Allen West - A Great Man Every Democrat Should Fear

Amazing a black guy who doesn't like a black conservative! Who would have thunk! :cuckoo: You obviously didn't listen to him, because you can only be impressed if you did.

West is talking about the continued extension for unemployment. Unemployment is supposed to be a temporary safety net for 6 montsh what is it up to 2 years now! Just like welfare it gets the person in an acceptance of mediocrity!

Getting rid of unemployment, he douche bag don't be an arrogant liberal and twist his words. He wants unemployment back to 6 months and not 2 years, that is hardly getting rid of unemployment.

Maybe if more black children looked up to Allen West, Fredrick Douglass, MLK, Booker T Washington, Michael Cain, Justice Thomas, Bruce (Blanche) Kelso Bruce (the first black senator of the US - in 1875, he was born a slave, educated when he was a slave then went to college when he was freed and got elected by WHITES in a racist time), George Washington Carver, Mae Jamison (First Black Woman in Space), Colin Powell, Condi Rice heck even P Diddy (who worked and contunies to work his ass off to get where is he at, he never asked for any hand me outs) instead of the Jesse Jackson, Rev Sharptons or Democrats who believe the Blackman is inferior and needs constant helping by their white fathers! All the above Americans named believed you should stand on your own two feet and can achieve anything in America if you put you mind to it!


Democrats should fear an idiot who claims unemployment benefits creates victims.

MORONIC to the nth degree.

Why should democrats fear this clown?


Think there is a groundswell of support for ending unemployment benefits?

Think Americans believe that the news should be consored?

He's an uber-christian warmonger who picked a fool for his Chief of Staff who believes that immigrants should be hung .. and like another black right-wing psycho christian joke, Alan Keyes, he screams racism when confronted .. but doesn't believe racism is a problem for anyone else.

Only black republicans get victimized by racism.


The seat West won is already considered to be a toss-up for 2012. :lol:
The Cook Political Report - Charts - 2012 House Competitive Races

Oh yeah let's all fear the second coming of Alan Keyes.


Democrats should fear an idiot who claims unemployment benefits creates victims.

MORONIC to the nth degree.

Why should democrats fear this clown?


Think there is a groundswell of support for ending unemployment benefits?

Think Americans believe that the news should be consored?

He's an uber-christian warmonger who picked a fool for his Chief of Staff who believes that immigrants should be hung .. and like another black right-wing psycho christian joke, Alan Keyes, he screams racism when confronted .. but doesn't believe racism is a problem for anyone else.

Only black republicans get victimized by racism.


The seat West won is already considered to be a toss-up for 2012. :lol:
The Cook Political Report - Charts - 2012 House Competitive Races

Oh yeah let's all fear the second coming of Alan Keyes.


Is this the same jackass who hired a local right wing radio host as his chief of staff?

The same ..

Joyce Kaufman, Allen West's Chief Of Staff, Advocated Hanging Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes
Joyce Kaufman, Allen West's Chief Of Staff, Advocated Hanging Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes


Democrats should fear an idiot who claims unemployment benefits creates victims.

MORONIC to the nth degree.

Why should democrats fear this clown?


Think there is a groundswell of support for ending unemployment benefits?

Think Americans believe that the news should be consored?

He's an uber-christian warmonger who picked a fool for his Chief of Staff who believes that immigrants should be hung .. and like another black right-wing psycho christian joke, Alan Keyes, he screams racism when confronted .. but doesn't believe racism is a problem for anyone else.

Only black republicans get victimized by racism.


The seat West won is already considered to be a toss-up for 2012. :lol:
The Cook Political Report - Charts - 2012 House Competitive Races

Oh yeah let's all fear the second coming of Alan Keyes.


Is this the same jackass who hired a local right wing radio host as his chief of staff?

Here was Joyce's comment:

In August 2007, when discussing illegal immigrants, she said on her show, "If you commit a crime while you're here, we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it."

Do you really think she many to execute the illegal? If so your either naive or a partisan hack! What Joyce meant is the stupidity in our justice system to NOT deport illegals when the commit crimes is unacceptable. Article 15 are you really going to say that we shouldn't deport illegals who commit crimes in America? :eek: How do you justify that stance? :eusa_eh:
Allen West: Extending Unemployment Benefits Creates "More Victims" - Political News Video

Just listen to him speak! Listen to his logic! The sky is the limit for this guy. Future GOP star and leader!

your standards for greatness leave a little to be desired.

Why always so partisan? Your so similar to my wife, doesn't matter who the Republican is, he sucks! Doesn't matter who the Democrat running against the Republican is, the Democrat is better.

Still can't understand Jewish loyalty to the Democrats!
What's with the need for people to "fear" someone? That's just a weird (read: childish) way of promulgating a new "rising star".

Democrats should fear an idiot who claims unemployment benefits creates victims.

MORONIC to the nth degree.

Why should democrats fear this clown?


Think there is a groundswell of support for ending unemployment benefits?

Think Americans believe that the news should be consored?

He's an uber-christian warmonger who picked a fool for his Chief of Staff who believes that immigrants should be hung .. and like another black right-wing psycho christian joke, Alan Keyes, he screams racism when confronted .. but doesn't believe racism is a problem for anyone else.

Only black republicans get victimized by racism.


The seat West won is already considered to be a toss-up for 2012. :lol:
The Cook Political Report - Charts - 2012 House Competitive Races

Oh yeah let's all fear the second coming of Alan Keyes.


Time and again, I am disappointed by the 'talking point intellect' of certain posters. Instead of ranting hysterically and dismissing an individual because you think he said something you find offensive, why not bother to actually analyse what he said. He is actually right about unemployment benefits... the evidence is all over Europe to show what happens when you provide too much help for people. Fact is, they lose the will to change their circumstances. They get used to being on welfare and it becomes a way of life... generation after generation of professional welfare recipients who see no reason to change. Is that something you think is ok? He had a very valid point - yet, because he is of a different political party - you would prefer to score cheap - and somewhat stupid - political points.

I disagree .. and his party has nothing to do with it.

I apologize for suggesting that you don't take republicans to task from time to time. Obviously you do .. albeit, far less than you do with democrats .. but I was wrong and I apologize.

I am not with the "let em' eat cake" philosophy of government. I am not for starving children and families to make a point.

I find his right-wing philosophy of fuck American families simply disgusting. This from a so-called (small "c") christian. He's disgusting .. and I'd jump on an opportunity to say that to his face. He's a glaring example of why religion is just bullshit for broken people.

Most people aren't any different than you my sister .. and if you were out of work you wouldn't want handouts or welfare, you'd want a job .. no differently than most Americans. You wouldn't get used to being on welfare .. no differently than most Americans.

With the failing state of American business and the economy .. many who've lost their jobs and are between 45 - 50 years old may never work again.

The right wants to end social security, end Medicare and Medicaid .. which are the only things keeping millions of Americans alive .. now they want to end unemployment benefits.

That is some truly amazing shit.

Why not just march American seniors off to the ovens and toss them in?

It's why it is so damn humorous listening to the right talk about "patriotism." They don't give a damn about their fellow countrymen. It's why this nation deserves our coming collapse. We deserve to fail.

I disagree with you respectfully. That is not a position I could even remotely support or agree with in ANY way, shape, or form.
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Is this the same jackass who hired a local right wing radio host as his chief of staff?

The same ..

Joyce Kaufman, Allen West's Chief Of Staff, Advocated Hanging Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes
Joyce Kaufman, Allen West's Chief Of Staff, Advocated Hanging Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes

Is this the same jackass who hired a local right wing radio host as his chief of staff?

Here was Joyce's comment:

In August 2007, when discussing illegal immigrants, she said on her show, "If you commit a crime while you're here, we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it."

Do you really think she many to execute the illegal? If so your either naive or a partisan hack! What Joyce meant is the stupidity in our justice system to NOT deport illegals when the commit crimes is unacceptable. Article 15 are you really going to say that we shouldn't deport illegals who commit crimes in America? :eek: How do you justify that stance? :eusa_eh:

ABSOLUTELY I think she meant exactly what she said. What you claim she meant is not what she said by any stretch of the imagination .. and if one's Chief of Staff runs around talking about executing people for "a crime" .. that person is far and away too goddamn dumb to be a Chief of Staff.

West was forced to get rid of her .. but how fucking dumb was West for picking her in the first place.

" ... we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it"

If I say that someone should hang her dumb ass .. and dump her in an alley .. does that mean that I want the law to stop her?

I bet that thing considers herself a christian.
Allen West: Extending Unemployment Benefits Creates "More Victims" - Political News Video

Just listen to him speak! Listen to his logic! The sky is the limit for this guy. Future GOP star and leader!

your standards for greatness leave a little to be desired.

Why always so partisan? Your so similar to my wife, doesn't matter who the Republican is, he sucks! Doesn't matter who the Democrat running against the Republican is, the Democrat is better.

Still can't understand Jewish loyalty to the Democrats!

you used the term great in regard to him.

he is a dolt who thinks torture is ok and who hired someone as his chief of staff who said to hang illegals who commit crimes.

i think that noting greatness requires a higher bar is not partisan. it's an accurate observation. and if you've read my posts, you know very well i've voted for republicans... unlike most of the rightwingers on the board who would chew off their own arm before they would pull a lever for a dem.

just sayin'.
LOL, every wrong generalization about his party, yet you claim its not about his party its about him (and you defame his also). You made prejudgments on him before you ever knew who he was. You saw and R and you liberal hatred came to the surface.

Wouldn't it be better to create an environment that was good for business so they would start hiring people no? That is what Allen West believes. He believes its better to give someone the means go buying bacon to bring home, then just giving him bacon!

It's not about should we give people a entitlements, but can we continue to do it? The answer has been proven we CAN'T! Every communist/socialist regime (and no I am not saying the Democrats are either, but they lean towards European socialism like Greece) has ended up as an utter failure, from the grand-daddy of USSR, Mao's China (they didn't start to become the economic giant until they opened up and EMBRACED capitalism, before that Mao's regime killed 80 million people!), North Korea (Look at the two Koreas and which would you rather be), Cuba, Cambodia and now Venezuela (They have one of the largest reserves of the most cherished commodity in the world in Black Crack, yet they have one of the worst economie and countries in the Western hemisphere and its and gone down 10 fold under Hugo Fat Ass socialist dytopia even though oil has been reaching new heights)!


Democrats should fear an idiot who claims unemployment benefits creates victims.

MORONIC to the nth degree.

Why should democrats fear this clown?


Think there is a groundswell of support for ending unemployment benefits?

Think Americans believe that the news should be consored?

He's an uber-christian warmonger who picked a fool for his Chief of Staff who believes that immigrants should be hung .. and like another black right-wing psycho christian joke, Alan Keyes, he screams racism when confronted .. but doesn't believe racism is a problem for anyone else.

Only black republicans get victimized by racism.


The seat West won is already considered to be a toss-up for 2012. :lol:
The Cook Political Report - Charts - 2012 House Competitive Races

Oh yeah let's all fear the second coming of Alan Keyes.


Time and again, I am disappointed by the 'talking point intellect' of certain posters. Instead of ranting hysterically and dismissing an individual because you think he said something you find offensive, why not bother to actually analyse what he said. He is actually right about unemployment benefits... the evidence is all over Europe to show what happens when you provide too much help for people. Fact is, they lose the will to change their circumstances. They get used to being on welfare and it becomes a way of life... generation after generation of professional welfare recipients who see no reason to change. Is that something you think is ok? He had a very valid point - yet, because he is of a different political party - you would prefer to score cheap - and somewhat stupid - political points.

I disagree .. and his party has nothing to do with it.

I apologize for suggesting that you don't take republicans to task from time to time. Obviously you do .. albeit, far less than you do with democrats .. but I was wrong and I apologize.

I am not with the "let em' eat cake" philosophy of government. I am not for starving children and families to make a point.

I find his right-wing philosophy of fuck American families simply disgusting. This from a so-called (small "c") christian. He's disgusting .. and I'd jump on an opportunity to say that to his face. He's a glaring example of why religion is just bullshit for broken people.

Most people aren't any different than you my sister .. and if you were out of work you wouldn't want handouts or welfare, you'd want a job .. no differently than most Americans. You wouldn't get used to being on welfare .. no differently than most Americans.

With the failing state of American business and the economy .. many who've lost their jobs and are between 45 - 50 years old may never work again.

The right wants to end social security, end Medicare and Medicaid .. which are the only things keeping millions of Americans alive .. now they want to end unemployment benefits.

That is some truly amazing shit.

Why not just march American seniors off the ovens and toss them in.

It's why it is so damn humorous listening to the right talk about "patriotism." They don't give a damn about their fellow countrymen. It's why this nation deserves our coming collapse. We deserve to fail.

I disagree with you respectfully. That is not a position I could even remotely support or agree with in ANY way, shape, or form.
Is this the same jackass who hired a local right wing radio host as his chief of staff?

The same ..

Joyce Kaufman, Allen West's Chief Of Staff, Advocated Hanging Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes
Joyce Kaufman, Allen West's Chief Of Staff, Advocated Hanging Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes

Is this the same jackass who hired a local right wing radio host as his chief of staff?

Here was Joyce's comment:

In August 2007, when discussing illegal immigrants, she said on her show, "If you commit a crime while you're here, we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it."

Do you really think she many to execute the illegal? If so your either naive or a partisan hack! What Joyce meant is the stupidity in our justice system to NOT deport illegals when the commit crimes is unacceptable. Article 15 are you really going to say that we shouldn't deport illegals who commit crimes in America? :eek: How do you justify that stance? :eusa_eh:

Am I wha?

I don't know what you are talking about.

Reread my post and see what I bolded ... I saw a headline in passing the other day about a freshman Congressman who hired a right wing talk radio host as CoS and wanted to know if he was talking about that guy. I got no idea what he said or what context it was in .. nor do I care.
your standards for greatness leave a little to be desired.

Why always so partisan? Your so similar to my wife, doesn't matter who the Republican is, he sucks! Doesn't matter who the Democrat running against the Republican is, the Democrat is better.

Still can't understand Jewish loyalty to the Democrats!

you used the term great in regard to him.

he is a dolt who thinks torture is ok and who hired someone as his chief of staff who said to hang illegals who commit crimes.

i think that noting greatness requires a higher bar is not partisan. it's an accurate observation. and if you've read my posts, you know very well i've voted for republicans... unlike most of the rightwingers on the board who would chew off their own arm before they would pull a lever for a dem.

just sayin'.

And, since you are one of those intelligent liberals, you should recognize that the comment was not a serious policy suggestion. It was a dumb thing to say - but I suspect most politicians, and the majority of posters, have said shit they later think 'ohhhh shit' about.

I see the comment very much in the same way I see the rest of the silly 'gotcha' shit. A handy stick with which to beat someone but meaningless in context.

Just sayin'.
The same ..

Joyce Kaufman, Allen West's Chief Of Staff, Advocated Hanging Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes
Joyce Kaufman, Allen West's Chief Of Staff, Advocated Hanging Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes

Here was Joyce's comment:

In August 2007, when discussing illegal immigrants, she said on her show, "If you commit a crime while you're here, we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it."

Do you really think she many to execute the illegal? If so your either naive or a partisan hack! What Joyce meant is the stupidity in our justice system to NOT deport illegals when the commit crimes is unacceptable. Article 15 are you really going to say that we shouldn't deport illegals who commit crimes in America? :eek: How do you justify that stance? :eusa_eh:

ABSOLUTELY I think she meant exactly what she said. What you claim she meant is not what she said by any stretch of the imagination .. and if one's Chief of Staff runs around talking about executing people for "a crime" .. that person is far and away too goddamn dumb to be a Chief of Staff.

West was forced to get rid of her .. but how fucking dumb was West for picking her in the first place.

" ... we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it"

If I say that someone should hang her dumb ass .. and dump her in an alley .. does that mean that I want the law to stop her?

I bet that thing considers herself a christian.

Let me know when you do an hour unscripted program and we'll see how many 'gotchas' we could pull out of that. Anyone who works with the media knows that this kind of stuff happens. It's one of the downsides of doing media work.... sometimes, you will say something the wrong way, or for the sake of argument in a different context and other people will use it against you.
Here was Joyce's comment:

Do you really think she many to execute the illegal? If so your either naive or a partisan hack! What Joyce meant is the stupidity in our justice system to NOT deport illegals when the commit crimes is unacceptable. Article 15 are you really going to say that we shouldn't deport illegals who commit crimes in America? :eek: How do you justify that stance? :eusa_eh:

ABSOLUTELY I think she meant exactly what she said. What you claim she meant is not what she said by any stretch of the imagination .. and if one's Chief of Staff runs around talking about executing people for "a crime" .. that person is far and away too goddamn dumb to be a Chief of Staff.

West was forced to get rid of her .. but how fucking dumb was West for picking her in the first place.

" ... we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it"

If I say that someone should hang her dumb ass .. and dump her in an alley .. does that mean that I want the law to stop her?

I bet that thing considers herself a christian.

Let me know when you do an hour unscripted program and we'll see how many 'gotchas' we could pull out of that. Anyone who works with the media knows that this kind of stuff happens. It's one of the downsides of doing media work.... sometimes, you will say something the wrong way, or for the sake of argument in a different context and other people will use it against you.

honey, you could get me drunk, shoot me up with sodium pentathol and i still wouldn't say we should hang illegals and make their families pay to ship the body back home.

there is no context which makes that acceptable.
ABSOLUTELY I think she meant exactly what she said. What you claim she meant is not what she said by any stretch of the imagination .. and if one's Chief of Staff runs around talking about executing people for "a crime" .. that person is far and away too goddamn dumb to be a Chief of Staff.

West was forced to get rid of her .. but how fucking dumb was West for picking her in the first place.

" ... we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it"

If I say that someone should hang her dumb ass .. and dump her in an alley .. does that mean that I want the law to stop her?

I bet that thing considers herself a christian.

Let me know when you do an hour unscripted program and we'll see how many 'gotchas' we could pull out of that. Anyone who works with the media knows that this kind of stuff happens. It's one of the downsides of doing media work.... sometimes, you will say something the wrong way, or for the sake of argument in a different context and other people will use it against you.

honey, you could get me drunk, shoot me up with sodium pentathol and i still wouldn't say we should hang illegals and make their families pay to ship the body back home.

there is no context which makes that acceptable.

I would say much the same thing about using the phrase 'typical black people' (cuz that's racist, that is) but Obama had no problem saying 'typical white people'. And no one on the left called him on it. It's the same thing..... inappropriate yea, but I wouldn't dismiss anyone for one statement. I would certainly call them on it if they made the same remark consistently. I just see things logically.... and with an understanding of how risky unscripted media can be.
If you believe that then I have a bridge to sell ya and some fake gold!

The same ..

Joyce Kaufman, Allen West's Chief Of Staff, Advocated Hanging Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes
Joyce Kaufman, Allen West's Chief Of Staff, Advocated Hanging Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes

Here was Joyce's comment:

In August 2007, when discussing illegal immigrants, she said on her show, "If you commit a crime while you're here, we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it."

Do you really think she many to execute the illegal? If so your either naive or a partisan hack! What Joyce meant is the stupidity in our justice system to NOT deport illegals when the commit crimes is unacceptable. Article 15 are you really going to say that we shouldn't deport illegals who commit crimes in America? :eek: How do you justify that stance? :eusa_eh:

ABSOLUTELY I think she meant exactly what she said. What you claim she meant is not what she said by any stretch of the imagination .. and if one's Chief of Staff runs around talking about executing people for "a crime" .. that person is far and away too goddamn dumb to be a Chief of Staff.

West was forced to get rid of her .. but how fucking dumb was West for picking her in the first place.

" ... we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it"

If I say that someone should hang her dumb ass .. and dump her in an alley .. does that mean that I want the law to stop her?

I bet that thing considers herself a christian.
If Democrats feared him they wouldn't have given him the OK to join the Congressional Black Caucus, this is a typical bait and troll thread by a retard shamelessly trying to promote a well trained Republican Negro.
The same ..

Joyce Kaufman, Allen West's Chief Of Staff, Advocated Hanging Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes
Joyce Kaufman, Allen West's Chief Of Staff, Advocated Hanging Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes

Here was Joyce's comment:

In August 2007, when discussing illegal immigrants, she said on her show, "If you commit a crime while you're here, we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it."

Do you really think she many to execute the illegal? If so your either naive or a partisan hack! What Joyce meant is the stupidity in our justice system to NOT deport illegals when the commit crimes is unacceptable. Article 15 are you really going to say that we shouldn't deport illegals who commit crimes in America? :eek: How do you justify that stance? :eusa_eh:

Am I wha?

I don't know what you are talking about.

Reread my post and see what I bolded ... I saw a headline in passing the other day about a freshman Congressman who hired a right wing talk radio host as CoS and wanted to know if he was talking about that guy. I got no idea what he said or what context it was in .. nor do I care.

I read your bolded comment and I am following up on that. Joyce is a radio personality that uses shock and awe to get her point across. She hardly meant to hang illegals. She meant deport illegals who commit crimes! That is what I am questioning you on!
Amazing a black guy who doesn't like a black conservative! Who would have thunk! :cuckoo: You obviously didn't listen to him, because you can only be impressed if you did.

West is talking about the continued extension for unemployment. Unemployment is supposed to be a temporary safety net for 6 montsh what is it up to 2 years now! Just like welfare it gets the person in an acceptance of mediocrity!

Getting rid of unemployment, he douche bag don't be an arrogant liberal and twist his words. He wants unemployment back to 6 months and not 2 years, that is hardly getting rid of unemployment.

Maybe if more black children looked up to Allen West, Fredrick Douglass, MLK, Booker T Washington, Michael Cain, Justice Thomas, Bruce (Blanche) Kelso Bruce (the first black senator of the US - in 1875, he was born a slave, educated when he was a slave then went to college when he was freed and got elected by WHITES in a racist time), George Washington Carver, Mae Jamison (First Black Woman in Space), Colin Powell, Condi Rice heck even P Diddy (who worked and contunies to work his ass off to get where is he at, he never asked for any hand me outs) instead of the Jesse Jackson, Rev Sharptons or Democrats who believe the Blackman is inferior and needs constant helping by their white fathers! All the above Americans named believed you should stand on your own two feet and can achieve anything in America if you put you mind to it!

Excuse me, but what the hell makes you believe you are better off than me?

What makes you believe you have a better education, career, or life than I do?

What makes you believe that YOU should lecture black people?

In case you didn't notice, Diddy is a democrat .. bigtime Obama supporter .. as are all manner of African-Americans you did and didn't mention. All manner of us working in every pursuit .. successfully.

We are not defined by our problems any more than white people are. Many of our problems stem from living in a land of monsters .. who through their own inferiority, use racism to hide it.

We've only been RELATIVELY free in America for 45 years .. and if you can't see the accomplishments of a people who has only been RELATIVELY free for 45 years .. then you're blind

We have a collective GDP of over 900 billion dollars a year .. more than many european countries .. many of whom enslaved us.

It isn't Sharpton or democrats who believe we are inferior .. democrats have a black president and had more African-Americans in Congress in 1965 than republicans have ever had since Reconstruction. There are hundreds of black lawmakers and thousands of elected officials .. on the democratic side of the aisle.

How many on the republican side?

Question answered, promoters of "inferior" identified.

If you like Rice and Powell and Uncle Thomas Remus .. you keep them. Consider it a gift .. but we can pick our own heroines and heroes. Don't need yours.

We don't stop at King .. we celebrate and learn from people like Malcolm X, Angela Davis, Ben Carson, and all kind of heroes who played a part in the struggle. We know more about the heroes and role models WE choose than you do.

People on the right always ask why we call ourselves AFRICAN-Americans instead of just Americans. Responses like yours are why.

There is a difference.
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