Allen West - A Great Man Every Democrat Should Fear

If Democrats feared him they wouldn't have given him the OK to join the Congressional Black Caucus, this is a typical bait and troll thread by a retard shamelessly trying to promote a well trained Republican Negro.

I would have an issue if the Dems were to refuse him entry to the CBC. And, for the record, Charlie.... black conservatives have as much right to their views as anyone. I do wish that black people would be more respectful to other blacks. Just because you disagree with his politics, there is no reason to dismiss him as a 'well trained Republican Negro'. His skin color is of no consequence to anyone with intellect. From what I have read up on him, I like the guy.
ABSOLUTELY I think she meant exactly what she said. What you claim she meant is not what she said by any stretch of the imagination .. and if one's Chief of Staff runs around talking about executing people for "a crime" .. that person is far and away too goddamn dumb to be a Chief of Staff.

West was forced to get rid of her .. but how fucking dumb was West for picking her in the first place.

" ... we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it"

If I say that someone should hang her dumb ass .. and dump her in an alley .. does that mean that I want the law to stop her?

I bet that thing considers herself a christian.

Let me know when you do an hour unscripted program and we'll see how many 'gotchas' we could pull out of that. Anyone who works with the media knows that this kind of stuff happens. It's one of the downsides of doing media work.... sometimes, you will say something the wrong way, or for the sake of argument in a different context and other people will use it against you.

honey, you could get me drunk, shoot me up with sodium pentathol and i still wouldn't say we should hang illegals and make their families pay to ship the body back home.

there is no context which makes that acceptable.

But then again your not a radio personality. You do know that Howard Stern stated he tossed a gernade into a school in Vietnam! If you take his words seriously then you believe he is a child killer. Joyce is not a politician, rather she is a radio personality. An entertainer. She is going to say a lot of shocking things to get ratings! That is part of the job!
Here was Joyce's comment:

Do you really think she many to execute the illegal? If so your either naive or a partisan hack! What Joyce meant is the stupidity in our justice system to NOT deport illegals when the commit crimes is unacceptable. Article 15 are you really going to say that we shouldn't deport illegals who commit crimes in America? :eek: How do you justify that stance? :eusa_eh:

Am I wha?

I don't know what you are talking about.

Reread my post and see what I bolded ... I saw a headline in passing the other day about a freshman Congressman who hired a right wing talk radio host as CoS and wanted to know if he was talking about that guy. I got no idea what he said or what context it was in .. nor do I care.

I read your bolded comment and I am following up on that. Joyce is a radio personality that uses shock and awe to get her point across. She hardly meant to hang illegals. She meant deport illegals who commit crimes! That is what I am questioning you on!

Here's my answer:

Anybody who hires a right wing shock jock as their CoS is not a serious person.
If you believe that then I have a bridge to sell ya and some fake gold!

Here was Joyce's comment:

Do you really think she many to execute the illegal? If so your either naive or a partisan hack! What Joyce meant is the stupidity in our justice system to NOT deport illegals when the commit crimes is unacceptable. Article 15 are you really going to say that we shouldn't deport illegals who commit crimes in America? :eek: How do you justify that stance? :eusa_eh:

ABSOLUTELY I think she meant exactly what she said. What you claim she meant is not what she said by any stretch of the imagination .. and if one's Chief of Staff runs around talking about executing people for "a crime" .. that person is far and away too goddamn dumb to be a Chief of Staff.

West was forced to get rid of her .. but how fucking dumb was West for picking her in the first place.

" ... we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it"

If I say that someone should hang her dumb ass .. and dump her in an alley .. does that mean that I want the law to stop her?

I bet that thing considers herself a christian.

Fuck a bridge.

That piece of shit is no longer around .. yesterdays news .. and West was fool for choosing her.

That's the good news. :0)
Am I wha?

I don't know what you are talking about.

Reread my post and see what I bolded ... I saw a headline in passing the other day about a freshman Congressman who hired a right wing talk radio host as CoS and wanted to know if he was talking about that guy. I got no idea what he said or what context it was in .. nor do I care.

I read your bolded comment and I am following up on that. Joyce is a radio personality that uses shock and awe to get her point across. She hardly meant to hang illegals. She meant deport illegals who commit crimes! That is what I am questioning you on!

Here's my answer:

Anybody who hires a right wing shock jock as their CoS is not a serious person.

Good answer.
Am I wha?

I don't know what you are talking about.

Reread my post and see what I bolded ... I saw a headline in passing the other day about a freshman Congressman who hired a right wing talk radio host as CoS and wanted to know if he was talking about that guy. I got no idea what he said or what context it was in .. nor do I care.

I read your bolded comment and I am following up on that. Joyce is a radio personality that uses shock and awe to get her point across. She hardly meant to hang illegals. She meant deport illegals who commit crimes! That is what I am questioning you on!

Here's my answer:

Anybody who hires a right wing shock jock as their CoS is not a serious person.

Anyone who takes seriously the ranting of a shock jock is an idiot. And, being a 'shock jock' does not mean one is not capable of being a CoS... in fact, quite the opposite. Someone with that kind of experience has an exceptional understanding of how the media operate, what works and what doesn't, and how to handle yourself with the media... particularly those who are out to destroy you. I'd say he made a good pick. More than that, I think it's a shame that people are so determined to destroy opposition that they will stoop to any level to do it.... and that stupid people think that's ok.
I don't care if Diddy is a Democrat or Green party member, I admire his do it yourself attitude and manner! My father is a life long loyal Democrat, but he is one to look up to because he did everything on his own. Grew up on the poor Southside of Chicago. Worked through college and paid his own way. Got a degree and job. Worked his butt off and now is a millionaire. His do it by yourself attitude is what I admire and the same with all those African Americans I listed. Clarence Thomas for example, who you probably hate, came from extreme poverty to a Supreme Court Justice or Bruce (Blanche) Kelso Bruce (this guy became a Senator in the 1800s, AMAZING)!

Amazing a black guy who doesn't like a black conservative! Who would have thunk! :cuckoo: You obviously didn't listen to him, because you can only be impressed if you did.

West is talking about the continued extension for unemployment. Unemployment is supposed to be a temporary safety net for 6 montsh what is it up to 2 years now! Just like welfare it gets the person in an acceptance of mediocrity!

Getting rid of unemployment, he douche bag don't be an arrogant liberal and twist his words. He wants unemployment back to 6 months and not 2 years, that is hardly getting rid of unemployment.

Maybe if more black children looked up to Allen West, Fredrick Douglass, MLK, Booker T Washington, Michael Cain, Justice Thomas, Bruce (Blanche) Kelso Bruce (the first black senator of the US - in 1875, he was born a slave, educated when he was a slave then went to college when he was freed and got elected by WHITES in a racist time), George Washington Carver, Mae Jamison (First Black Woman in Space), Colin Powell, Condi Rice heck even P Diddy (who worked and contunies to work his ass off to get where is he at, he never asked for any hand me outs) instead of the Jesse Jackson, Rev Sharptons or Democrats who believe the Blackman is inferior and needs constant helping by their white fathers! All the above Americans named believed you should stand on your own two feet and can achieve anything in America if you put you mind to it!

Excuse me, but what the hell makes you believe you are better off than me?

What makes you believe you have a better education, career, or life than I do?

What makes you believe that YOU should lecture black people?

In case you didn't notice, Diddy is a democrat .. bigtime Obama supporter .. as are all manner of African-Americans you did and didn't mention. All manner of us working in every pursuit .. successfully.

We are not defined by our problems any more than white people are. Many of our problems stem from living in a land of monsters .. who through their own inferiority, use racism to hide it.

We've only been RELATIVELY free in America for 45 years .. and if you can't see the accomplishments of a people who has only been RELATIVELY free for 45 years .. then you're blind

We have a collective GDP of over 900 billion dollars a year .. more than many european countries .. many of whom enslaved us.

It isn't Sharpton or democrats who believe we are inferior .. democrats have a black president and had more African-Americans in Congress in 1965 than republicans have ever had since Reconstruction. There are hundreds of black lawmakers and thousands of elected officials .. on the democratic side of the aisle.

How many on the republican side?

Question answered, promoters of "inferior" identified.

If you like Rice and Powell and Uncle Thomas Remus .. you keep them. Consider it a gift .. but we can pick our own heroines and heroes. Don't need yours.

We don't stop at King .. we celebrate and learn from people like Malcolm X, Angela Davis, Ben Carson, and all kind of heroes who played a part in the struggle. We know more about the heroes and role models WE choose than you do.

People on the right always ask why we call ourselves AFRICAN-Americans instead of just Americans. Responses like yours are why.

There is a difference.
Let me know when you do an hour unscripted program and we'll see how many 'gotchas' we could pull out of that. Anyone who works with the media knows that this kind of stuff happens. It's one of the downsides of doing media work.... sometimes, you will say something the wrong way, or for the sake of argument in a different context and other people will use it against you.

honey, you could get me drunk, shoot me up with sodium pentathol and i still wouldn't say we should hang illegals and make their families pay to ship the body back home.

there is no context which makes that acceptable.

But then again your not a radio personality. You do know that Howard Stern stated he tossed a gernade into a school in Vietnam! If you take his words seriously then you believe he is a child killer. Joyce is not a politician, rather she is a radio personality. An entertainer. She is going to say a lot of shocking things to get ratings! That is part of the job!

And people in POLITICS .. not some asshole shock jock on the radio like Stern .. get their asses booted out the door for saying such an ignorant thing .. just like she did.

Obviously you've never worked in Congress .. else you'd know better.

I have as a Congressional Press Secretary. The person you work for is accountable for everything you say .. thus, West was stupid to hire her.

Who hires shock jocks as Chief of Staff?

... moronic
Am I wha?

I don't know what you are talking about.

Reread my post and see what I bolded ... I saw a headline in passing the other day about a freshman Congressman who hired a right wing talk radio host as CoS and wanted to know if he was talking about that guy. I got no idea what he said or what context it was in .. nor do I care.

I read your bolded comment and I am following up on that. Joyce is a radio personality that uses shock and awe to get her point across. She hardly meant to hang illegals. She meant deport illegals who commit crimes! That is what I am questioning you on!

Here's my answer:

Anybody who hires a right wing shock jock as their CoS is not a serious person.

Bad decision? Maybe. Nothing to sink a candidate? Not even close.

I mean what about Van Jones and some of the other nuts Obama hired? Should they sink him?
I don't care if Diddy is a Democrat or Green party member, I admire his do it yourself attitude and manner! My father is a life long loyal Democrat, but he is one to look up to because he did everything on his own. Grew up on the poor Southside of Chicago. Worked through college and paid his own way. Got a degree and job. Worked his butt off and now is a millionaire. His do it by yourself attitude is what I admire and the same with all those African Americans I listed. Clarence Thomas for example, who you probably hate, came from extreme poverty to a Supreme Court Justice or Bruce (Blanche) Kelso Bruce (this guy became a Senator in the 1800s, AMAZING)!

Amazing a black guy who doesn't like a black conservative! Who would have thunk! :cuckoo: You obviously didn't listen to him, because you can only be impressed if you did.

West is talking about the continued extension for unemployment. Unemployment is supposed to be a temporary safety net for 6 montsh what is it up to 2 years now! Just like welfare it gets the person in an acceptance of mediocrity!

Getting rid of unemployment, he douche bag don't be an arrogant liberal and twist his words. He wants unemployment back to 6 months and not 2 years, that is hardly getting rid of unemployment.

Maybe if more black children looked up to Allen West, Fredrick Douglass, MLK, Booker T Washington, Michael Cain, Justice Thomas, Bruce (Blanche) Kelso Bruce (the first black senator of the US - in 1875, he was born a slave, educated when he was a slave then went to college when he was freed and got elected by WHITES in a racist time), George Washington Carver, Mae Jamison (First Black Woman in Space), Colin Powell, Condi Rice heck even P Diddy (who worked and contunies to work his ass off to get where is he at, he never asked for any hand me outs) instead of the Jesse Jackson, Rev Sharptons or Democrats who believe the Blackman is inferior and needs constant helping by their white fathers! All the above Americans named believed you should stand on your own two feet and can achieve anything in America if you put you mind to it!

Excuse me, but what the hell makes you believe you are better off than me?

What makes you believe you have a better education, career, or life than I do?

What makes you believe that YOU should lecture black people?

In case you didn't notice, Diddy is a democrat .. bigtime Obama supporter .. as are all manner of African-Americans you did and didn't mention. All manner of us working in every pursuit .. successfully.

We are not defined by our problems any more than white people are. Many of our problems stem from living in a land of monsters .. who through their own inferiority, use racism to hide it.

We've only been RELATIVELY free in America for 45 years .. and if you can't see the accomplishments of a people who has only been RELATIVELY free for 45 years .. then you're blind

We have a collective GDP of over 900 billion dollars a year .. more than many european countries .. many of whom enslaved us.

It isn't Sharpton or democrats who believe we are inferior .. democrats have a black president and had more African-Americans in Congress in 1965 than republicans have ever had since Reconstruction. There are hundreds of black lawmakers and thousands of elected officials .. on the democratic side of the aisle.

How many on the republican side?

Question answered, promoters of "inferior" identified.

If you like Rice and Powell and Uncle Thomas Remus .. you keep them. Consider it a gift .. but we can pick our own heroines and heroes. Don't need yours.

We don't stop at King .. we celebrate and learn from people like Malcolm X, Angela Davis, Ben Carson, and all kind of heroes who played a part in the struggle. We know more about the heroes and role models WE choose than you do.

People on the right always ask why we call ourselves AFRICAN-Americans instead of just Americans. Responses like yours are why.

There is a difference.

Being self-sufficient doesn't have a goddamn thing to do with your politics. Your argument is ridiculous.

You're trying to make political points out of doodoo.
honey, you could get me drunk, shoot me up with sodium pentathol and i still wouldn't say we should hang illegals and make their families pay to ship the body back home.

there is no context which makes that acceptable.

But then again your not a radio personality. You do know that Howard Stern stated he tossed a gernade into a school in Vietnam! If you take his words seriously then you believe he is a child killer. Joyce is not a politician, rather she is a radio personality. An entertainer. She is going to say a lot of shocking things to get ratings! That is part of the job!

And people in POLITICS .. not some asshole shock jock on the radio like Stern .. get their asses booted out the door for saying such an ignorant thing .. just like she did.

Obviously you've never worked in Congress .. else you'd know better.

I have as a Congressional Press Secretary. The person you work for is accountable for everything you say .. thus, West was stupid to hire her.

Who hires shock jocks as Chief of Staff?

... moronic

Who better? Shock jocks know their marketplace. They know what to say and, more importantly, how to say it. I understand why you think it's inappropriate but, when it comes to hard ass media experience - I'd pick a shock jock... their knowledge of how to play the media is superb.
I read your bolded comment and I am following up on that. Joyce is a radio personality that uses shock and awe to get her point across. She hardly meant to hang illegals. She meant deport illegals who commit crimes! That is what I am questioning you on!

Here's my answer:

Anybody who hires a right wing shock jock as their CoS is not a serious person.

Anyone who takes seriously the ranting of a shock jock is an idiot. And, being a 'shock jock' does not mean one is not capable of being a CoS... in fact, quite the opposite. Someone with that kind of experience has an exceptional understanding of how the media operate, what works and what doesn't, and how to handle yourself with the media... particularly those who are out to destroy you. I'd say he made a good pick. More than that, I think it's a shame that people are so determined to destroy opposition that they will stoop to any level to do it.... and that stupid people think that's ok.

While you make a valid point as to what a guy like could bring to the table I stand by my opinion. There are plenty of people who can do the same who aren't professional agitators.
I read your bolded comment and I am following up on that. Joyce is a radio personality that uses shock and awe to get her point across. She hardly meant to hang illegals. She meant deport illegals who commit crimes! That is what I am questioning you on!

Here's my answer:

Anybody who hires a right wing shock jock as their CoS is not a serious person.

Anyone who takes seriously the ranting of a shock jock is an idiot. And, being a 'shock jock' does not mean one is not capable of being a CoS... in fact, quite the opposite. Someone with that kind of experience has an exceptional understanding of how the media operate, what works and what doesn't, and how to handle yourself with the media... particularly those who are out to destroy you. I'd say he made a good pick. More than that, I think it's a shame that people are so determined to destroy opposition that they will stoop to any level to do it.... and that stupid people think that's ok.

Wih all due respect, that's ridiculous.

If Obama hired his pastor from Chicago the right-wing would be losing their minds .. and I suspect you as well.

Shock jocks don't know how to handle themselves in the media .. which is why they don't get hired as CoS.
But then again your not a radio personality. You do know that Howard Stern stated he tossed a gernade into a school in Vietnam! If you take his words seriously then you believe he is a child killer. Joyce is not a politician, rather she is a radio personality. An entertainer. She is going to say a lot of shocking things to get ratings! That is part of the job!

And people in POLITICS .. not some asshole shock jock on the radio like Stern .. get their asses booted out the door for saying such an ignorant thing .. just like she did.

Obviously you've never worked in Congress .. else you'd know better.

I have as a Congressional Press Secretary. The person you work for is accountable for everything you say .. thus, West was stupid to hire her.

Who hires shock jocks as Chief of Staff?

... moronic

Who better? Shock jocks know their marketplace. They know what to say and, more importantly, how to say it. I understand why you think it's inappropriate but, when it comes to hard ass media experience - I'd pick a shock jock... their knowledge of how to play the media is superb.

NO, they don't .. and many of them don't even know politics. All they know is bumper-sticker logic .. which is why they don't get hired.

They don't know what to say, don't know how to say it, don't know how to research, often can't write intelligently, can't build relationships outside of the radio .. which is why they don't get hired.

Your perspective on this is naive.

Been there.
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I read your bolded comment and I am following up on that. Joyce is a radio personality that uses shock and awe to get her point across. She hardly meant to hang illegals. She meant deport illegals who commit crimes! That is what I am questioning you on!

Here's my answer:

Anybody who hires a right wing shock jock as their CoS is not a serious person.

Bad decision? Maybe. Nothing to sink a candidate? Not even close.

I mean what about Van Jones and some of the other nuts Obama hired? Should they sink him?

Sink a candidate? The dude just got hired.

I think it's a dumb hire and it tells me the guy isn't serious. Maybe he proves otherwise.

Obama, and who he hired, has nothing to do with this decision.
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And people in POLITICS .. not some asshole shock jock on the radio like Stern .. get their asses booted out the door for saying such an ignorant thing .. just like she did.

Obviously you've never worked in Congress .. else you'd know better.

I have as a Congressional Press Secretary. The person you work for is accountable for everything you say .. thus, West was stupid to hire her.

Who hires shock jocks as Chief of Staff?

... moronic

Who better? Shock jocks know their marketplace. They know what to say and, more importantly, how to say it. I understand why you think it's inappropriate but, when it comes to hard ass media experience - I'd pick a shock jock... their knowledge of how to play the media is superb.

NO, they don't .. and many of them don't even know politics. All they know is bumper-sticker logic .. which is why they don't get hired.

They don't know what to say, don't know how to say it, don't know how to research, often can't write intelligently, can't build relationships outside of the radio .. which is why they don't get hired.

Your perspective on this is naive.

Been there.

So have I. I work with the media. I would hire someone with relevant experience.... not the ability to write, but certainly one who knows the pitfalls of media. What you said is fine - it's an opinion - and my opinion, based on experience, is different. Neither one of us has the facts to back up our opinion - only personal experience.

I would say that it is you that has a naive perspective. My experience is different to yours - and, as I say, neither of us can prove factually that we're right.
If Democrats feared him they wouldn't have given him the OK to join the Congressional Black Caucus, this is a typical bait and troll thread by a retard shamelessly trying to promote a well trained Republican Negro.

I would have an issue if the Dems were to refuse him entry to the CBC. And, for the record, Charlie.... black conservatives have as much right to their views as anyone. I do wish that black people would be more respectful to other blacks. Just because you disagree with his politics, there is no reason to dismiss him as a 'well trained Republican Negro'. His skin color is of no consequence to anyone with intellect. From what I have read up on him, I like the guy.

My characterization of West is spot on and its his views and what he says, not his skin color, that made me characterize him as a well trained Negro Republican. I have Black Republican relatives and attend a church with Black Republicans and live in an area full of them and none of them act like West, Steele, and or Keyes.
If Democrats feared him they wouldn't have given him the OK to join the Congressional Black Caucus, this is a typical bait and troll thread by a retard shamelessly trying to promote a well trained Republican Negro.
How would they keep West out of the CBC? Doesn't he meet all the requirements? Frankly I'd love to see Democrats keeping him out. It would be priceless!
Am I wha?

I don't know what you are talking about.

Reread my post and see what I bolded ... I saw a headline in passing the other day about a freshman Congressman who hired a right wing talk radio host as CoS and wanted to know if he was talking about that guy. I got no idea what he said or what context it was in .. nor do I care.

I read your bolded comment and I am following up on that. Joyce is a radio personality that uses shock and awe to get her point across. She hardly meant to hang illegals. She meant deport illegals who commit crimes! That is what I am questioning you on!

Here's my answer:

Anybody who hires a right wing shock jock as their CoS is not a serious person.

But hiring someone equally as polarizing from the other side is fine, I guess as long as it's James Carville.
Who better? Shock jocks know their marketplace. They know what to say and, more importantly, how to say it. I understand why you think it's inappropriate but, when it comes to hard ass media experience - I'd pick a shock jock... their knowledge of how to play the media is superb.

NO, they don't .. and many of them don't even know politics. All they know is bumper-sticker logic .. which is why they don't get hired.

They don't know what to say, don't know how to say it, don't know how to research, often can't write intelligently, can't build relationships outside of the radio .. which is why they don't get hired.

Your perspective on this is naive.

Been there.

So have I. I work with the media. I would hire someone with relevant experience.... not the ability to write, but certainly one who knows the pitfalls of media. What you said is fine - it's an opinion - and my opinion, based on experience, is different. Neither one of us has the facts to back up our opinion - only personal experience.

I would say that it is you that has a naive perspective. My experience is different to yours - and, as I say, neither of us can prove factually that we're right.

Cool .. we agree to disagree

However, the political realm is a world unto itself.

If your COS or Press Secretary says something dumb .. worse, something racist .. guess who pays?

The office holder who hired that person .. which is why you don't hire someone who is used to saying dumb ass and racist things.

Your CoS is there to make sure their boss doesn't say dumb things.

Each to his/her own .. but there is a reason why people like that don't get hired.
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